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It's the 4th and final week of work on this. And things are coming together nicely. Here's a full image of the timeline for those curious.

I also spent a few hours on the weekend just going through and fixing mistakes. So the quality assurance for most of the episode is more-or-less complete. Now it's just that last 45 second scene to complete. Should be fun! Lots of After Effects tinkering. Hoping to have it ready by the end of the week.

Oh there's also some preview footage here if you're interested?  

In other news, that Warhammer Total War vampire playthrough from a while ago. I've seen some sketches for BewBewDingos poster piece, and they're amazing. Once it's fully ready I'll endeavour to have it properly available in print form for those who want one. Bear with me there.

Hope you're all having a lovely October thus far. All fine here, just ticking away as normal :)



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