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Love Pounds
By FC Punk

It was lunch time at the Hikawa Shrine. The Sailor Guardians ordered pizza for the occasion, however one member was enjoying it the most.

Rei, Ami, Usagi, and Mako all watched Minako eat slice after slice, a collection of crusts was building up as Minako binged. Artemis in particular looked embarrassed at her gluttony.

"Um, Minako?" Ami tentatively asked.

Minako paused her eating and smiled, displaying how chubby her face was getting "Yeah Ami?" Minako's stomach was pushing out her peach top ad her loose mint green dress, making her look six weeks pregnant.

"Do you...um, do you think you have enough pizza?"

Minako's eyes lit up, "Oh! Are you done eating? I'll have your slice if you're finished with it! I'll always accept more pizza, teehee!"

The other girls cringed and Artemis sighed in annoyance, "That's not what she meant Minako."

Ami sighed, "What I meant was, well, um..."

Makoto spoke up, "Minako, you're getting fat."

Minako suddenly stopped eating and looked down, avoiding eye contact.

Mako frowned, "Sorry, but it's true. You've been eating like this for two weeks straight. We're your friends, we have to say something."

Rei poked the slight pot belly that Minako had been growing, "Yeah, you're porking out 24/7, you're gonna get fatter than Usagi!"

"HEY!" Usagi loudly protested, "I'm not FAT! I'm chubby at best on a bad day."

Rei snorted, "Just how many bad days do you have! You eat like a pig Usagi, everyone knows that! Minako please don't follow Usagi's example."

Usagi continued to protest, "You're so mean! I actually lost five pounds last month!"

"Only because we helped you! You outgrew your school uniform and we helped you diet back into it. If it wasn't for my help you'd be a huge blob!"

Makoto groaned at their bickering, "Girls, cut it out!"

Ami shook her head, seeing Minako's face was still facing downwards, "The point is, we're concerned. Are you doing okay Minako? We're all here for you."

Minako remained silent as everyone looked on, unsure of what her reaction would be. Was she going to yell and blow a gasket? Was she going to burst into tears?

Minako bolted her head up and was wearing the biggest smile they had ever seen.

"I know! Isn't it great!"

The other girls gasped and fell back, shocked, "You mean you knew?!" Usagi was shocked.

Minako nodded, continuing on eating, "Mmmmhm! Yup! I'm gaining weight on purpose!" Minako stood up and lifted the top over her stomach and showed them all her budding pot belly "My figure is really starting to fill out now."

The girls were shocked by this revelation, Ami poked Minako's belly "You're getting fat on purpose? How awful! Minako, obesity is really unhealthy."

Minako brushed Ami's concern off, "It's alright Ami, if I want to lose weight then I'll lose weight, but right now I don't, hehee."

"Why are you doing this Minako? Aren't you worried about your appearance? Or finding a boyfriend?" Mako asked to which Minako's grin grew even larger.

"Hehehehehe," Minako giggled like a mad woman, "Weellllll, I recently learned something very fascinating. Did you girls know that some boys actually like fat girls?"

Usagi's jaw dropped, "They do?!"

Minako nodded confidently, "Yup! Some boys like fat girls so why should I bother to keep myself on a diet? So I'm letting myself go. This is the new me, and I've never been happier."

Ami smiled softly, "Well, if it's making you happy we'll support you." Mako nodded in agreement, "Yup, we'll always support you, through thick or thin."

Minako smiled at her friend's acceptance "Thanks so much girls. We should all get fat together! Usagi, Mamoru might even like it if you let yourself go."

The girls all reacted differently to the idea. Ami and Rei looked uncomfortable with the idea, it was unthinkable to Ami to embrace unhealthiness while Rei thought of her vanity. Mako was unsure of the idea, she loved food but she wasn't so sure about the idea of guys liking big girls.

Usagi however was intrigued and the gears were already turning in her bun head.


Later that night at Mamoru's apartment Usagi was having dinner with Mamo. Mamoru had made spaghetti and Usagi was working through her second serving.

"Oh Mamo, I LOVE your spaghetti! It's so yummy!"

Usagi's mouth was smeared in red sauce and Mamoru found it cute.

"I'm glad you enjoy my cooking Usagi, it sure is better on my wallet than eating out."

After she finished her plate she rubbed her full stomach and remembered what Minako had said earlier.

"Um, Mamo, could I ask you a question?"

"Sure Usako, you can ask me anything."

"Well, um, you know my weight yo-yos, but would you still love me if I got really, really fat?"

Mamoru looked Usagi over and could see the look of importance on her face. She looked like she could cry at any moment it was rattling around in her mind. He gave a compassionate smile and held her close in a hug, "Usagi, I love you for you. Even if you were a thousand pounds I would love you just the same as I do now, just the same as we did in our past lives. I love you Usagi."

Tears started to form in Usagi's eyes and she smiled at him, "Oh. Oh Mamo I'm so happy!" She hugged him back tightly. She was so happy. Now she could let herself go.


Rei wandered through the hall of her temple. It was late in the morning and she had heard a weird sound and it had woken her up. The shrine maiden got closer and close to the source coming from inside a room. When she slid open the door she nearly screamed.

Inside the Sailor Guardians were all big fat immoble blobs and gorging on pizzas and cakes. Including her.

"Stop touching me Usagi you blob!" Rei compianed, her voice deeper than before. Usagi's side rolls were being pushed against Rei's big butt while Usagi gorged on ice cream, her hands covered in chocolate, "Like you're one to complain! Get your tit out of my pudding!" Rei grunted and released a long bubbling fart before chastising her "It serves you right, you keep stealing my food!"

Rei watched this scene in horror. Just what was going on?

Ami was similarly huge, eating a batch of cheeseburgers off Minako's ass, treating it like a giant platter, "Now girls, enough fighting. There's plenty of calories enough for all of us!" Makoto had several cakes lined up on her huge thighs, the immobile girl was bloated to immensity with cake and was feeding Rei, "Yeah, besides if Usagi is being a pig we'll be sure to feed you."

Mako took big handfuls of cake and started to feed Rei, shoving the cake into Rei's fat maw. Rei ate and ate, her belly inflating and bloating like a balloon until she vomited chocolate cake all over herself. "URRRK URRK URRK!"

Chocolate puke coated her boobs and stomach and the huge swine of a shrine maiden started to schoop the chocolate vomit with her hands and shoved her hands into her mouth. "Mmmm, chocolate! I love chocolate so much! Oh God, make me fatter,"

Rei shot up in her bed, covered in sweat. She looked around and quickly realized it was just a dream. Just a dream. But it was so real. Was it a dream? Or a premonition.

"What the hell was that?"


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