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For Venus in Pisces, love is boundless. Love is romantic. Love is imagination. Love is fantasy. Love is returning to the spiritual source. Love is not easily or clearly defined. Love is universal. Love is unconditional. Love is suffering. Love is sacrifice. Love is transcendence. Love is nirvana. Love is a sea of oceanic tranquility.

People with Venus in the 12th house have a profound understanding of love, and thus, the love they  give others is on a deeper level. Compassionate and wholehearted, they throw genuine affection to the world, and the universe likes to give  back the energy it is given.

With the help of Venus, they also have a healing touch, both physically and symbolically. They are good observers who know exactly what one needs at any moment, and natives will provide the appropriate  support whenever possible.

Venus in the 12th house also implies an artistic and innovative imagination.

Natives draw inspiration from the unseen realm, see beauty in everything, including things deemed unattractive, and have strange  intuitions, resulting in works that one cannot find anywhere else.

Source: sagmind

This field will make you temporarily experience how it feels like to experience Love from the lens of a Venus in Pisces in the 12th house. I refined the experiences in a way that you should feel more the 'fantasy and deep love range'. The effects should last for around 1 hour.

This audio can help with development of virtues descirbed above, and the related to the Heart Chakra, like compassion, unconditional love and kindness. And much more, of course.



Sooooooo good! Love it. And the music is so wonderful. Thank you


dd mohh

this is why i love u !!! you bring astrolgy to next level , i have exalted Venus in d9 chart .. but i will see what this audio can teach me