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Hey there! Thanks again for helping me out by becoming a patron. I'm posting this a few days early so you can still see the first game update should you choose to cancel prior to 1 February.

If you joined prior to 1 February 2022 and did not realize you would be billed up front and then again a few days later, please check the bottom of this post.

After months of work coding, doing renders, redoing renders, redoing renders again, writing the script, etc. etc., it's so gratifying to see the launch of the intro going well so far. But having an intro is nothing if there's no content to follow it up. I want to make sure everyone knows development is going full speed ahead. Here's where we're at as of 28 January.


About half the script for part 2 of Day One is completed. There are a lot of variables to account for (is Matt at the mixer? did Connor meet Riley, Marco, or neither? ), but that's half the fun for me. It's much more work figuring out how interactions change based on player choices and then writing different variations of each scene, but I want your choices to meaningfully shift the course of Connor's day.

I'm very much a planner when it comes to writing. The game will be 10 "chapters" covering the first two months of the school year, and the general outline for each part is completed. About half the romanceable characters have their story arcs planned out in full, with the arcs for the rest being fleshed out now.

I also have all of Day One and about half of Day Two outlined in flowchart form to keep track of each branching choice and variable. Here's a look at the flowcharts for parts 1 and 2 of Day One; the intro you've already played is just the blue part at the very top. Everything below that is what's being created now.


There are a total of 12 new characters coming in the next part. 11 of those characters have their design finalized and their base sprite created. I'm super, super pleased with how they've all turned out. 

After the 12th character is finished, I'll start work on some other major visual assets: backgrounds, full scenes showing the mixer, and special CG intros for each of the guys like the ones Connor, Matt, Leo, Riley, and Marco got.


After character #12 is finalized, I'll begin turning what's been written so far into a playable game. I would also like to start turning the intro to Day One into something playable on Android, though depending on how complicated that is the Android version might wait until the entire first day is completed.

Patreon Schedule

This is what I'm planning for now, but dates may shift around a little bit.

Bimonthly updates: This first update is coming out a little early, and the second will be around 14 February. After February, we'll move to updates on the 1st and 15th of each month. 

Monthly guy galleries: These will come out around a week or so into the month and will feature a themed gallery of 5 select guys. This first gallery is called Salacious Selfies and will feature the 5 guys introduced so far: Connor, Matt, Leo, Riley, and Marco.

Monthly highlight galleries: After each guy gallery is released, I'll put up a poll for Seniors to decide which guy they want to see get a full spread. The poll will have a deadline so I can get to work on the new art, and then the highlight gallery will be posted a few weeks later. If there are no votes by the deadline, I'll pick the guy to highlight.

Sneak peeks: There's no set schedule for this, but I'd like to do a couple sneak peeks a month to show off the new stuff to those who joined at the higher tiers. In February, there will be first looks at the new characters. The first sneak peek will likely feature the two guys on the main menu screen and the guy on the end screen that you haven't met yet.

Dev build and final build early access for part 2 of Day One: This will depend entirely on how quickly I can get everything written, rendered, and coded. I don't know if I'll finish the entire second part of Day One in February, but I'll definitely have an in-progress dev build to share with Seniors.

For the patrons who joined prior to 1 February 2022, please read!

For the Patreon plan I chose, new patrons get billed up front and then again on the 1st of each month thereafter. I realized I put this Patreon up at an awkward billing time, and I don't want anyone to feel ripped off for getting billed twice in quick succession.

If you would like to get a full month for what you already paid, I can provide you a refund for the amount you're billed on 1 February if you request one. According to Patreon's FAQs, you will still have access to your benefits for the rest of February.

And of course, if you'd like to cancel before 1 February and stick with the just the test scene and this update, that's fine as well :)

*Please note that this refund offer is only for those joining prior to 1 February 2022.

I think that's about it for now! I know I've thanked you up, down, left, and right at this point, but I truly mean it. I had no idea where this project would go when I started, but it's so nice to see a positive reception. I'm super jazzed to keep creating fun & sexy new content for everyone!

Love to you all,

Danny Nym



Looks all very organized and well planned. I cross my fingers for you that some of that planning will hold up to what reality throws at you in the months to come. Looking foward to see more of the game, it shows great promise. :)


Thank you! And yeah, we'll see how the plan holds up. I think I've narrowed in on a scope that's doable, it'll all just take time.