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Obsession can be defined as intense fixations with an object, person, or activity, that might significantly impair an individual's ability to function in various aspects of life.

Unhealthy obsessions can happen when the pursuit of a passion or interest crosses a threshold from being a positive, motivating force to becoming a detrimental one that narrows one's focus to the exclusion of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and responsibilities.

They differ from hobbies or passions because of the intensity and compulsion associated with them. An unhealthy obsession can feel uncontrollable and potentially harm your life.

On the clinical side, unhealthy obsessions can be understood as persistent and intrusive thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as unwanted and cause significant anxiety or distress. These obsessions are often unreasonable or irrational, yet they are difficult to control or eliminate, leading individuals to engage in compulsive behaviors or  mental acts in an attempt to relieve the distress caused by the obsessions. So they become self-reinforced and self-perpetuating.

Unhealthy obsessions are linked to mental health conditions like Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), eating disorders, body dysmorphia, or anxiety disorders.

This field will try its best to heal all the range of unhealthy obsessions discussed, bringing peace to your mind and life.

Suggested Usage: 3 times / day.

The crystals used are Aquamarine and Kimberlite.



Thank you sooo much PU. Great results with it! Makes my mind so calm. Give me a lot of mental clearity. And helps to dissolve a narcistic person from my mind almost completely. More happy thoughts arise during and after listening to this one. This is one is really a mind-liberating-construct. I love the use of Aquamarine and Kimberlite. Love you, you wizard from the Psychic University ✨


I wonder if the pictures are fielded even if you don't attach a png.