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It's been awhile since I've done one of these! I've got a supply of naked and mostly naked boys on hand, so I figured it was long past due for me to share them with you as a sneak peek at what's coming soon.

New Character: Ian

 If you've played Dominic's storyline, you may remember him talking about his best mate from back home, Ian. Ian will be popping up in person later on in the story, though not for awhile. But I'll soon be remaking the first CG he appears in—the flashback to Dominic's first time. All we see is his ass but, well, I figured that was as good excuse as any to make a new cute college guy.

Ian is meant to be physically the opposite of Dominic—short and stocky versus Dominic's tall and slender. I'll leave full details about him for the game, but I can say his personality is not too far off from his best friend.

Technically, I didn't need to get him fully naked to make this preview, but, well...

Speaking of hot guys in various states of undress—you may have seen me discuss the flow of the full Morning After Update and know that Connor will be heading to the showers before going to class. And it's going to be crowded in there since everyone had a late night and is also rushing to get ready.

This is the first round of deciding outfits for Week 1... as much as these can be called outfits, haha. Let's look at what Connor will see when he goes to rinse off the remnants of his long night.

New Sprites: The Dorm Wilde Boys

Alex & Blaze

We've already seen Alex's shower attire, but here's Blaze, who will be walking around letting it all hang out. He and one other guy are very comfortable with public nudity—partially because they want to show off what they've got to offer their new neighbors should any sexual sparks fly...

Dominic & Isaiah

We previously saw Dominic and Isaiah's morning-wear, but of course Dominic's sprite is all new. As promised, he has his straight boy boxers on, as is only right and proper.

A quick note—all these sprites are of the guys' neutral/standard expressions. Dominic will still have a cocky grin!

Jordi & Marco

Here's the second guy who's happily strutting around completely naked—and it's probably no surprise that it's Jordi. He's an athlete and completely used to walking around locker rooms without any shame. And as we know from his Grind'm hookup, he also likes to pretend he's oblivious to his sexiness while teasing his fellow dormmates.

Marco is in his usual towel, but perhaps as the year goes on he'll join Team Naked...

Quinn & Riley

On the surface, Quinn is a quiet, reserved guy, so the bright yellow and orange undies is something of a surprise. Perhaps this is his way of starting to open up?

Last time we saw Riley in the showers, he was awkwardly trying to cover an unexpected boner with his towel. This morning his towel is much more securely attached... though now might be a good time to mention that just because the romanceable guys are covered up in these sprites, that doesn't mean they'll be like that the rest of the morning...

Wes & Xavier

Rounding out the dorm boys we have laconic Wes and snobby Xavier.

This isn't Wes's normal underwear—the pairs he brought from home were a little worn out, and he was embarrassed to wear them in front of the other guys. He also isn't quite ready to hang dong in front of ten near strangers. Luckily, his new buddy and roommate, Jordi, had a spare jockstrap Wes could borrow—a happy middle between being covered up and giving the other boys a peek at the goods.

It's probably no surprise that Xavier is a fan of the finer things in life, like this silk nightshirt and underwear combo. He'll pretend he's above the college boy shenanigans as everyone clowns around in the showers... but he didn't have to show so much skin when joining them this morning...

That's what I've got today! I'll have more to share very soon...


Here's a first look at Dominic's best mate from back home, Ian. His ass is soon to be featured in a recreated Dominic CG.
In the Morning After Update, Connor is greeted by all the other dorm boys in the showers. Some, like Blaze, are already super comfortable...
Dominic and Isaiah are wearing their same underwear from when we first saw them in the showers, but now they have brand new sprites.
Unsurprisingly, Jordi is also strutting around the showers naked. Marco might just consider doing the same as the year continues...
Surprisingly, quiet Quinn has a taste for loud underwear. Meanwhile, Riley has made sure his towel is much more secure than last time!
Wes borrowed a jockstrap from Jordi, and it sure does fit nice. Xavier the snob, however, will only sleep in silk.



OMG!!!! Xavier is so fking hot!!!!!!

Chris Hunter

Looking forward to a romantic experience with Quinn. Maybe need more Twink types rather than Jocks in this game IMHO