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Minako sat at her desk while working on a box containing a dozen glazed donuts.

“I’m such a pig, my appetite knows no bounds,” She thought to herself, looking over at the boys that were staring at her immensely swollen belly. Minako had found a scale after she broke the one her friends last used, one that could support a girl like her.

A big 307 pound girl.

Minako was over the moon with the news. She was now the fattest girl in school, since she went to a different school than Usagi, Ami, Mako, or Rei went to. No, in this school she was without a doubt the fattest girl, no other girl matched her in size.

She sat at her desk, her massive figure dwarfing her chair where the sides of her bottom spread off the sides. Her round fingers stuck donut after donut in her mouth, her lips sucking the sugar off when she pulled them out. Her belly was tucked into her sailor school skirt and her sailor top was riding up far up as she glutted on donuts. She would lean back and it would become apparent how much wider she was than the back of her chair.

“I bet I'm the talk of all the boys, at least one of them has to be a fat girl lover.”

To the other boys in her class they were beyond disgusted by Minako’s obesity.

“It’s shameful how much she eats”
“She used to be an AMAZING volleyball player”
“What the heck happened to her?”

Minako moaned, feeling gas accumulate in her bottom. The strive to increase their sizes and pack on the pounds had resulted in gas problems for almost all of the girls, although Haruka and Michiru appeared not to suffer from such gastric distress. For her part Minako had given up holding in her farts ever again as she leaned forward in her chair and a fart sputtered out of her loud and long *PPRRRRAPPPP!!!* Minako wiggled about in place as the gas poured out of her.  

“My one true love would adore my gas, just like Mamoru loves Usagi's gas” Minako told herself. When she finished farting she moaned. Minako found the sensation of passing gas felt good.

“I can't believe her,”
“What a pig”
“Disgusting cow”
“The entire school smells..."

Minako blushed, the size of her body and her farts made the boys all pay attention to her, completely oblivious to their disgust at her disgusting state

“What I need…”

She began to think as the wood in her chair started to creek

“Is a feeDER!”

She screamed in mid thought, landing on the floor with a huge thund that shook the blackboard and Minako look loose a strong smelly fart upon impact *PPPPPRRRRRRRT*

The boys gathered but winced at the smell, pinching their noses as they entered Minako’s odorous atmosphere.

“Miss Aino, are you okay! Do you need anything!’ The professor called out to the morbidly obese blonde girl.

Minao could only call out “SOMEBODY GET ME A CHEESEBURGER!”


“How do I look Mamo Chan?”

Mamoru, decked in a white tuxedo,  looked Usagi over. His future wife posed in a pink plus size gown, lifting her heavy arms up to display her gains. Her upper arms jiggled as she did so, they were positively dripping with fat. The dress had been plus sized but Usagi was busting out of it thanks to her recent gains.

“You look really fat in that dress Usako”

“Oh Mamo I love you too!”

Usagi waddled over and kissed him deeply. Her flabby bingo wing arms hugged him tightly. Her dress was backless and showed off the rolls of her back fat.

Mamoru rubbed the outline of Usagi’s massive belly “The dress shows every roll and fold you have Usagi.” He looked behind her “At least it covers your butt, but the material really shows the cellulite and cottage cheese.”

Usagi gave her butt a wiggle and her cottage cheese shook, making her laugh “That's nothing compared to Rei, her legs and butt are like ALL cellulite”

“Before we go to the party I have something for you” Mamoru said and pulled out a scale,

“A new scale!” Usagi cried out.

Mamoru nodded and set it up “It has a 450 weight limit. It should last us a while. Now hop on.”

Usagi giddily got on and all she could see was her boobs threatening to overflow her dress and the pink outline of her belly “What is it, what is it Mamo?”

Mamoru leaned down, grasping Usagi’s belly which made her squeal like a pig.

“310 Usako. I’m amazed.”

Usagi’s wide moon face beamed with happiness “Oh Mamo!” Mamoru kissed her deeply.

Usagi wiped tears of happiness from her eyes, “Oh Mamo, would you still love me if I was the fattest girl in Tokyo?”

Mamoru held her softly, saying “I would love you if you were the fattest girl in the world, Usako.”

Usagi’s giant smile beamed even wider “Let's get fast food on the way, I want to binge!”

“Anything you want, Usako.”


“The recipe calls for just two tablespoons, but I figure two whole sticks would be better.”

Mako was making cookies for her double date with herself, Motoki and Usagi and Mamoru.

“That's the reason all your treats have been so fattening Mako,” Rei said as she helped Mako out, her flaccid right arm fat shaking as she stirred a mixing bowl of buttery cookie batter.

“You bet it is!” Mako grinned. She grasped a roll of her bulging stomach, “This thing is catching up with my bootbs,” Her massive bust shook in her American bra, “I think I might have a slipped disk in my back thanks to this thing.”

Rei watched Mako wince as she bent over to take fresh cookies out of the oven, pounding on the small of her back when she got up. “At least the cookies are down,” She took a cookie and bit, letting out one of her tiny ladylike farts *Pertt*

“I hear you, this ass is out of shape.” Rei gently patted the side excess of her rear clad in only track shorts. Like Usagi said her ass had totally given into dimples and there wasn’t a smooth spot on her legs, “I get out of breath so easily so I’m constantly sitting somewhere.”

“That's how I do the majority of my cooking in my little chair.” Mako said, falling onto a rolling chair to ease the stabbing pain in her back.

“By the way Mako, I’ve noticed Motoki has put on a little weight this week.”

Mako blushed hotly, “Well, when I’m not making these treats for you girls or myself I’m feeding my boyfriend Motoki.” Mako gushed, cheeks red “He’s almost 200 pounds now and I really love it. I love fat men I guess. He gains mostly in his belly but he’s getting a double chin and squishable boy boobs. I tease him that they’ll reach my size one day. I think I’m going to ask him about becoming a fat gaining couple together, it’d be so romantic putting on the love pounds”

Rei was amazed at what was going on with Makoto and Motoki. She blushed “I think I might be like Haruka and Michiru,”

Makoto was shocked, “You mean you like girls?”

Rei blushed, blushing her hair “Yeah I guess so,”

Rei thought to herself, “you'll never believe who my crush is…”


“MMmmm Thank you for the WcDonalds Mamoru”

Usagi had just finished her fourth Big Wac just in time for the event at the auditorium at his school. As Usagi wiped her lips of salt she asked, “What is this about again?”

Mamou explained “A doctor from Transylvania is visiting and giving a lecture on his study of Hematology.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, his field of research is blood, you might say he;s a blood doctor.”

“I hope he doesn’t want me to give any blood” Usagi whined but Mamoru laghed, “Its not that kind of event Usako, come on let's go.”

In the ballroom the guests were aghast at the sight of Usagi. In a room of medical students everyone could clearly see Usagi was not well. Since gaining well over 200 pounds Usagi hadn’t been outside nearly as much and in the absence of the latest enemy saw no need to continue being Sailor Moon. Her pink dress was striking considering how pale her skin was, it made her look like a pig.

“Oooh a buffet!” Usagi squealed and waddled heavily towards the buffet, her belly protruding and shaking in her dress and made a hog of herself by covering her plate with so much food it towered up.

“My Mamoru what an interesting date you brought” a peer snarked at Mamoru about Usagi who found a table and began to pig out, Mamoru smiled “I know, that’s my future wife” stunning the snark out of his peer.

As Usagi worked on a mountain of mashed potatoes and gravy a voice said “And not one piece of green on your plate?”

Usagi looked up and saw it was Haruka and Michiru who were decked in a tuxedo for Haruka and a simple black elegant plus size dress for Michiru which showed off her drooping fat arms.

“Haruka! Michiru! What are you doing here?” Usagi smiled wide, showing food on her teeth.

“We happen to be fascinated with the subject and decided to attend,” Michiru explained with Haruka mentioning “You sure have grown Bun Head, you’ve really bdd hitting those cakes hard.”

Usagi's double chinned face beamed with pride “I'm officially 310 pounds as if this night.”

Haruka let out an impressed whistle, “You really meant it, huh? You’re  bigger than me now, my weight hasn’t changed.”

“I am?!”

Michiru nodded “Yup, you’re the real blue ribbon winner Usagi. The porkiest one among us.”

Michiru then narrowed her eyes “Usagi, the waves are starting to clash. A new enemy is approaching, be on your guard.”

“A new enemy?”

From the stage behind the curtain King Vester gazed at Usagi. “I can’t believe someone so young could be that obese. She can’t be older than 20”

“It’s entirely because Japan is westernized My Highness,” said a young man in a white medical coat and wearing red framed glasses. “But to see such morbid obesity on someone so young is truly shocking."

Two more young men each wearing green and yellow glasses came forward, “Terribly fat indeed,” The one in the yellow glasses shook his head while the one in the green glasses waved his hand dismissively “They deserve whatever diseases that comes to them.” A woman in blue glasses came forward and noted “The fat ones do have the tastiest blood. It’s all that sugar and grease, it’s a guilty pleasure.”

“Where is Danielson?” Vesper demanded and the one in red shook his head, “He’s having a bit of a binge.”

“Damn him. If he doesn’t get back by sunrise it’s his own damn fault. Let’s go.”

As everyone got settled a man came on the stage. “We are happy to introduce our special guest speaker University Professor Doctor Dean Dunkelheit.”

A tall man with long silver hair tied together in a red bow came onto the stage. Wearing a black suit and covered in a white Medical jacket he adjusted his purple framed glasses and took the podium.”

“Greetings, I have come very far to spend this month at this University. I have come along with four fellows.. First we have Gregory Schneider, our Bariatric specialist.” The lens in his red frames shined as he stared straight at Usagi who was stuffing her face. “Next is Maurice Le Sand our Neurologist” Maurice took off his yellow spectacles and  cleaned them, putting them on he spotted Haruka and Michiru and noted their own corpulence. “And a round of applause for our next fellow, orthopedic surgeon Heinrich Schmidt,” Henrich waved while wearing green glasses and finally Heidi Sega our OBGYN” Heidi’s blue rimmed glasses scanned the room and eyed Usagi feasting.

Usagi was already sort of stuffed from her binge on the way to the conference, and now with four helpings of cake down her gullet she started to feel gassy. She leaned over and whispered “Mamo, I’m feeling gassy, I’m going to go outside and fart.”

Mamoru smiled and patted her plump arm.

Usagi squeezed herself into a seat outside on the patrio, letting loose a big *BBBBBBRRRRP*

Usagi sighs feeling the gas leave her pink clad ass. The night air felt good on her skin; she had started to feel hot and sweaty in that ballroom and it was nice to get some relief and to relieve herself as she farted again and again *PFFFFRRTT!!! PRRRRAPPP!!!*

Haruka stepped out and immediately smelled the foul air, “Wow, you’re farting up a storm Bun Head.”

Usagi giggled as the cool air cleared her flatulence “I didn’t want to make a big stink during that Doctor’s speech, this has been pretty boring except for the food!”

Haruka chuckled, patting Usagi’s belly in her tight pink dress, “Heh, all you care about is food, isn’t it?”

Usagi’s eyes went wide “Yes! Finally someone that gets it! I live to eat!”

Haruka laughed at Usagi’s piggish declaration and “Haha, that’s such a great attitude you have Usagi, so happy about being a fat pig of a girl. You know what you want.”

Usagi’s smile faded as a very loud fart escaped her *PRRRRRRRRRRRRRBBRAPT*

“Right now I want the toilet, Haruka can you help me?”

Haruka wasn’t sure what happened because before she knew it she found herself in the woman's restroom waiting outside the stall while Usagi grunted and groaned, loud farts and dumps coming from inside the stall.

Haruka’s face was twisted in disgust while she pinched her nose “Who knew a girl could be so gross.” She muttered to herself as she stared at the stall while thunderous gross waves of wet farts trumperted out from under Usagi's bottom.

"Ohhhh hoo hoo hoo!" Usagi whined and grunted as gas and diarrhea shot ut of her like black ink from a squid, "I hate having irritable bowels!"

 Haruka continued to stare at the stall door with abject revulsion "She ate herself ino having IBS, she really is a hog" She muttered to herself and swallowed hard knowing she had agreed to help Usagi make sure she kept her pretty pink dress clean.


Dr. Saeko Mizuno knocked on the door to her daughter’s room and opened it, cringing at the smell inside.

“You could at least open a window.”

“Sorry mother, I’ve been too lazy to get up.”

Dr. Mizuno looked down at her daughter who laid in her underwear in her bed. Laying on her side Ami’s globular gut spread out looking like a tank of lard. Her bed was littered with medical journals on obesity as well as fast food. Ami reached for a juicy bacon cheeseburger, the fat hanging off her arms wobbled as she took a big bite.

Dr. Mizuno shook her head, “For the life of me I can’t understand what this experiment is hoping to accomplish“ She took out a blood test meter. “Hold out your finger, I’m going to check your blood sugar and cholesterol.” Ami passively lifted a fat finger up and her mother pricked her drawing blood, “Ow!”

The meter beeped and her mother shook her head. “Ami, you’re pre diabetic and your bad cholesterol is through the roof. Are you happy being this unhealthy?”

Ami blushed at her morbid state but said “This has been a thrilling transformation.”

Her mother put a cuff on Ami’s thick arm and shook her head once more “High blood pressure. I’m diagnosing you with metabolic syndrome Ami. I’ll be sure to prescribe you blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes medicine. Diabetes at 18 years old Ami, how shameful.”

Ami blushed and continued to eat, letting out a stinky *PPPPPPRRRT*

Looking disgusted at her daughter Dr. Mizuno brought out a white set of straps “I bought you something. It’s a brace for your belly since you always complain about your back. In fact I’m willing to bt you laying on your side is for your back, isn’t it? I did the same thing when I was pregnant with you.”

Ami huffed herself up and started to wrap the straps around her belly which lifted it up and wrapped another strap over her belly which stabilize it. It was such an ugly humiliating looking thing but as Ami stood she found the pain in her back had lessened “While, it really works” Ami was amazed at her obesity belt and how it lifted her belly in place.

“Indeed, and that’s why I want you to go for a walk while it’s cool in the night time.”

“Oh mother,”

“No buts! I’m your doctor.””


Usagi was happy to be relieved of her massive dump and attacked the buffet again. Haruka still had a disgusted look after helping Usagi with the bathroom. Michiru had a knowing smirk as she approached her, “Did you and Usagi have fun?” Haruka moaned, “I don’t want to talk about it.” “I wouldn’t talk about something so private either. Although I must say, I would only allow you to do that for me."

"What? You would?" Haruka was surprised by Michiru's statement.

"No one else will ever do something so intimate.”

Michiru kissed Haruka.

Vesper and his fellow Vampires approached Usagi who was drenching bread sticks in a fondue fountain.

“Young lady, you’re in terrible shape,” Gregory began.

“I know!” Usagi chirped happily.

“You mean you’re enjoying this?” Henrich was appalled.

“Yeah, I did this on purpose, I wanted to get really fat.”

“But young lady, you're so unhealthy! We can all help put you on the right program,” Heidi pleaded

“Gawd!” Usagi scoffed “I’m telling you I LIKE being fat and I don't care if I'm unhealthy!" Usagi grew a confident grn on her face and defiantly said "I'm packing on the pounds!" and took a big bite of her fondue covered bread.

Just as she did that the side of her dresses seam blew open and the side of Usagi’s fat came surging out causing Usagi to squeal out “MY ROLLS!”

Vesper was silent as he watched his fellows fail to reign in the hog and they watched the spectacle Usagi made as more seams ripped in her suit and fat kept spilling out.


Ami sighed while walking to the park outside her mother’s condo. It wasn’t very far but she was already feeling tired and drained and her feet were sore. She was also disliking the plus size clothing her mother had gotten her, they were highly unfashionable dresses and Ami had a keen sense of fashion when she was thin.

“Oh well,” Ami puffed while sticking her great big gut out and farting “It can’t be helped” *PRRRRAP!*

Just then she heard a scream and huffed over to see a doctor attacking a woman.


Ami got to her communicator “Girls, we have trouble! Get to the park immediately!”

Ami’s eyes then went wide when he saw the doctor bite into her neck, spraying blood all over his white medical coat and splattering on his black rimmed glasses.

“No time to lose! MERCURY STAR POWER MAKE UP!"


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