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 The school bell was chiming in my Equestria dreamscape. As was her tradition Miss Cheerilee was standing on the porch to eagerly greet each one of her students, and to welcome them to another day of learning. 

  "Good Morning Snip! Morning Snails! Hello Daffodil! How are you this morning Rumble?" 

  This ritual played as her students funneled into the single room schoolhouse. As they entered Miss Cheerilee was mentally taking role count to see if or how many were absent today. The bell was almost done chiming when Sweetie Belle came galloping up the walkaway with Scootaloo puttering along on her scooter.  

  "Cutting it a little close there girls." Said the fuchsia mare. "Is Applebloom not making it today?

  "Well, um she'll be here in a second Miss Cheerilee." Said Sweetie Belle. "But she doesn't seem to be in a very good mood today!"   

  The mare looked quizzically at the filly. "Is she sick?" 

  Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head with a front hoof. "I don't think so, but I never thought an earth pony could do a weather manipulation and keep a cloud over them. But she's got a dark one over her today!" 

  At this point Applebloom came into view. Slowly the little filly made her way up the walk, and Miss Cheerilee had to agree with Scootaloo; One could almost see a dark, ominous cloud floating over the little filly. Still Ponyville's finest teacher greet her pupil. 

  "Good Morning Applebloom! How are we doing today?"

  The little filly didn't acknowledge the teacher or her two friends. She just looked straight ahead as she made her way up the steps and walked into the schoolhouse, all the while muttering under her breath.  

  "It's a conspiracy. It's gotta be! Maybe it's a sinister plan of that Deception that Luna didn't detect? Need ta write her. Maybe I got it in Stone Mane's dream fabric but it didn't make in ta this world? Yeah, yeah that could be it. Must write Luna, must write Luna!" 

  Cheerilee rolled her eyes and looked at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.  

  "Well girls go get to your seats. Class is beginning." 

  It was going to be one of those days. 

 To be continued. 




Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, a warning -- don't bother Apple Bloom today. We won't be able to protect you.


BATTLE STATIONS! All hand don battle armor and avoid Applebloom at all costs!


Wow is she mad!


Yeah, unless you want a hoof sandwich for lunch just leave her alone today.


A B is one seriously bent filly. Run away-run away!!!I think it would be safer up with the Dragons, about now.. THE COLONEL