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Hey, everyone—I'm back with a delayed mid-month game status update. The big news of the past few weeks is the New You Update is finally complete! Sophomores and up can snag the download links in this post, and Freshmen will be getting it on 8 December.

I spent the first half of the month working in overdrive to get the update complete, and it was still a few days delayed because I decided last minute to add a few extra bits for Grind'm. Specifically the cover pic for this post that unlocks once all the other CGs for Jordi's hookup are seen, as well as another end screen. I also added some one-time tooltip pop-ups to explain things like how to remove the UI to see a CG in full (press H!).

And now after many months of work it's done, introducing New Connor to the game and officially retiring Original Connor. The image overhaul was a big one, but definitely worth it—it means I can move forward with the game feeling more confident in how the art will turn out.

I'm taking time to chill out for a few days, but then it's back to work so I can bring the next story update to you as soon as I can! Let's take a look at where I'm at.


Not much has changed since the last few Game Update posts, since my attention was on the New You Update. But I now have the entire Morning After Update flowcharted beyond what I originally showed in Game Update #42. Here's a look at how the morning will continue after Connor faces the immediate aftermath of his choices—he's still got class to get to, after all! 

As always, this is intentionally too small to read to avoid spoilers.

I touched briefly on what this section covers in Game Update #42, but I can go into specifics now.

The top blue section takes place in the showers, and boy is it busy this morning. You can see a number of different color branches, representing other characters—this is where you'll run into a lot of the guys you haven't already spoken to, and things can take a turn for the sexy based on your choices.

The row below takes place after you head downstairs for class. There's some brief time before class in which more relationship follow-ups can occur, but when memories of the night before overwhelm Connor, he can head into Tomas's class early—the gray section—where there may just be some unexpected surprises.

In the third row we have a section before Will's class and then Will's class itself, in brown. Like Matt's spiderweb of options in the other flowchart, this sequence can go a number of totally different directions. I won't spoil, but if you're a Will fan, this part of the update is something to really look forward to. If you're not a fan of Will, teacher/student, or older/younger, you can bypass all of it just like the day before.

And lastly, the bottom row returns you to your dorm room, which I have plans for that I don't think anyone will expect. That section will wrap up with you arranging reconnecting with other characters—setting up how the release following the Morning After Update will play out.

Oh, and lest I forget...

Riley fans, he has his own special section as well, though where it slots into the morning or what all occurs remains to be seen. Just know that if you want to see all these branches pictured here, make sure you get all the way to the Riley kiss the night before...

With the full road map for the script laid out, I can proceed confidently with the writing, especially since I've already prepared various relationship status flags that'll help me delineate what each variant scene will be. This is still a lot of writing, of course, but I'm taking all I've learned thus far and refining how I organize my plans—something very necessary as the game branches into all sorts of new directions.


I've also nailed down the CGs for the update! Originally I had a ton planned—and finally realized that I need to rein in my desire to make a bunch of hot guy images. As of now I've settled on 84 CGs for this update, though that number is subject to change. I culled it down to the hottest, most impactful images—meaning the guys won't get shortchanged and I won't have to keep delaying the update because I put too much art on my plate.

Also to come are the new clothes everyone wears in this specific update. Luckily, a number of guys will be, uh, less than fully clothed, so that's easy enough. For the others, I'm settling on specific outfits to keep refining their individual styles.

Looking Ahead

So the timeframe for this update is in flux, of course, because this time of year is crazy busy. Right now my main goal is to complete a dev build for Seniors & Graduates—dev builds, if you're unaware, are unfinished, in-progress builds that I share so people can get an early glimpse at what's to come.

My initial plan is to get all of Matt's morning stuff done—I know a lot of people are anticipating his story continuation, and I am eager to finally create what all I have planned! Time allowing, I'd also like to finish what happens if you wake up at the frat house or at Griffin's apartment. Since I'm aiming for a December dev build, I may not get to that, but I'll do my very best to share as much content as I can.

I haven't planned a timetable for anything past the end of the year yet, but I'd love to get the entire update done sometime in January or early February. The Club Update took so long to create that I've left all of you hanging on the storylines for all the other guys. Like you, I don't want to wait much longer to see what happens next!

Fan Highlight

Last thing I want to share are two projects from players of the game that have taken a lot of time and dedication on their part. 

First is the ongoing CG & game walkthrough. This has been shared in comment sections, but I want to put it front and center for everyone since it's so impressive. You can find the guide here.

Second is a Wiki for the game. It's still in-progress, but you can head here to check out all the content they've created so far. They're also looking for other contributors if you feel like chipping in.

Neither project is "official," but having read through them, the info is detailed and mostly correct. And it's only "mostly" because there are details not in the game files that no one knows yet—including a bunch of stuff that currently only lives in my brain 😉

I do plan to do an official guide at some point, but these are both excellent sources if you're looking for help with CG unlocks or making relationship choices!

That's all I've got today! There's still more content coming here on Patreon to wrap up the month, so look forward to that soon!


One of Jordi's final CGs from his Grind'm hookup. If you're a sophomore or above, you can play it now!
A flowchart for the last portion of the Morning After Update.
A flowchart showing a specific section dedicated to Riley.


Tom Swift Sr.

"As always, this is intentionally too small to read to avoid spoilers." ----- This is not a criticism, but I have mixed feelings when you post your game's flow charts. On the one hand, it is interesting to see how various choices can branch off and branch off of the branch off. On the other hand, I keep wanting to *READ* what is in all those boxes and (of course!) you do not post them at such a high quality to make that possible to do, even with a Photoshop program — and I have *tried*. Darn it. :( (I do appreciate the links to the walkthrough and the Wiki page. Thanks for posting them and big thanks to those who are making them!) **


Well, can't give away the twists and turns too early 😉 I think in an upcoming Behind the Scenes post I'll show a bigger version of one of the charts and how it translates into the game, though. Maybe for an upcoming scene - we'll see!

Norman Gugliotta

I love that Buff and Burly are working out at Jordi's gym! And was that Hugh taking a selfie at the mirror? Also- the Riley kiss scene is perfect!


The mirror selfie guy is actually a background extra from the club - when there's that big pan across the room when you enter, he's next to the drag queen with the extravagant mask. I definitely see the resemblance to Hugh, though! All of the other guys are also from that big pan through the club: a gogo dancer, one of the guys who was dancing on the floor, one who's also next to that drag queen, Gustav who's the DJ, and Gabriel, David's sidekick. Gabriel is the one at the bench next to Buff & Burly, just with his hair pulled back.