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At long last, I successfully stuffed the remaining pizzas inside Oscar’s record-sized belly.

O: “Woof. That was a filling meal. **UUURRPP** Oh god. I don’t know how you do it. I feel so heavy… I’m about to fall into a food coma.
B: “Napping is great for digestion. Let’s sleep for a bit, and see if we can eat more later.”

And with that, we rested our heads on each other's shoulders with one hand on each other’s bellies and slept for a whole hour, dreaming of stuffing each other endlessly.

When we woke up, our bellies were different. Our stomachs were now empty, allowing the top of our bellies to almost shrink back to their original sizes. The pizza had moved to the floor below, so now, our lower bellies were extremely distended, as our guts were absolutely full with pizza. We had the weirdest pear-shaped body.

O: “What the fuck happened to my beautiful ball belly? Damn, it hangs so low now…”
B: “Yes, that means our stomachs are empty. It’s time for round two. Should we order more pizza?”
O: “Actually, I’m more thirsty than hungry right now. Wait for me here. I’ll go fetch the perfect thing for us. If I can sit up! Argh!”

Oscar’s lower belly was like a potato sack filled with rocks. He used both arms to lift it. I had to push on his back to help him get up.

I heard the sound of rubber wheels, then a loud metal clank. It was a big keg of beer, that he put beside me while I was sitting on the couch. Was he done with his feeding and he wanted to inflate me with beer?

He went back and brought another one. This time, he puts it on his side of the couch. Now I understood.

O: “That’s right,and  big guy. A keg of beer each. Let’s drink it while watching the end of the game.”

We put the hose in our mouths and sucked the beer as the hour went by. Our stomachs were being filled, while our lower bellies stayed in their hyper-bloated state. We were regaining our spherical shape and grew way bigger than after our pizza meal.

Then, there was this familiar sound coming from my keg. You know, the one you make with your straw when there’s no liquid left in your soda cup... The entire thing was inside me, and I had the huge spherical belly to prove it. It felt so good.

Oscar, on the other hand, was panting like a dog. He was struggling with the second half of his keg, having never reached that size before. Admittedly, he had eaten a lot more pizza than me, and his abs were tense, trying to crush down the belly back to its original shape, making it look like he was about to implode at any second. The only thing that could grow was his sides, which were now inflating like a second and third belly. They almost looked like the cheeks of a trumpet player.

He needed help, and I knew exactly was would make him feel better.

But to do that, I had to get up. Even in my bloated, blimped-up state, I was still more mobile than poor Oscar. That’s the advantage of getting used to being that big. So I lumbered back to my car and fetched some items that would help Oscar. Let’s say that I was lucky that every door in his home was double.

Oscar was slouching deep into the couch, head tilted back, sleepy. He couldn’t see what I was doing in front of him, hidden under his belly mountain. He jumped with a spasm of surprise when he felt a cold mixture being spread onto him.

O: “What the fuck is that, man?”

B: “Lotion, to help your skin stretch. Take those pills, they will loosen your stomach and your skin. Just relax, you’ll feel better soon.”

It took the entire gallon of lotion to cover the bodybuilder’s expanded middle. He moaned the entire time. Not because of his extreme fullness, but because it was the first time a man was caressing his body. It was my turn to give him a belly rub, and his mind was blown by how much he enjoyed it. So much, in fact, that he took the keg’s hose in his mouth once more, and resumed his drinking. His abs weren’t so tense anymore, and as they relaxed, his belly was inching further, reducing the pressure inside him. I continued his massage his body and I could feel him growing again, while he was absorbing the other half of the keg.

I couldn’t believe it. He had grown bigger than me. The old, competitive version of me would have been angry to be dethroned, but everything was different now. His distended, muscular belly was somehow the sexiest thing I had ever seen in my life.

It takes a lot of beer to make a big man like Oscar drunk, but fortunately, after an entire barrel, he was finally tipsy. The pain was dissipated by the alcohol, the pills, and the lotion. His focus returned back to his greatest desire: stuffing himself and growing as big as he can.

O: “See those snacks? Feed them to me. I want to eat them all. I want to absorb every single edible thing in this house.”

Like I said earlier, snacks were everywhere. Candies, chocolate, bags of chips, muffins, brownies, and a lot more. I blindly grabbed something, from the bowl behind me. A muffin. Oscar opened his mouth and I stuffed the entire thing inside it. He swallowed it whole in an instant.

B: “Woah! I didn’t know you were that hungry!”
O: “I’m a bottomless pit. I’m a balloon waiting to be filled. Stuff me. With all your energy.”

We had somehow unlocked his growing potential and he wouldn’t stop until he would be one spoonful away from exploding.

Everything I put in his mouth was disappearing inside him.

Oscar was visibly swelling, growing into a bloated and inflated version of his former self.

I was feeding him candies by the mouthful, emptying entire bags of chips into his paper shredder-like mouth, melting several chocolate bars into big chunks worthy of his hunger. The feeding was aggressive. Not me toward him, but him toward the food. If his house would have been made of gingerbread, I’m sure he would have eaten it all without even stopping once.

At first, I threw the empty boxes, bags, and wrappers on the coffee table, into a neat pile. It wasn’t long until it formed a mountain of plastic and cardboard, and everything I threw on top of it would tumble to the floor. Soon, the entire living room was covered in trash. Oscar was gigantic. He was still sitting on the couch, but his belly itself was sitting on the floor, spreading several yards in front of him. He was becoming so wide that you could almost sense an invisible force trying to split him in half, while his back, arms, and legs were reaching farther and farther from his body. He was blowing up.

The only thing left was the same item we started with: a tray of muffins. I pushed one in his mouth. But this time he didn’t swallow it. Instead, he tried to talk with his muffled voice with the whole thing in his mouth.

O: “More.”

So I squeezed another one in, making his cheeks bulge outward.

O: “More.”

I squeezed in a third one, afraid he was gonna choke.

O: “One…more.”

His cheeks were so big that they were almost hiding his eyes, and doubling his head’s width. He wanted everything. All at once. His hunger was reaching new heights.

He emitted a deep groan. His face, cheeks, and neck were trembling.

And then, there was the loudest and deepest swallowing sound I ever heard.

Just like that, the four huge muffins merged into a ball the size of an entire cake, and slid down Oscar’s neck, visibly inflating it like a snake. You could even hear a *pop* and thud once it reached his stomach.

An entire house's worth of food was now inside Oscar’s gargantuan body.

It would have been an amazing finale for this unforgettable evening, but Oscar wanted more. He had been bitten by the gaining bug, and he was fully enthralled by the desire to grow.

B: “Woah big guy, look at you. I can’t believe we were able to feed you until you were bigger than me. How do you feel?”

O: “I should feel stuffed to my limit, ready to explode. But no. I’m…hungry. More than ever. I feel like I could eat the entire world. I can’t stop now. Order more food, please. I’m not done yet.”

I was shocked and so excited that I almost came at this very moment.

B: “More pizza?”
O: “No. A mountain of Belly Popper’s burgers. But this time, you stuff yourself too. Let’s both eat until we can’t move.”

To be continued.


Oscar and Bob - Couch and beer

This is "Oscar and Bob - Couch and beer" by Mikel Smith on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Perfect, can't wait for the next part

Jamey Anzell

What an amazing chapter! I can’t wait to read more about my two most favorite characters!