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Harley’s Feast Continues! Part 2
By FC Punk

Gotham City could never catch a break, after a brutal summer came a winter of discontent when a food shortage occurred after several trucks of food were hijacked by a team of muscular men in costume. According to the drivers they were super strong, able to pull off doors and lift literal tons. Trucks of food were going missing and there was a massive spike in hunger that was alarming. Alarming enough for Jim Gordon to summon the Batman on one rainy night.

“The results of our crime lab came in. I want to know if your results were the same, I’m willing to bet yours came faster.”

Gordon looked over the towering figure known as the Batman, rain water falling off his fedora.

“Pamala Isly would be an asset to humanity if she used her power for good.”

Gordon put a cigarette to his lips and attempted to light it under the heavy rain, “Our lab said the same thing. The blood,”

“Wasn’t blood at all,” Batman finished his thought for him, “But rather plant matter. This is Poison Ivy’s doing, she has created her own replicants.”

“The descriptions of the five assilents match the descriptions of five missing person cases,” Gordon added to which Batman responded, “Ivy has most likely captured and used them for the basis of these plant beings. Whether they’re dead or being used as hostages is unknown.”

A flash of lightning strikes in the distance and Gordon looked up at the night sky and the falling rain that was illuminated partially by the Bat Signal, “You know, it’s unusual for us to have this kind of weather in Gotham this time of year. Do you ever think of climate change and what that means for us?”

“Climate change has the potential to make Ivy stronger, it’s crossed my mind.”

Gordon, who had finally managed to activate his lighter chuckled as he lit his cigarette, “That’s not exactly what I meant-” but as he lifted his head up Batman had vanished.

Taking a drag he blew smoke before muttering, “I hate it when he does that.”


The rain kept falling and falling, both Batgirl and Nightwing were on a rooftop waiting for Batman to return.

“Bet you’re glad you got in shape before Bruce chewed you out,” Nightwing teased Barbara who was wet as could be under her cowl.

“Oh shut up,” Batgirl hissed at the teasing. After she barely got out from her encounter with Harley she got serious and quickly dropped her freshman 15, in fact she was thinner than she ever had been.

Nightwing shrugged, “Yeah, I’d say the same thing.” Batgirl had to chuckle at Nightwing’s reaction, “Heh. Either way you must be happier having a thin girlfriend over a fat one.” Nightwing smiled, “I didn’t mind it too much. Like I said, the circus fat lady was my babysitter.”

“I still have a hard time believing that.”

“That the circus fat lady was my babysitter?”

“No, not that, that you didn’t mind me being heavy.”

“Well the sex was good.”

Batgirl playfully slugged him in the shoulder and the two laughed.

At that moment Batman landed before them and the two instantly became serious.

“Hey,” Nightwing greeted him, “Thought you guys could use some help. The trucks,”

“Came from Bludhaven.” Batman finished Nightwing’s thought. Nightwing only smirked when he did it, he expected it. Dick Grayson had been the first Robin, the first child soldier in the Batman’s war on crime, and had known him his entire life. He was used to all of Batman’s quirks that put other people off.

“Yeah, you got that right. Did Gordon have anything?”

“We’ve come to the same conclusion based on evidence. Poison Ivy is behind this.”

Batgirl’s stomach suddenly groaned. While she had upped her training and dropped weight, a good deal of her weight loss was from the food shortage. The hunger in her belly was painful to her.

“I’ve checked her past hide outs and haven’t found any clues.” Batman said as another flash of lighting strikes in the distance.

“So what’s the plan?” Batgirl asked, to which Batman said “Spread out. Nightwing and I will search Old Town. Batgirl, you will investigate the outskirts, the city limits.”

“What about Robin? Should we bring him in?” Batgirl asked to which Batman looked at the community over the river, “I’ve already instructed Robin to investigate Burnside.”

Nightwing nodded, “The trendy gentrified part of Gotham. Hipster capital of the world. Nice, good spot for a kid like him.”

Batman turned to the both of them, “Are there any questions?”

Both Nightwing and Batgirl shook their heads and Batman said, “Good. Let’s go Nightwing.” To which Nightwing gave a wistful smile. “Just like old times. See you later, keep dry.”

“Yeah, I’ll try.” Batgirl responded as Batman and Nightwing took off.

Still standing in the rain Batgirl reflected, she hadn’t told Batman about Harley’s massive weight gain, her near defeat at the hands of the blubbery clown was just too embarrassing. But with these robberies and being reminded of Harley Quinn, it made Batgirl think.

It would definitely explain a few things, Batgirl thought while jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Things like Harley’s mass. It still shocked her, thinking back to the encounter at the mall and Harley as fat as a walrus. It was clear now to Batgirl that all the food was going to Harley’s gut.

But Harley had gone solo hadn’t she? That’s what she said at least. Maybe she was solo or maybe she got back with Ivy, either way, Batgirl had a clue.

Batgirl continued to move, working her way to the outskirts of Gotham she hoped she could find some more clues. Suddenly she heard a cry and she rushed to the source. Below her was a truck outside a market.

“It’s got to be them,” Batgirl determined. A man was thrown through a window and an enormous buff man with an eerie zombielike green hue to his skin followed while holding an enormous amount of food that he put in the back of the truck, going back and forth.

A plan started to form in Batgirl’s head as she watched and started to wait for her opportunity. That opportunity came when he got into the truck and took off. Batgirl swooped down to the end of the truck and opened the back, sneaking inside.

Once inside Batgirl’s eyes went wide at the collection of food before her. Junk food! All of it was junk food! It made sense considering they had robbed a convenience store and from the looks of it this wasn’t the only stop. The truck was packed with it, full of chips and candy and bottles upon bottles of soda.

She heard the truck start up, thanks to her training she could tell which direction they were going just from the layout of the roads themselves. Her plan of being taken straight to Harley was working so far. However her stomach started to rumble with lots of trouble and lots of bubble, causing Batgirl to clutch her sides. Her training wasn’t the only reason she lost weight, the food shortage was also a factor.

“I shouldn’t,” Batgirl thought but her stomach said otherwise, she was so hungry. She tried and tried but she ultimately succumbed to temptation. She popped open a bag of potato chips and dug in, shoving handfuls of the greasy junk into her mouth.

She washed the chips down with soda, cracking open many different cans ranging from cola to orange soda. She then chased the soda down with packages of snack cakes, getting chocolate crumbs onto her costume. 

Batgirl ate and ate, all the while trying to think of a plan of attack after the truck made it to its final destination. By the time the ride stopped she had eaten so much her stomach bulged out. She moaned quietly to herself while she rubbed her bloated stomach and stifled a burp as the driver left.

Batgirl got herself into position and when the door opened she launched herself at the plant goon, hitting him as hard as she could, knocking him out. 

Looking around she found they were at an abandoned farm compound. She took her grappling gun and shot at the top of a silo, pulling upwards. Next to the silo was the main complex which she grappled to next and entered a skylight.

Up in the rafters she hid in the shadows, exploring the facility. Batgirl noted there was some kind of pulley system all lined up and decided to follow it. When Batgirl made it to the end she gasped.

Down below her was a vat, the size of a swimming pool and inside was a great white blob of flesh that was spilling over the edges like a muffin. Barbara stared at the blob for a good minute before realizing the grotesque blob was in fact Harley Quinn.

Sweat rolled down the nude blob clown as her belly hung slightly over the edge of the pool. Harley was sucking on a hose that was attached to a vast tank of soda. A sticky brown stream rolled down her hills of chins and with every guzzle Harley’s body wobbled and shook. When she finished drinking she let go and let an earth shaking belch, sending her entire body into a jiggling fit.

Harley smacked her lips after her belch and then demanded, “HUNKS! MORE FOOD!”

Several of the plant men started to pull on chains on a pulley system and Batgirl watched as a huge collection of cooked meats all squished together into an enormous meatball was brought to her on a meathook. Harley dove her face into the meatball, meat juice flew everywhere as the ravenous clown gorged herself and made loud animalistic sounds like a pack of wolves tearing into prey.

“Jesus,” Batgirl covered her mouth in disgust, looking away. She couldn’t believe the change in Harley.

This ravenous greedy blob was Harley Quinn. She had been fighting her for as long as she had been part of Batman’s inner circle, it was like she knew her on a personal level.

She even sympathized with her when she would leave the Joker or Ivy and try and go straight, but would always be disappointed when Harley would slip back into crime. She would end up crawling back to Joker before leaving once more and going back to Ivy until something would happen and she would strike out on her own. It was a vicious cycle that kept Harley from improving.

“Looks like she slipped up again,” Batgirl muttered to herself.

She was behind it all, all the food in Gotham was going straight into her belly. She had found the culprit of these crimes, but she needed more information. She saw an air vent and grappled to it.

She crawled around until she found another room and dropped into it. She explored the room before she heard faintly “Heeelp! Heeelp!”

She rushed to the source which was a large cage with five sickly thin men inside. She got to the bars and whispered, “What’s going on?”

One of them crawled over and said, “Nnng, the clown. Drugged me, drugged all of us. Drained our blood. Please, please help us. We need a doctor.”

Batgirl took out a mini wilder from her utility belt, “I’ll get you out.” She started working on the bars while the guys averted their eyes to the light. One couldn’t help but look around his hands, seeing it happen when a plant man knocked Batgirl out from behind.


Batgirl moaned as she started coming to. Standing up she found with the exception of her cowl her entire costume had been removed, replaced with a bikini made of chainmail. When she was fully on her feet she raised her head and was startled by the presence of the blob known as Harley Quinn.

“Well, well, well!” Harley began to grin. Harley’s face was doughy as could be it sat on top of three bulging chins with a preview of a fourth starting to emerge, the act of grinning made her face wobble and her chins to quiver. “Look who came back!” Harley crows while being fed grapes and being fanned like a pharaoh by plant men. “I knew yeh couldn’t keep away from me, I tend to draw redheads like moths to a flame. Couldn’t get the mask off ya, you kept electrocuting my plant hunks so I was just like, fuck it, and let you keep the hood.”

Batgirl could only watch her speak in shock and awe. Being so up close Batgirl could see further details of Harley’s jiggling, it seemed any sort of movement would send her into a jiggling fit. With Harley being nude before her Batgirl could see every inch of the hoggish clown. Seated on her enormous ass Harley had rolls in places Batgirl never knew you could get rolls in. She was a big pasty ball, a ball of fat with a head on top and two greedy little eyes and a pucker of a mouth. Her breasts were two big sacks of fat just flabby rolls of fat that hung on either side of her big stomach.

After being able to collect her bearings Batgirl could only say, “Harley, what have you done to yourself? You’re a whale!”

A smug expression fell on the sea of fat that was her face, “Why thank you! See, I know for a while I’ve been porkin out,” Harley paused as a plant man started to tip a jug of chocolate milk into her mouth. Her chins bulged out like a fat frog as she chugged the contents while chocolate milk ran down her chalk white skin. When she finished chugging the jug was pulled back and Harley let out a grotesque belch

“BRUUUUUUUUP! Hooo wee! That was a good one! Hmm, now what was I talking about? Oh yeah! Yeah, I put on a little weight but I was thinking, since I stole all the food from Gotham and pulled it off that means I’m like the alpha criminal! I’m the top of the food chain which means I’m the biggest! I’m the Queen, whats anyone gonna do?”

Batgirl watched once more in horror as Harley picked up a melted tub of ice cream and dumped its contents into her maw with her jiggly arms. The goey sugary slop came pouring out, the chocolate ice cream got more on her than in her as the chocolate goo coated the top of her belly and made the clown resemble a pig in shit.

Barbara looked down at her ribs sticking out in her metal bikini and then back at Quinn. She alone had been responsible for the food crisis on Gotham. Many people were in the hospital, several had even died from hunger. It had all been hoarded by the greedy bucket of lard that Harley Quinn had become. After dropping the tub of ice cream she let out another loud belch “BrrrrrUrrrrP!” and clapped her greedy little hands “That’s right! I’m the top of the food chain! That means I get whatever I want!  Dance for me! Entertain me with a sexual dance! I wanna get off!”

Batgirl looked up at Quinn and coldly said “Never. I don’t know what’s gotten into your head Harley, but you’ve crossed a line. People are dead. All because you wanted to prove you were greedy. And what were the results?” Batgirl softly pat Harley’s butter soft stomach which quivered from just the slightest impact “You, fatter than a herd of cows and me ready to kick your butt.”

Harley’s face turned into a sneer, “Well FINE! You don’t want to dance you can amuse by FIGHTING! HUUUNKS!”
A couple of plant hunks hopped in and charged at Batgirl. Batgirl blackfipped, trying to create distance. She managed a few good kicks that knocked two of them down, but to her surprise after a minute or two they would get back up fresh and ready to fight again.

Harley jiggled and rippled watching Batgirl fight, her other hunks continuing to feed her grapes. “Hah!” Harley taunted her, “There’s no point in fighting my hunks! Red desgined ‘em real good!” Harley chewed grapes and rubbed her hands over herself. “It’s just so wonderful to be FAT!” She played with the fat on her belly, jiggling it, grabbing it, shaking it, “I’m laaaarge and in charge!” She took even quicker bites from the grape branches. Suddenly she called out, “Hunks! Stop fighting!”

Batgirl stopped fighting and looked at the disgusting blob. Outside of her tub Harley had started to sweat, she looked like she was oozing crisco she was so big and overly insulated by her blubber.

Harley grinned at her, “Just so you know, there’s no big vault holding all the city’s food!” She took one more big bite, “Thatssh right! I eat ALL the food that comes here!” She turned and ate cherry pie filling straight from a can, getting it all over herself and joining all the other food on her. “Everything my hunks bring I eat! So even if you beat me I still win!” She slapped her blubber and made herself wobble all the way up to her face, “All that food is still here with me!”

Harley smugly tore into one more grape branch before she suddenly dropped it. Her greedy little hands reached for her thick face, hitting several chins.

Batgirl’s eyes went wide. “Harley!” She yelled and jumped onto Harley’s belly. Harley’s body had the same consistency as pancake batter, trying to crawl up her belly to her face was a struggle. She kept sinking into the fat, the adipose tissue was swallowing her up like quicksand. This didn’t stop her, she was determined to save Harley, she grasped big handfuls of blubber and pulled herself, crawling and wading through the lard. When she finally made it to her face she put her lips to Harley, giving her mouth to mouth to dislodge the grape.

Batgirl breathed and breathed into the white blob but suddenly she felt Harley’s tongue curl into her mouth. She had been tricked! Batgirl pulled away only for Harley to savagely head butt her. The smack of skull meeting skull echoed in the room and Batgirl tumbled down the immobile hog.

“Hah! Nothing can stop me now!” Harley crowed.

Batgirl looked up at Harley flapping her fat arms in triumph and felt the sweaty fat girl blubber closing in on her.

Was this the end?

To be continued.


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