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Chapter Nine: The International Club Breaks Up!

You were petting yourself, it was a common habit you had fallen into when you experienced satisfying gains.

A thousand pounds.

During your recovery from your heart transplant you had reached a full half ton. It was a monstrous amount of weight that now put you in the top one percent of girls at the Marilyn Monroe Academy for Corpulent Ladies. The student body were all extremely obese, but there were very few girls weighing half a ton and you were one of them.

Stroke your fat like a Siamese cat, your pampered and spoiled lard. You fold your enormous over yourself, giving your girthy body a big hug. You fart and giggle to yourself while Miss Emily drove the van back to Monroe. You felt so big, so sexy. A thousand pounds by eighteen. It was a real genuine accomplishment and no one, not even Sabrina Hart, could take that away from you.

When you and Emily pass the gates and approach your dormitory you smile wide seeing your fellow International Club members waiting for you with a giant WELCOME BACK SAM banner.

“Thank you so much!” You squeal as you slowly leave the van on your scooter, revealing your new body. Your friends are visibly impressed by your appearance.

“Wow, you really took your recovery seriously,” Sophia giggled while her hands explored your new fat. They all took the time touching and prodding your added expanse, making you sigh contently, “The new heart is working wonders for me, I’ve been able to really indulge like I haven’t in a long time.”

Hilde chuckled, “Hehehe, are you saying all this time you’ve been holding back?”

You blush, “A little. From the chest pains, you know?”

Sophia nodded while putting her pudgy brown fingers to her chest “I can completely understand, I’ve been having chest pain too. I haven’t been eating like I usually do.”

Nina gave Sophia a hug, “No one could be expected to eat through the pain, not even Sam could.”

Adele smiled at Sam, “I’m glad you’re feeling better Sam, you came back just in time, the school is preparing for the club fair.”

“Club fair?”

Nina nodded, explaining, “It’s a really big deal, it’s where during three days our meetings will have guests that’ll sit in and observe what the club is all about”

Hilde went on, “It’s really stressful, it’s kinda all hands on deck. It’s especially worse if you’re part of two clubs like I am.”

“What other clubs are you part of Hilde?” You ask

“The Gear Club, we like working on scooters. So I have to do double duty,” Hilde bemoaned while putting her hands to her head in stress, the flab on her bloated upper arms wobbling, “So. Much. Stress!”

“Hey, you’re not the only one,” Sophia pointed out, “I also do the Cooking Club, it’s no wonder I’ve been having chest pains, the stress is getting to me. I can’t imagine what it’ll be like during the club fair.”

Adele let out a long drawn out sigh.

“So you see Sam, it’s really great to have you back. Great timing.”

You could only smile, “I’ll be happy to be as helpful as I can! I love the International Club Adele, thank you for inviting me to join.”

Adele leaned over to give you a big hug, her huge butt thrusting out, “I’m glad too Sam.”

You and Miss Emily go to your dorm where you notice your scooter was running slower than usual. “Miss Emily, did you take the scooter to the garage for that tune up?”

“I did Samantha, but that was before your incredible recovery weight gain. Your scooter is carrying a lot of new weight. I’ll take it back to the garage but it might just be time for a new scooter, you might be reaching the scooter’s limit.”

You nod, thoughtful of the news, “I’ll have to consult Hilde.”

Getting inside you smile wide at Lizzie “Lizzie I’m back!”

“Oh my God!”

Lizzie came rolling to greet you, now on her own scooter. You couldn’t be smiling any harder when you saw it, “Lizzie, you got a scooter!”

“I had to! Knees are just hurting so much now I figure now’s the time.”

It was then you saw Sheena come from around the corner, looking shy as could be. It was something out of the ordinary for you, seeing a skinny girl at Marilyn Monroe. “Oh wow, who are you?”

“Sam, this is Sheena Price, she’s a transfer student on the Kennedy Grant. She’s a new friend, she’s been over a few times to watch anime and stuff.”

“Oh wow, the Kennedy Grant? They don’t hand those out much, you must have studied your butt off to get it.”

Sheena smiled at the praise, her shy discomfort starting to fade, “Yeah, I know I look pretty out of place but I’m very happy to be here, a degree from Monroe is like having a golden ticket to life.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Sheena, my name’s Samantha Lang, but you can just call me Sam. I just came back from heart surgery and boy am I famished! Miss Emily, can you go order room service?”

The three of you move to the main room where you joined Lizzie and Sheena in watching Sailor Moon.

“I love this show so much, Usagi is so cute,” You reach into your purse and crack open a can of Coca Cola.

“Sam, get this. Sheena can’t gain weight.”

“Is that right?”

The skinny Sheena shrugged, “I’ve been skinny my whole life while my sister is pretty much your size Lizzie. Mom tried everything, diets, sent me to fat camp, but I just stayed skinny. It gave me sort of a complex, but I eventually just became more, whatever about it. I’m over it, you know? I’ll probably be the first woman to graduate without gaining a pound in this school’s history, but I’m okay with that.”

“I think it’s really cool how little you look,” You  giggle, “It’s like, you’re the only one in this entire school that looks as small as you. I’d say that makes you special.” Sheena smiled bashfully, “Thank you for saying that, it’s very sweet.”

Sheena leant over and gave your enormous slab of belly fat a loving hug. “I think differences are a good thing, I actually do admire the size difference between us. I really can’t believe how big you are Sam, just how fat are you?”

“I’m a thousand pounds Sheena, a half ton fat girl.”

“Wow…” Sheena said, feeling your soft blubber under her cheek, “You’re like 400 pounds heavier than my sister, unreal.” Sheena tried to squeeze as much of your belly as she could, but there was just too much of you to grasp hold of.

Meanwhile, in the student council headquarters Sabrina was playing a game of chess with Anya while lounging in a hot tub. It was a huge tub, big enough to hold the 900+ pound whale Sabrina and the thousand pound bovine communist Anya.

Sabrina wore a bikini and was letting all of her rolls hang out while Anya was wearing her red one piece from Australia. The board was on the side of the tub and they each had their own personal Pizza Hart.

“Chess is the truest international language” Anya moved a pawn forward.

“It can be, my grandfather taught me how to play when I was six.”

“Old people are good for many things.”

Sabrina moved and took a bite of pizza. Anya did as well, moaning at it.  “You know in my country only the very wealthy can afford Pizza Hart. But of course I can afford to eat it all I want” She took an even bigger second bite of it, getting grease on her enormous double chin.

Sabrina smirked, “My father always bragged about the Leningrad opening of Pizza Hart and opening the communists up to pizza.”

“The rich communists at least. I demanded my father to send me here, to this playground of the bourgeois to pack on some blubber.” Anya jiggled herself before taking a pawn for herself.

“At a thousand and one you’re at the tippy top of the weight class here. There’s probably only like four in this whole school. I don’t even know how many there are. God willing I’ll be one of them soon. Are you thinking of joining any clubs?”

Anya chuckled, moving a rook.

“I’m something of an introvert, I prefer my own company. That and Annika.”

“You prefer your robot-”


“It doesn’t matter what you call them. Are you not going to attend the dance then?”

“The dance with the Space Force academy across the lake? That would be interesting, dancing with a cadet.”

“I think you’d be a hit, you might even be voted queen.”

“I’ll think about it. Did you know I met the International Club in Australia? The club president tried to get me to join the other day and you wouldn’t believe my shock running into her here. What were the odds of that happening?”

“You did? What were they doing in Australia?”

“Having a little club meeting all the way down under. I was on vacation at the time.”

Sabrina looked at the board in deep thought, thinking about the move she wanted to make.

“Anya, I need you to tell me everything.”


“And now you dip the chimichangas into the deep fryer!”

The club was having a meeting with three sit in guests who marveled at how well versed Sophia was in her culture’s cuisine. They had made their own chimichangas with the club and were excited to have theirs dunked.

“This is really fun,” one said to you and you smile back happily, “Isn’t it though? We do a lot of deep frying here, you’d be amazed how prevalent deep frying is in the world.”

Sophia carefully put hers in to demonstrate, doing her best to stand far enough back. The last thing she wanted was for her big brown belly to be anywhere near the boiling pot of oil, she was ever paranoid of tipping the fryer over with one wrong turn of her jutting stomach.

At that moment a student came in, announcing “This meeting is adjourned” before taping a flyer onto the board.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing!” Adele heaved herself up and hobbled in her cane over to the board.

“I’m just delivering a declaration from the Student Council President. As of today the International Club is suspended.”

“WHAT!” Adele shouted and grabbed the girl by the lapel of her jacket.

“I’m just delivering the news! Don’t get mad at me!”

Adele looked over at her club members and at the guests. She broke into a sweat and her heart began to race. Her lip started to quiver and she let go of the fat girl who waddled as fast as she could out of the room.

“The meeting is adjourned,” Adele meekly said as the guests hobbled out and Adele collapsed onto her big butt crying. Keiko, Nina, Hilde and Sophia rushed over to Adele, embracing her as she cried, “I can’t believe it! All this work and it ends just like that! Suspension!” Nina gave Adele a tissue which she blew into as she bawled, “All I wanted was a fun club!” Adele wiped her eyes before bringing her hand to her head as she felt the room spinning, “Oh my blood pressure. I can’t take this!”

While everyone was trying to help Adele calm down you scoot up to the board and look at the paper.

“Suspended for off campus activities? Is it because we went on vacation?”

Hilde looked up at you in disgust, “We weren’t there as a club, just as friends!”

“Maybe we can appeal the decision?” Offered Nina.

“It doesn’t matter, the club fair is ruined,” sniffed Adele, her round moon face now turning a shade of red as her blood pressure spiked.

“But how did Sabrina know?” You muse, trying to figure this out like some sort of immobile detective.

“Anya!” Adele growled, “Anya was there! While you were gone Sam, I invited Anya to join, as a sort of olive branch since we’re all here now. Damn that communist bitch.”

Adele started to wheeze and breath heavily. You call out, “Miss Emily!”

“I know,” Emily got out her phone and called a few hall monitors who helped take Adele to the infirmary. It wasn’t a heart attack thankfully, but Adele admitted to monitor her blood pressure.

For you you were filled with emotion. You were pissed off, you couldn’t believe Sabrina could be so petty. If you weren’t a thousand pound immobile blob you might even try to slap her. Alas, all any attempt would accomplish would be your body wobbling like a jello mold.

You were determined to fight this; putting your friend, the one that introduced you to all your friends was unforgivable. But before you did anything you needed to calm down. You didn’t want to work your new heart too much. You had found despite the new heart it still strained under your sheer mass, pumping as fast as it could to support a half ton of big fat girl blubber.

Seeking a change of scenery so you could calm down you head towards another part of the school to partake in a club as part of the club fair.

Rolling to the auditorium you were about to see the Drama Club in action.

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was being performed. At a balcony an enormous Juliet wore a gown straight from a renaissance festival that covered her swollen form up. She had a drooping double chin, this Juliet was pushing 800 pounds. Below the balcony Romeo, played by another girl, hid out of sight.

“O Romeo, Romeo!
Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.”

Romeo, played by a girl, was pear shaped as could be and filled her tights to the maximum capacity, her creamy white skin could be made out through the stretched black material. She looked up at the massive Juliet, awe and lust in her eyes.

“Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?”

You were thoroughly entertained by what you were seeing and stuck around for a while. You didn’t understand much about Shakespeare or acting, but for whatever reason the way they spoke was captivating. Eventually though your belly grumbled. You never did eat your chimichanga, that was another reason to be pissed off at Sabrina!

You head to the cafeteria to gorge.

Inside you head to the top, the desert floor. Sweets were the best thing to calm an emotional heart such as ours. The first thing you went for was the pudding. Chocolate pudding, vanilla, caramel, swirls, the sound of glasses clinking onto your tray could be heard from your preparation to gorge. Miss Emily went to gather cakes. Coffee cakes, chocolate cakes, cheesecakes, your table was being covered up until you took yout seat and began to gorge.

Your double chin wobbled like jelly each time you opened our mouth; leaning over to get all of the bite in your mouth.

It wasn’t like this was a joyous pig out. No, this was done for one purpose: To smother the sorrowful feeling in your gut. At a thousand pounds it was going to take a lot to cover your troubles under six feet of ice cream.

You ate like a woman gone mad, your face was smeared in crumbs, ice cream, cake icing, and whip cream. You ate the frosting off the cupcakes, practically inhaling the whipped cream. The cookies were a mess, the crumbs stuck to your sticky cheeks looked like freckles.

Chomp chomp chomp went your jaw, possibly the only strongest part of your body, your poor blobby body. You were so big you could hardly move a muscle, at the point Miss Emily did the majority of your feeding. She stood by your side like a loyal dog, or at least one that’s purpose was to fatten you up. Truthfully you “could” feed yourself but you would quickly tire yourself out, your atrophied arms were just too lard laden to feed yourself on your own. But Miss Emily was there, she was always there to feed you while your blubber sack arms heavily laid to your sides, your thick sausage fingers pointed down.

You ate and ate until your stomach bloated out, distending your blob belly outward and making it look even bigger than it was with your stomach pushing it out.

Miss Emily took a blood tester and pricked one of your fingers.

“Pediabetic Miss Samantha.”

While your new status would normally be worth celebrating you were just too stuffed and still pissed off at Sabrina. You’d have to give her a taste of your mind.

After you close your eyes of course. A feast like that needed a nap


The next day Adele was released and was still as miserable and depressed about what happened to her club. Even though the club had filed an appeal and were waiting for a trial Adele just couldn’t deal with it all.

You watched her slowly eat from a small tub containing a mountain of ice cream, a mega ultra sunday that Adele was slowly pecking at with a single spoon.

“Adele, we’re going to fight this, you and I both know this is ridiculous, the law club say we have a good case.”

“It’s just so devastating. I created the club, grew it, and nurtured it, only for someone to take it all away.”

It pained you to see Adele like this, after everything she had given you. A firm determination washed over you.

“Adele, I’m calling the girls.”

“What for? The club is suspended.”

“Officially speaking we are. But that doesn’t mean, we can’t do things unofficially. That’s what this whole appeal is built on. We didn’t go to Australia on club business, we went down there for a vacation.”

Adele quietly thought about it while you let out a giggle.

“Heheh, there’s this bar in Denver that I know about, they serve these giant peanut butter and jelly hoagies.”


“Yeah, it’s like a loaf of bread carved out with an entire jar of peanut butter on one end and jelly on the other, all with a pound of bacon in the middle. It's super yummy and I’m willing to bet you’d love them.”

Adele had to laugh at that, “Hah! You make some pretty good points Sam. Alright, let's set this up.”

Miss Emily called the bar and set everything up for tomorrow. The next day you and your friends were all strapped in your private jet at the school airport. You even invited Sheena along as a token of friendship, just like what Adele had done for you.

Sheena was clad in her custom school uniform that finally came. Her clothes were so ridiculously smaller in size compared to your friends and especially you, Sheena could use your panties as a blanket and your blazer as a tent. It was genuinely impressive to see a Marilyn Monroe Academy uniform in that size.

“Wow, I’ve never been in a private jet before. I’ve been inside a limo, but nothing like this,” Sheena said, amazed at the luxurious insides of the jet. You could only smile seeing Sheena’s general amazement, it was something to really savor, the wonder and amazement of someone never experiencing something like this before. You were American aristocracy, limousines and jets were all you ever knew. It was refreshing to have outside eyes to all of this.

In the air you all huddled together once more using each other as pillows, but now you were so swollen and large all the girls were predominantly using you as the main pillow. While the girls dozed Sheena and you couldn’t sleep. Sheena’s head kept sinking into your belly and made her giggle, “You’re so soft.” You attempt to shrug your shoulders, sending your body into a fit of jiggles, “I can't help it, it’s my fat.” You breathe harder, just the attempt of moving your shoulders was enough to make you break a sweat and get your heart moving.

The plane soon arrived at the Denver airport and you all waited while Miss Emily was on the phone with the bar. Your stomach rumbled, your friend’s bellies rumbled, the wait was excruciating!

You thought you were going to die of hunger! You were going to waste away into nothing! But finally you peered out the window and saw a van pull up outside the plane. Your eyes lit up, “It’s here!”

Everyone was getting excited, the sound of tummies rumbling echoed the plane like the sounds of a biker rally. The door to the plane opened and a round of cheers erupted as Emily went down the stairs and returned with a few golden loaves. The girls were awestruck as Emily cut into the sandwiches and exposed the gooey peanut butter, the violet blueberry jelly, and the greasy layers of bacon in between.

There were four big loaves and cut up there was more than enough for all of you to have your fill.

“Oh my God, this is amazing,” Nina remarked at her first bite.

“The toasted loaves are great, the peanut butter and jelly gives it a great sweetness, and the bacon balances it with savory flavor,” Sophia analyzed.

“Kore wa watashi ga imamade tabeta pīnattsubatā to zerī no sandoitchidesu,” Kiko said while holding her’s, Hilde grinning, “You said it Kiko.”

You look over at Adele who had a contented smile while she chewed.

“Are you enjoying this Adele?”

“Honestly? I definitely needed this, thank you Sam.”

While you and your gang ate the greatest PB&J sandwich in the world Emily brought out chilled bottles of Dom Perignon, the pop of the champagne cork echoed in the cabin. The crackling of the champagne bubbles danced in cabin as theys drank a decadent drink to match a decadent meal.

When the plane was in the air still you and your friends were partying with your PB&J and champaign. You wished Lizzie was here, but she had something else to do that day instead. Oh well, there’s always next time.

There was a problem however.

Out of all of you...Sheena couldn’t handle her booze very well.

At 108 pounds even champagne was enough for the flyweight of the school, she was a complete and utter lightweight.

“Wooooo!” Sheena cheered, taking her brown blazer off she thrusted her arms in and out as she moved her feet.

“Dance Sheena Dance!” You cried out. None of you had ever danced in your life, seeing Sheena get down and shaking her lean hips and her flat ass was *very* entertaining to you.

You saw Adele staring outside the window at the passing clouds.

“What are you thinking of?” You ask her.

“Just what happens next. Thank you so much Sheena. Let’s do this again and again.”

“Anywhere and any place. So what’s next?”

“Our trial.”


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