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In the middle of the night Le Sand walked with his victim by his side, his yellow glasses rested on his nose as he looked down at her while brushing her hair. Her eyes were empty and vacant, hypnotized under his vampiric powers. But something was troubling him. Looking behind his shoulder he felt like he was being followed. He dragged the woman by the wrist past different blocks. Hiding behind a corner he heard suddenly, “So you are the disturbance in the waves,”

The headlights of a car flashed on and caused Le Sand to cover his eyes.

“Answering the call from a new era, I am Sailor Uranus, here to fight with brilliance!” The increasingly obese Sailor Uranus called out.

“Also answering the call from a new era, I am Sailor Neptune, here to fight with elegance!” The smaller Sailor Neptune announced herself, stepping out of the shadows to join her lover.

“Vampire hunters? Impossible you could be anything else.”

“Enough talk! World shaking!” Uranus called out and raised a gloved plump hand to the air, shaking her mushy upper arm that had once been firm and tight. Energy collected into it until a ringed orb formed and she thrusted her hand to the ground, launching the orb at Le Sand. The orb cracked through the ground, sending chunks of rock flying as it hit Le Sand.

“GAHH!” Le Sand cried out, his clothes becoming destroyed in the process.

“DEEP SUBMERGE!” Neptune threw her hands up and the smell of the ocean filled the air. Energy collected until it formed its own ringed orb which she then launched, drowning Le Sand out.

Le Sand groggily stood up. “I’ve never experienced such attacks by a vampire hunter before…HUUUURAHH!” He screamed out as his head was slashed off by Sailor Uranus’s talisman, the Space Sword. With his head in the air Uranus thrusted her sword into his head, finishing it.

The victim’s mind slowly returned to her, “W-what? Where am I?” Sailor Neptune held her hand to comfort her, “Run home and go to sleep dear. This is just a bad dream.”

The victim hurriedly shuffled to her feet and ran off in fear.

Wiping her sword clean with a cloth Uranus said with confidence “One more down. If we keep this up we’ll get all of them.”

“Mmmm, the first time in a month. They are awfully good at hiding.”

Haruka looked down at her sword, but Neptune held her hands, “But we will ultimately prevail. However….we must be careful. One bite from them and you and I could turn into ghouls. For we are impure.”

Neptune leaned into a kiss, standing on her toes. Uranus returned the kiss, grasping their gloved hands together. After breaking the kiss Uranus said, determined, “I won’t let them turn you.”

“I know you won’t Haruka, my love.”

The two went to the convertible where they got in. Still transformed, they looked up at the night sky before Uranus turned her eyes to Neptune.

“You’ve put on weight Michiru.”

Sailor Neptune’s body had swelled since trying the shakes Usagi had introduced them to. It was clear Michiru was no longer sitting in the low to mid 200s, the size of her double chin showed clearly how fast she was gaining. Haruka pinched the roll, commenting “This double chin is thicker.”

“Yes, and your belly is starting to touch the wheel, Haruka darling.”

Uranus looked down at her gut, the shakes were stacking blubber on her middle like no tomorrow and the butch lesbian was now on track to having her own belly make even driving difficult.

“You like it Michiru.”

“Indeed I do. I prefer having an obese girlfriend over a healthy one. Let's go find something to eat, I want to fatten you.”

Sailor Uranus adjusted the stick and drove to the nearest McDonalds drive thru. Just like all restaurants they saw it was the Sailor Guardians in the car and the two lesbians ate for free. Parked outside Neptune and Uranus fed each other. Uranus opened her mouth and took a bite from Neptune’s giving gloved hand placing french fries to

“You’ve made me as fat as Usagi, Michiru.”

Michiru smiled, “I doubt that. Usagi is destined to become the fattest girl in the world at the rate she continues to grow.”

Neptune held a milkshake to Uranus’s lips.

“I would love to make you the fattest girl in the world too.”

Uranus chuckled, “I doubt I have any say in the matter.”

She then put her lips over the straw and started to suck as Neptune shook her head.

“Your feeder says no.”


“Mamo it won’t come down!”

Usagi whined, showing Mamoru how her school top wouldn’t come close to covering her massive fat sack that hung from her middle and her skirt wouldn’t go up her thick legs.

Mamoru stared at her, stoically asking “Is this the biggest the school offers?”

“Mom bought the biggest uniform in order to fat shame me, saying I’d grow into it,” Usagi whined, her double chin scrunching bigger as she looked down while trying to pull her top. “Ami’s mom custom orders.”

Mamoru put a hand to his chin and thought, “Custom orders? I suppose we could do that. You need to go to class, Usako.”

“Ooohhh,” Usagi let out a petulant whine, “I don’t want to go to school anymore! Moving around hurts my feet and everyone bullies me. I just want to stay home Mamo.”

Mamoru came forward and pulled Usagi into a hug.

“Is that what you want Usako? To drop out of school?”

Usagi blushed, “I…I’m going to be your wife one day and…I’ll be a housewife like my mother. In a way this is like preparing for my role as a wife. I love you, Mamo.”

Mamoru bent over and gently kissed the top of Usagi’s blonde head.

“Then go ahead and drop out. I’ll be home at six, I’ll be sure to order you lunch from work.”

Smiling brightly Usagi kisses Mamoru, standing on her tippy toes to do it “Oh I love you so much Mamo! I’ll be right here when you get back!”

Mamoru nodded and gave her one more kiss before leaving. Left alone in the apartment, Usagi cheered “Hooray!”

Luna hopped off the couch, completely shocked by what she had just seen. “Usagi, you can’t be serious! You’re going to drop out of school?!” Luna dodged the school uniform as Usagi tossed it away, stripping to just her white virginal bra and panties. Her blubber was streaked with stretch marks thanks to her indulgent growth. Usagi had only continued her relentless pace towards blobdom, her belly sack sagging lower, her arms becoming rounder, and her double chin thickening with lard. It wasn’t known what Usagi weighed now, Usagi was personally taking a break from checking. She had a doctor’s appointment soon, she figured she would check there.

“I am! This is wonderful!” Usagi giggled and playfully got on her hands and knees, causing all the excess fat that hung off her body to wobble wildly. Now on level with Luna she giggled, “Now I’m a pet too!”

Luna groaned, “Usagi, that's not a good thing! You’re a sailor guardian, not a pet!”

“I can be both!” Usagi whined before crawling towards the fridge. As she did Usagi’s jowly face scrunched up in discomfort “Something feels funny.”

Luna saw what it was, “Usagi, your belly is touching the floor!” Luna hopped over and  extended her black paw to examine it. She saw Usagi’s belly had cleared the floor by a matter of inches. “Oh Usagi, that’s…how could you do this to yourself? You literally grew a sack of fat that’s touching the floor, that’s so gross!”

Usagi giggled and squealed as her fat sack was poked, “Mamoru is going to be so happy about this!” She wiggled in place, reveling at how her girthy body shook and wobbled. Luna shook her head, “Mamoru’s no help, he spoils you way too much.”

“Mamoru doesn’t spoil me!” Usagi protested

“Usagi he literally wipes your butt for you.”

“I…I..” Usagi stammered and blushed, caught off guard as Luna went on, “You’ve turned into Mamoru’s prized pig, this is terrible. You’re supposed to be a girl, Usagi. Not a pig.”

“I don’t care, I’m going to go binge!” Usagi whined and crawled towards the fridge, dragging her belly along like a fat slug while her girthy flanks wobbled. When she reached the freezer and saw there was a full box of twelve ice cream sandwiches she squealed and pulled them out. She then looked in a side cupboard and found a jar of peanut butter that Mamoru used for her gainer shakes.

“Jackpot!” Usagi giggled and started to unwrap sandwiches and dip them into the peanut butter. “Ohhmm'' Usagi made delightful noises as she ate, creating a mess with all the wrapping garbage that was accumulating around the obese pig. With her mouth coated in chocolate and peanut butter Usagi ate and ate, with an ice cream sandwich in each hand she dipped into the peanut butter and into her mouth. Usagi ate and ate until all twelve bars were gone and then Usagi started to eat the peanut butter itself, sticking her greedy fingers in. Usagi had already taken to eating regular butter, eating peanut butter was nothing to her.

When her sausage fingers scraped the bottom of the jar she dropped it and sighed, comfortably bloated. She passed gas and the fart filled the air as she pulled out the communicator.

Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako instantly came on the screen.

“Usagi, why aren’t you at school is everything okay?” Ami asked before Rei snickered, “Look at her mouth it's pretty clear what she’s been doing.”

Usagi giggled before wiping her mouth clean with her finger before loudly slurping on it and sucking down the sticky mess. “I have great news! I’m dropping out of school!”

“What? Oh Usagi, that's awful!” Ami was shocked before Makoto asked, “Are you sure? Don’t you want an education?”

Usagi shook her head, “Nope! I’ve decided I want to be a housewife for Mamoru, so I’m going to drop out of school.”

Rei laughed, “Ha! A housewife. Usagi, you don’t do any work.”

Usagi whimpered at her teasing, “I-I-I’m a princess so I don’t have to work!”

“Oh no! You may have been in our past life, but in this life you’re Usagi Tsukino so don’t think you can pull the princess card on us.”

Usagi continued to whine, “Nnnnn, but…but…I..I’ll be Queen in the future!”

“She has you there Rei,” Mako deadpanned as Minako cheered, “You go Usagi! I wish I could drop out of school!”

Ami shook her head, “Alright, if this is what you want we’ll support you regardless.”

“Oh I love you girls, you’re the best friends I could ever ask for!” Usagi cheered before her stomach churned and she farted loud enough for the other guardians to overhear.

“I have to poop,” Usagi whined to the other girl’s disgust, with Mako saying “Usagi, you don’t have to tell us that.”

Ami sighed,  “I still really recommend staying in school. In anycase, it’s my and Mako’s turn to patrol tonight. If we spot anything we’ll let you know. Signing off!”

Amis' face bipped away while Mako agreed, “Yeah, we’ll let you know. Take care, Usagi, have fun!”

After Mako bipped away Minako giggled, “Maybe I should drop out too,” to which Artemis angrily yelled in the background “YOU’RE NOT DROPPING OUT MINAKO!”

“Yeah yeah yeah” Minako sighed sadly and logged off, leaving Rei.

“Don’t clog Mamoru’s toilet, poop princess.”

“You’re so mean Rei!” Usagi whined at her teasing and the two girls stuck their tongues out at each other before Rei logged off.

Humphing Usagi jiggled onto her knees again and crawled to the bathroom. While she crawled Usagi started to sweat, even this act of activity was getting to her and it was a strain trying to hold her weight up in this position for too long. When she got to the toilet she slowly climbed on top of it before pulling down her white panties to go.

Luna was aghast when Usagi started to poop, “Usagi don’t just go with the door open! That’s disgusting!”

“Hfff, pfff, I couldn’t get on the toilet and close it at the same time!” Usagi whined and wheezed while she defecated loudly. Whimpering at the size of her bowel movements she reached for a basket and opened it up to reveal snack size bags of chips. Usagi opened one bag and started to pig out, before opening another bag and shoving greasy fingers in.

Usagi pigged out and pooped like this until she was emptied of her waste. She was about to call for Mamoru but remembered he was gone. She whined and moaned, heaving her mass up. Once up she stuck her tongue out at her mess in disgust, quickly flushing the collection of brown goop away. Wrapping her hand in toilet paper she looked into the mirror to help herself wipe. Looking behind her in the mirror she spread her cheeks and pushed her hand in, puffing for air as she twisted and turned.

“Pfff, pffff, oh I wish Mamo was doing this,” Usagi whined in protest of wiping her own bottom. When she was all done she tossed the dirty paper into the bowl and spread her fat butt cheeks to eye her anus and found it was clean, flushing the paper away.

“Ah, I feel so much better,” Usagi washed her hands and proceeded to waddle back to the kitchen. Being so short made Usagi look even fatter, all the lard had little room to work with so it went everywhere, blowing Usagi up like a lard balloon. Usagi was as wide as she was tall and her waddle emphasized it. Usagi’s enormous double chin wobbled, having long ago consumed her neck, as she looked up at the top shelf which had cookies.

Usagi got the step ladder and put it in place. At 4 '9 there was no way Usagi could reach up there and Mamoru had bought a simple step ladder before Usagi turned into a hambeast. Eyeing the cookies she licked her lips and stepped up, giggling in anticipation “Time for something sweet” before her weight broke the second step with a mighty crack and Usagi fell back onto her bottom with a thud that rattled the kitchen.

“UuuuuuWAAAHHHHHH!” Usagi broke out into outright sobbing upon impact, shocked at what had just happened, “WwwwaaWAHHHH! WAHHHHHHHHH! WAHHHH!” Tears fell from Usagi’s eyes and her nose started to become runny with clear snot as Usafi cried and cried at the top of her voice.

“It serves you right Usagi, you fat pig!” Luna fat shamed her while cringing at how loud Usagi was being.

“WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH I WANT MY MAMO! I WANT MY MAMO!” Usagi bawled and sobbed and whined and cried. She finally gathered enough strength to roll onto her hands and knees which only made Usagi cry even harder at her sore fat ass. She crawled to the couch where she continued to cry like a baby.

“Ugh, don’t you see how bad this is Usagi! You’ve become dependent on Mamoru!”

Usagi sniffled, “What’s wrong with that! I just WANT MY MAMO, WAHHHHHHH!” Usagi cried and cried until she tired herself out and started to nap. Usagi napped until she heard a knock on the door.

“Oh! That must be lunch!” Usagi cried out and heaved herself up to slip her pink muumuu over her body and waddled to the door. The delivery person was disgusted by Usagi’s appearance, but handed her the pizza and breadsticks.

“Oh Mamo is so wonderful for buying me lunch!” Usagi sighed in bliss as she started to eat the breadsticks and pizza. One slice, two slices, Luna watched while shaking her head in disbelief as Usagi pigged out on pizza. It took a while but Usagi finished everything.

“Oh that was so good!” Usagi cheered, grinning wide, her face coated in grease. She took out her phone and played with it some before sleeping and then when she woke up she went to the bathroom again, where she pigged out on the pot. This was her routine for the rest of the day until Mamoru came home.

“Mamo!” Usagi cheered and threw herself to the ground and eagerly crawled to Mamoru at the door.

Mamoru looked down at Usagi and asked, “Why are you on the floor Usako?”

“I’m your pet princess!” Usagi giggled

“My very own pet princess?” Mamoru smiled at the silly pig.

“Yup! Your very own pet princess! And look!” She lifted her muumuu to show how her belly was resting on the floor. Mamoru looked amazed and crouched down. He slid his hand under and marveled at how soft and warm Usagi’s belly fat felt to his touch. He lifted up her belly and let go, it plopped onto the ground with a meaty slap.

“This is amazing, just think of how many calories you had to eat to make all that. You’re really good at accumulating fat.”

Usagi grinned at the praise, “I’m a fat factory!”

Mamoru held in his hand two bags of McDonalds, “Speaking of which.”

“Oh! Oh!” Usagi excitedly squealed as Mamoru walked to the couch. Usagi dragged her belly after him and climbed on top to join him, resting head head on his lap.

Petting her blonde hair Mamoru asked, “What did you do today, Usako?”

Usagi giggled and said, proudly, “All I did today was eat, sleep, and poop.”

Mamoru smiled as he listened to Usagi excitedly tell her day, about how much food she ate, how many naps she took, how many times she went to the bathroom, and told Mamoru about the ladder she broke and how much distress it caused her. He listened to her and paid attention like it was the most important thing in the world while Usagi worked on the four double quarter pounders that were in one bag. Mamoru held the thick burger to Usagi’s mouth and she passively ate for Mamoru.

“I should do some cleaning. You can go ahead and eat dinner while I do that. After I’m done we can take a shower and then I’ll tuck you in. How does that sound?”

Usagi smiled, loving how Mamoru planned everything, did everything, controlled everything. She didn’t have to be responsible for anything. “I’d love that, Mamoru!” Usagi said and resumed eating as Mamoru picked up the pizza trash in the living room. Going to the kitchen he found the empty peanut butter jar and the empty box of ice cream sandwiches, plus the pile of white wrappers. In the bathroom, which reeked of Usagi’s most recent bowel movement, Mamoru picked up the bags of chips Usagi had spread all over the floor from her many pig outs. Going to the bedroom he made the bed.

All while Usagi ate and ate and ate

By the time Usagi was finishing the second bag of McDonalds, which was just a large collection of four large fries dumped together, Mamoru had finished everything as well.

“Time for a shower, Usako” Mamoru told her.

In the smelly bathroom Usagi pulled her muumuu over her head and then stripped out of her bra and panties, and undid her pigtails, letting her hair down. Moving inside Mamoru’s walk-in shower to the shower chair Mamoru had provided for her. As the warm water ran on her body she sighed, feeling so bloated after a whole day of eating.

Finally Mamoru came in, naked as well. She blushed seeing his tall naked body, especially as she looked at his penis. Mamoru’s penis was the first penis Usagi had ever seen and had a virginal curiosity over it. As Mamoru washed her hair she couldn’t help but bat her finger at it, touching it. Mamoru ignored Usagi’s explorations, seeking to clean his whalish Usako.

With his hands digging into her folds Usagi never felt more attractive than she did right now, being washed by her prince.

After the shower Usagi was dried off and tucked into the fresh bed and Mamoru joined her. Usagi fell asleep soon after and filled the bedroom with loud snores.


“I think I’m going to break up with Motoki,” Sailor Jupiter said while she and Sailor Mercury were eating at a high end burger place. Loud music was blaring and everyone was staring at the single booth containing the sailor guardians who were once more eating for free.

“What? Why? Is everything okay?” Sailor Mercury asked around a mouthful of cheeseburger.

Sailor Jupiter shrugged, “I keep canceling dates with him, I think I’m going to cut him loose, I can’t commit to something like this while we have an enemy.”

Sailor Mercury nodded while dipping a thick bar fry in the ranch cup, “It’s really unfortunate but I understand.”

Sailor Jupiter nodded, “It won’t be anything bad, I still want to be friends with him still.” Sailor Jupiter shrugged, “It just sucks, he was really fun to fatten up. I really liked being his feeder.”

Swallowing Sailor Mercury blushed and offered, “You could be my feeder.”

Jupiter chuckled, “Your feeder? Aren’t you fat enough, Ami?” Jupiter teased, poking Mercury in her stomach. Her white sailor suit was so tight you could see the blubber slosh under it. Ami’s most recent gains went to two places, her belly and her face, making her look like a complete tubster. It tickled Makoto some, seeing the trim healthy genius Ami blown up like this. Ami really did know better, but yet here she was two hundred pounds heavier.

Sailor Mercury’s pig like face blushed, “I just…I really love the transformative aspect of it all, just changing and morphing and growing bigger. I could always use a feeder to fatten me faster.”

Jupiter grinned and rubbed Mercury’s belly, “Just how big do you want to be Ami? You can tell me.”

Ami hesitated before saying “800 pounds.”

Jupiter was shocked, “What? 800? Why do you want this so badly?”

Mercury shrugged, “I just really like it now. Initially I tried to emulate Usagi with my eating habits when I started to gain intentionally, and I think I may have a food addiction now.”

Jupiter laughed, “Alright Ami, I’ll fatten you to 800 pounds Ami.”

Mercury groaned when she felt a bout of gas accumulate in her butt and she cut loose, forcing a fart out that smelled as bad as it sounded. Mako held her fingers to her nose, groaning, “Ami, jeez..”

Ami blushed, holding her own nose, “Sorry.”

“You really have the worst farts, you know that?” Jupiter teased which made Mercury blush, saying “I wish I could break wind more like you Mako, yours are small and ladylike.”

Makoto grinned and ordered more cheeseburgers. When they came Sailor Mercury smiled somewhat at the basket of thick greasy cheeseburgers. “I love cheeseburgers so much,” Mercury said while holding one up with both hands to take a bite.

Jupiter watched Mercury pig out, “You sure do.”

While eating Mercury farted again and said, “I don’t think I could lose weight if I wanted to. I love cheeseburgers too much.”

“Then you’re going to be like this forever?”

Sailor Mercury shook her head, “I think I’m going to be fat forever, there’s no going back.”

Sailor Jupiter chuckled, “I have boxes of old clothes from when I was thin.”

Mercury offered, “I could help you throw out your clothes, I can throw out mine as well.”

Jupiter grinned, “Sounds like a plan! You better get ready Ami, because I’m going to fatten you up!”

Mercury could only eagery take big bites and let out a loud fart.

To Be Continued…


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