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June 27 2020

Oh my God, it's so hot out!

I use to love going outside in the sun, but with all this extra lard it really makes me a sweaty mess. I know I'm supposed to be social distancing, but some times you just have to leave the house. Especially for a date.

That's right, I got laid!

I talked with my best friend and i begged and pleaded with her to hook me up with any chubby chaser's she knew.

Which she did.

The date wasn't anything to write home about, we just ended up back at my place where we smoked weed and then fucked. Oh my God, having sex as a massive fat woman is a completely different experience I feel like I've lost my virginity all over again, it's my fat girl virginity!

At first it was a little gross, he was really, really into my fat.

Shaking it, slapping it, jiggling this, jiggling that. Told me to lay on him, sit on him. We ordered pizza and he wanted me to eat the entire thing. I was just a fetish to him! An object! It was creepy, but I gradually got into it, playing up the big fat girl thing.

After I was good and stuffed with my belly all packed we fucked on my bed. Oh my God, I was so gassy while we fucked, it was like he was fucking the burps and farts right out of me. He told m I was the fattest woman he had ever been with.


I'm totally ghosting him, he's a total creeper, I don't know how Courtney is friends with him.

At the same time though, it was suuuch a good fuck. He pounded my flabby pussy so hard, so fast. I haven't had a dicking that good in so long I might reach out to more chubby chasers. There's bound to be one less creepy than that guy!

How the fuck do you even date successfully right now? Movies? Closed. Parks? Too fat and out of shape. Restaurants? No go, I can only order out.

Never thought I'd be looking for fetishists, but it's 2020 and here we are. I'm too fat for normal guys, but I'm perfect for someone's fat fetish. I'll be someone's "fat little piggy".

Just as long as I get a good rough fucking.

Who knows, maybe I might even enjoy it.

God, I sound like such a fat slut now.

#fatsex #wearamask #hornypost


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