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Part 3:

Two years later

Drip, drip, drip.

The insulin IV drip was working wonderfully on Sadie, keeping jeralive. Overflowing her bariatric bed like baked bread Sadie had reached heights she never thought she could ever reach. Her bed sat her up right so she wouldn’t sink into her own flab. A blob, that’s what she was now, a heaving, wheezing blob. An oxygen mask had been put over her mouth and it was constantly bringing her much needed air. Her belly swelled past her fat useless feet..

Her skin was pale and sickly and despite the sponge baths Diya gave her and helping her use a bedpan she still gave off a scent of musk and death. Multiple ECG electrodes were attached to her chest and a monitor was keeping track of her erratic heartbeat. Her poor heart was constantly hurting, constantly aching. She knew the end was fast approaching.

“Hnnnng,” Sadie moaned in place. All of her dirtiest fantasies were being played out to their logical conclusion. With her thick fingers she pushed the button on her PCA and the machine instantly pumped her with morphine. Marijuana just would not cut it for her pain anymore, Doctor Death had upgraded her straight to morphine. With the push of a button she instantly felt the euphoria wash over her. “Ah-hehe,” Sadie giggled dumbly and caressed her flab, pinching and squeezing all the fat she could reach and jiggling herself. There was so much flesh, so much of HER. Her clit, buried under rolls and rolls of fat gushed wet. She sharted, the sound hidden under her overwhelming weight.

Doctor Death and Diya came into the room and came to the literal mountain of fat. Sadie’s legs, thighs, and ass were all so thick and bloated it rose her height while she sat in her poop like the pig she is. She was a hill of rolls and folds struggling to breathe under her bulk.

Sadie looked up at her doctor, her head was now a balloon of fat resting on a fat roll that went all around her with her eyes, nose, and mouth sitting like islands in the sea of fat that was her. “How do you feel Sadie?” The Doctor asked. “I-oh Doctor this is”, She paused to catch her breath, “everything I’ve ever wanted.” The doctor checked the heart monitor and the erratic heartbeat that was on display. “You’re well on your way Sadie the end will be here soon, you’re dying.

The music that was playing in the background was No Doubt’s cover It’s My Life, a seemingly appropriate song for the moment.

Oh, It's my life (oh, Its my life)
Don't you forget (don't you forget)
Caught in the crowd (caught in the crowd)
It never ends (it never ends)

Sadie looked up at Death with blurry eyes, her diabetes had robbed her of her eyesight, she was going blind. Death removed her mask showing a delicate face. Thin lips. A button nose. Eyes that looked far more compassionate than usual. Death grasped a big handful of fat and then another and then another. There was just so much to grab. “You have achieved your dream of being a ball of fat. Your Body Mass Index is 123. It means all of you, the majority of you, is useless,” She grasped a handful and shook it, “Jiggly, heavy, greasy, undulating, gelatinous, quivering, delicious blubber.”

Sadie moaned at Death’s words and felt her chest burn on fire. Her monitor went erratic and she desperately pressed her morphine button and calmed down. “It’s too soon for that,” Death shook her head. “Just getting you excited would be enough to do you in. You’re in a precarious position. Literally on Death’s doorstep.”

Sadie grew a weakened dumb smile. Her smile was always crooked ever since her stroke from many pounds earlier. Diya bit her lip, she was soaking wet between her legs. “Was it worth it Sadie? All this excess?”

“Yes…” Sadie breathed out.

Death took out a Wendy’s baconator. She put it to her lips. “A last meal before piggy goes off to market.” Sadie dug in, shoving her nose in like a pig looking for truffle. She got more on her than in her, the burger smeared all over her face and down her rolls. Diya took another Baconator and fed her too, reaching down Diya touched herself as she fed her, getting off from it all. Sadie took the final lap, she ate with all her piggy might. But she slowed. And slowed.

Finally the heart monitor flatlines.

Death backed up as Diya came in. “Call Edward, we’ll have a big one to melt down.” Death instructed. Diya noted, “She’ll make a grand chandelier worth of candles.”

Death covered Sadie with her sheet.


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