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Chapter 2: The Comforting Arms Of An Angel

Shinji was miserable.

Having become Misato and Asuka’s milk cow was humiliating in every possible way. Having to be on his hands and knees like common cattle his chest was milked by Asuka and Misato to cover expenses.

In that time Shinji's condition had gotten worse, he had swollen even fatter officially a thousand pounds of fat boy flesh. How he was still mobile, how he could stand and waddle was a gift from his secret lover Kaworu. It was his meeting with the angel that triggered all of this girth in the first place. Shinji was increasing to the size of Kaworu’s love for him. Being able to walk was the blessing from an angel.

But even being able to stand wasn't much of a blessing, he was still a big blob of folds and bulges. Everything wobbled from his ring of chins to his tits which were now being contained in a special bra that NERV had created just for him. 

The milk pump hummed and worked to milk the bloated milk cow that was Shinji Ikari. On his hands and knees Shinji wobbled like shapeless jelly. Shinji’s belly fat spread out under him like a big fleshy puddle and his huge penis stuck out between his fat legs like a big thick fire hose.

"Alright that's enough from you!" Asuka announced waddling over to Shinji, her thick thighs brushing against each other.

Consuming Shinji's milk had its own effects on Asuka and Misato, they had grown fat and flabby, but mostly in their bellies which stuck out in front of them. Asuka had to be 300 pounds, large and beefy, fat all over from her fat feet to her big double chin. Bent over while unhooking Shinji Asuka let out a tremendous fart *PRRRRRRT!!!!*

"Asuka!" Shinji whined. The entire apartment smelled of the farts passed by Misato and Asuka who saw fit to pass gas whenever they wanted. but Asuka brushed it off, "Oh get over it Shinji, you know your milk gives us bad gas. So this is all your fault Shinji!" Asuka took a sip of the delicious milk and passed gas from her rotund buttocks really loud *PRRRRRRRT!!*. Licking her lips of stray milk after her enormous fart she moaned, “Mmmm, so good!”

Getting to his feet his fat made loud clapping sounds and his body wobbled and sloshed as he stood up right.

"Time for your braaaa!" Asuka sings, picking up a bra with cups the size of cauldrons. She stretched it across as Shinji looked down, peering at his face flesh. Shinji at times felt like he was more fat than boy, his original trim lithe body lost in a pile of blubber.

“A-ah!” Shinji pathetically whined at Asuka tugging the bra back, she always did it so roughly. “MMMph! Mmmmmph ooh!” Shinji grunted and grunts after his boobs were all snapped in.

“Oh quit your bellyaching tubby!” Asuka chided him, she rubbed her hands over her own jelly rolls and shook her belly, “I’m over 300 pounds thanks to you! You don’t hear me bitching and whining!” All the jostling in her gut made the enormous redhead pass gas again *PPPRRRT!*

Next was the red panties, which was Asuka’s favorite part of dress up.

“Heheh you’re like a dress up doll you know that Shinji?” Asuka teased him, stretching out the massive red tarp that was Shinji’s panties. She grunted and got down on her hands and knees, placing Shinji’s thick legs in each hole before slowly pulling them up. As she pulled them up her hands would brush against Shinji’s huge cock and would make her shiver, sending her fat into a jiggling frenzy. She brushed her face against it, rubbing her face chub against his shaft softly she moans “Mmm oh Shinji, I think I should give you a different kind of milking later~”

Shinji kept blushing red as the timid boy’s panties were fully pulled up his expansive waist. Standing there, a thousand pounds of fat boy, he was helpless to the abuse Asuka heaped onto him. He felt so humiliated being on display, an enormous fat boy in his bra and panties. He was too fat to fight back, too heavy. Even with Kaworu’s gift he was still a thousand pounds and he could feel the full weight of a thousand pounds of fat boy blubber weighing on him.

Misato came waddling into the room, big and fat just like Asuka with a hanging belly apron. “Hey Shinji, I have your new clothes!” Misato announced, holding up a shopping bag she farted loudly from her huge butt *PRRRRRT!* and filled the room with more smelly gas.

Shinji frowned, having to live in a smelly apartment was torture but Asuka and Misato seemed to have gone noseblind to their own bad farts, it was just another humiliation he had to endure.

Misato pulled out a pair of black pants, and a white button down, all of which had enough fabric to cover a tank. “Now then, let’s finish dressing you.” Misato was the one to finish dressing Shinji, her body shaking and wobbling from her butt to her ham hock arms as she completed dressing the human cow.

Finally dressed Shinji huffed and puffed towards the door. “And where do you think you’re going porky?” Misato laughed and playfully swatted Shinji’s butt. “I’m...going for a walk!” Shinji told them to which Asuka laughed and laughed “Hahaha! That’s a stretch, you’re probably going out to eat your feelings like a fat girl!”

Shinji huffed out the door, hearing Asuka fart one last time as he shut it *PPPRRRTT!*


Outside was just as hard for Shinji as it was inside. A thousand pounds was a lot, too much for a boy. 

The sun tortured Shinji, his thousand pounds was pure insulation and Shinji felt like he was cooking somewhat, sweating profusely. His shirt was damp and his cherry red bra could be seen through the fabric. He alsp had sweat stains under his pits and his chins were slick with sweat, sweat dripping off his stack of chins.

He was slow, absurdly slow like a slug as he moved his thousand pounds of fat. As he waddled he was bullied by people on the street.


"Lay off the ice cream!"

Cars would pass by and honk at him, yelling out "wiiide lord!"

All the abuse made Shinji start to cry, tears falling down his wobbling cheeks.


Shinji turned and saw Kaworu walking towards him. Seeing his special friend cheered hin up and he wiped his tears with his fat hands "O-Oh Kaworu."

Kaworu gave his big fat body a big hug, his arms unable to meet around the boy who was wider than he was tall. He kissed him on the lips "What's wrong Shinji dear? You look sad?"

"Oh Kaworu I've been having such a bad day! I had to do my milking and Asuka and Misato wouldn't stop farting! And it's so hot and I'm sweating so bad." Shinji explained and started to cry again.

Kaworu could sense his sorrow. "Shhhh" he told him, using his powers he played with Shinji's head, releasing pleasing endorphins into his body that calmed him down.

Feeling calmness and serenity washing over him Shinji cuddled into his lover's arms. "I love you Kaworu."

Kaworu smiled as well, "I think you need something to cheer you up. How about some new clothes?" 

Before Shinji knew it he was at a mall in a changing room. The door opened and Rei, who was working in the clothing department came in, holding a pair of clothes. "Here are the clothes you wanted Kaworu." She blushed at Shinji "Hello Shinji." Shinji blushed too, "H-hello Rei." He always did like Rei, she was just as special as Kaworu was.

"You can change for us Shinji, Rei doesn't mind." Kaworu smiles to which Rei blushed, softly saying "I don't mind."

Kaworu worked with Shinji's head, intruding his mind Shinji heard Kaworu tell him “You’re so sexy Shinji. You’re so big and sexy, you turn me on tremendously. All this fat? All this flab? There is nothing better my love.” Kaworu’s words triggered more endorphins to flow through Shinji, making him incredibly horny.

"Hnnn" Shinji moaned as he started to do a thousand pound strip tease. He slowly started to undo his shirt, revealing his cherry red bra and that miraculously held Shinji's huge boobs. He undid his pants and wiggled his wide hips from side to side, slowly lowering them and revealing his massive red satin pamties. Aroused as he was his huge cock was the size of a log of salami, thick and meaty in his panties.

Now in just his bra and panties Rei and Kaworu took turns loving his rolls, petting his belly, fondling his folds. Rei rubbed her hands over Shinji's thick shaft over and over until Shinji gasped and cummed in his panties.

"Did you enjoy that Shinji?" Kaworu asked which Shinji dumbly nodded with a dumb smile.

"That's good. Let's dress you now."

Kaworu and Rei dressed him until Shinji was wearing a purple pair of leggings that hugged his huge butt and legs. He also had a black crop top that allowed his belly to hang and move and groove freely, unconstrained by cumbersome pants.

"You look beautiful Shinji kun. This is exactly what I want you to wear on our date tomorrow."

Shinji smiled at his reflection as Kaworu gave him kisses.

He couldn't wait for tomorrow.


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