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Part 2: Appeasing the Gods

Living with three Gods was a never ending party, but all parties have consequences.

“Shit!” I swore, trying to button my work pants. I pulled and pulled and bounced and bounced, my newfound pot belly bouncing along with me.

“Hoo!” I took a deep breath and tried to suck in my lard. On the floor countless old clothes were laid about, each one I had outgrown. These were my last good pair of slacks and damn it they had to button!

After much struggle I finally buttoned and zipped up my pants. I winced at how tight they were and the huge muffin top that had been created.

“Oof,” I grunted looking in the mirror at my bloated state. I gently put a hand to my gut and moaned, “I look pregnant.”

I wasn’t even stuffed to bursting and already my belly had puffed up to this stage of fatness. “These Gods are bad for my health,” I mumble and slowly walk to my mirror to look and wince at myself. Turn to the side. Okay, maybe it’s not too bad! Sure I got a belly, but I’m getting a bigger butt and I’m certainly thicker. Trying to be self confident I pushed out my belly and immediately the button popped off.

“God DAMN IT!” I yelled at the top of my voice and the three gods rumbled through my door like stampeding elephants.

“What’s wrong?” Brandy asked, looking around for trouble while Margarita pounded her fist in her hand, “Did someone hurt you?” Sherry cheerfully said “Just point to it and we’ll smite them good, we’ll damn them to Hell!”

“No! No smiting!” I told them and sighed, showing my belly pushing out between the flaps of my pants.

Margarita examined my body, poking and playing with my softness and making me giggle, “Hehehe, stop that!” Brandy noted, “Most mortals that hang around us tend to put on a little weight.”

“You don’t say,” I answer sarcastically, letting my flaps go and my belly jut out freely.

“Now, now, there’s nothing to worry about. Have a sunday,” Sherry tried to reassure me and pulled an ice cream sundae from behind your back.

“I thought you only produced booze.”

“I’m a God of spirit, technically it’s anything that can lift someone’s spirit. Now take it, your ice cream is getting cold.”

I started to eat the ice cream, putting the plastic spoon down my gullet while complaining that I had outgrown all my clothes and couldn’t afford to buy a whole wardrobe.

“Have you tried looking in your pocket?” Brandy suggested and I dismissively rolled my eyes as she smiled and went on, “No really, look! You might be surprised what some old pants might have.”

I humored her and reached in...and pulled out a thousand dollars.

“What the hell?” I said in disbelief as I counted the twentys

“Well, aren’t you lucky” Brandy chuckled at my amazement.

“But where did…”

“It doesn’t matter where it came, luck is luck.”

Looking at the wad of money in my hand made me realize the full extent of Brandy’s power. A giddy sense of greed filled my heart, but at the same time I was more than grateful to her, to this God.

“Well, I think it’s off to the bank to deposit this blessing and then a shopping spree for clothes. After that I think we deserve a feast!”

“Hell yeah, that’s what I’m talking about! Woo!” Sherry thrusted her hammy jiggling arms in the air, cheering as I grabbed my bag with Margarita and Brandy cheering my name “Amber! Amber! Amber!”

I was halfway to the bank when I realized something: I was still wearing my busted pants.

My belly was sticking out and jiggled whenever I went over a speed bump. There were a lot of thoughts going through my head at the time. These Gods were bestowing me with all these blessings and gifts and what have you...should I try and appease them?

How would I even go about doing that? What could I possibly offer them that millions upon millions of people throughout history couldn’t or didn’t offer them?

These thoughts would need to be answered, but this was happening so fast. So very fast. I don’t think the clerk at the pull up window noticed my belly. After I deposited the money I made my way back home. I’d order a wardrobe online later. Who goes to the mall anymore anyways?

But still the question remained: How do you appease a God?

The answer to my question continued to elude me, but what didn’t ellude me was the continued blessings these Gods gave me with food, drink, and cash.

Needless to say this affected my weight. Like a lot. I’m not kidding I had to have put on at least a hundred pounds; I didn’t know how much at the time, but damn was it a lot.

My preggers looking belly dropped down like a heavy bag of lard from gravity’s pull. I grew a really big double and my face got rounder. Honestly aside from my lard sack of a belly round was a great descriptor of me. Round arms with my upper arms looking like their own sacks of fat when I stretch my arms out, drooping and hanging off my arms like ripe heavy fruit on a tree. My forearms got larger too and so did my fingers, round chubby little sausages.

Then you look at my ass. Oh Lord, my ass. It’s like someone inflated my ass with a pump, it’s just so big! It also became coated in dimples and cellulite, looking like cottage cheese. The same could be said for my enormous thick thighs which were so round they were forcing me into a slow waddle; giving me wide plodding, toddling steps like an elephant and they too were dimpled. Below my thunder thighs were my calves which were bloated as well, all the way down to my cankles and round plump feet.

I was huge. I mean, HUGE. I was like a big bloated fat parody of myself. The Gods were all very supportive, even as my body worked against me.

It took a good two tries to get up from a seating position. Just moving my bulk was cumbersome. I was so slow because I was so heavy, it felt like moving through sand with each step I took.

Living with these Gods had made me morbidly obese just like them.

But how could I be mad?

Everyday at our house was a perfect weather day thanks to Margarita, I wasn’t going hungry (or being sober) thanks to Sherry, and I just kept winning at life thanks to Brandy.

I was so blessed, but what could I do to appease them and show my appreciation?

During one night in the kitchen I was seated comfortably on my two chairs, at this point I had gotten so wide it was necessary. We were gorging ourselves on food and I couldn’t get enough.

To be frank, by that time I had turned into a complete pig in the mud. My competitive fire to show that a mortal could hang with Gods was beginning to burn me alive, or at the very least smother and bury me under layers of adipose.

I had to shove food into my mouth, I had to fill my stomach, I had to eat and eat and EAT! I had turned into such a glutton I felt like I could eat for hours, so powerful was my appetite in those days. I was cracking into crab legs like no tomorrow and drinking mugs of melted butter to wash it down.

As I drank my coffee mug of butter I suddenly felt my chairs begin to wobble and before I knew it my chairs collapsed with me hitting the ground and causing the table to shake and the silverware to rattle.

“Amber, are you alright?!” Brandy rose up, her good luck making it so her chair wouldn’t break under her, her divine power made the wood hold thousands of Godly blubber. Her divinity was also why she could get up and let me tell you, I’m always impressed at seeing a thousand pounds of lard rise up. Her body moves in waves and since they all prefer to be nude while at home I got to see all of it.

“Nnnn!” I grunted, “Ow,” I whined and slurred “Bring me mor crab and buttah”

Sherry grasped the platter of crab legs and refilled my mug with butter she had laced with booze, mixing it perfectly to where nothing was off. The alcohol didn’t overpower the butter. I got so hammered drinking that butter.

Brandy watched me chug the buttery alcohol swill and shook her head, “it really isn't a good idea to try and challenge Gods. Not because it“ll upset us or anything, its just not a good idea for you.“

“Nnng“ I moan and slurred “Instedh I shuld Please teh Gods, right? Hhhng.“ I heaved and grunted like an animal, struggling against my own corpulence in my attempt to move my bulk from a seated position onto my knees. Once I was on all fours I looked like a right pig with my belly hanging down while I kissed Brandy's feet.

I planted kiss after kiss on Brandys bloated fat feet. She swooned at the kisses and got back down on her adipose pillow pile of pudge that made up her buttocks. I climbed up her leg with as much grace as a drunk obese cow like me could. Brandy felt so unbelievably soft I lost my balance and planted my face into her flesh.

“Hehehe, oh my!” Sherry covered her mouth in delight while I kissed and kissed Brandy’s dimpled knee. Brandy petted my hair, chuckling “Little fat drunken thing, just what are you doing?”

“Ah’m worshipping!” I moaned out while continuing to sink into the fat of Brandy’s giant leg. “Worshipping!” Margarita laughed and Brandy continued to stroke my hair, “And just what do you hope to accomplish?”

“I’ll ‘complish ya!” I slurred back while moving my face away from her thunderous thigh, digging it deeper and deeper into her rolls like a pig rooting for truffles. I pushed and pushed through rolls of hot sweaty fat until I smelled it. Oh yeah, these Gods definitely felt the same things us mortals do

Brandy’s eyes went wide when she realized what I was doing and moaned deeply in the most lewd kind of way “Ohhh, I see what you’re doing d-down there. Nnng...you wouldn’t be the first on to, to...oooH!”

Brandy could hardly talk with the way I was licking her pussy, giving it long strokes of tongue.

While her eyes closed brandy let out moan after moan, The Gods collectively were amused at my “worship”. Brandy leaned back on her arms to hep give me more access to her Godly pussy.

“A-ah!” Brandy screamed out as I gained better access, my licks becoming long and intricate to drive her wild. “OOooh!” Brandy cried out, her toes too bloated to curl up in pleasure. I worked Brandy up, going down on this God. I worked harder and harder with my tongue until I reached her pussy and she let out a bellow that shook the house from her orgasam.

I could feel her fat quivering and shaking while Brandy rode the waves of her orgasam. I crawled backwards out from Brandy’s rolls and I could see the glow Brandy was giving off from the glazed happy expression on her face. I turned to the other Gods who clapped their hands at the show.

“Whoo! Me next!” Sherry cheered and I crawled up her leg now and scaled her belly, using her rolls like climbing holds on a rock climbing wall. I got to her right breast and stuck my mouth over her nipple, beginning to suck her bloated nipples making Sherry swoon and gasp. Sherry wobbled in place, making her fat unstable and I slipped a few times, landing in her lard. I suckec and suckled until she too underwent an orgasam which sent me falling off her mountain of fat.

Breathing hard and sweating like a hog I looked over to find a strapon laying next to me. How utterly lucky, right? Margarita leaned back and her gut rose up like an Everest of belly fat. The extra large strap fit perfectly and i went to town, going in and out before I had to stop.

I fell back on my ass holding my chest. This was all too much and an omen of things to come.

But these Gods would protect me


To Be Continued


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