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Happy April! I'm back with another game update. 

I was so happy to receive so much positive feedback for the last game release, and I'm also very appreciative of some of the more critical feedback that came in. Some of the suggestions have definitely reshaped the story a little bit. And as always, I continue to be humbled by the amount of support the game has received so quickly.

As a reminder for our Freshmen, the final part of Day One is only a few weeks away. Look for that release on 13 April.

Let's dive into the current status of the game:


I'm currently partway through writing the next update. I got a little behind, but I'm on vacation from my day job until 10 April, so I plan to get a whole lot done during this time. I have some initial one-on-one hangouts to write still, but the first half of the update is written in full and I'm very happy with it.

As I've been writing, I decided I need to change up the relationship points system. Previously I had one "lust" score that combined Connor's physical attraction for someone and their physical attraction to him. This obviously became an issue as I started to write reactions based on those points, so they have been decoupled. Now there will be separate points for Connor expressing attraction to someone, and each NPC will develop their own lusty points as they interact. Romantic attraction is tracked separately and hasn't changed.

This change to the lust points means you'll need to do a quick speed run through the game to reselect your choices, but in the long run this is going to help me add even more unique scenes and dialogue based on how you've navigated the game. 


I've been getting all the boys dressed up for Day Two, and I think they're looking great. I'm choosing clothes that express their personal style and overall personality. For instance, Marco has a very vibrant shirt on Day 2, which I think shows off his artistic flair. It's been fun planning this out!

In this update, there will be a lot of new sprites to go with the new clothes as well as a bunch of new backgrounds. I like to combine different set assets to make locations unique, and I've been pulling together some great environments for the characters to hang out in. 

As for CGs, there may be fewer than the last update but there are still a bunch of fun ones to unlock. As you speak with someone during a hangout, you can ask questions about the other guy's sexual experiences. We know that Connor has a very visual imagination, and the stories he hears will spark some erotic new imagery...

Looking Ahead

I'm currently planning to put out a dev build for Seniors sometime over the next few days. My aim after that is to get the full fourth update out as quickly as I can to continue to lower the length of time between releases. This is of course subject to change, but with my time off work I think it can be done.

Beyond that, I've been thinking about the fifth update that extends into the evening of Day Two. There are three distinct paths you can follow during Day Two that take you to Matt's apartment, the club Atelier 54, or the actor frat house, and the fifth update will cover one of them.

I've decide the first path I'll follow will be to Matt's apartment. This is for a few reasons. The first is that with only two characters to interact with (Matt and Leo), it's far more linear than the other paths and I can create it much, much quicker. The other reason is, well, a lot of people have expressed they're into Matt and/or Leo, and I figure getting to them asap will make a bunch of you happy :)

I haven't decided which location will come after that just yet. The club and frat house are a bit more complicated since each location has a number of different characters you can spend time with. I'll figure that out when the time comes.

I'd also like to add that I'm trying to create Day Two as quickly as possible for one big reason: By the end of the day, Connor will finally have the opportunity to hook up with someone in reality. I won't say which guys are available, but it'll of course be a big moment for Connor. Will he go all in on his first sexual experience, or will he hold out to have his first time with someone else?

That's all for now! Thank you again for your continued support, and I look forward to sharing more of the story with you very soon.



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