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Asuka and Shinji looked up from their feast on the couch, they had been sharing a meat lover's pizza.

"M-Misato?" Shinji was surprised but Asuka demanded "What the hell!"

"I was just taking a picture of you two mid feast, gotta say you do make a cute 400 pound couple"

Misato showed the two piglets facing the box, pulling slices and making a pig of themselves.

Asuka shook her fleshy face, "i'm not embarrassed, I'm proud of my girth, the weight looks lovely on us, "Don't we Shinji?"

It had all gone so fast. First his cooking had plumped Asuka up an then she developed a fat fetish and now, well, he had one as well.

"Yeah, we do," Shinji spoke up and Misato smiled at his new found confidence from being with Asuka.

Asuka reached for one more cigarette but was annoyed to come up short.

"'Schist, I'm out. Shinji, can you go get me some smokes?"

"Me? Why do I have to do it! And you shouldn't smoke so much."

Asuka scoffed and moved her full ashtray, "Everyone in Germany smokes, dunkoff and I'm too lazy to get it myself. That's what boyfriends are for, so hop to it."

"Don't worry Shinji, I'll 'drive you" Misato winked


While Misato drove she marveled at Shinji's stomach

"Hey Shini can I touch your belly?"

"'Sure, why not."

Tucked into his enormous school uniform his belly pushed out his pants and shirt and was close to meeting the dash.

"Oooooh!" Misato flushed while slowly giving it a rub. "Its sooo soft Shinji, you have a great stomach, nice and fat!"

Shinji smiled wide "You really think so?"

Misato nodded, "Yup, your even more confident now for other reasons."

Shinji immediately blushed, "I don't want to talk about it"

Misato giggled "i'm just teasing Shinji, you know you two pig mating is really loud right? But nevermind that, lets go to WcDonalds."

As the car pulled in, Shinji asked, "What about Asuka's smokes?"

"Relax, we'll get them, but we have time. Order like a fat boy Shinji, you can have whatever you want"

"Whatever I want…"

Soon enough Shinji was opening his third quarter pounder box and Misato proudly patted the side of Shinji's bloated tummy, encouraging him to eat his fries. Suddenly Shinji farted and Misato laughed, "You two really are a fat couple. Shinji do you want to know a secret? I have a fat fetish too. After living through Second Impact seeing fat people was kinda rare and exotic. So in college I asked Kaji to fatten him."

Shinji was shocked, milkshake in hand, "did you do it?"

Misato laughed,"He said hell no, but I guess it happened anyways with me" Misato then shook her own substantial gut in her dress, it sloshed as she did.

"I'm the biggest I've ever been but you two are always going to make me skinny. Tomorrow is testing day, so Im going to look even skinnier when you're done."

Shinji blushed "Is that why you don't mind me walking without a shirt on?"

Misato giggled, you got it!"


"This is a non-smoking area pilot Soryu." ReI gently said while holding her nose from the stench of Asuka's farts let alone her smoking.

"Shove it Doll I'm almost done!"

Asuka grinded the cigarette against the heel of her red boot and flicked it.  Seated together with Shinji she got on top of his lap and started to make out.

"Asuka, you're too heavy" Shinji whined but he couldn't stop making out with his obese redhead girlfriend.

The door opened, a heavier Ritsuko snapped "No PDA! Now get ready!"

Inside the tubes were lowered and Shinji and Asuka both moaned.

Ritsuko noted "they're getting horny like pigs in heat.

Asuka's face was inflating with fat. She now grew two chins that her massive original double chin rested on, it was like a giant ring of fat that was engulfing her face. Shinjis stomach grew and grew, the blue and white plugsuit sloshed with every movement the fat took.

The new fat tissue took to them during their rapid fattening. Asuka even let out a fart in pleasure, a big bubble rising in the LCL from Asuka passing gas.

Their weight increased tremendously, Asuka an 800 pound blob with both Shinji and Rei 700 pounds.

Back at home Shinji lit Asukas cigarette and began to jiggle her fat dangling from her sides.

"Oh right there, jiggle it that way! Fuck, we're too fat to fuck, Shinji!"

The blobby Shinji could no longer see his penis and Asuka was just too massive for the basic mechanics of intercourse and as such they had to be creeative.

"Jiggle the flab behind my arms too…oh Shinji I'm so fat. So…oh…OH!"

Asuka cummed to the jiggling of her own heavy blubber, a depraved fat fetishist.

And so did Shinji, feeling himself cum, but due to his huge belly he couldn't reach to touch.

"I'm so fucked up…"

 To Be Continued....


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