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We're well past due for a new game status update, so I'm back with one today!

Let's start with the cover boy, Dominic—my last update about him since the poor lad has been massively overexposed the past few months.


Thank you again to everyone who commented on the two Dominic feedback posts. Based on the comments, I made a few changes with proportions, and also reverted his sprites' standing pose to the original to bring back that casual feel.

All of his art has been updated as well as his new CGs created, and I'm pretty happy with the results. At least to me, he's just so very handsome. I hope that seeing him "animate" while playing through you'll come to feel the same. I also hope that players who weren't previously interested in Dominic might now try his storyline—I have a lot of fun plans for his story arc.

I'll also add—if you were intrigued by the first look at his best mate, Ian, from the recent Sneak Peek post, you're in luck. I reframed Dominic's "first time" CG, and you can now get a good look at Ian. Plus having the guys make eye contact during that wild event is pretty hot...

This is going to be the last character model overhaul. There are a couple others I could see changing to better fit my original vision, but I'm going to resist my tendency to go perfectionist even if I'm often encouraged to follow my artistic vision.

A couple reasons why—first, as pointed out in a kindly written comment, it can be disappointing to see me do a character update since it means a delay on the game's next release. Which is an absolutely valid point. Second is I know that many players are attached to the guys' current appearances, and changing that can be upsetting.

So any further model changes will just be what I talked about in the most recent Behind the Scenes post—subtle changes that fix issues I have with them that won't alter their appearance much if at all.

I will say, difficult as it was, the big Connor overhaul has ultimately proved worth the time it took. Interest in the game has increasingly grown after releasing the version with the new visuals, which in turn encouraged me to make even more art improvements.

With more people playing, I'm better able to make my primary focus producing the game. Still, I'm trying to not get too bogged down with updating art in a bid to gain even more interest—I'd rather continue focusing on new CGs for all of you existing players to enjoy.

Writing & Coding

Nothing much to say here except I'm chugging along, working everyday to get this next milestone reached and a new dev build released. I don't have a firm date yet, but I'm getting closer!

Looking Ahead

I had a question recently about the release schedule for new updates, and it reminded me that way back at the start of 2023 I listed the plan for each upcoming release. Things got derailed a bit by decisions like remaking Connor, and I've since shuffled some things around.

Primarily, I'm continuing to pare down what content will be in each release so they can be shared with all of you much more regularly! The Morning After Update is probably going to be the last of the big (on my end) story updates in favor of not making everyone wait so long to see what happens next.

Here's the plan for the remainder of Connor's first week at school:

v0.2.2 - The Morning After Update: This is what is being created now and covers Connor waking up to face all his previous choices, then continuing on until a little after Will's class. All of the guys will have their storylines continued in some fashion.

v0.2.3 - Trevor's Grind'm scenario: As voted on by Graduate patrons, NC17's twin Trevor will get the second unlockable hookup.

v0.2.4 - Getting to Know You Update, Part 1: Potential dates and/or hookup opportunities focused on Matt, Leo, & Evan plus content for Owen, Griffin, & the Skinema guys.

v0.2.5 - Grind'm scenario #3: Featuring the winner of the third round of voting.

v0.2.6 - Getting to Know You Update, Part 2: Potential dates and/or hookup opportunities focused on Riley, Alex, & Dominic plus content for Isaiah and the other Dorm Wilde boys (minus Marco).

v0.2.7 - Grind'm scenario #4: Featuring the winner of the fourth round of voting.

v0.2.8 - Getting to Know You Update, Part 3: A date and hookup opportunity for Marco plus the fifth Grind'm scenario featuring whoever is voted on by Graduates.

v0.2.9 - Grind'm scenario #6: Featuring the winner of the sixth round of voting.

v0.2.10 - Getting to Know You Update, Part 4: Potential dates and/or hookup opportunities focused on Alex, Isaiah, & Marco plus content for Riley, Dominic, and the rest of the Dorm Wilde boys.

v0.2.11 - Grind'm scenario #7: Featuring the winner of the seventh round of voting.

v0.2.12 - Getting to Know You Update, Part 5: Potential dates and/or hookup opportunities with Asher, Griffin, & Owen plus content for Marco, Matt, Julian, and others from the actor frat.

v0.2.13 - Grind'm scenario #8: Featuring the winner of the eighth round of voting.

v0.2.14 - Private Lessons Update: Focused on the first opportunity to hook up with Will plus the ninth Grind'm scenario featuring whoever is voted on by Graduates.

v0.2.15 - Surprise Visit Update, Part 1: Connor's brother, Fane, is introduced in the story.

v0.2.16 - Grind'm scenario #10: Featuring the winner of the tenth round of voting.

v0.2.17 - Surprise Visit Update, Part 2: A continuation of the prior story update's events.

v0.3.0 - Grind'm scenario #11 - The official end of Week 1 capped off with another Grind'm guy.

Some notes on all of this:

  • Just because a guy isn't listed as being featured in an update doesn't mean he won't be present! The featured guys just have more content as we delve into first date territory.

  • A few updates are packaged with a Grind'm hookup—I want you to have something to play if you're not personally interested in either Marco or Will. I may change this if I think it'll make either update take too long to finish.

  • A reminder that these Grind'm scenarios are designed to give you something to play between story updates. I create each scenario simultaneously with the story update that follows.

  • Each week of the game has an overarching theme. As suggested by the version names, this first week is letting Connor get to know the guys in capacities other than chaotic group events or talking about his problems. Plus plenty of sex if that's what you're looking for!

  • I tried to carefully divide these sections up so the content is satisfying but not so extensive that it'll take me six months to make each one. Making this game is an ongoing learning experience—part of which is adjusting plans to account for what I now know about my capabilities as a solo developer.

  • Things are still subject to change, especially if I reach a point where I can hire additional developers for things like coding and testing.

That's what I have for you today! On the Patreon end, I'll have this month's galleries posted soon—starting with series two of Awakenings.


The new version of Dominic with his "cocky" expression. His standing pose is back to what it was originally.


Isaiah Amancio

Oh man! The update that’s most focused on Will just seems so far away! Regardless, I’m looking forward to it nonetheless! All the best! ❤️


Will has some very memorable content coming up in the Morning After Update 🙂


I’m going out on a limb, sex is probably a big attraction to the story. But it looks like it’s coming along just fine. Not really into the Matt/Leo but Evan is awesome. Otherwise, I can wait on Marco, Griffin, Alex and Isaiah.


A lot of Evan's stuff for that update is already written, so I should be able to get that update out quickly enough that I can get to the other guys sooner. The Evan scenes are a lot of fun, I think!