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After much preparation, fussing, and packing Petina, Carousel and I were prepared for our trip to Canterlot in my Equestria dreamscape. We had decided to catch the mid-morning train up to Canterlot since we had noontime check-in at the Black Stallion Hotel. We all found it amusing that this was the same hotel we had all stayed in last year for the Canterlot Music Festival so we expected a pleasant stay. Twilight, Spike and rest of the Mane Six and family would be coming up on a train later in the morning.

The Palace had provided us with documents and vouchers that we were to give to the hotel staff upon check-in that would handle all payments for our stay during the time we would up for Service to the Crown Day. We were scheduled for four days at the hotel. Included with the hotel stipend was an itinerary of events we might want to attend and several that our presence was expected at. One was the Royal Banquet being held at the palace tomorrow night. The other two were the official brunch in Central Park and the parade itself. All the appropriate passes and invitations were included.

So on a warm spring morning we found ourselves waiting on the platform for the train. Spring was in full swing and the valley was a buzz with a sense of vitality and purpose. Swallows chittered and swooped as they busily flew around the platform awnings and repaired their nests for the next generation. In the fields around Ponyville flowers were bursting to life in a riot of color. In the orchards and fields all around the town the scent of apple, cherries, plum blossoms filled the air. The sky was a rich cobalt blue with pleasant collection of small, fluffy cumulus clouds. The weather schedule called for clear weather until the late afternoon when two-hour period of light rain was slated to occur. Of course Rainbow Dash and I were off the clock until we returned from Canterlot, but still I could sense the local teams beginning to assemble the system at the east end of the valley.

At 8:10 the Canterlot Overland Express came into view. Hissing and groaning the great steam locomotive rolled to a stop alongside the platform. In anticipation of extra passengers the train was running three more cars and even for an early train it was at near full capacity. Festive ribbons and sashes hung from the windows of the cars, and brilliantly colored pennants hung from the bright maroon engine. With practiced efficiency the station crew got everypony’s luggage loaded on board and we rolled out the station five minutes later.

Having attended Canterlot Music Festival we were more prepared for the scene that awaited us at the station in Canterlot. Like the train the station was festooned with banners and flags. To help with traffic control a couple platoons of unicorn ponies from the Royal Guard had been assigned to assist the station personnel. After much pointing and gesturing we were reunited with our luggage, then it was just a matter of flagging down a cab. Once that task was accomplished and our luggage was loaded we were off for the hotel.

The large dun-colored earth pony stallion slowly pulled his Hansom cab up the winding road leading into the heart of Canterlot. The city of Canterlot is built on series of steps and plateaus that hug the western side of mountain slope. This provides the inhabitants with some breath-taking views of the valley below and the surrounding mountains, but it also means that almost every available inch of level ground is devoted to buildings. The exceptions are four large parks that provided islands of open green in the midst of so much marble, granite and brick. The parade would be along the longest plateau that begins at one of the entrances to Royal Palace.

After a forty five minute cab ride we arrived once again in front of Black Stallion Hotel. After paying and tipping the stallion for the cab ride, and unloading our luggage with the help of a bellhop we made our way into the hotel lobby. The lobby was just as busy as our last visit. Navigating our way through the crowd of ponies milling around we made our way across the green marble floor and over to one of receptionist who was standing behind a white marble counters with ebony counter tops. Removing the Royal documents from my panniers I presented them to clerk behind the counter. The pale blue unicorn mare raised an eyebrow at their appearance and then politely informed me that she needed to get her manager, this was accomplished by ringing a small brass bell by her workstation.

A minute or so later a large jet-black unicorn stallion trotted over to find out why his presence was needed. He took a quick look of the documents and then looked up and smiled at us.

“Ah yes! Splendid! You’ve arrived!” Said the stallion in deep, cheerful voice. “I am Black Mane the manager of this fine establishment. We have been expecting your arrival. The Royal Sisters have made all the necessary arrangements for your stay here. You’re scheduled for four days here. If there is anything we can do to make you comfortable please do not hesitate to ask. Now let us stamp these documents and I’ll have a bellhop escort you to rooms.”

Black Mane levitated a large red covered ledger and began scanning the pages. He suddenly stopped and looked up somewhat quizzically.

“Um, Princess Celestia has only scheduled one room for you, um three, and it only has one bed. I’m sorry about this mix up. Let us see if we have another room with two beds in it that is available.”

“No, no this arrangement is just fine with us!” Chirped Petina. “We usually just use one bed at our home.”

In fast succession a series expressions ranging from shock to disbelief danced across Black Mane’s face, then just as quickly his usual smooth composed, professional demeanor returned.

“Ah well then! If the current arrangement is agreeable with all ‘three’ of you let’s get you to your, um, room.” The stallion then range the bell in three short quick taps.

A young gray unicorn stallion bellhop in crisp charcoal gray jacket brilliant brass buttons and matching pill cap came trotting over and stopped in his tracks. It was the same bellhop who had helped us last fall when we’d stayed here.

“Oh hi! Um, nice to see you ‘three’ again!” Said the bellhop. “If you are finished checking in let me take you to your rooms.”

“No just one room like last time.” said Carousel with a big smile on her face. “And are bags are still on the cart so let’s be on our way.”

Our bellhop took us to the elevator and then up to the fourth floor. Silently the bellhop led us down the hall to our room. However his eyes kept flittering over to Petina and Carousel. Petina noticed this and increased her pace until she was walking alongside the bellhop. She glanced over at him and smiled.

“You know I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced.” Smiled the white unicorn mare. “My name is Petina, the adorable earth pony is Carousel and the blue, lovable lunk of a pegasus stallion is Sky Brush. So, what is your name sweetie?”

The cart being pulled by the bellhop’s magic swerved and banged against the wall. Quickly the gray unicorn corrected its course and got it rolling straight again. With eyes fixed firmly ahead he replied.

“Silver Hoofs is my name ma’am!” Blurted out the young stallion. “Um, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”

Arriving at our room Silver Hoofs quickly fumbled with his key ring to find to correct key to our room. After a couple attempts he found the right one and opened our door then promptly rolled the cart with our luggage into the room.

Celestia and Luna had not gotten us another suite but it was still fine well-furnished room. Carousel went over and opened the curtains and like the last time she went out on the patio to take in the view of Canterlot. I removed my panniers and placed them in one of the chairs that occupied the room. Petina having made a quick inspection of the four-poster bed was now lying sprawled across it and was directing Silver Hoofs to where certain pieces of our luggage needed to go. All the while watching the stallion with an impish grin on her face.

After several minutes Silver Hoofs had placed the luggage where Petina had asked. Hesitantly he approached the all white mare that was lying on her back looking up at him.

“Um, is that all ma’am?” Asked the stallion cautiously.

“Yes, that is all for now Silver Hoofs.” Said Petina as she stared up at the stallion with same impish grin. “But here is something for all your efforts!”

From her small purse Petina levitated a couple of coins over to Silver Hoofs and dropped it into his tip purse. The bellhop bowed slightly and started walk away with his luggage cart in tow. The young stallion was almost to the door when Petina made one final parting comment.

“ You know Silver Hoofs that uniform suits you very well. It does a great job of flattering your fine figure.”

Silver Hoofs collided with the cart as his brain stripped a gear at this comment. Regaining control of the cart he stopped and looked back at the mare on the bed.

“Um, excuse me ma’am but what did you just say?” The bellhop’s blue-violet eyes were wide and fixed on Petina.

Petina rolled over on to her belly and rested her chin on her front hoofs and stared at the stallion with a pair of weapons-grade bedroom eyes.

“Just that you look rather handsome in that uniform.” She grinned at the stallion. “That is all. Goodbye.”

I watched the befuddled bellhop leave the room. Then I strolled over to Petina who was playfully batting at the tassel on a throw pillow with her front hoof. I stared down at the mare with a deadpan look on my face.

“Are worried we don’t have enough of reputation at this hotel already, or are you trying to get us on the headlines of the Canterlot Courier?”

Petina batted her eyelashes at me then closed her emerald green eyes.

“A lady needs to practice regularly or else her skills will diminish over time.” Replied the white mare.

I rolled my eyes and went to unpack my remaining items.

To be continued.




I love Black Manes reaction to them only needing one bed! :D


Nice, really like the location build up and all! Can't wait to see what shenanigans happen!


Yeah by the time we leave Canterlot Petina has made certain we have something reputation. Of course one week after Service to the Crown Day is the Best Young Fliers Competition so fun, fun!


1) When did you buy all that stuff? No, ask yourself how much of it you actually need during your stay. 2) Three ponies, if they're friendly. 3-4) There are probably rules against things like that Petina. 5) Yay for magical stone reinforcement.