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Part 4: Dreams and Nightmares

Jubilee tossed and turned in the night, she was having the same recurring dream of her being fat and pregnant with a grossly huge belly that rumbled with a brood inside. It was always the same vision of her gorging endlessly on food and making a mess like a hog while her bloated breasts leaked milk like a cow. Every bite she took in her dream made her belly grow a little bit bigger and a little bit bigger until she felt like she was ready to pop.

Jubilee woke up and shot straight up in bed. She looked outside and saw it was morning.

“Just another day,” Jubilee sighed, unsure of why she kept having these nightmares. “Hnnnng,” she grunted and tried to get up, she had grown tremendously fat since the mall incident. Jubilee had grown a double chin to join her chubby cheeks and her legs had softened up with her feet particularly swollen and her fattened legs had forced her gait into a waddle. However her belly was once more the star attraction, sticking out far far out and made her look overdue with triplets.

Once on her feet she put a hand on the small of her back when she felt gravity pull it’s savage grip on her body. Her enormous belly and bloated breasts were murder on her back. “Nnnn,” Jubilee grunted as she moved to get her bra on, letting out a big fart from the pressure of it all.

She got dressed in pajama pants and a Xavier Institute t-shirt that clung tightly to her body.

“I’m hungry,” she moaned moving her way to the kitchen.

Going down the stairs was tough. She put on hand on the railing and one hand on her stomach as she slowly but surely made it down one step at a time. She had long since lost the ability to see her feet and doing something like going down the stairs required her to be careful, lest she lost her footing.

“Ooof, oooh,” Jubilee panted when she reached the bottom, out of breath already. “I’m getting so out of shape,” she panted, waddling to the kitchen where she immediately took a seat and tried to catch her breath. She knew how fat she was getting and was becoming concerned that something was wrong with her. However, her reflection on her tremendous weight gain was interrupted by her own hunger rumbling from her belly.

Jubilee tried to get up from the chair but found she couldn’t get out, she was stuck tight. “Hnnn!” Jubilee moaned, rocking around in the chair made her shirt ride up her belly. She wiggled and wiggled in place trying to get out, only succeeding in making the clasp on her bra snap under her shirt.

Rogue suddenly walked in, all dressed for a round in the danger room with her green and yellow jumpsuit covered by her brown leather jacket. “Hey there sugar, whatcha doing?”

Jubilee blushed as she sat there, “I, I was just getting something to eat!”

Rogue observed the sitting teen and then glanced at her big belly with her outie belly button exposed for her to see. Seeing that outie belly button made Rogue’s eyes grow wide. She had thought Jubilee had been getting a little porky lately but seeing her popped out belly button made her realize she was eating for two.

She smiled wide at her, “I can see that! Why don’t you just stay there, I’m gonna make you some breakfast burritos!” She went to the cupboards and opened the fridge for tortillas, eggs, and green peppers. In one pan she scrambled eggs and peppers into burritos which she then deep fried. Rogue dipped the fried burritos in salsa and sour cream and also fried up some bacon and added it to Jubilee’s feeding.

Jubilee accepted every bite, moaning for more and more food in a greedy tone of voice. “Heh, sure thing sugar. Mama knows best after all!”

Mama knows best? What was she talking about? These questions filled Jubilee’s mind as Rogue continued to empty the fridge and make more food for her until finally Jubilee could eat no more.

“BURRRRUPPP!” Jubilee belched, her mouth was smeared in grease and various sauces, “Ooof. I’m full now, thank you Rogue.” Jubilee tried to rise but found her hips wedged in, a recurring problem she faced with her increase in width. “Um, Rogue,” She began to say and Rogue immediately caught on, “Don’t need to say anything.” She took hold of Jubilee’s buttersoft wrist and then grasped the chair before pulling the stuck teen from her trapped predicament with her super strength.

After Jubilee was freed Rogue winked, “Take care, and be careful! I won’t always be here to pull you out.” After Rogue left Jubilee was left with continued thoughts of concern. “Mama knows best,” Jubilee repeated to herself and lifted her shirt over the rest of her stomach and put her hand on it. Suddenly she felt a tremble from within and sees something move in her stomach.

“Oh my God!” Jubilee exclaimed in horror. What the hell was going on? “I’m...pregnant? No way, this can’t be happening! I can’t be pregnant, I’m…”

She was a virgin. It should be impossible, she had never had sex before.

What should she do? What should she do?


In his office Charles Xavier was deep in thought.

“Erik, are you sure you won’t come back. There’s much more we could do.”

“You are correct Charles. However our battle with En Sabah Nur has made me reconsider many things. There are many things that we could do, but more importantly what we should do. The path I walk will always be my own.”

“You have choice Erik, you do not have to do this.”

“But I do Charles. You know this to be true, search my thoughts, my true thoughts. My thoughts on our Nation.”

“Yes, I see.”

“Once I put this helmet back on we will go our own way. Goodbye Charles.”

“Goodbye old friend.”

Xavier opened his eyes and sighed. At that moment the door opened and Xavier gasped at the state of Laura who waddled in, dripping in sweat.

“Goodness child, what has happened to you?” Xavier activated his wheelchair and rolled from behind his desk over to her. The daughter of Wolverine could barely fit in her clothes. X-23 had become obese with a stomach even larger than Jubilee’s. She was dripping with sweat and was red in the face.

“Huff...huff…” Laura pants, trying to catch her breath. “Professor, I…*puff*..need your help.”

Laura explained everything that had happened thus far, from her nightmares to the examination Beast gave her. After listening to her Xavier gently asked, “Laura, may I have your consent to probe your mind? Your nightmares intrigue me, perhaps I can find something.” Laura gently sat down on a chair, relieved that it didn’t break under her, and agreed.

Xavier placed his two index fingers on her head and closed his eyes, going inside her mind.

The recesses of Laura’s mind was filled with horrific blood curdling screams, it was the soundtrack of the trauma she had endured from becoming a child soldier. Everything was cast in a blood red hue, like an overwhelming heat lamp had been cast onto reality, onto Laura’s reality. Even to someone like Xavier it was overwhelming as he tried to dig and find something, it was all a jumbled garbled incoherent mess of memories and thoughts.

It was then Xavier found something, a dirty memory of a sensation of pleasure coming from Laura’s privates, the memory of her hymen tearing like a surgical incision. He tried to go further but was getting blocked. He focused on the interference, trying to find the source. It was a powerful psychic force, in fact it was trying to penetrate his mind as well, but he was far too powerful and was able to block it.

The psychic force, it wasn’t coming from inside Laura’s mind but somewhere else. He dug and dug until he traced the source to Laura’s stomach.

He broke away and Laura looked at him, “Have you found the problem Professor?”

Xavier looked her over, “You’re overly stressed.” He lied to her, needing more information. The door opened again and Jubilee stepped in. Xavier could tell she was facing a similar interest. He smiled at her, “it seems you are overly stressed as well. You two should rest. Everything will be fine.”

Laura and Jubilee looked at each other with an uncertain expression before leaving the Professor.

Xavier closed his eyes and began to think.

“Scott, Jean, Logan, Henry. To me, my X-Men.”


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