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Attention Whore 4

Now you’ve done it.

Too fat to get out of bed. It’s come to this. Look at the fire crew tearing down a wall. Sweaty? It’s to be expected from a whale like you. You’re positively drenched just from rolling to your side.

You know that, right? Your belly fat spreads so far out, it’s taking valuable real estate on your bed. Look at that jiggle when I pat it. Seriously, just how did it get so bad? You’re panting for breath, struggling to breathe under all that blubber. It’s why you’re on oxygen, because your body can’t survive under these rolls of lard.

I can’t get you out of bed, we’re literally taking you to the hospital because you’re too fat.

You’re causing quite a scene, you know this is making the local news, right? Just outside there, there’s a newstruck. They had to close down a block, it’s taking a major operation just to save you from all this pork.

My fault? How is this my fault?

No, no, no. I was just fine with you at 200, gaining the rest of that weight was your doing. This is what you get, you big fat hog. You put on so much weight we have to get you lifted out via crane. There is a crane outside right now. Was it worth it? Look at all this lard. I can’t believe a person can make so much of it.

Are you actually asking for food? Right now? I suppose we have time to kill, the fire crew are working hard. I think we got some leftover pizza in the fridge.

Alright, back. Okay, fine I’ll admit it.

This is hot.

There, are you happy? This is like my ultimate fantasy playing before my eyes. But you’re on your way to the hospital. Don’t worry, we’ll take it from there. They’ll check you over, scold you, and then we’ll go get McDonalds and then fuck.

I can tell you like the sound of that.

Over here!

I don’t know her current weight. Last time she got on a scale was a year ago, she was 500 pounds then.

Alright, just relax. These men will be gentle with you.

My goodness that’s a big crane. You want me close? Alright. Wow you feel so soft. This is the best place to be at night. But you’re in trouble, don’t forget.

Be careful! Don’t cause her any discomfort or I’ll sue! It’ll be okay babe, they’re just moving you an inch to your right, onto the harness.

Wow you’re sweating profusely, you know you didn’t do anything, right? You didn’t help, you were just a useless heavy bag of fat.

Whats that? How did she get so fat? Well it’s kinda 50/50, we both did it on purpose, I fattened her and she ate. Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s just a fetish we have, we’ll see what the doctor says, okay?

I  swear babe, we’re going to be hearing a LOT of lectures today. Lectures about excess, lectures about your health bla bla bla, we don’t care about that anyways.

Oh I’m feeding her to death am I? Mind your own business.

Alright babe, they’re about to lift you. You’re going to feel a lot of pull, you’re huge and gravity is a cruel bastard. Easy we go, easy we go. Babe, I can’t tell you how horny I am right now. Seeing you dangling in the air like a stuffed pinata. I can’t stop playing with these folds.

Okay, we’re going to the-what? You can’t fit? The hole isn’t big enough? Look at you, you’re plugging that hole like a turd. Welp, guess they’re going to work around you. Really hun, they break a hole in our wall and you’re too big to fit. You deserve a cake when we get back. I love slapping your ass though, maybe we should keep you here.

I’m only joking.

Alright the holes big enough. Now look, I’m going to go down stairs and I’ll be right outside. Everything is going to be okay, I promise. Be brave

Hey I’m down here! You’re doing great babe! Just lay still, don’t wiggle around! There you are, coming in for a landing. The stretchers right here babe, I’m right here.

Here we are into the ambulance. You did such good work.

My little attention whore.


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