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(Read the first part here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magnus-quest-65339179 )
(and the second part here https://www.patreon.com/posts/magnus-quest-2-71695605)

     Magnus was awakened by the hectic atmosphere of the inn. The customers were all in the kitchen, chatting loudly as they ate their breakfast. The mage was the only one in his bed, still very swollen from yesterday's huge dinner. He was surprised, but happy because he now could transform the content of his stomach into mana, which would be very helpful during today’s quest. He put his hands on each side of his oversized ball belly and transformed what he contained into mana energy. The sphere shrunk down a bit, but it still looked way too big for a normal man. As he stands up, he could feel the gallons of mana weighing heavily inside his spherical stomach.

     When he walked down the stairs to the dining room, everybody stopped chatting and turned their head toward the fattened warrior. It was his heavy stomps and the sound of sloshing liquid that caught their attention. Some of them thought that it was the sound of a barback bringing them a barrel of beer. Well, the volume of liquid the big man was carrying wasn’t far from that.

     The young king broke the silence of the shocked inn by greeting his bloated hero.

     “Magnus! I wondered if you would ever wake up from yesterday’s feast! We got a ton of food for breakfast, show the townsfolks what you can do!”

     “Oh, as much as I would love to, I should concentrate on my quest, remember? To take care of your forest’s “dangerous slimes”?”

     “*sigh* Fine, big man. Good luck with the blobs. You got so fat, maybe they will
think that you’re their father!”
    The king slapped the belly, making it bounce and slosh like a water balloon.

     The whole inn laughed at the expense of the mage’s large belly

     The arrogance of the king seemed to have reappeared: maybe it was his way of
    looking confident in front of his subjects.

     Magnus shrugged it off and headed out into the wood, hoping to finish the task quickly and leave his insolent little town with the part of the key the king promised.


     As Magnus reached the forest, the same serene atmosphere was washing over him. He could hardly believe that it housed dangerous creatures, contrary to what the king said. But it wasn’t long before rustling leaves alerted him to the presence of a slime, far away. He followed the sound, hoping to find the blob and quickly finish the job. Maybe he could return to the town quickly enough to eat that big breakfast.


    There it was! A little blob of slime, the size of a melon was bouncing around. It
looked friendly enough, but the mage knew that some of them were poisonous, so it was better not to take any chances.

     “Oh, but you are so tiny and cute! Sorry, buddy. I’ll try to make it quick. Now let’s put that mana to good use”, he thought, patting his full belly.

     *Wooosh!* He launched a magic icicle right into the middle of the creature. The green slime monster squealed and slowly turned blue, as the frost was covering its entire surface until it was nothing but a sphere of ice. One small kick from Magnus and the blob exploded into a million tiny pieces, immediately melting into water, and absorbed by the countless plants surrounding them. “Easy.”

     Unfortunately, the squeal of the creature alerted the others, and suddenly, you could hear a herd of them rushing to the scene.

     “Mmmh. At least I won’t have to search for them all over the place. Bring it on, guys, you’re no match for me.”

     Magnus was now surrounded by an army of melon-sized slimes. He put a hand on his belly to use its mana, and started to spin around with the agility of a dance, launching icicles by the dozens through his other hand, successfully killing creatures every single time.

     The fight raged for 5 minutes. More blobs appeared. 10 minutes passed by. Then 15.

     “My god. How many are they?”

     After killing blob after blob for more than 20 minutes, Magnus’ belly was slowly turning back to normal. He has to face a terrible fact: he was running out of mana. He would have to defeat the rest using his metal blade.

     “I guess I’ll have to defeat you the old-fashioned way.” The slime blobs were
taunting him, bouncing around playfully, while he was swinging his sword aggressively, missing them half the time. “You annoying little shits! Why won’t you leave those poor villagers alone? Aaaarrrgggghh!” The rare times he was able to chop them in half, they would fusion back together instantly. More slimes were coming from the woods, quickly outnumbering our mage, who just didn’t seem to be able to get rid of them.

     The forest was getting darker, as the sun was setting. Or so he thought. “Hey, it’s 10 am, why is–…” He looked behind him and stood there in shock. The sun was still shining bright, but it was blocked by a 10-foot tall wall of gelatin, composed of hundreds of slime creatures merged together, ready to take their revenge on him.

     It was slowly advancing, so he took a step back. His bare shoulder and bulging
triceps got caught on a sticky surface behind him: another wall of slime. He was sandwiched by the living green mater.

     “Oh no. Fuck no.”

     He waved his sword like a madman to get out of that “sticky” situation. For each cut he made with his blade, the slime merged itself back together in an instant. There was nothing he could do. He was surrounded.

     Soon, his sweaty chest was stuck onto the slimy surface, as was his back. The green substance merged together into a single cube, trapping him at the center of it. He was immobilized, floating inside the green mass, not even able to touch the ground

     “Fuck… I can’t believe it. Is it how it ends for me? On my very first encounter out of the village?”

     He was holding his breath, clenching to life, waiting for a miracle to happen. He knew that over the course of a single day, the enzymes and acid of the slime would dissolve him entirely. What a horrible way to die.

     The slime was trying to enter every hole in his body, but he clenched everything as tightly as he could.

     “I don’t want to be eaten…”, he thought. “I’m the one who eats. Hey, what if…?”

     He extended his lips and took a sip of the green slime. A thin, spaghetti-like tube entered his mouth. He swallowed.
“Mmmh. Sugary. Tastes better than I thought. Ok. I can do this. I HAVE to do this”, he thought.

     He took another sip, sucking with more vigor as if he was using the straw of a soft drink until his cheeks were full. He swallowed again. It went well, but it would take an entire day to make his way out of the cube if he only takes tiny mouthfuls like that. “More.”
    This time, he went for the big swig. He chugged and chugged, trying to think about beers instead of green jelly. He felt his stomach getting full, then swelling a bit bigger to accommodate the gallons of slime he just ingested. “Oofff that was a big one.”

     He barely started and was already bigger than he ever was after those nights of binge drinking at the tavern. How the hell was he supposed to absorb 2 tons of jelly?

     That’s when something marvelous happened. You know that amazing feeling you get when you had a filling meal? Magnus got hit by it like a truck. It wasn’t just a tiny sensation: it was a high, more exciting, exhilarating, and sensual than anything he ever experienced. It was the same trance he fell into at the table of the king yesterday, but it was stronger, much stronger now. It dulled any kind of pain he was feeling right now. The craziest thing about this high is that it was getting even stronger for every mouthful he was swallowing.

     Normally, it’s the signal that tells you to stop eating, that you don’t need anymore to satisfy your hunger. But in that case, Magnus was still fully surrounded by jelly, gasping for air. His body signal was also telling him to swallow more, to break free from his prison, as if he was stuck underwater.

     “I need to grow big enough to make it out of here.”

     That’s when the growth enchantment took over. Instead of feeling ready to burst, he could just continue to pump himself bigger. Instead of fighting, he opened his mouth wide and let the jelly fill it. He was stuffing gallons of slime every second inside his growing body, like a hungry vacuum.

     Maybe the term “stuffing” was appropriate at first, but now, “expansion” was the only way to describe the way his body was swelling. It was, expanding, in every possible way. Even his arms and legs were filling up.

     His belt exploded, revealing his swollen cock. It had ballooned to the size of a coffee can, with grapefruit-sized balls dangling under it. He could feel his junk squeezed and sliding on his slippery body. The more he ate, the more stimulated his cock was. So as you might suspect, he opened his mouth even wider, and let his throat expand more than even to absorb the slime at a ridiculously high rate. At this point, survival wasn’t even the goal. His hunger transformed into greed. He wanted nothing more than to be as big as he could.

     Then, he had this incredible feeling. Wind, caressing the skin around his belly button. That was it, he was finally starting to break free. It also meant that his belly was thicker and wider than 10 feet. God. And he wasn’t done yet.

     So he kept at it. He sucked in everything he could. Growing larger and larger.

     As his head broke free, the remaining slime rushed toward his mouth in an attempt to stuff him until he explodes. But Magnus’ hunger wouldn’t let up until the very last slime would be inside his humongous stomach.

    And then… it was done.

    A total reverse of fortune. He had eaten a forest's worth of slime, stuffed into a record size belly. He was almost immobile but was able to lower his fattened-up arm until his hand could touch the surface of his spherical mass.

     He came instantly. A jet of cum, green like slime, exploded out of his enormous cock.

     Instead of a sound of pleasure, he expelled a hilariously conflicted “Oohhhh nooooo” in his bass-deep voice.

     Oh, it WAS the best orgasm he ever had in his life, and that was the problem: now that he knew just how good it felt to stuff himself until he turned into an immobile blob, how will be able to resist doing it over and over during his adventure? What if he got even bigger? Would it make the orgasm even better?

     He couldn’t transform the slime into mana yet: he just didn’t have enough energy. So he stayed there, panting and caressing his body. One of the greatest moments of his life.

     The rustling of leaves could be heard. “Oh no, I hope this isn’t more slime… I’m not sure I could expand another inch…”, he thought.

     Someone was hiding behind the trees and came out. It was one of the king’s guards. Magnus felt exposed and vulnerable.

     “Oh god… What in the heavens is this?” All he could see that a gigantic ball of hairy, shiny, and bouncy skin. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was actually the inflated body of a man.

     “Wait… Magnus?!? Oh god… I thought you were one of those slimes!”

     “No… They are all… in there. *BUUUUURRRPP* I just need *BUUUUURRRPP* some time to…digest them… OOOOfffff”

     He thought he was one, but suddenly, the wall of his enormous belly bounced: the slime was trying to get out of him.

     “Stay in there, you **BUUUUURRRPPPP** monster.”

     The guard, which had been somewhat aroused yesterday when he rolled the big man to his bed, was now painfully hard. He thought he loved women, but seeing this strong, hairy and grotesquely swollen man just flipped a switch in his head: he didn’t know it was even possible to be turned on on this level. He just stood there, in awe.

     Magnus was wrestling with the living mass inside him. The slime did its final attempt to get out: it inflated itself.

     The balloon man, already blown up way past his maximum, only had one choice. He had to force himself to grow even more.


     The sphere was getting larger, rounder than ever.


     His belly button continued to grow, looking more and more like the valve of an inflatable. An inflatable that looked ready to pop.

He grew several feet wider, shaking more and more as he reached his stretching limit. Even though the enchantment was helping him grow, he needed to focus on the wish to get bigger, but it was more and more difficult. The mass was vibrating vigorously as the slime made its effort to free itself from the inflatable man. “AAARRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHH”. Until…


    The slime finally gave up. It shrunk back several feet, making Magnus jiggle like the blob he now was.

     Relieved, Magnus once again became conscious of his bigger size and another river of green cum exploded out of him, shooting far enough to reach the guard’s boots. For the first time, the guard detached his eyes from the impossibly big body and looked down. At first, he thought that a tree trunk was lodged under the titanic belly. On closer inspection, he realized in terror that the huge tube was actually Magnus fattened cock, now bigger than a barrel. He almost fainted. The gigantic dick was still bouncing from the extreme ejaculation, leaking a steady stream of liquid, relieving some pressure from the overblown body.

     The guard was red like a tomato, shy and aroused. The king was sure Magnus wouldn’t survive the fight and had sent the guard to confirm the death of the mage. Instead of reporting about the defeat of an old man, the guard would, on the contrary, tell the tale of his victory for the rest of his life. He just couldn’t get the image of the ballooned man out of his head.

     “Are… Are you ok?”, he asked.

     In the deepest, resonating voice, the big man responded “Yeah, I just need some time to ***BBBUUUUURRRPPP*** digest that thing. I’ll be back to the village soon.”

     “Well, I, um…I’ll leave you to it.” Traumatized, the guard slowly backed down and disappeared into the forest.

     (to be continued…)



Sorn Intouch

Love a bit of vorish in this story.


when will this story continue? it's sooo good!


I guess in a couple of months. We are running several characters, stories and other stuff but we keep Magnus in mind for more! Glad you like it!