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How do you create your fields?

It's very hard to explain the whole process. Most of it isn't even possible to explain with dualistic language, but they are done conceptually as a logos, using my own consciousness, and linked to this reality via the audio. When you play the audio, you access the logos I created and start manifesting the effects of the instructions or what else the field may have.

I want to start at Psychic University and create my own fields. Where do I start?

Well, it depends on what you want to achieve with energy work. You can, at this very moment, already cause changes with your own consciousness and imbue programmings into items. But if you mean coherent, reliable, and powerful changes like the ones you see in Psychic University, you need to understand it's a path, meaning you will need focus and dedication.  In my perspective the main 3 elements to have a successful journey, are: Ego mastering, Meditation mastering and Conceptual thinking mastery. This is the basis and in my opinion, it's something the psychic is forever working in and refining. Train these and explore your consciousness that you will eventually be able to reach further distances. Being humble also helps.

Do you make customs?

Yes. I receive a lot of requests, but most of them have the same general idea (Programming master, Luck for gambling etc). So I will soon be releasing a Gumroad with these common requests, so everyone can buy it cheaper than it would cost if I were to make it directly for the individual.

Are your fields protected?

Against ill intentions, yes. Like most of the high-energy work trying to serve humanity naturally are. I don't even need to program anything to deal with it, it's just our own choices deciding which cycles we are going to see over and over again. You don't need to worry if you're not black-marketing it or trying to take advantage of my work, though. This is a general idea, not only for protection of fields. Try to be a better person every day and good things will come with it.

Why are your products so expensive?

They are not. They reflect the amount of work I had to put to create it. This is why you will see Arcturian Negentropy Chamber for less than 65$, for example. If I were to take advantage of the effects and profit from it, this one would cost much more based on its effects.

Do the fields still work after I stop the Patreon subscription?

Yes, of course.

What are the recommended usage and dosage for your files?

It depends. Your subconscious and feeling are your best tools for deciding it. If you feel most of them to be overwhelming, it's a good idea to play safe and start with one loop, and build your system from there. Most advanced users can go for 3~5 loops for most files. The ones that really forces your brain and system, like Hyperphantasia, Arcturian Negentropy Chamber, and The Ultimate Integration Tool, it's a good idea to use up to 2 times, even for advanced users. After a while, your system gets used to it and you can increase the dose for that specific field.

What are the ranges for your mandalas and audios? Does volume matter?

2.5 meters or 8.2 feet. Most of the mandalas only work for the user though, as the individual with it is the only one (theoretically) aware of its presence and effect.

In my experience, Volume doesn't matter that much, unless you play it really really loud. But for functional volume ranges, I feel volume doesn't matter.

What are your next products?

You can ask me through patreon message system and I will talk about the next 4 releases and what I'm planning to create and release after them. This way you can make more conscious decisions about your next purchases.

Do you have any general tips for better using your products?

Yes! Be aware of the energies and effects. Interact with the field, talk to it, to your body, system, subconscious, manifest the best version of the effects in yourself. When using mandalas, always focus on it a bit before putting it in your pocket or in any other place. Think about the effects you expect from it, how you expect you day to go, and what you want to achieve. Refine this type of concepts for your subconscious mind and you will notice effects being much more noticeable and results coming faster!

In general, I'm a big advisor of active work with various forms of energies. In the end, it's us manifesting our own reality, so the more aware we are of the variables, the better refined the reality we manifest is, and the more aligned it is with our deep desires.



If I understood correctly, when you published the fields of The Soul Contiuum, Karma clearing and Healthy Expression of Being, you said they were made with a new, more powerful technique, and that it produced faster, better, more powerful results. My questions are: 1) from that moment on, do all your fields published both on Gumroad and here on Patreon use this new technique? 2) how are these new results of this new technique in reality now that these new fields have been between us for almost 2 months? Thank you very much.

George C.

First Question: Are they still effective if we listen to fields every other day or perhaps even less often? There are a multitude of reasons/causes for not listening daily, including having huge stacks or due to our schedule. Second Question: is it OK to/can we use your fields in the same stacks/Playlists, alongside other creations (fields, subs, anything else from other creators) or it's better to use them separately (maybe an hour or more between your creations and others)?


1. I think less often for most effects, daily for diseases and conditions that need a heavy treatment. But it's subjective and up to you in the end. 2. I believe so. People report good results.


Hi PU, another question - if the audio is played via Bluetooth, or from a Cloud Library streamed (Apple iCloud), are the fields equally effective as directly playing the mp3 file?


Hi again, I was wondering if any of your fields works to command respect, like a "bully repellant". You know for disrespectful or emotionally agressive relatives you just can't get rid of. Thank you.