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Progress on the next couple of draft video-essay chapters has been pretty good! Part 8/10 - Tone and Atmosphere, is practically complete and is going through another test-render now. I need one last piece of audio, but once I've got that I'll polish it as best as I can and then release it to you all.

And work on part 9/10 started yesterday. Part 9 talks about the role that vehicles had in DayZ, and the timeline currently looks like this. I have the basic audio recorded and I'm trying to make sure the argument flows well. I still need to record quite a lot of the visuals. But progress has been good.

The plan is: try to finish these two as soon as possible, probably by the start/mid-point of next week. Then move onto the next bullshittery while I read through and take notes from your feedback. It helps me identify where my arguments are weakest and where rework might be needed before it goes public.

TL;DR - Part 8/10 of the video essay very soon. Part 9/10 start of next week. As always thank you for your support!



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