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January 29 2021

I'm sorry I didn't write anything for Christmas, it really was uneventful.

I no showed my mother, figured there was no point of going fatter than ever and at risk of spreading or getting COVID. I still have to do something about that, make it up to her somehow. But right now I don't know.

Instead I spent Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with my favorite little delivery driver Ben. Ben comes from a broken family and I guess it was more fun staying with me than it was with them. He was supposed to graduate last year and is eager to get the hell out of school this year, it's long over due.

I told him once he graduates he can move in with me and start doing community college or something.

Yeah, I think he might be the one. Didn't expect it coming out of some 18 year old kid, but I guess love comes from the strangest places.

As for my body....

This blog is called Rebuilding Megan and it's safe to say this year has changed me even more than my initial project.

I weighed myself this morning and it said I was officially 400 pounds.

I cried and cried but Ben was so nice and comforting.

After I calmed down I came to a realization: There is no going back, there really is no way I can do this without surgery. Thats why I'm saving up. In the meantime Ben has convinced me to continue being a pig.

There's no harm to what harm I've already done to myself.

Ben is officially my feeder until we've saved enough money for the operation. He's sweet and understanding about that. But in the mean time he has been hell bent on seeing my gut hang lower and my double chin to get thicker.

You know you're comfortable with your man if you fart around him and Ben, being such a young man, finds my gas passing to be hilarious and not gross at all.

So the blog continues!

It continues, I'm continuing to get rebuilt into something different, something larger and softer and more out of shape.

The vaccines should be rolling out soon and thanks to my morbid obesity I should be on the top of the list to get it. Out of these past four years of bullshit that's the only thing that bastard did right.

I'm not even going to think about what happened at the Capital earlier this month. It feels like the while country is falling apart sometimes.

Point is, the new guy is in, but I've got a bad feeling. Can anyone tell me he's not demented with a straight face?


Oh well.

There's an ice storm on the horizon that I'm not looking forward to. First my state was ravaged by fires last year now it's going to be smothered in ice. It seems poetic or something.

Anyways, the rebuilding continues.

#wearamask #babyitscoldoutside #boytoy


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