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Chapter Nine: Boda Día De La Muerte

“Un cerdo no piensa, solo devora. Un cerdo no usa su cerebro, usa su boca y traga” Alex spoke to Maria as they flew aboard their private jet back down to Cabo San Lucas for the wedding. Seated across from them was Jesse, slipping in and out of consciousness from drinking the entire way from the moment they took off.

Jesse’s drinking had ticked up the closer the wedding got and today on the eve there wasn’t a moment where Jesse wasn’t sober. Ever since Jesse had touched 600 pounds and was ready for the wedding things had started to feel real for the young pig and the intrusive thoughts kept creeping back into his head.

Jesse’s bloated hands took a swig from his flask. The very motion shifted and wobbled his body. Now, officially at 640 pounds, Jesse’s body was truly blob-like. Looking down over his expanse he could feel the squelching sensation of the sweat under his massive triple chin that Jesse’s thick double chin comfortably sat on, his neck now completely gone. One more swig and he shifted again. He was clad in a tight pink dress that hugged every bulge and fold, making Jesse look like a wad of already chewed bubblegum.

“¿Te quedarás con nosotras después de la boda?” Alex asked Maria. Maria looked at Jesse, bloated and heaving for air. The plane’s air mask was undone and dangled over Jesse’s mouth while the jet flew in the air.

“Hfff, pfff, daddy” Jesse croaked, looking bloated like a toad. He gazed at his handsome daddy through jowls that were so packed with lard that he could see bits of her own cheeks. His triple chin that used to be his neck slung down and on top of it sat what was Jesse’s original bloated double chin and on top of that rested Jesse’s actual true chin. Jesse’s feminine features, that had long obscured his gender in a cloud of haze, was completely covered in lard.

Maria looked him over. Maria had gone well and above the simple 600 lb goal, as was clearly demonstrated by just the state of Jesse. He was a mountain of girlish blubber, seated across the entire couch of the plane, a plane that had been renovated to accommodate Alex’s lovers. Behind his glasses Alex’s brown eyes were wild with lust.

After gazing at the mound of Jesse Maria said, “Me jubilo. Ya no puedo engordar al cerdo. Estoy más que satisfecho con lo que he hecho. Al fin y al cabo, como suele decirse: Pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered".“

Jesse wheezed around the mask, any movement was enough to get his rolls sloshing.

Alex nodded, leaning back in his chair he simply said “Gracias, senora.”


“Tranquila, senorita,” Maria rolled her eyes at the decadent blob. She opened a bottle and took a pill out. Removing the mask Maria offered the pill to Jesse “Toma esto, te sentirás mejor.” Jesse whined, his mouth opening wide as Maria placed the pill in his mouth and offered him a Mexican coke to wash it down.

Jesse drank and drank, his diabetic hyperphagia causing a hunger that could not be sated and his polydipsia a thirst that could not be quenched. He swallowed and swallowed the green glass bottle, the dark brown liquid, emptying out the bottle. Maria put the mask back and soon Jesse was nodding off to sleep.

Jesse’s snoring could be heard through the entire jet.


Once they went through customs and had made it back to the yacht, Maria put the kitchen to work immediately, tapping away at her phone. Having destroyed his last  swimsuit and once more forgetting to pack one, Jesse decided to just lay around in the nude. He was far too wasted to even bother with clothes.

“Take off my dress, pffff hfff, Maria” Jesse sputtered, moving with a silver gray walker every few inches. Jesse was too fat to be pushed on a wheelchair and this was the best option.

“Oooooooh!” Jesse whined as his knees trembled with every step he took while Maria worked to get the dress off. Leaning on the walker Jesse croaked out, “Oh my knees, Maria my knees, pfff pfff” His belly swayed, his lard sack covered his privates utterly and completely. His gut was just like the rest of him: Pale, covered in wrinkly cellulite and stretchmarks. Jesse’s gut dangled downwards and would wobble to and fro with every step he took. Behind him his back fat jiggle and his heaving cellulite ass sloshed and clapped together as he slowly made his way to the deck. Droopy flab clapped against flab on his way to the bedroom suite where he collapsed on the bed, making the heavy reinforced bed groan against the sudden burden placed on top of it.

Jesse laid on his side like a beached whale, his immense belly spilling out over it. “Hnnnnnng” Jesse groaned as his blubbery flesh spread out over the bed. “Hoo, hoo, hffff pfff hff pfff” Jesse wheezed while Maria set up his oxygen to get him to settle. Jesse laid like this until his meals started to come, decadent prime rib roasts and more and more quesadillas made with heavy butter, more chocolate, more cake. Maria fed the hog and fed the hog until Jesse was breathing heavily once more and had his mask placed back on.

There Jesse laid, his hands touching his belly. He moaned and moaned, stuffed and utterly miserable. Still drugged up and drunk as could be Jesse went back into a deep slumber. By the time Jesse woke up her was greeted by his friends Rachael and Courtney.

“Heeeey! Oh my God Jesse!” Rachael swooned, sitting in a chair along with Courtney. “Look at this belly!” Rachael ran her hand along its expanse, savoring the softness while Courtney said, “We’re here to be your bridesmaids!”

Jesse moaned, a smile creeping on your face, “Oh girls, I love you so much.”

The next day the yacht was taken out to sea. The sun shone brightly over the ship and the deck was bustling with guests. Rachael and Courtney got Jesse into his wedding dress. The two of them were having a ball lifting and fitting his lard into the white dress. The dress had a long train and as Jesse requested it had sleeves on. The sheer size of the dress covered the king size bed you were beached on.

Rachael and Courtney finally managed to get the dress on Jesse. “Finally! It took a lot of work, but we did it,” said Rachael while Courtney giggled, “Now it's time for makeup!” While in his dress Jesse ate from a stack of quesadillas and was popping them into his mouth like they were pills. He reached for a drink and sipped from it, the ice clinking.

After that they worked on his face, patting against the flab, powdering her jowls and chins. They were giggling with joy working on Jesse’s face until they were finished. “Done!” They announced. Jesse looked at his bloated face and croaked out, “It’s hfff a little hfff heavy.”

“Yeah but Alex likes it that way,” Rachael snickered. Jesse looked like a whore, his lipstick was slathered on thickly. Once Jesse was all dressed they put the veil over Jesse’s face. Hidden behind the veil Jesse breathed hard. “Hfff pff, hfff pff” Jesse pants, his hand going to his chest.

“Oooh, I don’t feel good,” she moaned and coughed, but was dismissed by her bridesmaids. “Can it wait? You’re about to get married! Here, have a coke,” Rachael offered him a green glass bottle of Mexican Coke. Still massaging his chest Jesse took a swig and tried to calm himself down. “1, hff, 2, hpff, 3 hff, 4, pfff” Jesse started to count, calling himself. The chest pains subsided and the feeling of a stabbing burning knife faded away. Jesse gasped for breath, his make up starting run from his sudden sweating.

“Oh no, it’s coming undone! We’ll just have to go, it’s time!” Courtney said and several men came in. They went under Jesse’s covered arms and moaned, lifting the young pig to his feet. Under his arms they helped the blubbery bride down the hall and out to the deck where all Jesse could see was the open ocean.

“I can’t, oh my knees! Oh my back! My back!” Jesse whined and cried while the men supported him, with Courtney and Rachael following him. He needed his walker, he was too fat to move on his own.

“Please stop, I need to sit, pfffff,” She begged the Mexican men under his arms leading him down the deck. He passed by Beth who was sitting in the audience, watching the young hog slowly trudging to where Alex and Hector stood in tuxedos.

“No Inglés” One of the workers grunted which caused Jesse distress, he didn’t know a lick of Spanish. His blubber was making his dress soaked and he looked up at the sun, his chins wobbling. “It’s too hot! Oh my feet! Oh my knees! Please, I need to sit! Please understand me!”

It was then he saw the walker beside Alex, but even that wasn’t enough to ease his discomfort, he needed to sit down a long time ago. Once he made it Jess clutched the handles for dear life.

“Hfff pffff, oh poo,” Jesse gasped out, not even the walker was helping.He wobbled on his shaky knees. He could see the man talking and his daddy. He blinked and his chest started to hurt again.

“Ooooh hurry up!” the young pig squealed and the man said “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

The crowd clapped and cheered and it shot Jess in the heart, the sharp blades of fire returned.

“Oh daddy,” Jesse breathed out as Alex lifted his vail and kissed him. At that very second Jesse crumpled down to the floor, a blob of fat.

There was gasps and screams in the crowd as Alex and Hector looked down at him.

“Eres el mejor cerdo. Será difícil reemplazarlo.”

Beth ran up to Hector

“You got what you two wanted! You bastards!”

“Cierra la boca perra. ¡Este serás tú, no hay salida!” Hector angrily got up in Beth’s face, his black curls going everywhere.

Alex closed Jesse’s eyes with his palm.

The End


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