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The Newbie
By FC Punk

Chapter One: Kayla The Maid

Kayla McKenzie waited outside her London apartment. She was waiting for a ride to pick her up, she hoped it would come soon, she felt anxious about all this anyways. The stick thin girl was smoking a cigarette just to calm her nerves.

It was then a white Rolls Royce pulled up in front of her. Kayla’s eyes grew as wide as saucers when a grossly obese woman came out of the drivers seat. She was all belly and she was filling the double breasted black chauffeur uniform to capacity. She took off her cap and greeted her with a breathy “Miss McKenzie?”

It snapped her out of her trance, “Y-yes, I’m here!”

The chauffeur opened the back door and said, “Miss Ashcroft awaits you.”

Kayla got in and stretched her feet out and noticed how the suspension groaned when the woman got in and took off.

It was the strangest thing, sending a Rolls Royce for a job interview and just to be a maid on top of everything else. But here she was, in the back of this luxury car off to some estate in the country.

Driving through the countryside was pleasant and beautiful and reminded her very much like Downton Abbey with all the big fancy houses. The car pulled up to an iron gate where the chauffeur put in a code to open. The car passed fountains and gardens and a hedge maze before finally pulling up to the main house.

The chauffeur opened the door and Kayla got out, looking over the gothic victorian mansion and the gargoyles that decorated the top of it. Entering the mansion was quite the shock, every which way she turned there were morbidly obese maids each literally working a sweat either dusting or sweeping or wiping things down. It was almost a comical sight, after cleaning they would leave behind trails of sweat like bloated slugs, rendering their cleaning pointless.

A titanic maid approached her wearing a maid’s dress that was more like a black and white muumuu from the sheer amount of lacy fabric there was. Her nose had a nasal cannula in it that was attached to a tank of oxygen which was attached to a mobility walker that she was holding onto for dear life. It baffled Kayla that this behemoth could even live, let alone work as a maid.

“Welcome, my name is Disha,” she spoke with a weakened trembling voice, “The master is waiting for you. Please follow me.”

Disha moved at a glacier’s pace while Kayla kept looking around her surroundings and becoming increasingly baffled.

“This mansion was built in 1889 and is Victorian Neo Gothic in it’s architecture,” Disha explained pausing every so often to recover her breath, “The estate itself covers sixty nine acres and the grounds include caves, grottoes, underground passages, and an alpine rock garden with a scale model of the Matterhorn.”

After listing all the features Disha stopped in her tracks, sweating profusely. “Whoo, hooo,” She wheezed out.

“Are you okay?” Kayla asked, concerned she might just croak right there.

Disha wiped her brown forehead of sweat and smiled weakly “Yes dear I am. This mansion was originally a convent for nuns but by 1962 it had fallen into disrepair, the gardens had gone to seed. The Catholic Church intended to tear it down, but our master in 1970 bought it from the Church and restored it to life.”

Kayla was barely registering what Disha was saying, even as she passed by Christian iconography and beautiful tapestries.

It took fifteen minutes before they made it to a large oak door. Disha kept breathing heavily and her vision was blurring as she wheezed “Room...one...of a hundred and twenty…” One of the other maids rushed a wheelchair over for Disha to pour her pudding like flab into.

“The master is expecting you.”

Kayla slowly pushed open the door and went inside. What she found inside put all the other sights to shame.

“Oh my God!” Kayla covered her eyes at the nude blob of a woman.

“It’s perfectly alright child,”

Kayla slowly lowered her hands and took in the form before her.

“My name is Hannah Ashcroft and I am the Master of this estate.”

Kayla was speechless at this mound of a woman. A mound, a mountain, a doughy hill of pure fat. A blob was too simple to describe this behemoth of a woman. Really at her size she lost all traces of humanity.

Hannah was just fat.

She was hooked up to a complex life support system, wires attached to all parts of her chest that pushed out tremendously. Much like Diya she had a nasal cannula up her nose. Her body was also covered in scars, especially around her chest indicating multiple operations had been done on her. The machines that kept her alive took up entire walls, like old computer systems from the 70s.

“I..I don’t understand,” was all Kayla could say as she fell into a chair and then suddenly noticed how wide it was. It would surely take four of her just to fill it.

“A job offer.”

“An offer? Don’t I need an interview?”

“I need more maids,”

“I was going to ask about that, why is everyone so huge?”

Hannah chuckled and said, “I treat my maids exceptionally well. It’s a result of my allowing them all the pleasure they want. Inevitably my maids all tend to turn into quite the butterballs.”

Kayla sat in silence as Hannah explained the benefits and especially all the pleasures the estate provided, including all the drugs she could imagine. This in particular danced around in her head, having a bit of a drug habit made this deal far more appealing to her.

Hannah pointed to a clipboard containing the employment contract.

“All of this can be yours if you sign this contract and life insurance form.”

This was all nuts, from everything Kayla had seen and heard this place was like a death cult and this contract was a glass of Kool-Aid being offered to her. This was madness. But...Kayla had a monkey on her back. It was why she was even looking for a maid’s job in the first place.

“My old job canned me, my family cut me off...I really am desperate...but to be perfectly honest Mrs Ashcroft, I am scared to death of becoming as large as these maids.”

“It’s not all the same fate, your opportunities to indulge your pleasures can lead you to many different places.”

“Many different places…”

Hannah repeated the phrase out loud in deep thought before finally signing on the bottom line and then on the insurance policy, asking “When do I start?”

Before Kayla knew it she found herself in a lace black and white maid’s outfit. The design was immaculate and detailed from the ribs and frills the gothic lolita fashion gave it. Kayla’s blonde hair was covered in a white bonnet and she had to say, her dress made her black plastic rim glasses stick out nicely.

She was immediately put to work and boy was that an experience. While she worked with a group of maids dusting around one of them dropped to the ground and died right before her eyes. Seeing the massive blimp of a woman suddenly drop scared the shit out of her and filled her with dread. What the hell did she do?

It was an entirely draining day, getting used to the bizarre morbidness of working at the Ashcroft estate. At the end of the day in the Maid’s lounge Kayla laid on the couch, her bonnet off and staring at the ceiling. She had a contract, she couldn’t back out of this. A moving company was already packing her things.

“I feel trapped,” she muttered to herself. But then out of the corner of her eye she saw three chests on the table by the couch. She opened each chest individually, the first one being shown an exquisitely decorated glass pipe sitting on a pile of flower buds, the smell was incredible. She had never seen so much weed in person outside of a dispensary.

The second chest revealed a big bag of white powder. “Oh shit, that’s cocaine.” Kayla was an experimental girl at heart and parties were frequent in London. She’d done it a few times, but it wasn’t frequently seen.

Then she opened the third chest and nearly jumped. A bag of brown substance, a syringe, a spoon, and a rubber band. Kayla slowly closed the chest and shook her head. She had a particular dislike for heroin.

“I guess I’ll just go with the Marijauna,” Kayla just mutters, filling her pipe up and lighting up. Inhale. Hold. Blow it out. Kayla’s head went light and she immediately smiled. Her brain became shrouded in a haze of bliss. All of her senses felt more in tune with each other. Turning her head she looked at the other maids through her personal Wonderland. She watched these bloated caricatures of women gorging themselves like pigs. It was absurd, this whole thing was absurd.

Still, as her head spun and she got the munchies she reached for a phone on the table and saw the number to the kitchen highlighted.

“Hello Kitchen? Could I get an order to the maids lounge? Whatever I want, huh? Okay, a double bacon cheeseburger and a jumbo chocolate shake!”


Kayla’s things were eventually moved to her own room and over time she decorated it to match her rather girlish tastes of pastel pink. True to what the Master had said, if Kayla worked hard she got to play hard. Weed, weed, weed, smoke, smoke, smoke It had been an amazing experience of indulging pure pleasure after each work day.

However, Kayla’s insistence of avoiding the other maids' flabby state? Well, that wasn’t going according to plan.

Despite her intentions the inevitable had come to pass: Kayla was getting fat.

After she put her bonet on she looked over her black lace maids dress in the mirror. Her stomach bulged out her white apron. Putting her hand under it she bounced the slight jelly roll and her face contorted in disappointment.

“I can’t believe I let this happen.” She said to her fuller face. She turned to look at her profile and bit her lip seeing how much farther it stuck out. “I look sixteen weeks pregnant.”

Kayla had no idea what she weighed so before she would start her day she thought she would weigh herself. To her surprise there was a long line going up to the scale. In front of her was a maid that was similar in size to her. Her raven black hair was tied up in a bun and she was fidgeting in place.

“Can’t wait to check it out, huh?” Kayla asked to which the maid grinned and said, “You bet! I can’t wait to see how much I’ve gained since I started.”

“What? Oh right. That’s something I’m still not fully used to. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to be like this.”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been wanting to be a maid here since my Aunt Tabitha started here. Every year I would visit and my aunt was bigger and bigger than the last time. She had so much fun, she got whatever she wanted. When she passed away this past year I knew what I wanted more than anything, to follow in my aunt’s footsteps.”

The maid then pushed out her burgeoning stomach and rubbed her jelly rolls slowly, “I’m working hard for my obesity.”

Kayla just sighed, “Whatever makes you happy. I just don’t have that enthusiasm. My name is Kayla by the way.”

“Mine is Gwenth, but you can call me Gwen.”

“Do you want to hang out after work in the lounge? I’m still new here and could use a friend.”

“Sure! Does your shift end at 7?”


“Great, I’ll see you there.”

It was then Gwen’s and she stepped on.

“Oh wow, 194!” Gwen exclaimed, the scale had a full mirror attached to it, allowing her to take in all of her gain.

“You must be so happy,” Kayla dryly remarked at the giddy Gwen who stepped off for her.

“Holy shit, 207!” Kayla’s jaw dropped. She knew she had been porking up good with all the munchies her little weed habit had given her, but it just seemed so fast! But when Kayla lifted her dress over her protruding unhealthy pot belly and really observed the stretch marks coating it did she fully realize the extent of her gain.

“Hey, that’s pretty good Kayla,” Gwen poked her in the tummy as well as tracing her marks with her finger, “Stretchies are great. You shouldn’t think like the outside while you’re here. At Ashcroft the taboo is praised so your stretchies are a good thing.” Gwen then lifted her own dress over her stomach, “To be honest I’m jealous, you have way more stretchies than me!”

“Haha!” Kayla burst out laughing seeing Gwen’s tubby belly hanging over her ruffled bloomers, “Alright, alright put that away! I’ve gotta go to work, I’ll see you at 7.”

Kayla shook her head after she left the room, “She really is shameless.” As Kayla worked she watched the heavier maids lumbering around and could hear their agonizing moans. She could see why they moaned with every step, she cringed just thinking about all that weight coming down on their knees. They had to be 500 pounds or more, that had to be disastrous for their joints. But the more she listened the more perceptive she became of the nature of the noises.

“O-oh! Oh-oh fuck!”

The sounds quickly turned to something else. To Kayla’s astonishment it became clear they were less groans of pain but more moans of pleasure.

Oh-oh YES!” One maid exclaimed while working with a mop, gasping like she just exploded ecstasy all over her bloomers.

“Perverts,” Kayla mutters, “They’re all perverts.”

It was a thought that stayed with her all day. Perverts, degenerates, freaks, and she was part of them whether she liked it or not. She tried to quell these thoughts by throwing herself into her work, but that became painfully useless when it came time to give Hannah her bath.

“Master, I’m still baffled by all this, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.”

“Give it time my dear.”

Kayla sighed as she dug the soapy medical sponge into the warm folds of meaty fat, “You know, I was never trained to be a nurse.”

“You’re certainly doing a good job at it.”

“I just…” Kayla started to say, but her words trailed off as her concentration focused on making sure she didn’t mess any of the wires up, the life support system for Hannah was intricate and sensitive. Her heart rate needed to be checked at all times, the last thing she wanted was for her sponge to touch a wire and for Hannah’s heart monitor to fizzle out.

“You just what, dear?”

“I just don’t understand it. Everyone is so eager to die.”

“It’s not something I can explain, it’s only a feeling you will come to yourself...or not. The paths you must take have been prepared for, but you can choose only one.”

Hannah spoke in riddles and metaphors and in the most cryptic way possible. it was more than a little annoying but Kayla felt she had to take it; it was all part of this world of madness, this fire that she had cast herself into.

Later that night after Kayla got off work and made it to the lounge where she found Gwen seated with a platter of thick juicy cheeseburgers sliders. Gwen waved her over, “Heeeey!”

“Hey yourself,” Kayla fell back into the love seat, “I’m pooped.”

“Tired, eh? Nothing like a good stuffing after a long day’s work!”

Gwen offered a cheeseburger but Kayla rolled herself a joint.

“It’s the only way I can work up the appetite to eat all that, I’m not ordinarily a big eater.” Kayla then lit up and inhaled, holding it for a full three seconds before blowing it out. “Ahhh,” Kayla sighed and her eyes squinted at the rush of endorphins.

“You sure like your marijuana,” Gwen pushed a basket of onion rings for her new friend.

“It makes me feel like a baby, like all my worries fade away. It makes me feel good.”

“I feel the same way with eating,” Gwen grinned taking a big eager bite, “Fat makes me feel so good.”

Kayla watched Gwen lift her skirt over her bulging pot belly and jiggle it with her hand, “Does it really feel that good?”

Gwen gave Kayla a flirtatious smirk, “Are you saying you’ve never felt yourself before?”

“What?” Kayla distorted her face at the thought, “No! Of course not!”

Kayla lifted her own dress to show her stretch marked belly which was bigger by 13 pounds. “I don’t know why everyone in this mansion is insane but blubber,” she shook her lard, “Is not sexy or attractive, it’s unhealthy.”

“I know! And that’s the best part! It’s the biggest taboo of it all.” Gwen grasped Kayla’s pot belly and made Kayla gasp out, “It’s the taboo that makes it sexy.”

Kayla shuddered at her shaking wobbling lard and said, “I need a drink.”

Before Kayla knew it she was sharing a bottle of vodka with Gwen, which only loosened her appetite even more. She was working on the platter of sliders just as much as frequently as Gwen was. It didn’t take long before the two drunken fat maids were stumbling around.

“Where we goin anyway,” Kayla slurred while holding onto Gwen for support, her pot belly at full bloat.

“I’m goin to my room, I dunno where you goin.” Gwen had ketchup, salt, and grease slathered over her mouth and was so stuffed her gait was currently a cumbersome waddle.

“Fiine, I guess I’ll crash.”

Entering Gwen’s room Kayla saw trippy posters on her wall and glow in the dark moons and stars decorating her ceiling. A few bongs were on her counter, each one more decorative than the last, a few being cast in the shape of skulls.

Kayla flopped backwards on the bed, feeling her body shake as she did so. Gwen joined her, crawling up “I fucking love your jiggling.”

Kayla stripped out of her maid outfit until she was left only in her white bloomers and her bra. “You do, huh?” She grasped her stretch marked belly with both hands and gave her wad of flesh a hearty shake.

“Nmmph, God you have no idea.” Gwen then planted her face firmly into Kayla’s belly fat.

“Mmmph! Gwen! Wha-oooh!” Kayla squeals at the sudden impact of her new friend's face driving into her tummy before moaning at feeling Gwen’s face being pushed into her plush stomach. She grasped Gwen’s head and gently pushed her further into her fat, it was the first time Kayla felt the true magnitude of her softness.

“Hehehe I’m like a memory foam mattress,” Kayla giggled while Gwen grinded her nose into her tummy, tickling her.

Gwen lifted her face from her tummy and grinned.

“Do you understand now?” She gave Kayla’s lower most bottom roll, which was the largest and most bloated, several kisses which sent electricity down Kayla’s spine. “All this blubber feels amazing when you really pay attention to it.

Kayla petted the back of Gwen’s hair “Teach me Gwen. Teach me your fat girl ways.”

Gwen grinned even wider “Oh I will. I’ll teach you how to be a big fat fatty.”


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