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Good evening folks. So on the last post most of you sounded happy with the idea of another Random PUBG Bullshittery. Therefore that's what I've been chipping away on for the past 9 days or so. 

The first 3 days were standard cutting parts - trying to create a video that makes sense from start to finish using the clips available from the streams. With the next six days being on the text and animations proper.

Efficiency has been somewhat up-and-down to be honest. Last week was a bit too slow, where as the last couple of days have been very fast. I should be at around the 6 minute mark and yet I'm only up to 5. Meaning I'm still lagging behind by a day or so.

There is however a 00:39 second segment up ahead that will take a lot more time, as I need to replicate the intro of a popular TV show as part of a joke. Which I don't honestly know how to do yet. Lots of experimentation in After Effects I think, to figure out the transitions and effects that are used there. It might not even work as a joke. But even if it doesn't, it'll be a learning experience.

Speaking of experience, with my improving understanding of After Effects I'm having a go at using smaller compositions in the form of icons. You can see an example in the screenshot above. Small things like floating hearts, characters seeing stars, a boot kicking something off the screen, and a picture of a bum if somebody says "ass", instead of just using the word ass. You may recognise this idea from the works of Manslayer on Youtube. It works really well there. More visual gags would certainly suit this type of editing. Going to give it a go and you're welcome to tell me if it works or not.

So based on the current rate it's still going to be a couple more weeks I'm afraid. Slow and steady going as always. But its gradually taking shape.

I'll have it ready for you as soon as I can.



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