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*Ding dong*
I pushed the doorbell of Oscar’s big house, a case of beer in hand. He invited me to watch the hockey game and eat. Honestly, I’m not a sports fan, and I suspect he isn’t either. It was probably just an excuse to spend some time together, that’s why I gladly accepted. We see each other all the time at the gym, around town, and with other friends, but it would be my first time alone with him in private after our legendary feeding, a year and a half ago. He fed me until I was thousands of pounds, and it was the greatest summer of my life. Unfortunately, I had to shrink back to a solid 500 pounds afterward, thanks to the help of many doctors, endless hours of training, and the lack of stuffing and binge eating. To celebrate the first year after my surgery, we went around town and tried a different restaurant every day after the gym for 2 whole weeks. Oscar knew that I missed those binge eating sessions, so we let ourselves pig out to our heart’s(or stomach’s) content. He was on vacation and told me he was in dirty bulk mode, but I was still surprised to see how fat he got after those two weeks of eating. Almost as fat as myself. It’s been a while since I saw him, but he probably lost all the fat he gained. Still, I can’t help but imagine how massive he could get if he truly let himself grow as big as he can…

20 seconds later, Oscar was still making his way through the house. Some may wonder how the owner of a gym in a rural area could be so wealthy, but when you know that it’s the only gym for miles around, you can understand just how many people from surrounding cities come to train at Oscar’s. If you ever saw him, you’d know that he surely chose this house for its high ceiling, large doorways, double doors, and huge rooms, helping him move his tall and large bodybuilder’s body around.

The big man finally opened, wearing his traditional black pants and suspenders. He must have worked his ass off at the gym because he was back to his original, muscular shape. But he still sports a solid muscular gut, a rounded ball of abs pushing away from his body in the cutest way. As always, his big hairy chest was free for everyone to admire: I don’t think ever seen him wear a shirt! He doesn’t wear one at the gym because his incredible muscles are a great motivator for his clients, and the tv spot he did was proudly displaying his huge pecs. That’s the look he was known for, so it became his everyday attire. Same for me: I’m so fat that it was just impossible to find a t-shirt that would cover my entire belly, so I was always wearing those sleeveless leather vests, just to have something on. It’s a small town, so once everyone saw us wearing those once, it becomes the new normal. So there he was: a 450 pounds mound of muscles, welcoming me into his house with his deep voice.

O: “Hey, Bob! Come in!”

B: “Great to see you, Oscar! I brought some beers. I should have bought snacks too…”
O: “Oh, there’s no need, I got pretty! Help yourself!”

He was right. Every single table was packed with food. Bags of chips, chocolate, cookies, bowls of candies, and more. His house smelled like a bakery as if he had prepared cakes and muffins for several days. I know he always love to see me eat, and I suspected that he wanted to stuff me full tonight, an idea that I was totally open to. I was just curious to see how he would ask.

B: “Nice place! I love how open and spacious it is!”
O: “Yeah, unlike my last apartment, I don’t think I’ll be able to outgrow this one! Unless you would train me to eat as you do! *wink*

B: “Even I couldn’t get big enough to reach that high ceiling! Hehe!

We both dropped onto his couch and cracked open a beer, knowing that we were gonna finish that case in less than an hour.

O: “Do you ever wish you’ll go back to your biggest size?”
B: “All the time.”

O: “But you still want to live a normal life… I get it.”
B: “Oh, not at all. I had my share of normal suburban life. When I bought a house with my wife, 20 years ago, I thought that it would make me happy. It was society’s checklist for success, after all: husband and wife, the house, the car, the job, the barbecue, the pool. The only thing missing was the kids and the dog. Luckily, Donna couldn’t have children, and she was allergic to dogs. We lived the most normal routine for years, and I couldn’t find happiness in it. The only good time I had was when I was eating with my work friends at construction sites. As a trucker, I would deliver the materials they needed every morning, and at lunch, our boss, Tom, would order those impossibly big blue-collar lunches. The entire gang was eating like pigs.”

O: “I bet they had a good appetite!”
B: “Yeah, it was more than just a bit of fun. It was exhilarating. I was fascinated by how much they could eat, and how their fat bellies would get visibly full after our ridiculously big meals. They would belch and fart, just enjoying themselves without the fear of being judged. It took me years to understand just how much I was enjoying that.”

O: “Could you eat as much as them at the time?”

B: “Of course not! They would eat twice as much as me, and would even top that with a big desert and a beer! Hahaha! But I wanted to get to that point. I always loved the feeling of being full after a nice meal, even when I was only 250 pounds. I just didn’t know just how much I wanted to get bigger.”

O: “You could just do like them and ignore the judgment of others, right?”

B: “On the job, it was easy. I was surrounded by big heavy dudes. At home, it was another story. Donna never accepted my gains. Every time I would reach 300 pounds, she would shame me until I would lose weight.”

O: “Oh man, what a pain.”

B: “On the other hand, I forgive her: it wasn’t what she signed up for. And I wasn’t a good husband either. I was always grumpy and I didn’t know why. Now I realize that it was because I couldn’t really be myself.”
O: “That’s when you let yourself go, right?”
B: “Yeah. At 45, it was too hard to slim down. It was the perfect excuse. Donna couldn’t believe how fast I was gaining! She would make me the smallest lunch, thinking that it was the only thing I would eat during my day. She didn’t know that I was stuffing myself silly with my unlimited budget for business dinner!
O: “And her lunch box?”
B: “Oh, it was my snack on my way home! Hahaha! People started to call me Big Bob at work, as my ball belly grew bigger than everyone else. There was no turning back now: I was becoming the fat bear I always wanted to be”

O: “Is it when…?”
B: “Yeah, the divorce came right after I became an internet buzz for being stuck in the door of a restaurant, you saw the clip right?”
O: “Oh, you bet I saw it…”
B: “She was disgusted and left when I told her that I loved my size. I wanted to finally be myself.”
O: “The best decision of your life.”
B: “Indeed. I was turned on by everything I was too big to do. I would fill the entire bath with my huge body, and the fat would spill out like a muffin top! I had to squeeze myself in every doorway. I was slowly losing my mobility, and it gave me this incredible sense of satisfaction. But at the same time, everybody around me was negating that joy, making me feel like there was something wrong with me. That’s when I went to your gym, thinking that you could help me with my problem.”
O: “Oh shit, I’m sorry, I definitively didn’t help with your weight!”

B: “You have nothing to apologize for. You don’t know just how much you made my life better, man.

O: “I...”

Oscar was shy. We had a lot of great moments together since we met, but he wasn’t ready to do the first step. He was afraid of ruining our great friendship.

B: “I saw it in your eyes, the first time you looked at me. You weren’t disgusted. You were fascinated. You loved my body as much as I loved yours.”

O: “I… I still am. I just don’t want to go too fast, you know, to make sure it’s okay.”

B: “Well, you fucked my belly in your hot tub, didn’t you?”
O: “Ha ha ha yeah, guilty. What can I say, who would be able to resist that big beautiful body of yours?”

He gave my big belly a few pats, slower and slower until his hand rested on it. He looked at me, nervous, unsure if I was comfortable. I looked back at him with a smile.

B: “Do you want to rub it? I would love a deep belly rub from those strong hands.”

His eyes illuminated. He started by rubbing it calmly, carefully, as if he was cleaning a delicate vase. But when he saw me close my eyes and enjoy it, it progressively transformed into a strong and tactile gesture, like he was kneading dough. He was grabbing my fat by the handful, shaking it, molding it. I was in paradise for ten whole minutes. It was the first time that he would feel and touch every curve of my giant belly, and it was apparent that he loved it as much as I was. I’m sure he would have buried his face into it if we would have kept going for another minute!

B: “Great rub. Felt amazing. It was so deep that I thought you were about to transform my fat into pizza dough! Hahaha!

O: “Speaking of pizza, should we order some before the game begins?”

B: “Oh yeah! Just make sure there’s enough for both of us!”

I winked at him and his smile turned into an evil grin as he excitingly build our order on his smartphone.

While we were waiting for our meal, we watched boring television barely able to concentrate on it as we were both sitting on his couch which was obviously too small for two big men like us. My belly was spilling on his lap, while I could feel one huge bicep under my head, like a pillow.

30 minutes later, the pizza had made its way to us. I got up and answers the door, only to find a small and young delivery boy hidden under two stacks of pizza taller than him. When he saw my bare, large furry belly, he froze. He acted like he was surprised by a wild bear: he slowly put the pile of boxes on the ground, took my money, and ran away.

I took the two stacks back to the living room.

B: “You weren’t kidding when you said that you would make sure we had enough!”

O: “What can I say? It was a “buy one, get one for free” special. One stack for you, one stack for me!”

We both dug in like starving bears. It didn’t take long for me to stuff the entire first extra-large pizza into my groaning belly. I was surprised to see that Oscar finished one at the same time.

While my big shallow belly was slowly filling up without showing it, Oscar’s abs on the other hand were pushing out more and more. His belly was getting visibly rounder as he rolled the pizza into a tube, and chomped it like a giant burrito. He was getting even bigger than he did at our eating challenges binge last year. It was clear that he wished to push himself to the limit.

You know me, I’m a great eater. I could have eaten both stacks by myself. But when I saw Oscar eat at that pace without looking at me, I stopped and watched the show. I realized that I wasn’t the one he wanted to stuff full tonight.

B: “Damn Oscar, I’ve never seen you eat like this!”

O: “It’s my cheat day! Besides, I got a week off, Jay is gonna take care of the gym this week.”

B: “It may be your cheat day, but your belly has never been that gloriously big after a single stuffing.”

O: “...Well, you know how I loved that legendary trip to the restaurant last year? I couldn’t help myself: I’ve been doing food binges once in a while, and each time, it was amazing. And now, I’m addicted. Why does it feel so fucking good to stuff ourselves?”

B: “I think it’s only natural. I bet hibernating animals love to fatten themselves too. Society tells us that we should be thin, but when you think about it, even the smallest man loves the feeling of being satiated after a good meal. Us, we just embrace our animal instinct and listen to our desire, unlike those sad, thin people on diets. We are healthy and active, so why should we lose weight?”

O: “Wow. I think you may be right.”

B: “You want to know how it feels to be completely, utterly full, are you?”

I took a slice from my stack of unopened boxes and put it under Oscar’s nose. His eyebrows rose and looked at me with his eyes opened wide. He understood that I was offering to feed him. It has been his dream scenario all along but didn’t find the courage to ask me. He grabbed my wrists with both of his hands and pushed them toward him until the slice of pizza was completely stuffed inside his mouth.

B: “You want to grow that belly until it’s as big as mine?”
O: “Oh yeah. Please.”

He was chomping on the slices one by one until an entire pizza from my stack was gone. Then we went for a second one.

B: “And maybe even more?”

O: “Oh yeah. More. Even more.

His belly was pushing an inch further for every pizza I stuffed into him. It grew so big that his abs were stretched out to the point where they lost all definition. It was rock solid, full, and yet, it continued to expand. Until something, I thought impossible happened. His belly was as big as mine.

O: “Feed me. Feed me until I can’t move.”

The hockey game was finally starting, but we didn’t care anymore. All I wanted was to feed Oscar and test his absolute limit.

(to be continued)


Ryan Soto

Amazing once again!