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(Read the first part here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/magnus-quest-65339179 )    

     Magnus’ village was far behind him. He couldn’t help but fear that a creature of some kind would attack his hometown during his absence, now that their resident warrior was away. “Stop worrying, old man. That protection spell will be enough. They will defend themselves. You have a more urgent matter on your hands.” And he did. He was walking toward the first town that should have a piece of the key he needed to close the portal.

     There was nothing but the peaceful, green landscape as far as the eye could see. He could feel the sun on his skin – warm but not burning – putting a nice tan on his muscular body. The heat made his balls hang low, freely under his leather skirt, bouncing back and forth on his long shaft. It reminded him just how filled they were: he was so busy defending his village lately… He hadn’t pleasured himself for a while now. When the thought entered his mind, he felt that his shaft was getting engorged, so he quickly distracted himself with the beauty of nature, hoping to avoid the temptation of ruining this wonderful scenery by furiously jerking off in the dense forest he just entered.

     He could feel the life around him, but the only creature he saw was some green slime blobs bouncing around, far from him. He didn’t make much of it, because those are not much of a threat. Soon, the scent of flowers and wood was transitioning into the smell of roasted meat and fire: he was finally reaching his destination. A walled city appeared before him as he got out of the forest.

     The guards were informed of its arrival with a message via a carrier pigeon, so they opened the tall wooden gate. He could see the towers of a high castle at the end of the main street. He walked to it, feeling the worried looks of the townsfolk. Some had never seen a warrior, even less an old one, who seemingly survived decades of battles.

     At the door of the castle, the king was waiting for him. From afar, the man looked impressive in his shiny armor, but the closer Magnus approached, the less threatening the brave knight seemed. His armor was three times too big for his frail body,  and he seemed way too young and foolish to rule a kingdom. It was apparent that he wanted to be intimidating, but it wasn’t working. At all. Ironically, the knight had the exact opposite thought when he eyed the mage’s beer belly as he was approaching him, looking at it for a bit too long, enough for Magnus to feel judged.

     “Hi, there sir! Magnus isn’t it? I received your letter and I’m quite curious as to why you need the part of the key that you asked my father to hide all those years ago.”
    “His father?”, thought the mage. “Oh, so that’s why a twink like him fell into a position of power.”

     “Maybe you would like to discuss this around a nice meal?”, the chief asked, eyeing once again Magnus’ round middle.

     Frowning and a bit insulted, the old mage accepted. At the thought of food, his belly groaned loudly. The king laugh and said, “Woah, that round ball is hungry!”. Magnus blushed.

     A big feast was waiting for them. It was clear now: they wanted to impress the representative from another village with their wealth and abundance of food. There was even a whole pig, with an apple in his mouth. The table had many items, too many for two people, but there was even more waiting for them on carts. King filled half of a plate and sat down at an end of the table. Magnus, still mad about the judgemental looks of the boy, filled two plates with a mountain of food, barely making a dent in the table-long feast.

     He sat and explained the situation between mouthfuls of frankly delicious food.

     “...so that’s why I need your piece of the key.”

     You could sense the fear in the young man's eyes when Magnus mentioned “unknown danger from another time or dimension”. The king was still trying to play the tough guy, but only his involuntary swallowing sound broke the illusion.

     “I accept, but in return, I’m asking you for a favor.”

     “Sure, ask away, boy.” Magnus took a huge bite out of a turkey’s leg.

     “See, there’s an infestation of slime in the forest surrounding us. It makes it extremely dangerous, and soon, we will need to gather wood for the winter. Could you take care of that problem for me?”

     “Hahaha…Extremely dangerous slimes? Sure, little boy, I’ll make sure to take them out!”. He winked.

     Insulted by the condescending nature of the mage’s comment, the young king let out a sharp reply.

     “Are you sure you will be ok? I just want to make sure I’m not sending an old fat man to his death.’”

     “Oh, so that's how it's gonna be? Treat that belly with respect, young man. It’s my mana pool. I’m storing energy for my fights. You know what a fight is, right? Have you ever gone to one? There’s not a single pound of muscle on your body, you’re probably too weak to carry my sword.”

     “Woah Woah, calm down grandpa. Go ahead and make a pig of yourself, I’m sure the wealth of my kingdom can cover for it.”

     Magnus’ face was red, bubbling with anger. “I’ll show him the power of my mana-filled belly.”, he thought. He dug into his plates without restraint, practically stuffing them whole inside his mouth. He engulfed a mountain of mashed potatoes. He grabbed a whole chicken and ripped the meat apart with his teeth, looking at the king while he chewed, until only bones remained. He pushed his mug of beer aside, grabbed the pitcher instead, and chugged it in one go.

     He slapped his belly – which has grown into a 60 inches sphere – burped, and look the young king right in the eyes. He then put both hands on the ball and started the absorption spell. His belly glowed with a shiny blue light, while slowly deflating.

     Magnus suddenly rose his hands in the air and created a fireball that exploded into dozens of small floating sparks. Each one of them found a candle around the room to light.

     The young king was terrified: even this small fire spell had more fighting power than he ever had in his life.

     “See? It’s my mana pool.”, he said, slapping his now tight and deflated ball belly. “That demonstration made me empty, I guess I’ll have to start my meal all over again, no thanks to you.” Instead of getting up, he pulled the tablecloth towards him, getting the food within reach.

     He lost himself in gluttony like he never did before. His empty, hungry belly was in control now, and wouldn’t let go until it was filled up again. He ate like a starving pig, and ironically, he ate the entire pig by himself. He shoved everything he could inside his mouth, including some corn, whole. He blew back up to his original stuffed size in no time, but he couldn’t stop there.

     He always was a good eater, but his capacity to gorge seems to have tripled since he started to play with expansion spells. After eating half the table’s content under the young king's terrified eyes, he stopped and laid back on the chair. His belly has blown up, way bigger than it was after his first meal. He knew he could have kept going, but he was starting to look ridiculously big.

     Oh, he grew a lot bigger than this when he tested some growth spells back in his village. He inflated himself into a 14 feet wide round balloon, taller than the trees in the forest. The spell was targeting his body directly, transforming it with temporary magic. But what was happening now is completely different. It was the passive spell he cast on the land that was taking over. Remember, it would allow him to grow bigger just by wishing to be able to contain more. The goal was to allow him to carry more mana, but in this instant, all of that was forgotten. He could only focus on the selfish, erotic feeling induced by his expanding body, puffing up, inch by inch, to contain more food than is humanly possible.

     The young king couldn’t believe how big Magnus was getting, and he panicked, thinking about the spells the mage could do with this much energy stored inside him. “Wow…hum… You made your point. Would you…hum…like some dessert, sir?”

     “I sure do, little man.”

     That invitation was too good to refuse. He continued to stuff himself through many rounds of deserts. The coward king was wondering if the mage would be able to take care of the slimes with an overstuffed body like that but preferred to keep that comment for himself. Magnus swelled a notch further, and could have kept going, but suddenly…

    SNAP! His belt exploded from the pressure, launching the belt buckle at the other end of the room. The relief of pressure allowed his belly to expand even further: it bounced outward, and wobbled for a whole minute.

     Now without a belt to keep it in place, his leather skirt fell on the floor, leaving his girthy dick visible to all. Magnus was suddenly filled with shame, and it
snapped him back to reality. “Oh damn…”, he thought. “I truly made a pig out of myself. I’m supposed to be this town’s hero, but I’m not even sure I can walk with that immense and heavy belly. I’ll have to watch out for those gluttony rampages. I could have kept going…forever. It felt so damn good. Mmmhh.”

     The king’s arrogance may have been silenced by Magnus’ eating, but the mage was ashamed to admit that the boy has been right about him all along. He DID pig out and inflated to a ridiculous size. This time, it was he who had to fake his confidence to save himself from embarrassment.

     “I guess that will be enough. Thanks for the meal, boy.” And just as he thought that he might be able to get out of the room with some honor, an uncontrollable wet belch exploded out of him. It resonated in the castle’s empty corridors, arousing the curiosity of the guards. They ran to the dining room as fast as they could. They almost screamed in surprise when they saw the mage’s elephantine body. For a second, one of them even thought that he had eaten the king. Dazed, they escorted the bloated man to his room in the inn, barely able to carry his weight, helping him waddle through the tight corridors. They couldn’t believe how hard his stuffed belly was, and were afraid it could explode at any second. To defuse the situation, Magnus put the blame on the delicious food of the generous king.

     They rolled the spherical man to his bed, who slept like a log for the entire night.

     (to be continued…)




ABSOLUTELY HOT! cant wait to see just how much mana he can hold!