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“Time for bed.” Nathalie announced. Adrien and Marinette had been under a strict eye after they had snuck off and Nathalie lectured Adrien like a mother. “You too Chloe, you need your beauty sleep.” Audrey waved a flabby arm at her daughter.

Inside the bedroom Sabrina announced, “Since Marinette, Chloe, and I slept in the bed, this time Adrien and Marinette should sleep in the bed and I’ll sleep with Chloe.”

“Waah!” Marinette threw her arms up dramatically but Adrien just laughed, “It’s alright Marinette, I think there’s more than enough space for us to be comfy.”

Marinette was heating up inside and Chloe leaned in and whispered, “Don’t get any ideas, ” Chloe was Adrien’s childhood friend and was very protective of him. “I’m not getting any ideas.” She whispered back, her voice shaking, “We’re just sleeping together as...friends.”  Chloe humphed, “Sabrina, it’s time to dress me.”

Marinette looked at her strangely, “You have Sabrina dress and undress you?” Chloe held her nose in the air and said, “There’s nothing strange about it at all. I’m over 400 pounds and I’m way less mobile and I can’t bend forward. I’m way too big, I feel like an inflated balloon, but that’s the price that comes in fashion trends and I’m just the trendiest of them all! Besides, if you had a friend you’d have them do this too!”

The mention of Chloe’s troubles reminded of hers, how slower she was, just how massive she was, 400+ is a lot on a girl. She felt slightly shaken, there were many times she questioned why she was doing this and was confused about a lot of things. But looking over at Adrien who had already switched to green pajama bottoms, who had his shirt off and playing with his lowest belly flap. That fired her up she knew what she wanted, she wanted to be a big fat couple. She was gaining in the name of love! With her confidence back Marinette shot back, “It’s still weird Chloe.”

Sabrina undid the white belt off  Chloe’s white capris and pulled them down showing Chloe’s huge thighs wobbling with bits of cellulite on her butt, as she gained she had achieved a more bottom heavy shape due to being spoiled and sitting on her butt all day. Sabrina also helped put a yellow nightgown over Chloe and got dressed herself in a dorky big t-shirt and assisted her to bed which she got in. “Sabrina sleeping mask!” Sabrina, up against big fat chloe reached for it and applied it to Chloe’s face. “I need my beauty sleep for mother’s fashion show, so everybody faire taire”

Marinette got changed too, undressing in front of Adrien she blushed. She liked her old clothing from when she was thin, but with Gabriel+ she now could have bigger sizes of her pink capris or her black blazer. She was even able to have the same pajamas. Adrien was already in his pajama bottoms, they were decorated with his favorite Ligue 1 logo.

“Well, let’s get in.” Adrien said with a yawn. Getting in first his fat body spread out when he laid down. Marinette did as well and shuddered when she heard the springs moan under them. “W-wow, so fat.” Adrien giggled, “Yeah I know, I gotta say I’m gonna miss this when it eventually ends, all trends do. But don’t worry father will slim me down and I bet he’ll slim you down too. We can always go back if we want to.”

Marinette rolled over to one side and asked, “What if I want to stay fat? I mean, maybe nowhere near 400 but at like a nice 250. I’d be pleasantly plump, a fully ripened tomato just ready to be picked.” Adrien chuckled, “It wouldn’t upset me if they just kept me in Gabriel+. Why not let me be the permanent model for that brand.”

Marinette turned over and hugged Adrien. “Adrien that’s perfect!”

Adrien hugged her back, “Yeah! It’ll be great Marinette.”

Meanwhile under the bed the three kwamis Tikki, Plagg, and Pollen were talking.

“Well sugar cube, not every day we see each other like this!”

Tikki frowned, “That's what worries me, Hawkmoth is still in Paris we need to go back.” Plagg ate a slice of cheese and told Tikki, “Relax, we’ll be just fine. They have Trixx and Wayzz and I’m positive they’ve dragged those two love birds to the Master by now.”

Tikki sighed, “I hope so.” She looked up and mattress above them and how low it was sinking, “She really can eat, she’s the fattest Ladybug I’ve ever been with, luckily the magic keeps her going.”

Pollen nodded in agreement, “Her Majesty the Queen is constantly transformed when she goes out anymore. She is feeding me lots of honey, but she tends to hog the rest, as any queen should.”

Plagg snickered, “You always amuse me Pollen you treat every master like a queen.” Pollen chuckled, “Her Majesty must have her jelly.”

Plagg just grinned, “My master is growing by the day! He’s an eager hog of a boy I’d say. When he learned Ladybug’s admission he-”

“Admission?” Tikki frowned

“Okay, he might have heard she likes fat boys, he was awfully close enough to hear anyways!”

Tikki sighed, “So that’s why he’s really gorging himself, he wants to win Ladybug's love, but she wants to be as big as him. Oh this is terrible. “

“Terribly entertaining! Not only that I can have allll the food I want!”

Tikki smirked and patted his tummy, “He’s over pampering you, even you’re getting fat.”

Plagg looked at his tummy and patted it, grinning wide “worth it!”

Up above on the sagging bed Adrien spoke up, “Marinette are you awake?”

Adrien and Marinette rolled their butterball bodies over, “Yes?” When they were facing each other their bellies pushed together button to button.

“I’ve been having a great time with you here in America, it’s been lots of fun.”

Marinette smiled, she was so in love with this boy, “Oh yeah, it's been a blast. I think I’ve even put on weight already.”

“If we don’t come back ten pounds heavier I don’t think we’re true gluttons,” Adrien joked and Marinette laughed and said, “Well, lets see who gained the most weight when we come back to France.” To which Adrien said “Deal.”

Both of their obese tummys gurgled in delight knowing they would be upping the gaining.


Audrey was taking a nap, the big heap of useless meat snoring with her wine glass empty.

At a table Nathalie had taken off her jacket and her turtleneck. With her pants undone she was bending over, shoving different cuts of steak into her maw, not even using utensils she held an entire t-bone steak and ate the meat right off it.

“I do feel guilty seeing you like this. Each time you use the peacock it drains you, you start craving food, and you grow,” Gabriel gently rubbed Nathalie’s packed gut, “...Fat.”

Nathalie took deep breaths between times when she was eating, “I will continue to help you Gabriel, growing fat is worth it if it means bringing her back.”

Gabriel’s hand traced her belly slowly as she kept eating, “Very Well. Nooroo darkwings rise! “

“Dussu spread my feathers!”

Seated at the table now was a far more ample Mayura. She rose from the table and looked at herself, her belly was pushing out her blue fur coat and her blue legs were round and had ample cellulite behind on her upper legs.  Her hips and her butt were pronounced behind her. Under her cocktail hat sat a round face with a pronounced double chin.

“I am ready, Hawk Moth.”

“Good Mayura,” Hawk Moth and Mayura went to the helicopter pad. Overlooking the city Hawk Moth grinned, “Ah, New York City the wonder of the world. So full of hopes, so full of dreams, but also nightmares." Hawk Moth held his head and searched for negative emotions


"You can’t catch me turtle boy! You gotta catch up!"

In the middle of the day Rena Rouge and Carapace were having a game of tag. Rena Rouge telling Carapace to catch up was ironic considering the fox hero was now at a gut busting 250 pounds. With the magic of her Miraculous she was able to leap from rooftop to rooftop. Her costume hugged her body like all the others, the orange and white material showed every jiggle that went through her body as she ran. Her belly rolls flopped and slapped together and her butt had now grown so wide her coat tail couldn't cover it all.

“I’ll catch you!” Carapace called out. His own gain wasn’t that much, but he had a pot belly and his green hood couldn’t cover his chubbier face.

The two had been making the most of their new found status as full time heroes, stopping crimes and saving people. They were determined to show Ladybug what a great job they had done while she was absent.

“Yyyeaaah!” Carapace yelled out and with a great big leap tackled Rena to the ground, her soft body padding them.

“Congrats you caught me, haha!” Rena laughed to which Carapace asked, “I sure did, what’s my prize?” “This,” Rena grinned and pulled Carapace close into a deep kiss. By accident they happened to be the only ones that knew each other’s identities which worked well for the two lovers.

As they kissed Rena’s flute started to beep.


She took it out and a screen popped open, a video playing.

“Don’t be bemused it’s just the news, I’m Nadia Chamuck and we have breaking news from the United States! Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Queen Bee are fighting Mayura and rock star Jagged Stone and his pet crocodile Fang who were akumatized during a performance at Madison Square Garden in New York City!”

Both Rena and Carapace’s eyes bulged out.

“New York City?!” They both said at the same time, watching intently at the report.

“Awesome Solo!!”

Guitar Villain flew on his pet crocodile Fang who was now a purple dragon. With his command he fired an orange energy wave at the three heroes who jiggled out of the way, blasting away the street where they stood.

“Hnn! You dare wake me up at this hour! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Queen Bee had her top out and was swinging it the same way as Ladybug was with her yo-yo.

“Be careful Queen Bee, Guitar Villain will make you dance uncontrollably if you get hit!” Ladybug was dodging attacks with backflips.

“Ultimate Solo!!” Guitar Villain called out and launched a green wave from above that hit the ground and caused an earthquake that knocked a taxi into the air.

“Ladybug look out!!” Cat Noir yelled and shoved Ladybug out of the way, the two tumbling on the ground with Cat Noir on top of Ladybug, their fat tummies squishing against each other. Cat grinned down at Ladybug who was blushing at the fat on fat contact, but shook her head and got back to the matter at hand, “Not now Kitty.”

Cat hopped back up and pulled Ladybug up, “How did Hawkmoth know we were here, did he follow us?” Ladybug looked up at Guitar Villain and his dragon “I have no idea, but we’re gonna deakumitize him, his Akuma is in his guitar!” Queen Bee hopped over to join them “And with ME here we’ll be able to take them down, it’s three against two!”

Just as Queen Bee said that Mayura jumped down in front of them, “How about we even the playing field Three against three.”

Cat Nor smirked, “Looks like this bird’s been having too much seed, what a butterball!”

Mayura’s blue round face sneered and pulled out her feathered fan “You will regret saying that!” and charged at them, making the three disperse.

“Queen Bee! You and I will get Guitar Villain, Cat Noir you take on big bird.” Cat blinked “Did you just make a joke?” Ladybug winked, “You’re rubbing off on me. Come on Queen Bee!”

Queen Bee’s fleshy cheeks grew a wide smile “Right Ladybug! Let’s go!” Ladybug and Queen Bee leapt up in the air and took off swinging towards Guitar Villain. Cat Noir turned to face Mayura and chuckled “Time to pluck your feathers!” Mayura smirked and said “You may try,” before charging at Cat Noir.

Up in the air Ladybug and Queen Bee swinged around Guitaritar Villain while trying to avoid Fang's green fire breath. The Manhattan skyscrapers allowed the two to constantly grapple around but they just could not get close.

"You can't touch me up here!! From me dragon Fang I'm gonna rock your world! Rockin' Riff Baby!" He fired at Ladybug who barely dodged. "He's right we're no match up here, he's got the advantage. Queen Bee! Use your Venom on the Dragon and bring him down!"

"I can't swing and use it at the same time you'll need to toss me!" Like a pair of trapeze artists Queen Bee swinged over to Lady Bug who caught her with one hand and Queen Bee spun her top and caught it mid air yelling out "Venom!" Her right hand became surrounded by yellow energy that took the form of a bee stinger.

"Here we go!" Ladybug took one big swing and tossed Queen Bee onto the back of fang and stung the dragon.

"Ahh! Nooo!" Guitar Villain crashed through a building and came out on the other side, landing on the ground where he fell off.

Landing on the ground as well Ladybug tossed her yo-yo in the air "Lucky Charm!" And produced...a bottle of mustard? "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Think fast Ladybug! I don't have much time!" Her comb miraculous beeped, the timer being activated.

Ladybug looked at a hotdog cart behind him and grinned "Of course!" She started running, her blubber swaying she jumped over him, twisted in mid air, and squirted mustard in his eye.

"Ahhh! Spicy mustard!!" He wailed drooping his guitar he stumbled back and tripped butt first into the cart.

Meanwhile Cat Noir and Mayura were wrestling, their fat shaking and jiggling as Cat Noir squeezed her from behind. "Looks like this cats caught the canary!"

Mayura saw Guitar Villain in the cart and growled she had failed, "curses!" She jerked her head back and headbutted Cat Noir in the face causing him to let go and Mayura darted to a subway. "Oh no you don't!!" He chased her down into the subway stop but found she was gone. 

"Ugh!!" Cat groaned, she had gotten away. He left and went back up.

"No more evil doing for you little Akuma, time to devilize! Gotcha! Bye bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!!" 

She tossed the mustard bottle into the air and fixed all the damage and Guitar Villain turned back to Jagged Stone and Fang turned back as well.

"Ladybug? What are you doing here and why am I in a hotdog cart? This isn't Rock & Roll!" Ladybug helped him out "You were Akumatized, but we'll always be here to save you."

Cat Noir came up to them and Ladybug, Cat, and Queen Bee fist bumped "Pound It!"

Queen Bee and Ladybug held their Miraculous "We have to get back" the three of them split up and went back to the hotel.

Later on in the hotel grill Nathalie was taking huge bites of a hamburger and shoving steak fries in her mouth, her post Mayura hunger was ravenous.

"I have failed you sir."

Gabriel watched how Nathalie was eating so fast her stomach was swelling and the button on her black jacket popped off and her jacket became undone. He gave her a sympathetic expression and said "Worry not my dear Nathalie. Even though we have failed I have sent a message to Ladybug and Cat Noir, that there is no place I won't go to achieve my goal. My conviction will lead us to victory."

Nathalie's double chinned face looked up at Gabriel who smiled kindly at her and blushed.

To Be Continued...


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