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July 13th 2020

My stimulus check came in, 1200 dollars. It's pretty nice, I've been on employment since being fired from my gym, so the extra 1200 is a welcome thing. I guess that idiot president can do good thing. Some times. So I bought a big wardrobe, mostly loose stuff, tights, spandex, baggy clothes.

You know, fat woman clothes.

I've been getting asked by these feeders to start an OnlyFans. Now THAT would be stupid. First of all I'm already uneasy being a fetish for these freaks, doing porn would just mean succumbing to my big fat fate.

All these feeder fetish dates aren't doing my body any favors. My belly is sticking out a little bit more, my thighs and ass are getting extra lumpy with cellulite. The cellulite might be the grossest thing on my fat body, it shakes and jiggles and it feels weird to touch. I'll never understand these feeders who dive their faces into my legs and my ass and nuzzling my dimples.

I don't want to be huge! I don't know how many times I have to say this...even as I'm eating Taco Bell from door dash.

I've been getting crazy anxiety lately. It's always the same people that come to my apartment with my food, the same Uber driver, same Door Dash driver. It makes me  anxious thinking what they must be thinking, watching me balloon from a hot air balloon to a zeppelin.

I ran out of weed for a little bit and the withdrawls really kicked my butt. Living life sober is way less fun than being high as a kite 24/7.

I give up!

I'm addicted!

Someone buy me some pizza and flower.

Did you guys hear about Murder Hornets? That's terrifying! It makes me want to stay indoors even longer!

Fine, I admit it! Being stuck here does have it's nice things. It feels like I'm on vacation.

But Christ is it making me fat. I need to get on a scale, I'm positive I'm near 360 by now, I'm turning into a complete greasy ball of fat. Seriously getting even more out of breath just taking the trash out.

But I know I shouldn't worry. I bet lots of other women are going through these same COVID gains as I am. Only difference is none of them ate like a pig for an entire year just to prove a point, a point that's due to be made when this is all over.

In anycase things have just been boring. Masks, food, and riots that's all thats going on.

That and my increasingly swelling ass.

#wearamask #Covidweight


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