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Ayushman Yoga refers to a specific combination in a person's birth chart that signifies longevity and good health. In Vedic astrology, various yogas (combinations) are formed based on the positions of planets and their aspects. These yogas are believed to influence different aspects of a person's life, including health, wealth, career, and relationships.

Ayushman Yoga is formed when certain conditions in a horoscope are met, which are considered favorable for a long and healthy life. The specific planetary placements and their relationships create an auspicious effect that promotes vitality and endurance.

In Vedic astrology, Ayushman Yoga is considered particularly important because it indicates the potential for a person to live a long life with good health. The exact formation of Ayushman Yoga can vary, but it generally involves a strong and well-placed ascendant (Lagna), benefic planets in key houses, and the absence of malefic influences on the vital houses and planets related to health and longevity.

The presence of Ayushman Yoga in a horoscope is typically interpreted by an experienced astrologer who analyzes the birth chart in detail. They will look at the strength and placement of planets such as the Sun, Moon, and Mars, as well as the condition of the ascendant and the eighth house, which is associated with longevity.

When Ayushman Yoga is present, it is believed to bestow several benefits. The individual is likely to enjoy robust health, recover quickly from illnesses, and have a strong constitution. This yoga can also provide mental resilience, helping the person to overcome stress and maintain a positive outlook on life.

This field will give you the benefits of experiencing Ayshman Yoga for a week. It won't disrupt current yogas transits but work together with them. You may want to use that time for enhancing your healing with other fields and techniques.

Up to twice a day is enough. Have fun.




To be sure, Sapiens "nullify negative planetary effects" field isn´t disrupting this, right? Thank you :)


Will you make Saubhagya Yoga?

Nikita S

How can we make the results of this one permanent ?


I think by repeated use, a part of it can become permanent. You can try a conscious integration while meditating, but how effective this will be will depend on your skills.