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Don’t Eat The Cookies!
A Monster Musume Fan-Fiction
By FC Punk

Part one: The Cookies

Papi was watching television, not really paying attention to anything due to being a bird-brained harpy, when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Being the only one at home at the moment Papi shuffled to her talons and went to open the door.

“Ms. Smith!” Papi’s big eyes grew even bigger seeing the mysterious government agent.

Smith looked around, “Is Kimihito home Papi?”

The blue harpy shook her feathered head, “No mam, he and the others left for a bit and I’m watching the house, they should be back soon.”

Smith adjusted her shades,  “I’m keeping these cookies with Kimihito for a while. Whatever you do Papi Don’t eat the cookies. Can you do that?

“Yes, Papi can do it!” Papi nodded her head excitedly with a big friendly smile on her face.

“Oh good,” with a relieved sigh Ms. Smith handed Papi a brown box that was decorated in pink wrapping with a pink curly bow on top.

“I’ll be back in three weeks to pick them up. So remember, give them to Kimihito and don’t eat them. Understood Papi?”

“Yes! Papi understands!” Papi raised a left wing in a sort of salute to Smith.

“Alright, I’ll see you all in three weeks.”

With that Smith closed the door and Papi happily made her way back to the couch. However, with every step her talon took the details of Smith’s instructions started to fade, like water circling a drain until there was nothing left of Smith’s original intentions.

By the time Kimihito had come back Papi excitedly rushed over to him.

“Master, master Ms. Smith got you a gift!” She exclaimed, tripping over her talons and tossing the box into Kimihito’s hands.

“A gift?” Kimihito raised an eyebrow and undid the pink curly ribbon, opening the box to find a collection of what looked like christmas cookies, but instead of shapes like a christmas tree they were shaped like pigs.

“Why are they all pigs?” Kimihito wondered as he popped one in his mouth and it startled his taste buds. They were cookies alright, buttery, frosting covered, but they had a distinctive taste of bacon to them as well.

“Mmm, oh wow,” Kimihito nearly moaned at the taste and sat down with the box. Papi sat down too and asked “Can Papi have a cookie too master?” Kimihito shook his head and said “Sorry Papi, but these were meant for me.”

Right after saying that Kimihito started putting two into his mouth at a time. He wasn’t even savoring them, just popping them into his mouth. After he was finished he got up and threw away the box.

“Mmmm, those were good,” Kimihito said out loud before he smacked his lips.

“Could use some milk though,” Kimihito mumbled somewhat and took a carton of milk out of the fridge. When he looked at the glasses in the cupboards and the glasses a sudden laziness overtook him and he started to drink from the carton. Three swallows and Kimihito felt a sense of satisfaction.

“Oh that was good,” Kimihito said before letting out a loud satisfying belch.


“You know your ass is going to get wide if you keep watching TV Darling,” Miia hissed.

“No it won’t, that’s just a superstition. But I am going to get up to get up and eat” Kimihito blew the notion aside and got up, Miia looking at her Darling’s bottom with displeasure. Kimihito’s butt was normally small and tight enough to be able to fit in the palm of her groping hand, but now it was starting to become more than a handful.

“Ech, when did my Darling get so gross,” Mila shook her head in complete bewilderment. Kimhihito was dressed in a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt that he had been wearing for the last three days. He had been wearing the pants for even longer.

Entering the kitchen Kimihito saw Centorea was at the table, her horse half comfortably resting on the ground. She sipped her tea while reading a book when Kimihito looked into the freezer.

“Ice cream, mmmmm,” Kimihito said and even let out a moan in anticipation for the treat

Centorea looked up from her book upon hearing that moan, it sounded absolutely lewd to the noble centaur. She observed him from behind, seeing how his shirt slid up over a pair of plump love handles that were streaked with red stretch marks

Centorea folded her arms, “You’ve been eating too much of it Master, it’s not good for you.”

Kimihito puffed out his cheeks and said, in a whining inflection "But it's so hot today, I need something to cool down."

It wasn't any warmer than it usually was at this time in a Japanese summer. "Nonsense,"  Centorea stomped on the ground with a hoof and said "You do not use food to cool down." Centorea was ready to cut down Kimihito's bullshit with her words like a sword.

Kimihito let out one more petulant whine before his eyes went wide when he found it, "Yes! Got it!" He pulled out a single spoon which made Centorea cringe. Scrunching up her face she scolded him. "Are you not going to use a bowl?" Giggling in happiness Kimihito answered simply "Not really, I really want ice cream" and then left to Centorea's disapproval.

Returning to the couch Miia turned her head to see him sit down. She narrowed her eyes at how he lazily fell back and started in on that ice cream.

"Hey you pig! That ice cream is for the whole house! Why aren't you using a bowl?"

"Cause I didn't want to, I wanted to get back here for this movie, don't worry I'm not going to eat all the ice cream."

"That's not the, ugh, whatever you can have it"

"Thanks Miia, you're the best!"

Miia watched Kimihito go to town on the tub of ice cream all by himself, eating to his heart's content with a big happy smile on his face.

"You shouldn't eat so much," Mii hissed in disapproval. The only response she got was what sounded like a whine and a pouty upper lip

"But I want it,"

"You want it? Okay keep it then, finish it up if you want."

"Oh thank you Miia!" Kimihito thanked her and resumed eating from the tub and Miia continued watching, her jaw dropping lower and lower. Each time she thought Kimihito was done he dove the spoon back in again. Kimohito ate and ate and ate!

Until at last his spoon hit the bottom and he said "Oh, oh"

Miia was utterly appalled by what she had just witnessed. She took the tub from him and held it in front of her, tipping the top forward she found the bottom of the tub. She jerked her head back and said, in a biting sarcastic way "Oh isn't that wonderful, my darling ate it all. Why don't I bake you a cake next."

Kimihito looked at how upset Miia was and lowered his head after the thorough fat shaming Miia had given him.


It was sometime later In the pool Kimihito sat on a chair and watched Mero swim and play while eating a plump hotdog.

"You're doing great Mero!"

Of course she was doing great, she was a mermaid, but it never failed to amaze Kimihito the beauty of a mermaid swimming. The light shined off her pink scales as she swam before coming up for air. Mero swimmed to Kimihito and asked,"Please won't you come in Master? It's been so long!"

Swallowing his hot dog he complained, "I just ate, don't I have to wait before I go swimming or something?"

"Oh that's nonsense master and besides…you're growing a bit of a belly. Swimming would be good for you!"

Kimihito looked down at his stomach that was pushing out his shirt. The little bump was now present to see.

"Wow, where did this come from? You're right Mero, swimming would be good for me. Plus it's so hot, I'm sweating all over myself. But I need to get my trunks…"

"Just use your underwear, it's alright with me" Mero gave a sweet innocent giggle.

"If you say so Mero."

With that Kimihito pulled his shirt the full damage of his new piggish lifestyle was costing him. He had flab hanging off his middle in one flesh ball of fat that bounced up and down and left and right every which way Kimihito went. It was a sloppy gut that had two thick rolls on the sides that rested on a pair of overfed love handles. While Centorea had only seen bits of his stretch marks Mero was now able to see fully how much red stretch marks covered his belly. On top of Kimihito's gross stomach was a pair of bulging fat that made up his chest. Just like his belly his collection of breast fat sagged and shook with every move he made and they were covered in stretch marks.

"Oh-oh my…." Was all Mero could say as Kimihito worked on his pants. Much to Miia's warnings Kimihito's ass only grew in size. Seeing him without a shirt really brought it home to Mero just how deep in the end her master was. It was one thing to tease about a paunch, but it was another thing entirely seeing it uncovered.

"Come on, this button was so hard to get in, now…there!"

Unbuttoned, Kimihito dropped his pants and Mero was even more shocked. Kimihito's once thin legs had puffed up and his inner thighs jiggled with fat as he kicked away his pants, turning his back to Mero for a second, who then saw his meaty back fat. But the most impressive thing was his butt filling the back of his tighty whities to capacity. The material cut into his love handled and made them jiggle with every movement, as well as his flabby butt cheeks.

"How awful! Master! You're getting terribly fat"

"H-hey! I'm not like…i mean, yeah I might have a belly but…its not like I'm obese or anything! "

Mero clasped her webbed hands together, crying out, "My master is in denial, how tragic! He can't even see how fat he is!"

Kimihito sighed, looking down at his flabby body, "I guess you're right, I really need to lose a little weight. Alright, i'm coming in"

Mero watched with astonishment as he slowly went down went down the ladder, with his loose chest bobbing with every step

With his body submerged up to his head Mero had a better chance to see just how round his face was getting.

"Come on Master, let's make it to the other end"

Mero started off at Mermaid speed, to which Kimihito started off with a whimper.

"W-wait up Mero, this is hard for a human!" he whined and started on a breaststroke. He kicked and kicked, but his legs felt so heavy and his arms immediately started to ache. He completely stopped in place and rolled on his back, his gut sticking straight up like the stern of a ship in the midst of sinking. But Kimihito's ample abundance of adipose help him to casually float all while trying desperately to catch his breath.

Mero saw what happened and immediately swam to the fat flounder floating about.

"Oh Master that was pathetic!" Mero cried out, shedding tears, "So utterly pathetic! How tragic, my beloved master is so out of shape he can no longer swim with me, he has to instead float about like a great big fatberg!" She vigorously shook his flabby belly as she said the last part.

Kimihito cringed at being called such a disgusting thing and having his blubbery middle shook around, but with him being so out of shape he could do little but whine out "Q-quui it!"

Mero giggled somewhat at kimihito's protests, asking "When oh when did my master become such a whiner?"

"I am not a whiner!" he whined all the while his middle was still being shaken by Mero. His other hand was also exploring other fatty parts, groping and jiggling them, from his butt to his moobs.

Blushing he asked. "M-mero, do you like this?"

"I have to admit I do."

Kimihitos blush became even darker as he asked "Do you want to kiss?" To which Mero promptly laughed in his face.

"Oh my, oh dear, not like that master! Your fat is fun to touch and explore, but I definitely don't like it on my mates" She let out a giggle as Kimihitos face fell, "I'm sorry master I don't like fat boys."

Kimihito sighed, and started to doggy paddle back to the edge while Mero went on.

"Oh tragic, so tragic! We will never be together because of your repulsive fat! A doomed romance, forever just a friend!"

Kimihito did the walk of shame back to his room when suddenly he felt webbing across his ankles and he tripped. He started to slowly drag across the floor with a sour look on his face as he was taken to Rachnee's room

"You know that was unnecessary!" He complained.

"Mmmm. I wanted to see if I still could with all that weight you put on." Rachnee chuckled while bouncing Kimihito's belly with one of her spider legs.

"Oh, you're here to pick on me too." Kimohito blew his cheeks out and went on, "Mero thinks I'm disgusting."

"You are disgusting it is true"

Leaning forward she grabbed his belly saying "You're absolutely grotesque and I love it. You're acting more and more like an animal every day."


Rachnee shushed him by shoving a slice of moist delicious cake into his mouth with her human hand. Shutting his mouth his chubby cheeks bulged out and his double chin was made to look even bigger as he contorted his face while eating.

"I am a grotesque monster myself," She paused to shake her bloated spider body as if to demonstrate her point. Continuing on she said  "Humans look at me in revulsion,  imagine the same feeling about this…"

Rachnee continued to feed him and was amazed how his belly bloated out. Reaching downwards she felt it grow, swooning "Goodness, how it grows. I want to see how far it goes." Restrained by her legs, Rachnee fed Kimihito the cake and there was little he could do but eat, even as sick as he was getting. Rachnee's smile grew bigger and wider, feeling Kimihito's stomach grow.

Finally there was no cake left and Rachnee let him go, Kimihito stumbling a bit in a stuffed waddle.

"Keep growing, I love to see it, hehe" Rachnee called to the leaving plump boy.

Kimihito decided to go to bed to forget this horrible day


Days later all the girls sat around the Kitchen table while looking up at the ceiling.

"This has been the third time Master hasn't joined us for breakfast and Papi doesn't want to eat what Miia makes."

"Hey!" Miia hissed, "Its Darling's work and my beloved Darling has been slacking off. Look at the state of this house!" Miia extended her arms as if to show it all.

In the kitchen the dirty dishes piled up while the living hadn't been vacuumed in a long time and there was general rubbish everywhere. Of course none of the girls thought of picking up after themselves, that was Kimihito work.

Suddenly the ceiling shook.

"It sounds like he's getting up," Suu said with a smile. However, Centorea's long ears flickered and a repulsed expression spread on her face. "That's not what he's doing," She said, turning her face and whispering "How vulgar" under her breath.

Kimihito's room was in an even worse state, pizza boxes, fast food bags, dirty clothes, and what's more it hadn't been aired out in all this time so it smelled like him. A major case of a BO problem came from one smelly fat boy in particular.

Under his covers Kimihito grasped his cock and played with himself. Ever since he got fat he had found himself thirsty as hell which led to him pleasuring himself.

"Nnn, oh yeah" He moaned while stroking his cock, his belly and moobs bouncing.

Down below the girls watched the lights shake and Centorea continued her look of disgust, "Our master is having his.."' Centorea paused to cough, "'His morning glory."

Miia's eyes went wide and slithered around her, demanding "What is he saying! Who is he thinking about!"

"I hope the Master is thinking about Pappi!" The blue harpy innocently chirped but was being ignored by the horse and the snake.

"Come on, tell me!"
"I will never dishonor my master like that"
"You're already listening in on Darling!"
"It's not like I can help it!"

Finally the noise upstairs died down and Kimihito came into the kitchen and yawned, wearing only his PJ bottoms. He lifted his arm and scratched his hair, but only spread his BO in the kitchen. With no shirt on everyone was able to see how fat he was.

"M-master can you please put a shirt on? You're indecent."

"Ugh, putting on a shirt is such a hassle, I just wanna eat" He blew his cheeks up in hunger, making his double chin look bigger. Just then he saw a box of poptarts.

"Poptarts?! I made a fine spread and my Darling wants poptarts.

"No offense Miia, your food is terrible"

"Eat my spread!" Miia shouted.

"I don't want to, snnrree!"

There was a long silence and Kimihito covered his mouth in shock and rushed to his room.

"What?" he was shocked at the sound of his own voice which now sounded high pitched and nasily.

"Whats happening to me!" His high obnoxious voice wailed before suddenly letting out an "OINK."

To Be Continued


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