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All Good Maids Go To Heaven
By FC Punk

Part One:

“Oh! Oh! Fuck! Fuck!”

The sound of moaning and squealing echoed through the room. The cries rolled through the floorboards, it went down the hall, and out the door. To the fountain of perpetual mirth, the cries and moans went on and on for all it’s worth.

“That’s a good girl, oh yeah, such a good girl!”

In a Victorian mansion out the outskirts of London two very fat people were making love. A 600 pound man was plowing a maid from behind, both of them needing assistance.

“You’re doing such a great job, Jim,” his wife and a maid were both holding his gross fat belly up while he plowed the fat maid. The maid’s blonde hair was undone and spread out on the bed. Each thrust Jim took sent his body rolling like a sea of lard. The maid’s belly while much, much, smaller than Jim’s also shook and wobbled freely. Her round fingers groped the bed tightly as Jim worked like a man a third his size.

Finally with a great moan Jim cummed, filling the maid up like cream being injected into a pastry. Jim’s wife Hannah and the maid let go of his belly apron as Jim pulls out of her. Hannah rubbed Jim’s back “You did such a great job.”

Jim, for his part, was slick with sweat, drops dripping off his massive man boobs drip drip drop. “It was wonderful,” Jim’s thick husky voice said.

Jim looked down at the maid and said, “I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.”

The maid was red faced and gasping for air, her body was covered with a combination of Jim’s sweat and her own. She looked up at the ceiling, her heart beating hard in her chest.

Taking a deep breath she belted out “The best!


The mansion of Jim and Hannah Ashcroft was a kinky one.

They were a happy couple that have been together for 25 years of marriage. What was the secret to such a long marriage? Good sex. It was such a unifying thing, having the same fetish as each other.

What was that fetish?

Obesity. Massive morbid obesity and more importantly the fattening of themselves and others. Jim and Hannah fed each other and fattened the other up over their 2 years with Hannah reaching a titanic 515 pounds in her pear shaped figure while Jim tipped the scales at an unfathomable 611 pounds that made resemble a ball with a head on top.

But it wasn’t just themselves they fattened.

All around the mansion many morbidly obese maids were working; red cheeked and gowns drenched in sweat they worked hard cleaning the mansion. Maids were cleaning the beds, maids were cleaning the floors, maids were dusting bookcases, and not a single one was below 300 pounds.

There was a high turnover rate for maids at the estate, many walked off rather than blow up like lard balloons and many did succumb to their obesity and passed away. But others chose to stay, live at the estate, and enjoy the pleasures Jim and Hannah granted them, even as their bodies declined to a morbid state.

In the smoking room two maids on their break were conversing.

“Did you hear Sally’s screams? What a harlot,” said an Irish redhead maid named Mary who took a drag of a rich cigar. “I hope she’s ok.”

“She’s new here, she’s only 320 so she’ll be fine,” Disha, a maid from India fanned herself with a hand fan, “Trust me, she has a lot more growing to do before she kicks it.” She worked with the fan, continuing to fan herself, “All this lard overheats me greatly.”

“Aye, but I wouldn’t trade it, would you?”

Disha held a cigar in her lips as she fann. She took a puff, grasped the cigar with her pudgy fingers, and blew a smoke ring.

“No, I wouldn’t. Our masters treat us far too well to just abandon them like the others.”

Jim came into the room then, his robe unopened as he scoots his belly scooter in. It was a gilded platform on wheels that held his enormous slab of belly meat up. With silver handles his belly entered first, followed by the rest of him.

“Hello girls!” He beamed in a post sex glow. His round face couldn’t be any more satisfied with himself.

“Hello master!” They grunted and got up, they were so big it took a bit of grunting to rise to their feet. Jim pushed his platform over to the couch where he plopped his wide ass onto the reinforced furniture.

DIsha grabbed a cigar from the box and put it in his mouth before lighting it up, “We could hear Sally’s initiation all the way from here master.”

Mary went for the fancy crystal decanter filled with whiskey. The brownest of the brown liquors seemingly glowed brightly through the fine delicate glass as Mary poured it into a glass. She brought the glass over to Jim who chuckled, his belly which still rested on the platform chuckled.

“You girls spoil me!” He grasped the glass with his round bloated hand, swirling the liquor in his glass.

“We spoil you?!” Disha asked incredulously and laughed, “Master, it’s the other way around, you spoil us!”

Mary put the decanter away and concurred, “No master would ever treat us so well,” she patted her big belly that pushed out her white apron she wore over her black dress, “I would never thought I could eat so well.

Disha lifted the back of her dress and showed her master her wide rump filling her white bloomers, “All this is because of you, Master.”

Jim grinned seeing all this display and patted Mary on her belly and gave Disha’s back slap.

“I can’t say you are wrong,” Jim said as Disha got on her knees and got near the platform as Mary grunted, trying to lift Jim’s massive gut for Disha to give Jim a blow job.

“Nnn, Disha, oh my.”

Disha slobbered over his knob, going up and down on his shaft. Mary’s face was scrunched up at trying to lift all of Jim’s belly blubber, having to use both arms to contain all of his lard.

“Hnng, hurry up you guys, I can’t hold all of Master’s belly for too long!”

Jim’s cock exploded inside DIsha’s mouth and Disha swallowed every drop of Jim’s cum. Disha let go of his cock and Mary let go of his belly, the lard coming down like a blubber avalanche. Jim for his part was breathing heavy and was sweaty all over.

“Good girls, but that will be enough. Two fucks a day, lest my heart gives out.”

On his chest was a long scar that came from heart surgery. Inside his chest sat a pacemaker defibrillator that was put in after his second heart attack.

“We’ll just let you rest here for a bit, so you can catch your breath,” Mary told her master as Disha wiped his forehead of sweat.

Meanwhile Hannah was taking a bath. Two twin maids were scrubbing her rolls of fat. Their round yellow sponges dug deep as Hannah relaxed in her round little tub that was filled with bubbles. The tub was in the corner of her bedroom and both girls were inside with her, their own naked flabby flesh joined their bathing master. In a way all three were taking a bath together.

Hannah’s belly stuck out of the water slightly. A complete fatberg it was a monticello of flesh that hid something far, far bigger under the soap bath. Her twin maids Molly and Polly were having an easy time cleaning their master; under the water they were better able to get deeper into her folds, they could easily lift up rolls that would have been burdened with weight on the surface. Yes, in her tub she felt like a whale, free from Gravity’s eternal pull and tug on her. Hannah liked being in the water for that very reason and enjoyed the pool in the back.

Molly then submerged under the water, her big bubble butt sticking out as she went under, and Hannah immediately began to moan.

“O-oh my! Someone’s trying to earn brownie points!” Hannah’s flabby arms flaid in the air before she grasped on the ground on each side and leant her head back, opening her fat pear shaped legs out wider. Molly went even harder at it, making the whale Hannah moan out in carnal pleasure before sounding disappointed when Molly came back up.

“Sorry Master, I needed air!”

Disappointed Hannah looked at the elvish looking Molly with her blonde pixie style haircut both she and her sister shared.

“Huff.puff, puff, puff,” Just receiving oral had been enough to get Hannah into a puffing fit. She’d pluck her lips together like she was about to blow on a trumpet, but it was how she was breathing in air by sucking in all she could. “Whooosh, hoo!” This matron was out of shape as could be.

“It’s quite alright, thank you for taking the initiative. I think once I am out I’ll reward you with second helping privileges from the kitchen, and do take advantage of it my dear,” Hannah gve Molly a pat on her tummy while Polly smirked.

After the great task of getting their master cleaned, dried, clothed, and then on her merry way on her mobility scooter Molly got dressed and went to the kitchen.

In the center of the kitchen sat an enormous maid who sat on a huge roller chair. Her black and white outfit made the maid resemble a killer whale while rolling about on her armless swivel chair doing chores around the kitchen from scrubbing the countertops to washing the dishes. Her name was Tabitha and she was in charge of the kitchen, the pantry had even been converted into a small bedroom where Tabitha made a pig of herself, having easy access to all sorts of salty snacks. Yes, she was the head of the kitchen, something she was very proud of.

“Hello Molly you look awfully proud of yourself.”

“I have reasons to be. I just touched 300 pounds last night.”

Molly rubbed the bulge that was straining the stitching of her maid dress, pushing her white apron out, out, out.

“I might need to upgrade my uniform, I’m fit to split out of these. Everything’s tighter, even my panty hose, it was such a struggle to pull them over these round legs and my big fat ass.”

Molly reached behind her ruffled skirt to show her strained brown pantyhose and a butt that was filling out her bloomers to capacity.

“See? Anyways, Master Hannah says I now have a second helping privilege so I’m taking my lunch break now.”

“Oh? And what shall I make for you?” Tabitha’s arms rested comfortably on her belly with her hands clasped together.

Molly grinned “Burger and fries, double the portions!”


Jim pushed his belly platform further along the hallway, still in his robe. Oh how thankful Jim was for the belly board. It held his belly up like a jelly mold resting on a plate. He did wince though, feeling the gout in his fucked up feet. He wouldn’t be able to stand much longer so he needed a rest.

He entered the library and came across one of the senior maids Abby who was featherdusting the books. As Jim sat down he called out, “Abby you work too hard!”

Abby blew out a gust of air from her round red cheeked face, “Oh but I must work *puff* Master!”

Abby raised her hammy arm up and it struggled to stay, flopping back down under their immense weight. Still Abby soldered on. At four years she was the most experienced maid, as well as the fattest. She was in the 500s just like Hannah and was determined to work hard to show her dedication and her thanks for treating her so well.

“I have to-huff-clean the-puff- library!” She picked up the pace, sweat was pouring down her red face and into her eyes which she wiped away with her broad forearm.

“Gotta...work…” Abby began to mumble before she grasped her left arm that dropped the feather duster.

“Abby, stay calm baby!”

“I just!” Abby gasped out and collapsed on the floor with a thunderous impact that shook the library. The impact rattled the cases and caused several books to fall off the shelfs.

WIth an immense grunt Jim got up and scooted over to Abby who was laying like a blob on the ground. He looked at the mess around him, at all the books in this two story library that were out of place and shook his head.


To Be Continued...


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