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Heartache is a deeply painful emotional distress caused by loss, disappointment, or unfulfilled desires.

Despite its discomfort, heartache is a universal human experience that can lead to personal growth and resilience over time. However, heartache can also slow us down and make life challenging, affecting our ability to function. It can lead to social withdrawal and can even impact physical health, causing insomnia, changes in appetite, and even weakening of the heart muscle.

For some, the journey through heartache is long and exhausting, requiring considerable time, effort, and external support to heal and move forward. With this in mind, I created this combination of:

- The Crystals Moss Agate and Blue Tourmaline.
- Three of Swords Reversed (Tarot Card).
- Some astrological energies that will help the heartache to be transcended. 

that will assist you in confronting and healing from past or present heartaches, and in dispelling the sorrow that resides within you.

The image is also fielded.




Thank you PU! Happy holidays!


Thanks ..


You are a special person, lucky to have you among us. i absorbed sorrow from people and it was so uncoinsous i don't know howto let go of it but now you helped me ... love itttt so much & love you so much , thanks again! ++ my mother is sorrowful person she hate life & happiness ,, this help alot to heal from mother wound ..

Singrid Irwen

This is wonderful, thank you! Happy holidays! I don't mean to seem ungrateful or annoy you - but I was wondering, do you have something available or in the works that's strongly antifungal anti mycotic (antiparasitic) antibacterial, would be super helpful for those traveling!


Beautiful, wonderful. One of my favorites. Much appreciated. Thank you so much.


Hi. This refers to the heart chakra or the physical heart?