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Cruise To A Thousand
By FC Punk

Chapter One: Setting Sail

“This is disgusting  Jeff.”

At an airport bar two network executives were looking at footage of a morbidly obese woman stuffing herself with KFC.

“It’s brilliant Bob, think about it. Our number one show right now is My 600 Pound Life, this is the complete opposite. Instead of trying to lose weight to save their lives these women are trying to gain enormous amounts of weight, they’re practically eating themselves to death for the sake of getting bigger. Bob, fatsploitation is nowhere near close to being done yet, these fatsos are going to bring in lots and lots of money.”

Bob sipped his drink, contorting his face at the woman jiggling her hanging belly sack.

“So what are you proposing here?”

“Okay Bob, think about this: Four, five women picked for being unrepentant gluttons. They go on a cruise where we track their progress to reach 1000 pounds. First one to hit it wins. We follow them every step of the way from their gorging to their private intimate moments.”

“And what if they die Jeff?”

The ice in Jeff’s drink shifted a bit and he cringed. “I knew that was going to be an issue. I’m having Legal look into it, maybe there’s waivers and contracts and all sorts of legal stuff we can use to pull this off without getting our asses sued.”


Day One:

Out of all the entries the show received only two lucky participants were chosen. They were Amy Anderson and Daphne Schwartz. In their luxury cabin the documentary teams were filming the introduction to the stars of the show

"My name is Amy Anderson, I'm 45 and I love to eat. I currently weigh 806 pounds and love it.”  She filled up her large wheel chair like gelatin, a big ball of flesh. “I've always  loved eating from when I was a little girl and by the time I was a freshman in college I reached 300 pounds. I was self conscious and hated my body, but I discovered feederism and discovered a whole new world."

Amy rubbed the expanse of her body. "Fat became a huge turn on and I absolutely ballooned. I love fat, I adore fat, and I would love to leave this cruise a thousand pounds. I don't really care much about my life, you only live once you know?" Amy paused and took a couple of breaths and resumed talking "I already have all the complications from obesity, it's not like I can get any sicker, you know? I'll reach 1000 or die trying."

"My name is Daphne Scwartz, I’m 21 and I weigh 789 pounds.” Daphne was dressed in a black skirt and she was covered by an enormous My Chemical Romance t-shirt. The shirt clung to her huge bloated upper arms which sort of melded with her shoulder fat. Her hair was long, green, and cut into an emo hair style. Her legs were big inflated pillars from severe lipedema, her black skirt could barely cover her bloated deformed legs.

“Life sucks so I eat my feelings. That’s pretty much it, eating makes me feel good. When I feel sad, I eat.”

Daphne tapped her plump hand on her bulbous belly that rested on huge bloated deformed legs, “Obesity is just my pain made flesh. I’d love to be able to gorge myself to my heart’s content, to be able to silence my sadness. This cruise is a way for me to express my pain. I’m killing myself with food and if I do die on this show it’ll be my way out of my suffering.”

She tapped a foot which wobbled the fat covering her ankles and said "I can totally see myself reaching a thousand pounds on this cruise, I eat so much. I have so much inner suffering, it takes a lot of food to fill it.” She groped her stomach and wobbled the lard,
“Over the past four years I’ve put on three hundred pounds. With the way I’m eating I definitely can. All I need to do is be a pig."

Alexander Roberts, the director of this show, stood behind the camera during each interview, trying his best to contain his excitement from each mountain of lard. He couldn't believe he was doing a show like this. It had been a surprisingly long casting call, Alex didn’t expect the overwhelming turn out of applicants that wanted to potentially eat themselves to death. Out of a total of twenty one thousand Amy and Daphne were the ones that were ultimately chosen, mostly because they were already on the extreme end of morbid obesity.

Before this assignment he had mostly directed minor reality shows, this was his first prime time series. He knew the incredible journey these two women were about to put their bodies through, and he was excited to capture every minute.

Day 2:

In their luxury cabin the girls all slept in bariatric beds and the cameras were already rolling. Alex sat in a chair behind the camera watching the two girls sleep with their loud CPAP machines going in the background. He observed Amy’s mountainous middle rising as she breathed and he couldn’t get over how large these women were. Amy and
Daphne were two of the fattest women he had ever seen in person. They were so wide, so round, Alex could get lost in their vast size.

Amy was the first to wake up, turning her cpap machine off. She yawned and the camera crew caught it all. When she saw the cameras pointed at her she “jumped” some what, sending her piles of lard wobbling. That’s right, she was on a reality show. Alex looked over at a gofer and signalled him to fetch the nurses.

When the gofer came back with the nurses they took off Amy’s CPAP mask, applied an oxygen nasal cannula to her nose, and then pulled off her covers to reveal the nude blob underneath.

Amy’s lard kept her terribly warm at night so she did away with clothes when she went to bed, she didn’t need any additional warmth. When the covers came off the nurses winced at the smell coming off her; over the course of the night Amy sweated something fierce and the sweat became trapped in her rolls which left her with this morning BO.

The nurses began to give Amy a sponge bath. “I’ve got to say, I could get used to treatment like this,” Amy joked as hands were dug into her various folds. She bit her lip feeling her lard wobble about from the nurses hands, the jiggling gave her an intense arousal.

Each time a sponge or a rag went into one of Amy’s fat rolls a loud squelching sound was made. The sensation of having so much vast flesh and the general feeling of her fat being felt up made her moan. There were many nooks and crannies to get into and it was essential that they all get thoroughly washed, Amy squirmed when she felt hands going deep into her fat ass to give it a scrub.

It took a great while for the nurses to clean Amy properly. As he watched Alex was already thinking about the editing, he knew it was going to be condensed. Many, many hours worth of footage was going to be made and he would have to be in the editing room, helping to put it all together.

As Amy was being dried off the nurses tried to wake Daphne who only moaned.

“I guess she’s a late sleeper,” Alex muttered behind the camera. He leaned forward in his chair and instructed his cameraman, “Keep rolling, she’ll wake up eventually.” The nurses groaned and grunted Amy’s heavy flesh around, trying to get her strapped into a harness for the crane above her.

“Hnnn! Hunnnn! Huuumph!”

The sound of heaving and hoeing filled the cabin from their great efforts working against Amy’s obesity; all the movement of Amy’s heavy lard sent waves over her bloated body. “A-ah! Oh! Ohhhh!” The wobbling and the jiggling Amy was feeling throughout her whole body was making her wet, dirtying her up even after having a sponge bath.

Finally Amy was in her harness and the crane was activated.

“Ooof!” Amy deeply groaned at the sudden pull of gravity on her bulk while she was being lifted. “Hnnnnnn!” Amy moaned while suspended in the air, her fat was being pulled down by gravity’s invisible hand. Alex looked up at the crane with serious eyes.

These medical cranes could only carry up to a thousand pounds, that was it. It was a sure fire way to know which girl reached a thousand first: Who ever couldn’t be lifted by the crane first wins.

The crane brought Amy into her mobility scooter and the harness was taken off her. Her oxygen tank was placed on the back of her scooter and after a tropical purple muumuu slipped over her body she started to make her way to the restaurant for breakfast. She sighed while greeting the morning sun on the deck, this was such a great place for a pervert like her. She was getting all her most erotic dreams fullfilled and was essentially given a vacation to do it.

As she rolled into the dining hall and saw the breakfast buffet line a smile grew on her round fleshy face. Scooting through she stacked her plate with eggs, bacon, sausage, crepes. This was a gift! She had lucked out and she was determined to take every advantage of it she could.

Amy went to the table and before she started on her bulging heavy plate of food a nurse was sure to give her an insulin shot. After getting her shot Amy began her feast, her bloated bed pillow arms wobbled as she fed herself. Crepes first, before moving onto the sausage. The bacon came next and finally she worked on the eggs, dousing them in ketchup. Amy ate and ate, scooting back and forth through the buffet to refill her plate with food. She ravenously consumed, her huge double chin wobbling each time she opened her mouth for more food.

Amy’s gluttony lasted nearly three whole hours, it wasn’t until noon that Amy felt full. After taking the last bite of her sausage Amy felt her chest ache and moaned at the feeling. Between the bacon and the sausages Amy had consumed a ton of grease and greasy fatty food always put her heart through the ringer.

“Hnnn, h-hah!” Amy clutched her chest, the cameras capturing her distress and the nurses behind the camera were ready to jump in with the defibrillator paddles at any time.

Amy’s pudgy fingers massaged her chest while taking deep breaths, trying to will herself to calmness. Thank God she had her cannula in her nose, her tight chest and her stuffed stomach were both competing to make it hard for her to breath. It took a few minutes, but her heart eventually settled enough for her to leave.

“Phew,” Amy took a deep breath and wiped the sweat she had worked up from her brow, “That was a close one. Even if I have no problem with dying, it’d still suck to die before I even reach a thousand. Fuck, I need a cigarette.”

Amy grabbed a pack of Newports that she kept on her at all times and pulled one out while scooting out of the dining hall. She smoked and smoked while she scooted around the deck, filling the sea air with smoke.

After she smoked five cigarettes she decided to check out the casino. This was a cruise ship and it had everything a cruise ship could have, including a full casino. Amy asked a waitress for a cocktail and exchanged some money for some chips to play some games.

“This is nice,” Amy sighed, taking a sip of her drink. An entire cruise, just for her.

What a dream!

Day 5:

In the editing room Alex and his editor Beth were watching raw footage of Daphne sitting outside on her scooter in the middle of the rain.

“Is this all she did?” Alex was puzzled by what he was seeing. It was just Daphne looking over the railing at the ocean while the rain fell on her.

“Yeah, she’s an odd one. She’s got that moody suicidal emo goth thing going on; this is apparently one of her favorite things to do, sitting outside in the rain like a dog.”

Alex and Beth watched Daphne brood in the rain and Alex shook his head, “She’s going to catch a cold doing that.”

“It’s tropical rain.”

“It doesn’t matter, rain is rain. We actually do need these women alive for a little bit, you know. It would suck to lose one of them due to something like pneumonia.”

Alex and Beth watched and watched until finally Daphne started to move her scooter.

“Finally,” Beth rolled her eyes while Alex chuckled, “I was afraid that was all she was going to do. Would have made for boring television.”

Alex and Beth watched her from behind, the camera following her behind. Betch observed how wide Daphne was from behind. Her ass hung over the sides of her seat and the rain soaked her skirt, showing her white panties stretched out underneath.

“Goodness she’s wide,” Beth clicked her tongue at how Daphne’s ass lard jiggled with every motion her scooter took, “How does someone so young become so fat?”

They watched her roll into the buffet and loaded her plate with slice after slice of pizza. Her weak soft arms struggled to hold her plate, a testament to how atrophied her muscles had become. There was simply far more fat than muscle on her arms. Alex fidgeted in his seat when he watched her drop the plate and he saw it shatter on the ground.

“I wish I could have been there,” Alex muttered while he watched the crew clean up the mess and build her a new pizza plate.

“You’re the Director, you have a lot of things on your plate, no pun intended.”

Beth offered Alex a rolled joint which he took, lighting it and taking a drag. His eyes winced and a shiver washed over his neck while they watched Daphne roll up to the table and begin to stuff herself.

“Gotta be everywhere at once, you can’t be expected to be around these hogs 24/7, you’ve got a whole ship of crew members for that.”

Alex gave a stoned smile as he watched Daphne gorge, “I suppose you’re right.”

Daphne shoved slice after slice of pizza into her maw, her mouth was perpetually stuffed with food no matter how fast she swallowed.

“She’s pretty reckless,” Beth took a hit, “It’s no wonder she ended up doing this,”

“You’ve got no idea Beth. It could only come down to two, we had no many applicants who were even worse than this. I picked these two because I figure they will stick around long enough that we can actually get a thousand pound weigh in. That’s the pay off, someone is going to reach a thousand pounds.”

“Or die trying,” Beth snickered while Daphne took a huge bite:

Day 10:

Alex was there the day of the first weigh in. Both girls were already encased in their harnesses which were to be attached to a special crane scale. It would lift them, and then weigh them while they were in mid air.

Amy and Daphne were both smoking cigarettes.

The crane and the  cameras were all being set up and the cameras were off, giving Alex and the girls a moment off the record.

“How is everything coming along?”

Amy couldn’t be smiling wider, her face had shown considerable gain. “Oh my Goodness Alex, I think I died and went to heaven! The food here is sooo good and the crew are so helpful, encouraging me to eat just a little bit more. I was sooo stuffed the other day I even messed myself and even was so understanding and comforting. I already feel fatter.”

Alex chuckled, “Well, that’s the kind of ship I’m running, no pun intended. Everyone is working hard to ensure you have a perfect vacation.”

“The last vacation of my life,” Daphne wheezed out before taking another long drag of her cigarette.

Alex turned his attention to Daphne and looked over the big lump of a girl, “I hope you’re having fun Daphne.”

Daphne’s pale face had dark circles under her eyes and she looked genuinely rough. While Amy had started to develop a healthy tan (possibly the only healthy thing about her) Daphne had maintained her sickly pale color that resembled the belly of a trout. She stayed in her cabin playing her Nintendo Switch or watching the On Demand feature on her television

Daphne smoked her cigarette and blew smoke, “I couldn’t be happier. It rains so often and it’s so warm out it feels like going out in a warm shower.”

“Well that’s good. Alright we’re going to start filming now.”

Daphne went first and blushed at the cameras that were capturing not only her enormity but also whatever pounds of blubber she had stacked on. Knowing so many were going to see this caused a sort of humbling embarrassment to fill Daphne as she was lifted up like a killer whale getting moved to a different tank.


Daphne moaned while in the air, gravity had grabbed her and she was feeling it’s heavy pull.  “Hnnnng,” Daphne broke into a forced sweat while she dangled in the air; droplets of sweat dripped from her chins, from her chair, even from her toes. A big damp spot was forming in her harmness, looking like someone had wet their pants. As she was suspended and the scale was activated: Eight hundred and thirty pounds. Daphne moaned seeing the number, she had put on forty one pounds in over a week.

Daphne was lowered back in her bed where nurses hurried around her, giving her an oxygen cannula, unstrapping her from the harness and checking her vitals. Her breathing was rough and the oxygen was turned up. Pills were given for her blood pressure and the only thing Daphne could do was watch, too helpless to do anything, she felt like she was dying.

Amy was stripped in and similarly moaned at the feeling of being pulled up from her bed. “Ooooh!” She moaned from her fat puckered lips which were gasping for air like a fish out of water.

Alex could have sworn he heard the crane scale moan, and thought it might need a tune up at some point.

The scale activated and Amy weighed eight hundred sixty seven, packing on 61 pounds in a single week!

“Oh my God!” Amt’s fat slab of a face was overjoyed at the news.

“This is great progress!” Alex said while the camera caught the crane lower Amy and the medical personnel saw to her. “We have four months at sea and the final weigh in will be when we make it back to port, so take your time ladies! Whoever gets to it, is closest to it, or goes over it wins!

As both girls were examined and hooked up with tubes and wires to keep these girls alive they looked at each other.

What was the prize for all this?

A million dollars and the bragging rights to say you were a thousand pounds.

Stil, as the girls wheezed into their oxygen they knew it was all pointless. Even if they won it all it wasn’t like they were going to use all that money. That money would be spent on their ruined half ton bodies.

Would a million even be enough to cover the cost?

It was almost as if the bragging right was more important than the actual money.

Especially considering death more likely to take them before they even reach it.



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