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This is a tool for developing empathy, compassion, and understanding. For developing emotional intelligence and to cultivate a deep-rooted sense of kindness and consideration for others. To make you treat others well, like an extension of yourself.

So, what is the approach here and how it is different from other projects?

Well, to help you develop these, I'm doing the 'astro sugery' on parts of your natal chart energies that hinder you from cultivating kindness. This can happen through an aspect that brings increased meanness or low interest in treating others well. So these get changed, in a way that you just get the direct benefit and nothing else.

On top of that, there are blessings from Aditi, the goddess of the Punarvasu nakshatra. These blessings will help you develop, in a smart and customized way, of course, the traits of this nakshatra.

'Punarvasu natives are intelligent, knowledgeable, and virtuous individuals. They are naturally honest, fair, and highly spiritual. They have a strong sense of justice and a deep love for truth. They are known to be harmonious, peaceful, and highly adaptable. They may also be prone to feeling overwhelmed and stressed.'

(Fast description by VedShatra)

This Nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiterian people are known for being nice and virtuous.

2-3 times a day.





Feels great, thanks PU. I would assume the same placements would also develop the same virtues towards the self? (more self love, self compassion, etc.)


Really like this one to. Feels really good. Definitely one for making this planet a better place 👌🌏💚.


Will this be permanent?


Hi PU! For about how long (days) do you reckon we should listen for the astro surgery to be 'finished? And thank you!


I think in 1 month using them every day (with breaks when you feel like), 80% of it should be installed already. But all very subjective. This is just something I came to notice after some testing.