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Michiru buttoned Haruka's shirt, her fingers going past the expanse of her belly.  "You're enjoying this," Haruka teased her while Michiru tucked Haruka's big belly into her slacks, "Why wouldn't I? This belly is the result of my pampering." Michiru grasped the bottom of Haruka's belly hang and gave it a loving shake, "It's proof you have a loving girlfriend."  

Haruka had retired from athletics and in that time she had grown fat. It was something Michiru had come to adore and she made considerable effort to fatten her up.  "You've made me enormous," Haruka couldn't see her past her belly. Haruka was over 300 pounds and was portly as could be. Michiru tucked Haruka's shirt into her slacks and buttoned them, giving her belly a kiss and coming into Haruka's sight. "A fact I'm very proud of."  

She looked over her immense lover, "All this weight is thanks to me."  Haruka waddled like a beast into the living room and sat down in her chair. She always seemed to be sitting now, a far cry from her days of running. Just then they heard the doorbell ring. "Now who could that be?" Michiru went to the door and found it was Usagi.  Both girls gasped at the other, having not seen each other in a while.

"Usagi!" Michiru began to say before Usagi glomped her in a big hug, "Oh Michiru you've grown too! You look so beautiful!" "I could say the same thing about you, come in!"  Usagi passed Michiru who took the new Usagi in. She was fat as a tick, it was shocking to see such a huge weight gain. Her school uniform continued to shrink, with her top riding over her belly and showing her stretch marks. Her upper arms were starting to droop and her sleeves were cutting into them. Her uniform also had food stains on it.  

Usagi came into the room and Haruka was surprised as well, "Hey bunhead, you've been packing on the pounds." Haruka grunted and rose from her seat, showing Usagi the full extent of her bulk. Usagi's eyes went wide seeing just how obese Haruka had gotten. "Haruka you're huge!" Usagi also hugged her, pressing her face into her soft bulk. She looked up at her and smiled wide, rubbing her protruding belly all over she said "I love your fat Haruka!"

Michiru went into the kitchen and brought out some muffins which Usagi eagerly grabbed and sat down. "So what brings you to our home?" Michiru asked her while pouring cream into her coffee. "Well, I was on my way to Mako for some cake and I was in the area and I wanted to see how you were doing. It looks like you're really doing well Haruka, how did you get so big?"  Haruka filled up her chair she was so big. She explained, "I retired from track but I kept eating like an athlete which put a few pounds on me. It turns out Michiru liked my chub and started to fatten me up."  "That's so wonderful! It's so romantic." Usagi gushed before lifting her shirt up and jiggled her stretch marked belly, "Minako learned there are boys who like big girls so we're all letting ourselves go!" Usagi took big bites of her chocolate muffin, she talked with her mouthful, "Itssh ben shoo muchhh fun."

Haruka watched Usagi pig out with amusement. "You've certainly taken to it bun head, I think you look even cuter as plump as you are." Usagi giggled, "Hhehe, see? My Mamo even likes my figure, he says I get cuter with every pound. I love gaining weight and eating whatever I want!" As Usagi ate she farted into their couch *Prrrt* which surprised the two lovers. "My, aren't you getting comfortable" Michiru gently teased her and Usagi apologised, "Excuse me, hehe sorry. I just eat and eat and I get stomach pains, it feels like there's a big bubble in my tummy and I just need to fart!  Haruka chuckled, "Well that's what comes with being a glutton."

Usagi nodded eagerly "Oh yes, being a glutton is great!" She ate her muffin quickly and reached for another, "I don't have to limit myself, I can just eat and eat until I can't eat anymore. Who cares if I fart because of it."  Before Michiru and Haruka knew it Usagi had finished all for muffins, including the two that had been meant for the two of them. "Oh that was good," Usagi patted her middle in bliss before she realized, "Oh no! I have to get going to Makoto!"

"Before you go, I'd like to see something," Michiru said and went to bring a scale over, "I'd like to see how much we all weigh. I'll go on first." Michiru stepped on lightly and the scale went to 200. "Goodness me, it looks like I'm not the only only one that got comfortable, I've put on 10 whole pounds of fat." Harua got on next and it shot to 306. Haruka kissed her "But I am still bigger than you, even if I just put on 4 pounds." "My turn, my turn!" Usagi excitedly stepped on the scale and it went to 267 pounds. Usagi's eyes went wide and she grinned "Hahah, I gained 17 pounds! That'l show my mom and her stupid diet!"  

They were both stunned by Usagi's heavy weight. "You'll make it to 300 pounds before you know  it bunhead," Haruka teased her which made Usagi smile wide, "Do you really think so Haruka?" Haruka nodded, "With the way you're eating you'll be as big as me soon, without question." Usagi glomped Haruka into a big hug and said "Then I can't wait! I'd love to be as big as you Haruka! I want to be 300 ponds!" Haruka chuckled, "Then you better get to Makoto and hit those cakes piggy."  Usagi broke from the hug and quickly waved back at them, "Bye, I love you!" and waddled ot the door as fast as she could.

Michiru rolled her eyes at Haruka, "You are such a flirt."  Haruka chuckled, "What? I was just giving her encouragement."  

"I don't think that piglet needs any encouragement."


Damn it"  Mako swore while she was putting the finishing touches on the cake she had made, her breasts had brushed against it and she got frosting on her green top.  Makoto's large rack had become a source of irritation at times. If she wasn't careful she would bump into things and without her gigantic American bras they were a literal pain in the back.  

She looked outside the window and saw Usagi slowly waddling over and she smiled, "Just in time." Makoto opened a few windows and opened the door "Hey Usagi, you're just in time!" Usagi was red cheeked, "Oh good, I, oh, I need to sit." Usagi plopped down on her butt, letting out a *Prrrrrrp~!* as she did so. Makoto waited for the out of shape bunhead to catch her breath.  After Usagihad cought her her breath Makoto brought the strawberry shortcake and two glasses of milk.

"How's your day been so far?"
"I stopped at Haruka and Michiru's early, you won't believe how big they are now! Haruka is 300 pounds!"
"300 pounds? Wow. Rei mentioned they had grown like we have, but I wasn't expecting Haruka of all people getting that big."
"I know, she's so beautiful! I want to be 300 pounds too!"
"Well I better cut you another slice"

Usagi and Mako ate cake while talking about everything that was going on. It didn't take long before the two ate the whole cake.  "Wow, we really finished the whole thing. I just had two slices, but you had six!"  Usagi patted her tummy which was bulging out with food, "I've been managing to sneak whole cakes into my room pass mom, I eat cake three times a day!"

Mako looked at Usagi's swollen form and said "Well three cakes a day is showing Usagi, you're huge." Usagi gushed, "I know! I'll be even bigger than Haruka!"  Usagi then got up and licked her lips, "Anyways, I gotta go see Minako now, we're going to pig out!" Makoto looked at her surprised, "But you just had a cake, don't you wanna wait a bit before you eat again?"

 *PRRRT!* Usagi farted and grinned, "I'll never get huge if I don't enough"  Usagi and Mako hugged, Usagi giggling "Hehehe your tummy is getting big!" Mako smirked, "I'm not the one ballooning to 300 pounds though" She poked Usagi in the tummy as they said their goodbyes.

After Usagi left Mako texted he girlst.  

"Fat Pig Alert: Usagi is coming."  


Luna joined Usagi as she waddled her stuffed body to Minako's.  "You really should slow down Usagi, your body needs a break."  "But I wanna eat with Minako!" Usagi whined to which Luna shook her head, "You're not even hungry Usagi, you're just being a pig."  
*Prrrrrpppt~!* Usagi farted and grinned, "You bet I am! I don't have to watch what I eat I can be as big a pig as I want!"  "You'll be on the toilet a long time," Luna lectured her, "Honestly Usagi, you wouldn't need the potty so much if you didn't eat so much"  "Oh hush!" Usagi sushed at her cat when they approached Minako's door.

Minako opened the door with a huge grin on her face, "Hey Usagi! You ready to pig out?" Usagi grinned back, "You know it!  They hurried to Minako's room. Minako was excited when she had read Mako's text. Whenever she was with Usagi food was involved.

She grabbed her phone, "I'm ordering out, what do you want? Pizza? Burger and fries?" Usagi rubbed her full belly and greedily said "Mmm, order both! I could it all!"  Luna and Artemis both watched the girls order and then later gorge on the food together.

Luna shook her head, "Minakos created a monster." Artemis sighed, "Minako's not that far from Usagi, she just hit 263 this morning."  

Both Minako and Usagi were butterball sisters of gluttony. It was all Minako's idea and Usagi was the one that took to it like a pig in poop.  "I don't know what to do with Usagi, she's turning her room into a dutch oven with how much she farts. And she spends so much time on the toilet that can't be good for her," Luna fretted while Artemis shook his head "Mina eats more grease in a week than most people do in a month." Luna told Artemis, "Before long Usagi is going to be 300 pounds and then what? How is she going to fight evil as Sailor Moon? How are any of them going to fight?" Artemis nodded in agreement.

After a good while Minako's room was littered with take out garbage. Wrappers and bags and cops were all over the place as both girls rubbed laid on the ground and rubbed their bellies. "Oh that was good!" Usagi cried out, her school uniform was coated in even more ketchup and sauce stains.

Miako grunted and farted *Prrrpppt!* Minako laughed and waved the smell from her face "Oh God I'm so stuffed I'm farting like you Usagi!" Usagi giggled "I know, isn't it great?" She then lifted up her legs and farted louder than Minako *PPPRRRPPP!* Minako giggled, "If I ate like you I wouldn't stop farting either. Although I gotta admit it feels good to fart so big."

Usagi's phone beeped and she groaned, "Ugh, I have to go to Ami's for a math tutoring session."  Minako gave her a sympathetic nod, "Oh Usagi, I understand. Maybe Ami will have food there."

Usagi's eyes lit up with greed, "Mmm, food!" She got up, letting out a fart *PRRRAPP!* "Well I gotta get going it was fun gorging with you Minako." Minako yawned, "Same here Usagi, I'm going to take a nap." Minako rolled over and let out another fart from her fat ass *Ppprrrrrt~!*


"Oh Ami this is boring can we eat something?" Usagi whined as she laid her face in the book.

The big bellied Ami shook her head, "Oh Usagi, you've been eating all day long don't you think you should take a break even for a little bit?"

"But I wanna eaaat! Waahhh!" Usagi whined and started to cry like a baby, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh goodness," Ami sighed at the crying Usagi and went for a pint of ice cream. Usagi immediately stopped crying and grasped the pint and spoon and dug in.

Ami absently played with her belly while Usagi ate, saying "My belly just grows and grows. It's like an experiment, seeing how unhealthy I can get. You know Usagi, based on your weight and height according to my calculations your BMI is 53.9."

Usagi was amazed "Wow, math is really good for something." Ami giggled and said "What that means is 53 percent of you is fat" Ami put her palm on Usagi's swollen obese belly and shook it, causing it to ripple. Usagi grinned "I want it to be 100 percent. I wish there was a way to get fatter faster." Ami suggested "I could make you something like a weight gain shake." "Yeah lets do that!"

The girls went to Ami's kitchen where Usagi watched Ami make the shake in gluttonous delight in a blender. Ami poured herself a glass but Usagi grabbed the container itself and started to drink from it. "There's about 12,000 calories per serving so if you drink it like that you'll definitely pack on the pounds" Ami told her as she sipped her's while resting her hand on her belly.

Usagi chugged and chugged, hoping it would work immediately.

Rei grunted and grunted but she finally buttoned her shorts. "Whew, it was a pain getting these up my fat ass." The shrine maiden patted her rump and noted the dimpled cellulite she was growing on her legs. "It's all Usagi's fault," Rei smirked. Just then the door knocked and Rei rolled her eyes.

"Hi Rei!" Usagi cheerfully greeted her, mouth smeared in weight gain shake. "Hi Usagi, what brings you here?" "Oh, I just want to borrow your latest manga." "Ah, well I guess you don't want to stay and eat then." "Well in that case I will!"

Rei knowingly smirked at the glutton and ordered take out. Just like Minako Rei ordered a bunch of burgers and fries and Usagi ate and farted. However by now her farts were getting far more foul than usual and Rei had to hold her nose. "Sheesh Usagi these are bad even for you."

Usagi moaned, her full day binge was catching up to her, "Actually Rei, I-" "Absolutely not!" Rei cut her off, "You are banned from using my Shrine's toilet!" "B-But I need to gooo!" Usagi started to cry and farted big *PRPPPRPPPT!!* "What, are you going to mess yourself right here?" "I will if I don't gooo, wahhhhhhh!" Usagi cried and cried while Rei held her head, another awful fart made her give in, "Alright, go!"

Usagi quickly waddled to the toilet, dropped her panties and sat down, her ass spreading over the edges. She let go *Prrrt Pppprrrrt Poot!* pooping and farting. "Ahhh, what a relief," Usagi said to herself as the bathroom filled with stink. Just then the door opened, "Rei!" Rei came in, nose scrunched up trying not to breath in the air. "You forgot your cheeseburger piggy." She put it to Usagi's mouth and Usagi instinctively chomped down. "The girls told me you were coming and about your little day. I know I'm fat so it's hypocritical to say it, but you really are a big fat pig Usagi!"

Usagi ate and pooped, accepting every bite. Finally she yawned, "So sleepy." Rei snickered, "Why don't you rest here on your throne Princess."

Usagi did just that nodding off to sleep and snoring while still on the toilet. Rei looked over the sleeping Usagi, stuffed and bloated as could be and shook her head.

"There's no denying it anymore. I love that fat pig."


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