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Hi, everyone! We're a week out from the release of the end of Day One, and I thought it'd be fun to peek ahead at Day Two. I've got a look at the two new characters coming on Day Two as well as some info on the story paths for all of the guys.

The first image is of Evan, the last of the main cast to be revealed. Evan is a freshman who shares some classes with Connor. He's a sweet guy who's feeling very overwhelmed by being on his own for the first time. Perhaps Connor can help?

The second image is of Griffin, who we had some looks at before in Matt's bonus gallery and in Sneak Peek #3. Griffin doesn't go to 21CA but works as a bartender at Atelier 54. Many 21CA students frequent the club, so he's friendly with many of the people Connor knows. Griffin's a cool cat who has big plans for how to achieve his own artistic ambitions.

The third image is Evan's intro CG. He meets Connor early on in Day Two and is a bit lost.

Lastly, I put together a collage of the main cast now that all 17 guys have been revealed! I've gotten some questions lately about how many of the characters you can romance, so now seems a great time to share that info:

8 guys are only interested in casual hookups. They aren't currently open to a more serious relationship for their own various reasons.

8 guys are interested in both romance and casual hookups. Even if you don't follow the full romance path for these characters, you can still hookup with them with varying levels of ease. Some guys may take a little longer than others to give in to their lust.

1 guy is only interested in romance. But once he's fallen for you, he's certainly down for some bedroom fun.

There will be at least 1 more hookup character down the line, and I may add some more if the mood strikes me! But for now, these are all our boys. I hope there's someone here for each of you :)

I won't spoil who is available for what, but if you really, really want to know if your fave(s) are open to a romance before you get too invested, shoot me a message and I'll let you know! And I'll also say I'm not opposed to opening a hookup guy to romance if many people are interested in it. I mostly decided to stop at 9 to avoid planning storylines well beyond the scope of what I can reasonably write without there being too much time between updates :)


Evan meets Connor
Our cast!



Oh boy, this is hard, because so far most if not all of the characters seem pretty interesting and have merits for pursuing some romance. Even worse for me, save for Matt who I currently consider the safe bet for a romance arc, most of the characters I personally find particularly engaging are those that would easily allow for reducing them to mere hookups. Thinking about my boys Leo and Julian here. Still, I hope they somehow magically make the list, because I think both could make for romance arcs that will ask the player to put a lot of work into it: With Leo, I could imagine that it either takes a lot of work on both sides to turn him into a faithful boyfriend or that it could be an arc that teaches about more open relationships, that can separete between love and sex. Julian on the other hand could be the classical tale of helping someone finally get truly out of the closet, without need for the straight man facade.


Outside of a couple guys (I think you can guess who), I wouldn't classify anyone as merely a hookup. They'll still have storylines. My approach is in part out of necessity (scope creep is real) and also because I'm writing the characters to have their own wants and desires that may be counter to what Connor wants. I think that'll make for a more interesting story long term. But as I said, I'm open to creating a romance path for someone if it becomes a common request as the game progresses. This is still a game about fulfilling fantasies, after all :)


Oh I second the idea of Leo (or any character) exploring the idea of an open relationship; you don't see it all that often in games like this and I think it would be fun to explore (eg the importance of communication in an open relationship and how a lack of communication can still lead to cheating, etc.)