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Flabulous Ladybug
By FC Punk

Part 1

“This is getting ridiculous.”

Adrien looked down at the plates which held pancakes, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and pastries, the sixth round of breakfast so far today. He leaned forward to fork an egg into his mouth and winced in discomfort, his ordinary wardrobe feeling tight on him, his jeans dug into his stomach and his shirt hugged his chest and arms.

Nathalie, his father’s assistant, refilled his glass with rich chocolate milk. “It’s your father’s wishes. You know he wants you to be the model for his expansion of the Grande Taille line, to cater to…” Nathalie paused trying to find the best word for it, “...husky boys.”

Adrien rolled his eyes dismissively, “You mean fat boys. Father is making me fat for his line of clothes for fat boys, there’s no need to sugar coat it.”

Nathalie took a frying pan and scooped sausages onto his plate, “I know your father can be...eccentric.”

Adrien sulked “Eccentric and way too overprotective. Two week’s vacation from school and he forbids me from leaving the mansion, I can’t hang out with Nino, I just stay here while putting on weight.”

Nathalie looked down on Adrien with pitying eyes from behind her glasses. “You know your father can easily make you thin again with the best personal trainers money can buy.” Such a comment prompted another eye roll from Adrien while Nathalie went on, “And school will be starting again fairly soon, so you’ll be able to go see your friends. Just finish this plate and then you can relax in your room while the chefs prepare your weight gain shakes.”

Adrien nearly threw up at the thought of those shakes, the ultra sweetened milkshakes were mostly doing the trick to plump himself up so fast.

After breakfast Adrien hauled his overly stuffed self up to his room where he was greeted by his Kwami Plagg. The black cat-like Kwami giggled mischievously when he saw Adrien walk in, “Did you get enough to eat tubby? Heheh!”

Adrien rolled his eyes, “It’s not my fault, my dad is the one fattening me up!”

Plagg floated below him and pokes his stomach, “Whatever you say porky, but you have to admit it’s not so bad, lying around and eating all day! If I could I’d just lay around and eat camembert all day long!”

“That’s all you do!” Adrien snarked before looking himself over in his mirror, seeing how his stomach stuck out from under his tight black shirt. “Man, I’m turning into a real butterball.” Adrien said to himself, turning to his side to get a profile view, the sudden movement causing the button of his pants to pop right off. “Aw jeez.” Adrien grunted, trying to pick it up all the while Plagg continued to laugh, “Hahaha, you’re just bursting all out aren’t you? I wonder what Ladybug will say when she sees you!”

A look of embarrassment flashed across Adrien’s face, “Oh man, I don’t even want to think about that.” At that moment Adrien’s stomach rumbled, Plagg chuckling, “Hehehe, sounds like someone’s hungry again!”

Located on 12 Rue Gotlib in the 21st Arrondissement of Paris sat the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, a bakery well known for it’s bread and it’s baked treats. The architecture was typical Parisian, with the entrance being charming with white walls, with white rectangles slightly outset from the walls, outlined in gold.

The windows were tinted black, with the letters in gold, while six of them, appearing in pairs, have a golden design, each illustrating a peel, grains of wheat, and a croissant. The door was similarly styled to the outside walls, with the same black window, gold lettering, and white outline. Above the windows and door was a white overlap with ridges, gold lettering, and a black background.

Inside there were display cases filled with bread and cakes and cookies and croissants, with the counter located in the center where Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng worked and did business. In the back was where they kept the supplies, the sugar, the cream, and the ovens to bake. There was also a staircase that led to the upper floors where they lived, and above that in the attic lies the room of Marinette Dupain-Cheng, also known as the superhero Ladybug.

“Come on, you stupid pants!” Marinette hopped from one foot to the next trying to button her pink pants. Tikki, her kwami, shook her head, “It’s no use Marinette, you’ve put on too much weight!”

“Ugh!” Marinette grunted before sitting down on her bed in defeat, “I didn’t think being off my feet for this long would have this much of an impact.” She looked down at her belly that stuck out and rested on her lap, tapping it with her palm she watched it wobble.

It was her fault. Mostly her fault, clumsy klutzy Marinette. On the last day of school before break Marinette was rushing outside after class when she caught sight of her crush Adrien. In her love smitten haze she lost track of where she was going and tripped, falling over she took out several students with her. All the momentum of her epic fail caused her to roll her ankle and left her bedridden for the entire vacation.

“It’s good luck in bad luck that Hawk Moth hasn’t been active lately, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to stop any Akumas!” Tikki chirped, trying to cheer Marinette up.

But Marinette was having her troubles. She got up, her pink pants falling down to her ankles which she kicked off, turning to the mirror she looked herself over. “Ugh, I’m so fat,” Marinette groaned, holding either side of her belly and shaking it in her hands.

She stared at her face in the mirror, her face had rounded out with chubby soft cheeks and a full on double chin. She pouts in the mirror, “I guess this was inevitable, living in a bakery, I just never knew how easy it would be to get this large.” She looked behind herself and frowned at how doughy her bottom was, hanging out of her white cotton panties.

“Tikki, do you think I’m ugly now?”

Tikki shook her head, “Of course not Marinette! I think you look beautiful no matter what you look like! If you work hard enough you can be thin again no problem, I believe in you! You can accomplish anything if you just believe in yourself too!”

Marinette smiled wide and cups Tikki in her hand, rubbing her chubby cheek against her affectionately she says, “Thank you so much Tikki, you always know how to cheer me up when I’m feeling upset.” She smiled once more and bent over, her rump jiggling as she picked up her pants and moved to her desk, grabbing a needle and thread.

Tikki hovered over her curiously, “What are you doing Marinette?” Marinette grinned, “You’re absolutely right Tikki, I can do anything if I put my mind to it! I may be fat as a whale right now-” Tikki interrupts, “You’re not fat as a whale Marinette,” to which Marinette waved her hand, “Okay okay, I’m exaggerating, but what I’m trying to say, is that despite looking like I do right now, I’m still an aspiring fashion designer and I can fix these pants to make them big enough to fit my fat butt.”

As she started to work on them she winked at Tikki, “Maybe I can design some cute plus size clothes. What do you think Tikki?”

Tikki giggled, “I think you have the right attitude now. It doesn’t matter what you look like, you’re still Marinette!”

Marinette grinned even wider, “Thanks Tikki! Now I gotta get busy, I have a whole wardrobe to modify before I go back to school!”


Marinette worked day and night on her wardrobe, letting out pants, modifying shirts, she was going to be ready for when school started. However, when the day arrived Marinette’s confidence had taken a hit. The previous night she finally checked her weight and to her shock she was 192 pounds of jiggly fat. Actually being able to apply a number was a psychological shock, she had known she was fat, but knowing just how much made her feel that much heavier. She was glum as she walked into school, even in her cute modified clothes that she had spent nearly three whole days working on.

When she ran into her best friend Alya she could only blush sheepishly, “H-hey,” she muttered, so self conscious she could hardly speak. Alya’s mouth was wide open in shock, “Girl, what happened?” Marinette winced, “I got a little chubby.” Alya rolled her eyes, “I can see that, I meant how did this happen,” she gave Marinette’s pot belly a gentle pat.

Marinette took a deep breath and said, “Do you remember on the last day before vacation when I tripped and rolled my ankle?”

Alya smirked, sarcastically telling her “You mean when you took out three other people? Who could forget? I’m pretty sure those other kids haven’t.”

“Ugh!” Marinette groaned, having to be reminded of her crowning moment of clumsiness before saying, “Anyway! I rolled my ankle really bad, like worse than I thought, and I had to stay in bed for the entire vacation, and, well, you know I live in a bakery, so I just ate cookies for two entire weeks and now…” Marinette waved her hand around her stomach, showing Alya the end result. “So yeah, that’s how I got so fat, heehehehe,” Marinette giggled uncomfortably, desperately trying to think of a way to change the subject before saying, “What about you Alya?”

Alya crossed her arms and slumped a bit, “It was boring! For some reason Ladybug and Cat Noir haven’t been around for the past two weeks! And you know what that means, no Ladybug, no Ladyblog! Ugh!”

Marinette looked surprised, since she had been injured she hadn’t seen Cat Noir, but she had just assumed he had still been out there fighting bad guys, “Really? He hasn’t been around either?” Atyla nods, “Yeah, no cat boy sightings. It’s weird, of course you might think one of them would be absent, you know, maybe one of them had the flu, but both of them? Seems pretty fishy is you ask me. Heh, maybe they’re both sick, maybe they actually live together and are married!”

This caused Marinette to freak out, waving her arms in a frantic fashion she declares, “No way! There is no way Ladybug would ever marry a huge dork like Cat Noir! I mean you’ve seen the youtube videos, you post them on your blog! All those cat puns!” Despite Cat Noir’s flirtations and innuendos Marinette was just not attracted to the cat super hero’s personality, just the thought of marrying someone as obnoxious as Cat Noir made her want to wretch.

Alya smirked, amused by Marinette’s reaction, “Calm down girl, I was just kidding. Don’t go break a leg! Or somebody else's!” Marinette just took a deep breath and sighed, wearily asking “I’m not going to live that down anytime soon, am I?” Alya shook her head, “No way!” Both Marinette and Alya laughed at that before they were interrupted.

“OH. MY. GOD!”

Marinette turned and the color drained from her face. Standing before her was Chloe Bourgeois, the only daughter of the Mayor of Paris, the queen bee of the school, and Marinette’s tormenter. By her side was the soft spoken bespectacled only “friend” of Chloe, Sabrina Raincomprix who was carrying Chloe’s books.

The selfish, vain, domineering, entitled, petty blonde clad in yellow made her way over to Marinette who was frozen in fear. “Well, well! Looks like someone's been snacking at home! Better be careful Marinette! You don’t want to eat your family out of house and home and BUSINESS!”

Sabrina couldn’t help but giggle to herself as Chloe continued her assault, “Marinette! More like Chubbinette! Am I right, Sabrina?” Sabrina nodded enthusiastically, jumping in, “Oh yes! She’s so doughy she belongs on sale at her bakery!”

Chloe laughed at that and grasps the roll of fat that was peeking out from under Marinette’s shirt, “I see a tummy! Sabrina is right, you are doughy! I wonder what your diet is like! Donuts for breakfast? Cake for lunch? Pie for dessert! And bread in between no doubt, this definitely comes from sneaking between meals! You’re such a big fat fatty Chubbinette!”

Marinette’s lip quivered as Chloe attacked her self esteem, whacking at it with a sludge hammer and going for it’s foundation. Alya growled and slapped Chloe’s hand off Marinette’s belly, “Chloe, stop that! It’s not her fault! Besides, you eat like a pig anyways!” The brown skinned girl smirked, “In fact, rumor has it you had your daddy install a liposuction machine in your mansion, so you don’t get fat from being such a gluttonous hog!”

Chloe and Sabrina both gasped at the accusation, Chloe sneering, “I would NEVER have a liposuction machine because I simply DON’T GET FAT!” She recovered quickly, going back to her attack on Marinette, “Unlike this porker here. Do you know why I’m teasing you Chubbinette? It’s because you’re embarrassing! It’s just so gross! How can you stand being as blubbery as a whale? Don’t you know the old saying Chubbinette? Les femmes françaises ne grossissent pas! It means, French Women Don’t Get Fat!”

Sabrina chimed in, “Maybe she’s not French! Maybe she’s an American!”

Chloe chortled, “Oh my! She certainly looks like one! Is that it Marinette? Are you secretly just a yankee danky doodle? I bet so! You probably don’t just eat cakes and bread at home, you probably eat hamburgers and hot dogs drown it all in ketchup! The only French thing you eat is French Fries!” Sabrina laughed at that, “Good one!” And high fived Chloe.

Meanwhile a limo pulled up to the school. Inside Adrien and Nathalie were going over Adriens schedule for after school.

“And then you have a photoshoot in the park at four...Adrien are you listening?”

Adrien was looking out the window with an unsure look on his face. He had absolutely ballooned, the teenaged boy tipping the scale at 210 this morning and he was bulging out of his clothes. Unlike Marinette he lacked the talent of being able to customize his clothes himself, after all, his father was the one that made his clothes, he just modeled them.

As such every bit of himself was tightly packed, his jeans looked more like sausage casings and his black t-shirt was almost skin tight, showing off his massive fatty pecs. While most boy model chests had definiton and muscle, Adrien’s resembled loose fatty breasts, sagging under his arms. He wasn’t looking forward to going to school, he was just so large, and he didn’t know if the other kids would tease him. He didn’t want his friends to dislike him, he had worked hard to get into public school, and he didn’t want to be alone.

“Hmmm? Oh, nothing. Just thinking about the new clothes father has in mind. I hope he gets them finished soon, I think I’m going to split out of these.”

Nathalie nods, “The new line is due to be ready in three weeks. In the meantime you will continue your eating regimen, when we pick you up from school there will be ten pizzas waiting for you.”

Adrien looks back in horror, “You mean I have to gain MORE?! Nathalie, I HATE being fat! I’m slow and my clothes don’t fit and I get out of breath like no tomorrow! I’m so out of shape! I want to be thin again!”

Nathalie shakes her head, “It is what your father wants. You really have no choice in the matter.”

Adrien hung his head, his double chin bulging even more, “If you say so. Well, I gotta go.”

Adrien stepped out, hoping that the back of his pants wouldn’t split open when he got up. The limo drove off and Adrien sighed, “Today is going to suck, I just know it.”

Adrien made his way through the halls when he came to his best friend Nino Lahiffe. The dark skinned boy was listening to his beats on his headset when he saw Adrien, his mouth dropping. He pulled his headphones down and started laughing, “Hahahahahah! Oh man!” Adrien frowned, “H-Hey cut that out!” But Nino couldn’t help himself, “HAHahahehehe, I’m sorry dude! It’s just, hahahaha!”

Finally Ninto started to calm down and said, “Seriously, sorry for laughing, it’s just I never thought I’d see you like this!” Adrien groans, “It’s my father’s doing. He wants me to be a plus sized model.” Nino was taken back by this, “What? That’s weird dude.” Adrien rolled his eyes, “Yeah, I know, but it’s not like I can’t get thin again. Father can hire personal trainers and the like. But man, I’ve gotta tell you. Being fat sucks.”

The two bros started walking down the hall when they saw the others. Nino raised his hand, “Hey! Alya!”

The rest of them turned and gasped at Adrien’s size. Marinette’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and her jaw dropped to the floor. Her crush, her beloved Adrien was huge! He was FAT! He was nearly the size of her! He might even be bigger than her!

Adrien blushed as he approached them, “H-hey guys.”

Chloe, Adrien’s childhood friend, immediately grabbed his arm and squealed happily “Oh MY! Just look at you Adriekins! You look so handsome!”

Adrien stepped back, he was always awkward about Chloe’s clingingness, but now as large as he was it was even worse. Alya scowled at Chloe, “Chloe you hypocrite! Just now you were browbeating Marinette, trying to make her cry, and now here you are celebrating Adrien’s weight gain!” Alya then realized what she said and immediately added, “Sorry Adrien,” to which Adrien said, “Well, you’re not wrong, I’m huge. It’s model business, let’s just say that. Man, it’s going to be annoying having to explain this all the time.”

Chloe humphed at Alya, “I said French women shouldn’t be fat, I never said anything about boys! Oh Adrien, you’re just to die for! So perfectly soft and cuddly! You’re like a perfect teddy bear, every girl wants a boy like that! But no boy wants a cow like Chubbinette over there!”

That very last comment finally did it and Marinette started to cry, tears rolling down her fat cheeks. Adrien at that point finally noticed what Alya had been talking about and saw the new chubby Marinette. Adrien detached Chloe from his arm and angrily told her, “Chloe, that is so mean! Marinette does nothing to you!” Adrien then gave Marinette’s shoulder a pat, “You’re not a cow, you’re a really cool girl, don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

Marinette sniffed and wiped her tears from her eyes. She couldn’t believe Adrien stuck up for her, despite looking what she did. But the other thing she couldn’t believe, the thing that was shocking to her, was just how attractive she was finding the new Adrien…


The rest of the day followed as was to be expected. Thankfully the rest of the class where rather accepting of both Adrien and Marinette, with Rose in particular cooing about how cute the two plump teenagers looked, while Le Chien gave some good hearted teasing to Adrien, telling him he could help whip into shape, and Max told the two just how much caloric energy would be needed just to burn one pound of fat.

But all the while Marinette was teased harshly by Chloe and Adrien wasn’t looking forward to going back home.

At the end of the day Marinette walked a block away from the school and Tikki sprung from her bag, “What’s up Marinette?”

Marinette let out a stress filled sigh, “I just had a bad day of school, I need to turn into Ladybug and let off some steam. But I don’t even know if my yoyo will lift me up.”

Tikki giggled, “It will Marinette! Ladybug is a creature of magic! You can run and swing and fight evil just like when you were thin!”

Marinette’s eyes grew wide, “R-Really? Oh Tikki this is great! Heh, alright then! TIKKI! SPOTS ON!”

With the invocation Tikki was absorbed into Marinette’s Miraculous and she started to transform. Her entire body became engulfed in red light and a mask appeared on her face. She had become Ladybug, albeit, a rather larger Ladybug as her costume gave little to the imagination.

Ladybug saw her reflection in the mirror and looked herself over. She turned to her side, to her back, gazing at her body. Her outfit was truly revealing, showing every curve, every roll and fold from her toes to her head. A smile formed on her lips, “I don’t look too bad!” She spoke with renewed confidence in her body and more importantly herself.

She took out her yoyo and spun it around, flinging it at a building, she pulled it and took off. As she swung from building to building she couldn’t help but let out a girlish squeal, her weight made the swings even wider, gravity working to her advantage.

Meanwhile back at school Adrien was about to go out the front door of the school when he saw Nathalie and the limo was already there. The door to the limo was open and he could see the stacks of pizza inside. “Ugh! Nope. Not doing it.” At that Adrien ran to the back of the school, exiting out the rear he made it to an empty alley.

Plagg flew out of his shirt pocket and giggled, “My my! Look at you, being so rebellious! Aren’t you afraid your daddy will be upset that his doughy little boy isn’t going to be home in time for supper?”

Adrien snorted, “I need to change, am I going to be able to be Cat Noir or not? I’ll take the consequences, I just need to let off steam!”

Plagg just chuckled, “Yup! It’s all ready for you fat boy!”

Adrien grinned, ignoring Plagg’s teasing he thrusted out his ring, “PLAGG! CLAWS OUT!”

Plagg was absorbed into Adrien’s Miraculous and he started to transform. His body was saturated in black energy before his clothes became a skin tight black outfit, a leather tail exploding out from behind him. A whip of his fingers created cat ears and covered his eyes in a mask. Adrien Agreste was no more, there was only Cat Noir.

Cat Noir grinned cockily, taking out his staff. “I think it’s time for this kitty to go take a stroll!”

With that Cat Noir extended his staff and it rose the tubby kitty into the sky, landing on top of a building where Cat Noir started to run, running faster than a boy his size ever could. He jumped and jumped, extending his staff to make jumps he couldn’t make.

But then he saw her. His green silted eyes grew wide and he jumped down, startling Ladybug.

Ladybug took one look at Cat Noir and laughed a good natured laugh.

“Hahaha, wow! Looks like I’m not the only one that’s let themselves go. You look like the cat that got into the cream!”

Cat Noir just smirked at the teasing, “It’s good to see you too, my Lady. You look as purrrfect as ever!” Ladybug groaned at his lousy cheap pun before Cat Noir continued, “As for me, I think I look good.” Cat Noir struck a flirtatious pose, his belly shaking in his leather suit before winking, “There’s just more of me to love now!”

Suddenly an alarm went off and both Ladybug and Cat Noir looked into the distance.

“No time for flirting Kitty, we’ve got work to do!”

Part 2:
“A bank robbery? Isn’t that a bit cliche?”

Ladybug and Cat Noir stood on top of a building that overlooked the bank. They watched as bank robbers were going in and out, filling the getaway van with bags of money.

Ladybug narrowed her eyes on the ground below, “It is cliche, but it’s nice to be starting with something small, we usually tackle much bigger things.”

Cat Noir smirked, staring at Ladybug’s enlarged rump in her costume. Unlike his black catsuit Ladybug’s red and black polka dot costume did little to compliment her body, she looked almost naked with how revealing it was. “I’m about to tackle something much bigger too.”

Ladybug looked behind her and rolled her eyes at him, “You’re one to talk, you’ve been hitting the meow mix pretty hard kitty cat. In anycase, it’s show time. Let's go!”

Just when the rest of the robbers made it to the van Ladybug and Cat Noir jumped from the top and made a dramatic super hero entrance. Ladybug stood up straight, her stomach pushing out she wagged her finger at the men, “Don’t you know those bags don’t belong to you? Honestly, robbing a bank in a city protected by super heros...you guys really are stupid!” Cat Noir added, “Yeah, you guys certainly hold a monopoly on being morally bankrupt!”

The men looked at the super sized superheroes and gawked at them. “Do you two really think we’re scared by you? We don’t have to listen to a bunch of fat kids!”

The four of them each took out handguns, pointing at the two heros. Ladybug just gave a confident grin and took out her yoyo, her reflexes were all magically enhanced as she swung it, knocking the guns out of their hands, before wrapping one robber’s ankles up and swinging him at the others, knocking them down, but as soon as he did that, the van started to start up.

“Cat Noir!”
“Got it!”

Cat Noir jumped onto the roof of the van, landing on it his weight caused a dent in the aluminum roof. He smirked at the impact, his size and weight making him feel powerful. “I think it’s time to hit the breaks! CATACLYSM!”

Black bad luck energy collected around his right hand and he slammed it down into the van. The van’s white body started to rust, the engine shut down and the van collapsed, the wheels popping off.

Jumping off the van back to Ladybug he extended his fist to her’s. “Pound it!” They did their traditional post victory fist pump, the two of them finding enjoyment when they felt their arms jiggle when they pumped fists. It was then Cat Noir’s Miraculous Ring started to buzz, signifying he had to change back. Cat Noir grinned like a cheshire cat, “Well Bugaboo, I gotta get going. If you saw all this belly outside of my costume you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off me!”

Ladybug gave a knowing smile, “And I’m sure the same could be said for you.”

Cat Noir smirked back, “Heh, you might be right. You look really good like this my Lady. Well, take care!” Cat Noir jumped up to the roof and ran off.

Ladybug smiled as he took off. He may be obnoxious, but at least he paid her a compliment. She put a hand on her pudgy hips and smiled to herself, “There’s nothing wrong with being this fat. I can still fight crime and get attention from Cat Noir...as unwanted as it usually is.” She giggled to herself before swinging her yoyo at a lamp post and taking off.

After a fair distance Cat Noir jumped down into an alley and turned back to Adrien. Plagg ejected from the ring and panted, groaning, “Oh that was so much! I need camembert stat!”

“Relax we’ll be home in a bit, I just need to check my phone.”

Adrien flicked his phone on with his pudgy fingers and his eyes grew wide, “Oh no! I missed that photoshoot Nathalie told me about! Father is going to be so mad!”

Plagg floated up to Adrien’s shoulder, sitting on it he moans, “The price that comes with rebellious freedom is a steep one, but what about my camembert!”

Adrien growled in irritation, “We’re on the other side of town! I’ll have to take a metro train just to get back home. And it’s rush hour. Ugh, this is just great!”

Eventually Adrien did get home where he was greeted by his father Gabriel Agreste. His father looked down at him with cold calculating eyes. “You no showed a photoshoot. This has delayed our project and will have consequences down the line. Just what do you have to say for yourself?”

Adrien looks up at his father and tells him, “Father, I don’t like this! I don’t want to be the model for your Grande Taille line! I don’t want to be fat, I don’t like being this big!”

Gabriel’s ice cold expression didn’t change, “Nonsense! You have a job and obligations to meet! To disregard a photoshoot is a slap in the face of the production crew that showed up in the park just to meet with you. I am ashamed to know my son could be so unprofessional. As for your weight you will put on as much weight as I desire for our project. I don’t care for your protests or your whining. Your dinner is being made and you will also eat the ten pizzas Nathalie had ready for you. Now get to the kitchen!”

Adrien sighed, going to the table in defeat. Adrien ate and ate whatever his butlers presented him, along with the ten pizzas. Gabriel sat on the other end of the table watching his son stuff himself, making sure that he ate it all. If Adrien happened to be finicky and didn’t finish what was on his plate he would reprimand him, scold him into pushing past his limitations of fullness.

Adrien consumed all that was given to him until he was so packed with food that he couldn’t even hold a spoon in his hand. “F-father,” Adrien whimpered, his stomach pushing out so far it caused him to slouch, trying to find some way to ease the discomfort, “I’m so full now. C-can I please go to my room? I won’t run off again, I promise.”

Gabriel grunted, waving him off before saying, “Let this be a lesson to you Adrien. Keep your promises and show up at your dates. You are a professional and you should behave as such. You may go now.”

Adrien belched as he rose, stumbling off to his room. Inside he flopped onto the bed and the back of his pants split down the middle. Plagg floated by him. “Camembert?!” Adrien weakly pulled out a hunk of the stinky cheese for his kwami to munch on.

Adrien slowly rolled over onto his back and rubbed his distended full stomach. “Ugh, this is so gross! I look pregnant!”

“Mmmmph, from the looks of it I’d say you’re going to have a full litter of kittens in there, fat boy!”

Adrien wanted to throw his pillow at Plagg, but he couldn’t even move, he just lied there struggling to breath he was so full. “At least I’m not the only one that’s grown…Ladybug…” Adrien mumbled fondly to himself, remembering from earlier.

Plagg giggled mischievously, “Ooooooh! Somebody is turning into a chubby chaser!” Adrien groaned, “It’s not like that! I mean, I don’t think it is! I liked Ladybug just fine back when she was thin! But now...I don’t even know to put it. She just seems even more carefree...it just makes my love for her that much stronger.”

Plagg just shook his head, “Man, you teenagers are just weird. Your icky bodies are just changing everyday, why can’t you love something that’s already aged to perfection! Like camembert!”

Adrien stuck out his tongue, “If I ate camembert I’d barf even if I wasn’t stuffed!” He sighed, looking up at the ceiling, “I just want to see her again. I don’t even care if she gets thin again. I just want to be with her…”


“Fatty fatty 2x4, can’t get through the bakery door!”

Chloe stalked Marinette around with her crude name calling. “Can’t you just leave me alone Chloe!” Marinette huffed as she tried to keep her distance from Chloe. Being herself was the complete opposite of being Ladybug in regards to her body image. As Ladybug she was confident and even proud to be a fat girl and believed she could do anything. As Marinette she felt gross and awful, constantly being teased by Chloe and feeling like she wasn’t good enough for Adrien or even her friendship with Alya.

Speaking of Alya, she came up to them, “God Chloe, can you just leave Marinette alone for five minutes!” Chloe crossed her arms, “Maybe Chubbinette should lose some weight! She’ll still be a clumsy klutz but at least she won’t be the size of an overstuffed fat pig!” Marinette whimpered at that before Alya said, “That’s all up to her! She can get in shape on her own time, she doesn’t need you to push her! But in anycase, I’ve got something to share with you guys! You remember that bank robbery a few days ago? Well, when I heard about it I had to go there and get the scoop, and now the Ladyblog has been updated! And boy are you in for a surprise!”

Alya pulled out her phone and Marinette and Chloe watched. Marinette pouted, seeing the confidence she displayed when fighting. She wished she could be as graceful and confident when she wasn’t in costume. Chloe grew a huge smile on her face, “Oh my God! She looks absolutely fabulous!” Marinette and Ayla’s jaws dropped as far as they would go, before angrily spitting out, “What do you mean fabulous!”

Chloe rolled her eyes, “It’s exactly what I mean! Look at her! She’s wonderfully plump! She’s just so beautiful now! Even at this size she fights crime and triumphs over evil!” Marinette scowled, “I can’t believe you Chloe! All this time you’ve been getting on my fat butt, and you just...what ever happened to Les femmes françaises ne grossissent pas!”

Chloe just tilted her head back and laughed haughtily, “Ha! Ladybug is the exception to the rule! And I am her biggest fan, I would gladly offer her a stay in daddy’s hotel, and she could eat whatever she wanted and get as fat as she wishes! I’d love to just feed her croissants and all sorts of goodies!”

Marinette started to blush. She couldn’t believe how affectionate Chloe was being about Ladybug! About her! It had some weird sexual undertone and it really caught her off guard.

Chloe spotted Marinette blushing and narrowed her eyes, “What are you blushing about! I said Ladybug, not you! I would NEVER let you waddle your way into my hotel! You would eat my daddy out of his home! Ladybug saves Paris and has saved ME on multiple occasions, she’s EARNED the right to be as big and fat as she can be! You on the other hand need to lose about 90 pounds and to stop being a gross greaseball! Boys don’t like fat girls, you tub of lard! You need to wake up you disgusting cow!”

With that Chloe left with Marinette speechless from that verbal assault. Alya could tell her friend’s distress and said, “Wanna go out after school?” “Yeah that would be great.”

Just as they planned after school Alya and Marinette were in the restaurant district eating at a cafe. Alya ordered a coffee while Marinette ordered a cinnamon roll, but when the roll arrived Alya was surprised by how big the gooey warm treat was. “Girl, are you sure you want to eat that?” Marinette groaned, “Come on Alya, I already get enough from Chloe, can you please be supportive?” Alya shook her head, “I’m just saying, this isn’t the way to get thin again. I mean, you’re my best friend, I’ll stick with you no matter what, but I’m just trying to help.”

Marinette looks down at her roll, sighing and apologising, “Sorry Alya, I know you mean well. Don’t worry about me, I’m sure I can be thin again if I really try.” Marinette began to eat the roll with a fork, to Alya’s amusement, Alya commenting “Well, eating like that won’t help your cause. You might get as big as Adrien!”

Marinette almost almost dropped the food from her mouth, “Ash biggh ash adrin?!” Alya taps her lips, “Chew and swallow and then talk. And yeah, Adrien is huge you know, but at least he has his modeling as an excuse.”

Marinette swallowed and Alya could see the glazed happy expression start to manifest itself onto her face. She giggled, “Girl, I know you’ve got a crush on Adrien, but are you really telling me you like him like this?”

Marinette giggled like a school girl, staring into her coffee, the cream in it looking like clouds. “I’m as surprised as you are! But Adrien is so wonderful, he makes being this big work! His double chin is just the cutest, it makes his face stand out even more! He looks so soft and cuddly! What do you think he feels like?”

Alya gave a sassy smirk, “Why don’t you hug yourself? You’re pretty soft too, I imagine it’d be the same thing.”

Marinette blushed and gave an unsure smile before hugging her arms into her chest, while she was now a self loathing fat girl, she had to admit it was nice having such a large chest, she had jumped all the way to a triple C and was munching her way into a full D cup. Feeling herself over she sighed, she did feel incredibly soft, this has to be what Adrien felt like.

While Alya was being amused by Marinette’s self love fest, something caught her eye. “Marinette! Adrien alert!”

Marinette quickly stopped hugging herself and began to panic, “H-he’s here?!” Alya pointed outside where a camera crew was being set up at a fountain. Adrien was there, decked out in a white suit. White pants, white jacket with a robin blue shirt.

“We’ve got to get closer!” Marinette exclaimed, grabbing Alya’s hand and pulling her outside until they were a safe distance away, watching Adrien pose, cameras flashing off him. Alya rubbed her wrist, “Sheesh, you sure get pushy when your crush is involved.” Marinette blushed, hiding behind a car, “Sorry Alya, I was just excited. God, isn’t he amazing? He looks so handsome in that suit.” “White certainly isn’t slimming though,” Alya said with a certain smugness, which Marinette brushed off, “Yeah, but look at him! He can pull it off! He just has a natural charisma!” Alya nods, “Yeah, you’re right, that’s what makes him a great model. Heck, he could dress up as Ladybug and pull it off!” Marinette blushed hard and shook her head, it was giving her dirty thoughts when all she wanted to do was oogle Adrien.

The photographer was very excited, “Very good! Tres bon, Tres bon! But now I need you to take off your jacket and your shirt!”

Adrien looked surprised, “What, really? But...aren’t these good enough?”

The photographer smiled, “Oui, but your father was insistent that we get a few shots without your shirt on, so s'il vous plaît start unbuttoning!”

Adrien just sighed in annoyance and started to take off his jacket and unbutton his shirt. All the while Marinette and Alya watched, “What is he doing?” Alya asked out loud when Adrien took off his jacket, but Marinette quickly became alarmed when Adrien started to unbutton his shirt.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God…” Marinette stammered to herself, gasping when Adrien opened his shirt to reveal his flabby boy bosom and then felt as if she was going to die when it finally came off, seeing Adrien’s belly hang over his pants like a sack of lard. Her face couldn’t be any redder watching Adrien lift his big arms behind his head and stuck out his breasts, before turning to his side, looking seductively into the camera over his his soft spongy shoulder.

Marinette pulled out her phone and tried to take photos, but her hands shook and trembled, causing her phone to be unsteady. Alya saw this and grinned, “Just what do you think you’re doing?” Marinette swallowed hard, mumbling softly, “W-well, I need new pics...a-all my photos of Adrien are out of date now…”

Alya laughed, Marinette was just too much!


“Cat Noir! Let’s go!”

Sabrina tumbled over the couch, following Chloe as they did their LARP play, she was Cat Noir while Chloe was Ladybug, the two of them dressing up as the heros. Chloe swung her tricked out yoyo and twisted it around a lamp post. But just as she was doing so she saw herself in the mirror and stopped what she was doing. Sabrina caught up, “Whats wrong Chloe? Aren’t you going to play?”

“It’s all WRONG!” Chloe shouted angrily, throwing the yoyo on the ground and peeling off her red mask. Sabrina took off her black mask, “What's wrong Chloe? Don’t you like playing the Ladybug game?” Chloe rolled her eyes, “Duh! I love doing this! But the costume isn’t accurate anymore! One sec!”

Chloe goes over to her spacious king size bed and peels off the sheets. Sabrina watched Chloe start to push the sheets into her red spandex costume, watching her spread the sheets around until it was all around her, filling the red material out with padding it was like Chloe was wearing a fat suit. Chloe looked at herself in the mirror, spinning around the padding was all around her, she was pleasantly plump save for her trim face. “Yes, this is perfect! I look just like her now!” Chloe tossed more sheets at Sabrina, “Now you do it! You have to be a big fat cat like Cat Noir now!” Sabrina blushed, “I-If you say so Chloe.”

Sabrina started to stuff the silk sheets down her leather cat suit, but it was all going to her front, making a buddha belly. Chloe narrowed her eyes, “That’s pathetic! Can’t you make it go around you! Look at how big I am!” Chloe put a hand to her padded hip in confidence. Sabrina blushed and meekly said, “I’m sorry Chloe, this costume is already skin tight, I can’t move the sheets around like your costume can.”

Chloe groaned, “Whatever, lets get something to eat, all this super heroics makes me hungry.” She sat down on her bed and grabbed her phone, calling the chefs in room service. “Hello, Pierre?”

Pierre was a 32 year old man who had been hired as a new chef by Mayor Bourgeois for his hotel. He had been looking forward to introducing his creations to the hotel’s menu, but to his dismay he had instead turned into the personal chef for his spoiled daughter.

“Yes Miss Bourgeois? Might I recommend some celery soup? It is a new addition to the menu and I think you would-” But he was cut off by Chloe, “You don’t get paid to think! I don’t care for your stupid sale pitches, I want whatever I want! And what I want is pizza!” Pierre’s face fell, he was really looking forward to having Chloe try it, “A pizza? But you do not care for pizzas, you usually…”

But he was once more cut off by Chloe who angrily whispered, “I don’t eat pizza or other commoner food in public, only in private and if you so much as blurt out that I want pizza I sweat to God you will never work in Paris ever again? Am I clear?”

Pierre sighed, “Yes Miss Bourgeois.”

Pierre had spent so many years in school or being an apprentice and this was where it all led to, being the slave to a spoiled brat.

Chloe hung up the phone and gave Sabrina a smug smile, “When the pizza gets here we can start thinking of a way to get Ladybug to come to me! I want her to stay in my hotel for the night so we can have a girl’s night! But I think the best way for her to come to me is if I get in trouble! So when the pizza gets here, we’ll think of ways for me to get into big trouble!”

In another part of Paris the window to a shadowy room opened and a batch of glowing butterflies fluttered about. A tall man in a purple outfit and a silver mask grinned, “Ah, there is nothing like passion in one’s work, one’s art, and the feelings of anger when your work is rejected.”

Hawk Moth cupped one butterfly and poured dark energy into it. “Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize him!”

The Akuma flew until it reached Pierre, landing on his chef’s hat. He heard Hawk Moth’s voice, “Mad Chef, I am Hawk Moth, I have come to answer your calls for retribution over the insults given to your art. And all I ask in return is for you to bring to me the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Do we have a deal?”


Part 3:


A tall thin man clad in black striped pants and locked in a straight jacket laughed at the spoiled girl still in her home made fat suit.

“Hon hon hon~! I am no longer Pierre Lemont! I am Le Mad Chef! And I will show you the true nature of gourmet!”

His mustache extended out, knocking Sabrina to the side of the wall and grasped Chloe’s wrists, holding her up in the air, his facial acting like a set of hands as his arms were tied together in his straight jacket.

“Let me go! I’ll do whatever you want, give whatever you want! How much do you want? A million? Ten million! My daddy will pay you whatever you want!”

Chloe tried desperately to buy her way out, but Pierre just spat on the ground, “Your papa’s money cannot save you now! The biggest mistake I ever made was selling out to a despicable man like your father! All I cared about was money and lost sight on what is truly important, which is ze art of cooking! I will never sell out again!”

The Mad Chef started to drag Chloe as he worked his way through the hotel, many running from him. The hotel was emptying out as he made his way to his ultimate destination which was the kitchen.

He threw Chloe into a chair and chained her up.

“W-What are you going to do to me?!?”

“Hon hon hon! My plan iz very simpal! All you want, all you order from me is ze sweetest, creamiest, things I could make! So I shall give you what you want! No liposuction machine is going to save you zis time Chloe Bourgeois!”

Chloe squirmed as the Mad Chef leaned in close, whispering into her ear.

“I’m going to make you FAT.”


Ladybug swinged from building to building, she couldn’t get the image of Adrien with his top off out of her head. She could still see his hanging belly and soft boy breasts in her mind.

It was enough to make her blush and squee as the fat superhero used her yoyo to move about. When she got on top of a building she would run faster than a girl her size ever could. She saw Cat Noir in the distance and jumped up, landing behind him. Looking at him from behind Ladybug couldn’t help but giggle. Cat Noir was definitely wider than before, his black tail resting on his two butt cheeks, the black leather of his costume hugged the fat boy just as her costume did, they were practically naked.

“Well, well what have you been up to?” Ladybug asked Cat Noir, placing her hands up like a movie director, trying to measure just how wide the kitty cat was. Cat Noir shook his head,  he was trying to concentrate on something. “It’s nice to see you my lady, but even though I’d love to flirt right now I’m hearing screams in the distance, I’m trying to pinpoint just where it’s from.”

The black cat ears on Cat Noir’s blonde head flickered and twitched before he pointed, “There! Le Grand Paris!” Ladybug sighed, it had to be Chloe again. After all the crap she had been heaving on her as Marinette she felt reluctant to try and save her.

“It’s probably Chloe Bourgeois again. I’m so tired of her.” Cat Noir looked at Ladybug, “Got an issue Bugaboo?” Ladybug crossed her arms and humphed, “She’s just so rude and a complete brat! We’ve saved her so many times I’m starting to think she’s the CAUSE of all the Akuma attacks in this city.” Cat Noir sighed, being Chloe’s childhood friend Adrien knew she was a tough pill to swallow, “I know she’s troublesome but we gotta do it. That’s what being a superhero is all about!”

Ladybug sighed, looking down at her chubby feet, “For once you’re right Kitty Cat, let’s go.”

The two tubby youngsters approach the hotel and see the patrons all screaming and leaving in droves, the police had surrounded it and made a barricade.

“Well, it looks like the police have it taken care of,” Ladybug said in a half joking manner, but Cat Noir frowned, “Lady…” To which Ladybug groaned, “Alright! Jeez, you’re the mature one here, is it opposite day?” Cat Noir smirked, “Well, first time for everything! Lets go!”

In the kitchen the many ovens were being active and the stove was covered with bubbling pots. Le Mad Chef pulled a rack of cinnamon rolls with his mustache, looking over at Chloe over his shoulder.

Her beddings had been pulled out from her costume and she had been getting stuffed by the former Pierre, her belly was pushed out and the material was stretched tight. Unlike Ladybug’s magical costume Chloe’s was just mere spandex and would rip, which her stomach was attempting to do.

Mad Chef patted it with his stache, grinning at how it wobbled, “Yes you are going to be nice and fat! My power over food has increased its caloric content tenfold! It is over 9000!”

“What, 9000-” Chloe began to say before her mouth was shoved with rolls. Her body began to change, with each swallow her face rounded out and a roll blew our under her face creating a double chin. The chair become uncomfortable for her spoiled tush as it grew wider than the circumference of the seat, softness oozing over the sides.

Eating another bite made the sides of her costume rip under the pressure of her growing rolls, making Chloe whine “Oh this is awful! I think I might even be fatter than Marinette! I’m so gross!”

Le Mad Chef laughed deeply, “Hon hon hon! Being gross iz the lezt of your problems after I am done wiz you!” Mad Chef returned to his creamy pots of soup and added pepper from a contraption above him and sneezed, “AH Chooo! Nnnnh! Allergic reactions how I despize them!”

Ladybug and Cat Noir were running through the lobby, their bodies swaying and bouncing with each step.

“Where could they be?” Ladybug grimaced, not hearing anything going on. Cat Noir suddenly stopped and sniffed the air. “I smell something….” His face perked up, “Something delicious!”

Ladybug stopped where she was and folded her arms over her expanded chest, smirking she teased, “This is no time to stop for a snack, Cat Noir. I know you and I are a bunch of fatties, but you need to control your appetite, kitty cat.”

Cat Noir grinned, smelling all the good food the savory, the sweetness, “Are you telling me you don’t smell that?”

Ladybug started to stop and smell. Smelling the rich scent caused Ladybug’s stomach to rumble, drawing one of her hands to rub it and a bit of drool to seep from her mouth like a pavlovian dog. Cat Noir grinned taking his turn to tease, “What was that about controlling your appetite my lady? Let’s say we make a bet, I’m betting they’re in the kitchen. If I’m right, you owe me a feast!”

Ladybug grinned, “You’re on!” The two of them made it to the kitchen, but found the doors were locked and bolted, but the smells were most intense inside. Ladybug winked at Cat Noir, “Looks like I owe you a feast. Will Friskies suffice?” Cat Noir laughed, “As if! We should get some burgers after this!” Ladybug snickered, “Burgers, huh? You certainly don’t eat light.” Cat Noir chuckled at Ladybug’s teasing, neither of them took their teasing personally, “What can I say, this cat is a meat eater. Now let’s say we get this door open!”

Cat Noir charged his fist up, shouting out “CATACLYSM!” He slammed against the double doors and it rotted and disintegrated, falling off.

The Mad Chef turned to face the heroes, Chloe whining, “Oh Ladybug, save me!” Her belly had exploded out of her costume, the chains were digging into the quivering ball of fat, “He’s made me gross and fat!” Ladybug rolled her eyes at Chloe, she was too busy to even enjoy the sight of the tubby tyrant, “Don’t worry Chloe, you’ll be fine” Ladybug mouthed off the usual platitudes. Cat Noir grinned at Ladybug, “Looks like you owe me a feast! I’ll have you know I prefer bacon on my cheeseburgers.”

Meanwhile Hawk Moth got into the head of Mad Chef, “THERE! It’s Ladybug and Cat Noir! Take their Miraculous! Remember our agreement!”

Mad Chef turned to the hero's, "Bienvenue mes animaux de compagnie! Welcome my pets! My Ladybug and my Kitty Cat! Won’t you have something to eat!” Ladybug smirks as she takes a fighting stance, “Sorry we’ve been thinking of going on diets, so we’ll have to say no!” Mad Chef tisked them, “Ah ah ah! So rude! Like Americans! Rude fat little Americans! This is Paris! This is France! You will accept what I make for you! And if you don’t, I WILL FORCE YOU TO!”

Mad Chef took out an enormous pastry bag and shot a load at Cat Noir, who Ladybug pushed out of the way, landing into a corner of the kitchen. Landing on the floor their bodies jiggled wildly and smushed together they both blushed at how soft each other felt. “Thanks Ladybug, that was really sweet of you.” Ladybug looked at the splatter of frosting on the wall and groaned at Cat Noir’s pun, his subtle puns were often worse than his obvious ones.

“We’ve got to think of a plan, we can only hide for so long, and we’re big enough to be found out” Ladybug whispered, rolling out of the way and then dodging more frosting blasts from the Mad Chef. “Only got a chance at this...LUCKY CHARM!”

Ladybug swung her yo-yo into the air and it produced...a bag of pepper?

“What in the world am I supposed to do with this?” She tugged the heavy thing over her back while continuing to flip and jump, joining up with Cat Noir. “What are we going to do, make the chef sneeze?” Cat Noir snarked, which Ladybug shrugged, “That was my first guess too, but why this much?” Cat Noir shivered, “Well, hopefully we can end this soon, for a kitchen it sure is cold in here! You’d think fat cats would have more protection!”

Of course! Ladybug looked over the counter at the huge industrial fan that had been going to keep the kitchen cool from all of the Chef’s cookings. “I need you to distract him while I go to the fan, I’m going to throw the bag in and fill the room with pepper. When he’s overwhelmed I’ll get the hat and release the Akuma.”

Cat Noir thought it over, “Nice plan, but how do we know the hat is where the Akuma is?” Ladybug smiled at him, “Lucky guess. If I’m right, then you owe me a feast. I prefer steak over burgers, with all the trimmings.” Cat Noir glanced down at Ladybug’s belly and grinned, “Going on diets my fat butt!” Ladybug giggled as well, “That’s not happening anytime soon. Alright, let's do this!”

Cat Noir jumped over the counter, launching from one top to the other. He moved like a cat, moving on all fours, each jump and landing knocked several dishes on the floor.

Mad Chef growled, “You anger me greatly kitty cat!” His mustache dropped the powered frosting bag and grasps two butcher knives, extending it out he slashes at him, “I have always desired to branch out from French! I shall be a master chef! And the first thing I shall make is Korean Cat BBQ!” As this was happening Ladybug put the three industrial fans together, pushing one close to the other, lifting them up in the air.

The Chef thrusted both knives at him, to which Cat Noir used his claws to cut his mustache into two, the knives dropping to the ground. Cat Noir then posed cockily, putting a hand to his wide hip, “You should thank me, pretty sure it’s unhygienic to be cooking with that thing anyways!”

Mad Chef just smirked, “You haven’t given me anything to stop me. All you’ve given me...is split ends!” His mustache split off until there were four hairs on his chin, each one grabbing more knives and attacking Cat Noir.

“Talk about a hairy situation!” Cat Noir gasped, at various times the knives got close and he would have to suck in his stomach, “I know cats have whiskers, but this is ridiculous!”

Cat Noir flipped back in the air and saw Ladybug still working, “Anytime my lady!”


Ladybug dropped the bag of pepper into the fans and the blades cut up, blowing it into the air. The air became thick with pepper and Mad Chef sneezed and sneezed, becoming off balance. Taking the moment Ladybug sprung up and took his hat. Ripping it to shreds the Akuma flew out and Ladybug caught it, “No more evil doing for you little butterfly” before purifying it and letting it go.

“One more thing to do,” Ladybug smiled and threw her yo-yo into the air, yelling out “Miraculous LADYBUG!” A wave of red energy washed over the hotel and undid any damage the Mad Chef had caused, The Mad Chef turning back to Pierre who was looking around dumbfounded about what had just happened.

“NO!” Hawk Moth gripped his fist in his lair after being defeated once again, “You may have won the battle Ladybug, but I will win the WAR! I WILL HAVE YOUR MIRACULOUS AND WITH IT ULTIMATE POWER! I SWEAR IT!”

As Cat Noir was untying Chloe the energy wave hit Chloe and she became thin again. “Yay! I’m thin and pretty and popular again!” She lunged herself into Ladybugs arms, “Oh Ladybug you saved me and my social life!” All the while she was being hugged Ladybug had a sour look on her face. She didn’t even managed to get a picture, she would have looked at it anytime she felt bad.

“Oh you should stay around and eat with me! Lets have a big pig out, I think we earned it!”

“That’s nice,” Ladybug unceremoniously eased herself from Chloe’s grip, “But we have to get going.” Her and Cat Noir ended up on top of a building. “Ugh, I just don’t like her” Ladybug shuddered at being hugged by her, which Cat Noir laughed, “She has a total girl crush on you, I bet it’s uncomfortable. Now, about that burger…” Just as he was going to attempt to get close to Ladybug his ring beeped, making Ladybug smirk, “And about MY steak, I like it medium rare, I love mine with blood.” Cat Noir smirked once more, “I always keep my promises. You’ll get a nice steak dinner with all the trimmings.” To which Ladybug nods, “And I’ll take you out for burgers. But just remember, it’s not a date or anything, I just owe you.”

Cat Noir snickered, “Wouldn’t dream of it. Besides, our first date will be a tons more romantic than just eating out,” He winks before saying, “Well, catch you later!”

Ladybug rolled her eyes, “That devilish fat cat.”


Days went by and things returned to certain normality.

Well, for as normal as things could be in the Agreste mansion.

“Are we really doing this?”

Adrien was beside himself as he laid down on the posh couch in the living room. He was mildly embarrassed, he was clad in just his tight briefs which strained over his crotch. His round hand laid on his rolling stomach which nearly covered the front of his briefs and rested on his thick thighs. Every time he shifted on the couch his chest would tremble and shake, rolling off to the side. “God, these have gotten so big,” He thought to himself, out of all his body parts having such womanly breasts were the biggest shame he had in his body.

A tube was inserted into his mouth as Nathalie set up the other side, “Yes, your tube will be done very shortly. Thank you for agreeing to be undressed for this, we don’t want to ruin your clothes.”

Adrien looked at his folded clothes, the latest in father’s plus size line for boys and sighed. “Do I really have to do this?” Nathalie puts the tube back in, shaking her head, “Your father was quite adamant about speeding up the process. You have no choice in the matter, in fact, you’re lucy we compromised and are using just ordinary milkshakes instead of the gain shakes."

True, Adrien sighed, at least there’s that. If he had to be funnel fed that stuff he would have puked!

Finally everything was set up and Nathalie released the valve, pouring in the vanilla shake. Adrien’s cheeks bulged from the sudden flow and he had no choice but to swallow. There was no time to savor the flavor or anything like that, the flow was constant like a river, the current flowing with power down his gullet.

Adrien held the tube in with one hand, and used his other to try and rub his gut, it was being bombarded by ice cream. He had never been tube fed before, it wasn’t pleasant, getting all this at once. He had to swallow, always swallow, if he didn’t he could choke. At one point he pulled the tube out and breathed heavily, the flow from the tube spilling onto his bosom, getting his nipples sticky in the process.

“Put it back in Adrien, we’re not done yet.” Nathalie told him with coldness that was almost colder than the ice cream going into him.

Adrien could just start to feel himself inflate, and watching his stomach grow bigger and bigger like a rising balloon it made him feel all the worse. God, his last weigh in he was 270. 270! He was now officially the fattest kid in school and if he wasn’t careful he might end up too fat to even go! He’d just be stuck in his bed eating, playing video games, and being babied by his father and his assistants like Nathalie.

When he saw the last of the shake leave the tube he felt his underwear snap off, he had bursted out of them, but his folds kept them hidden. When the tube was empty he pulled it out and puffed, “N-Nathalie I’m so full now...I’ve never been this full in my life...c-can we have a break? I don’t think I can hold another one!”

Nathalie looked at him from under her glasses and nodded, “Very well, you can have an hour break, but then we shall do this again. We have to do this three times a day. You can go to your room now.”

Adrien blushed, “Um...Nathalie...my underwear kinda ripped off. I’m sort of naked right now, I’m going to need you to go.”

Nathalie blushed too, and went her own way while Adrien heaved himself up, letting out a burp and a fart. As he moved to his room his underwear pried out from his folds and fell to the floor, leaving the naked boy to quickly go to his room.

Inside Plagg grinned, “Well look at you, you’re awfully confident. Too sexy for your clothes? Or just too fat, eheheheh!”

Adrien threw a sock at Plagg, “Knock it off!” He belches, “Urrrpph! Oh I’m so full!” He landed on his bed, laying on his side his belly spilled out in front of him, “If Father isn’t careful I might become the fattest boy in the world!”

Plagg swallowed some camembert and said, “You worry too much. Oh you’re so fat and you get to eat everything you’ve ever wanted, such a tragedy!”

Adrien rubbed his temples, having an ice cream headache of epic proportions, “It’s more complicated than that! There’s social standards and stuff like that, some people don’t like fat people.”

Plagg snickers, “Uh huh. Like how Ladybug totally doesn’t like you!” Adrien had to laugh, “She treated me no different than usual. I do like the new her though, the added weight looks good on her! Hmmmph, I owe her dinner, but how do I get in contact with her, she just shows up whenever there’s trouble!”

Plagg floated up to Adrien and made kissy faces, “Oooooh, a date! My little Adrien is growing up!” Adrien sighed, pushing Plagg away, “It’s not a date, she doesn’t want it to be. If she says it’s not, then it’s not, and I just have to accept that.”

Plagg floated down to Adrien’s chest and nestled himself into the cleavage her was producing from being on his side, “Mmmmm, it’s nice and comfortable here, I could get use to you being such a fatty!”

“H-Hey!” Adrien exclaimed, digging into his boy cleavage he pulled Plagg out. “Don’t do that, please. It’s already embarrassing having a chest as big as the girl models that work for my dad, I don’t need constant reminders.”

Adrien turned onto his back, his stomach sloshing and making him burp out gas. He just wondered, as he laid there, like a bloated fat tick, what his lady was doing now. He hoped she was doing okay.

But his hopes were for nothing as Marinette hopped from one foot to the other in her room, trying to pull up her pants that she had let out.

“Oh this can’t be happening!” Marinette screamed as with each bounce the jelly on her thighs quivered, making it even harder to pull them up. She gave up and sighed, kicking them to the corner where her other clothes lied. She grasped the fat on her thighs and squeezed and shook it, “This isn’t possible, it just can’t be!” She slapped the bottom part of her belly that was coated in little pink stretch marks. She went to the scale, it couldn’t be what she thought it was. She’d been working as Ladybug, she’s been out everyday swinging and either beating crooks, saving cats from trees, or deevilizing Akumas. Those stretch marks on her love handles and stomach just had to be scratches, right?


Marinette jumped back from the scale in horror, stumbling back into a wooden chair that snapped under her weight, sending the obese teen down to the floor. It was one thing to be 200 pounds, that’s bad enough, but 50?! The extra three pounds were just insult to injury.

“Oh God, how could this have happened!” Wailed Marinette on the ground. Tikki flew by, “Oh don’t be upset Marinette!” The ladybug colored Kwami tried to cheer her up, but Marinette was insistent, “But I don’t get it! I’ve been running and jumping! I’ve been climbing walls, climbing trees! I saved a little old lady from an Akuma! Why have I not burned a single calorie but only put on SO MUCH FREAKING WEIGHT?!”

Tikki shook her head, “Marinette I told you, Ladybug is a creature of magic. You can jump and swing and run and do everything normally because of your magical powers! All the time you’ve been Ladybug you never burned a single extra calorie!”

Marinette’s heart sunk low, “So you mean, I really haven’t been exercising?”

Tikki shook her head, “No Marinette, if you want to be skinny you have to do it as yourself, Ladybug can’t help you there!”

Marinette let out a sad little chuckle, “Hehehe, you could have explained it a little better to me.”

She sighed and rolled over, going back to her bed. “I guess that’s why I’ve been so out of breath lately. No wonder, I’m more out of shape than ever!” She pouted, jabbing at her gut in frustration, “It’s my parents fault, living in a bakery, what were they thinking raising a daughter in one.” But she looked at her pants and sighed, “No, it’s my fault. I never stopped being a little piggy. But tonight this is it! Tikki, I’m going on a diet!”

Tikki flew over her and smiled, “I’m positive you can do it! It’ll be hard work, but I believe in you Marinette!” Marinette smiled at her friend, “I think so too, but it’s going to take some will power from me. Gotta do it, I can’t keep letting out clothes.”

She sighed and reached for her phone, looking at the pictures of Adrien from the park and recent candids she took. A glazed happy expression came on her face and Tikki giggled, “I guess you don’t think Adrien needs to go on one.”

Marinette giggled like a schoolgirl, “Absolutely not! Oh he’s just perfect. Mmmmhmhmhm, fat Adrien is best Adrien!” She flipped to one with his shirt off and flipped her fingers to zoom in on his chest. She giggled naughtily, “I’ve turned into a complete chubby chaser Tikki!”

“What’s a chubby chaser Marinette?” She asks her to which Marinette said with a happy tone, “A girl that likes fat boys. I love all fat boys of all kinds! And I love watching fat boys eat and get even fatter!” “You wouldn’t mind Adrien being even FATTER?” Marinette blushed, a girl in heat she nodded, “I’d love it if he was the fattest boy in Paris! Oh he’d be such a dream!”

Marinette continued to giggle and snort, “I wonder if I could design a bra for Adrien! His chest has to be giving him problems! And not a girly bra, one for boys! One that boys would like! Oooh! What if he sells it to his father! What if Marinette Dupain-Cheng becomes a brand line for boy bras!”

Tikki had to giggle herself, Marinette was so amusing when she was lost in her own little world where Tikki or anyone else for that matter, couldn’t follow.

Marinette’s thoughts about Adrien, looking through the phone, and her excitement finally made her exclaim “I LOVE FAT BOYS!”

Marinette panted deeply, flushed hard from yelling it at the top of her lungs. She hoped her parents didn’t hear. No one must know…


“I want ice cream!”

Marinette pouted like a child as she and Ayla were walking to school.

“No way, girl. You told me to help you stick to your diet! Ice cream is out of the question. All it’s going to do is make your rear bigger!”

Marinette looked behind her, her pink workout shorts were packed with her bottom. “But Ayla it’s so hot!”

Paris was heading towards a heat wave, today it was going to reach 97 degrees, with the next four days in the low 100s.

Alya shook her head, “Uh huh, nice try. Ice cream is for eating, not for cooling, and it’s not for getting rid of bellies.” Her friend playfully poked her in the stomach, “Girl, I’m going to whip you into shape yet!”

Marinette sighed, but was thankful she had a friend like Alya. Once they got to the school they saw the other kids, including Chloe, and Nino there.

“What’s going on?” Alya asked, to which Nino told them, “They closed down the school for the upcoming heat wave. Once it passes it’ll be back open.” Marinette gasped, “That’s awful! What are we supposed to do!”

Chloe laughed, “Obviously you’ll just lock yourself in your room and eat ice cream for the whole week just to cool down!” Alya was quick to add “Nuh uh! Marinette is on a diet now so if she’s locked in her room she’s going to be eating broccoli and mineral water!” Chloe gave an amused chuckle, going over to Marinette she rubs Marinette’s enormous stomach with both hands, “Lets play a game of lose a few pounds, I bet you’d lose!”

At that moment the limo pulled up and Adrien stepped out, looking significantly bigger in his shorts and white top, “Whats going on?” Nino pointed to the poster, “School’s closed, dude!” Adrien looked confused, putting a chubby finger to his original chin, “Huh, so what are we going to do?”

Nino threw his arms up, “We should have a PARTY!” Alya nodded, “A party is good idea, any suggestions guys?” Max suggested some museums, while Alix and Le Chein pointed out swimming in the Seine, which was quickly dismissed as gross.

“Well, we can all go to the beach!” Chloe smugly announced to which the others glared at her. Adrien too was put off, “Um, Chloe, only you and I could afford going to the beach, the others still have a little thing called parents and money to worry about.”

Chloe huffed at this, “Well fine! How about this, pool party at one of my daddy’s private clubs, are you all happy? And you can all come!” She grinned, “Even you Marinette!”

Marinette gulped, “Wow Chloe, that’s awfully nice of you. W-why are you inviting me?”

Chloe smugly said, “Because you won’t go! You wouldn’t dare show up at a pool party looking like that! You’ll be too embarrassed to show your fat butt! So consider this an open invitation!”

Marinette’s bottom lip trembled, but Adrien stepped in, “Hey don’t worry about it! I’ll probably be going too!”

Adrien’s attempts to cheer Marinette up backfired, as now that she knew he was going she just HAD to go.

On the way back Marinette looked glum. “There’s probably no way to lose 80 pounds in one day is there.” Alya shook her head, “No, there isn’t, but you know what? You should go anyways! Screw them and screw the whole body perception. It’s going to be 104 tomorrow, you deserve it. Besides, Adrien is way bigger than you, and don’t you want to see him without a shirt on up close?”

Marinette giggled, “That's it! You won me over! Let's find us some swimsuits!”

Marinette and Alya found swimsuits, an orange bikini for Alya and a conservative black one piece for Marinette to hide her figure with.

On the day of the party they made it Chloe’s private club house and made their way to the back. “Now, they’re probably going to be serving food out there, maybe a BBQ, so I’m going to let you off your diet just this once.” Alya told Marinette, whom looked at her with big eyes, “You mean it?” Alya nodded, “Yup! Because what if Adrien offers you a hot dog, are you really going to tell him no?” Marinette giggled at the thought as they approached the glass doors.

But when they were opened they were greeted by a sight they thought they’d never see:

Chloe Bourgeois in a bikini

“Well, well, I wasn’t expecting you to be here!” The Brat   was amused with this.

Marinette and Alya’s mouths were stark open, “Chloe, what is going on?!”

Chloe rolled her eyes, “Hello?! This is a POOL! ” She stood back away and Marinette and Alya saw their entire class were either sunbathing or playing in the pool.

Marinette was panicking, breathing deeply, hyperventilating.

Chloe smirked "Everyone is here Marinette Dupain-Cheng

“If everyone is naked then that means...THAT MEANS….”

“Hey Marinette!”

Part 4:

“Hey Marinette!”

Marinette said nothing as Adrien stood before her in his back swimsuit.  She could see him clearly, from top to bottom, from his chubby feet to his thick double chin, and the stomach hung over the wait band of his shorts and the chest that could put hers to shame.

Marinette could see everything, but she couldn’t process it. She was frozen, having a blue screen of death moment.

“Marinette?” Adrien asked again, looking a bit concerned, but he shrugged his shoulders, “Hey Chloe, I have my clothes in the locker, I’m all ready.” Chloe giggled, “Go right ahead Adrikins.” “See you out there!” Adrien said to Alya and Marinette, who watched Adrien’s bottom roll and jiggle as he went outside.

Chloe then waved the two girls outside, “Come on!” The girls followed out, Marinette slowly coming out as she took in her surroundings.

Sabrina was there, nude as well she goes over to Chloe while holding a clipboard, even now she was still working. Max and Nino were swimming, Nino waving over at Ayla. Le Chien, Alix, Ivan, and Mylene were rough housing, Alix and Mylene on Le Chien and Ivan’s shoulders respectively. Rose and Juleka were on sun chairs talking with each other and Nathaniel was at a table by himself drawing.

Marinette looked at her naked friends and then down at her belly bulge in her swimsuit and whimpered, “We probably should-Wait, Alya, what are you doing?!”

Alya took off her glasses and handed them to Marinette, “Take care of these, will you? ALRIGHT! CANNON-BALL!” Marinette watched as her best friend launched herself into the pool, leaving her alone with her glasses in her hand.

“B-but I, I can’t..I’m…”

She was fat, obese even. But she saw Adrien sunbathing on a chair and blushed once again, drawing her eyes back. He really was the fattest one here, even bigger than she was, seeing him naked and exposed like this put the definite stamp on that.

“If everyone else is doing it...Rome and all that.”

Marinette was terribly embarrassed of her appearance and her upper arms shake a tad. Her belly, which fillled the one piece up with it's girth She really was fat all over, from her chubby toes to her round cheeks, everything just seemed to have an inflated bloated look to her. Everyone did look at her, but more out of curiosity than anything. Marinette looked over at Alya who motioned with her head to go sit on the seat next to Adrien. Marinette nodded slightly and backed up, sitting down in the lounge chair next to Adrien.

There was awkward silence from Marinette, her crush was naked beside her, and she was naked as well. She never thought she would ever be doing this, all her spying and watching from afar was just the actions of a girl with a crush. Seeing him naked like this, was never something she thought she’d see.

Adrien would sometimes glance at Marinette and of course her eyes would dart back, she didn’t even know what to say. What could she say? Finally in the awkward silence Adrien began to speak, “I’m glad Chloe’s dad let us use his club for this.” Marinette eagerly nods her head in agreement, “Yeah, I mean it’s such a great day and-” Marinette was interrupted by her stomach rumbling. Marinette hung her head in shame, she knew what Adrien must be thinking, that she was a pig with no self control. She was doing her best, but she just had to show her true self in the absolute worst of circumstances.

Adrien heard it and soon his stomach joined in with its own growlings. “Heh,” Adrien chuckled mildly, closing his eyes in his own sense of embarrassment he tried to downplay it, “Looks like we’re both hungry. Sorry, it’s all this weight from modeling, I’m always hungry!”

Marinette blushed, she wanted to tell him the truth, about how much the weight was adding to his good looks, but she could never reveal that. “I’m trying to lose weight, I’m actually on a diet, but I’m off it just for today, you know, it’s a party.”

Adrien nodded, “Well, good luck with that, when this plus size modeling gig is over with I’ll have to go on one too.”

There was continued awkward silence, from the fat girl with a crush on the fat boy, and the fat boy who considered her a very good friend.

Marinette berated herself in her head, “God Marinette, talk about something else other than your body, you know guys are supposed to tell you you look good, and you don’t want to bore Adrien, and what if you let slip that you like him like this! Think of something, anything!”

“D-do you like to watch TV?” Marinette weakly asked, before once again scolding herself, “You dummy, he’s a kid, of course he likes to watch TV!”

“Yeah, I like TV,” Adrien began to say, much more preferring this natural conversation rather than awkwardly dancing around their increased waist size, “I like anime, it’s pretty cool.” Marinette was intrigued hearing that. Not that it was impressive by any means, anime was popular in France, but it was nice knowing one of Adrien’s interests that he was revealing to her rather than reading about it in a magazine or online.

But more importantly Marinette liked anime too, “Anime is cool, I love Shoujo stuff myself!”

As Adrien and Marinette chatted Chloe and Sabrina looked on.

“Just look at those two! I guess birds of a feather flock together,” Chloe fumed, crossing her arms across her naked chest as Sabrina stood by her side, “But Marinette is a low pideon while Adrien and I are majestic eagles. Honestly how shameful,  she’s pure trash.”

Sabrina nodded, “She’s being way too familiar with Adrien too,  just chatting away like she’s known him for years! You were Adrien’s friend long before Marinette showed up!”

Chloe growled, “You’re absolutely right Sabrina, Chubbinette needs to be put in her place...but how?”

Chloe scanned the pool area, looking for just the right thing. She looked and looked before she saw some spare swim suit on ground at the entrance. She smiled, “Sabrina?” “Yes Chloe?” The naked redhead stood in attention, ready to do her friend’s bidding. “Marinette and Alya took off their clothes at the entrance, could you be a dear and pick them up? I don’t want any other guests that come to have a bad first impression.” Sabrina nodded, “And what do you want me to do with them?” Chloe just shrugged, nonchalantly telling her friend, “Just put them on the left side of the pool. No one will notice them there.”

An evil smirk crossed Chloe’s lips as she watched Sabrina carry out the dastardly scheme, observing her picking up the swimsuits and putting them on the ground where...Marinette sat and the path to the BBQ was centered. Marinette was sure to trip like a klutz and fall into the pool, making a fool of herself in the process. The perfect plan, Operation Marinette Is A Klutzy Weirdo was now in motion.

“I’m...I don’t know, I guess Sailor Moon is okay. If you like that kind of that,” Adrien was actually enjoying this conversation of nerdy leanings. “Well, I mean, Usagi is a klutz and I sort of look up to her, because of…well, I’m a klutz, you know that,” Marinette blushed, she was always quick to put herself down. “I guess, I just sort of look at Shonan stuff, they’re basically Japanese superheroes.”

During this entire talk both Marinette and Adrien's stomachs growled angrily. They had been active, sounding like two dogs competing over a bone. Adrien covered his mouth in a giggle, “Hehe, I guess one of us has to get up and get us something to eat. I should get up.” Adrien inched forward, his stomach rolling over and covering his crotch completely, but Marinette got up before him, “Don’t get up! I’ll get us some food!” Adrien looked at Marinette and sat back, his stomach receding and showing his penis to her, “Alright, whatever you want Marinette. I’ll just wait here.”

Marinette grinned happily and hurried off. Lately her fantasies about Adrien revolved around food, which was a natural progression considering Adrien’s new body. She loved fat boys and she loved Adrien and her desires wanted Adrien bigger. She was so excited! She was going to stuff Adrien!

When Marinette left Chloe swooped in like a vulture. “Hello Adrikins!” Chloe chirped pushing the sun lounge chair up Adrien's and hopped in, cuddling next to him. “O-oh! Hey Chloe!” Adrien awkwardly said as Chloe invaded his personal space, putting her head against his left boob, her head sinking into his soft chest, asking him “Are you enjoying the party?”

Adrien nodded, looking away from Chloe cuddling into him. It just felt weird being fawned over by her, he had known her since they were babies, Chloe felt more like a cousin than a friend. “It’s really cool. It’s my first nudist party too, it’s really interesting. I mean, I’ve seen most of the guys naked during gym and stuff.”

Chloe smirked, “But you’ve never seen any of the girls naked, have you?”

Adrien rolled his eyes. Chloe could be so immature. None of the boys were walking around with hard ons and the girls weren’t concerned about that at all.

“It’s not like that matters. Besides, I’ve seen you naked before.” To which Chloe nods, “Mmmhm, as children. But we’re all grown up now!”

Adrien rolled his eyes in the other direction at Chloe’s immaturity, dryly he replied with a sarcastic “Yeah we sure are Chloe.” Chloe grinned and took out her cell phone, “But first, let's take a selfie!” Adrien sighed through his nose as Chloe adjusted her camera, getting herself and Adrien in the same frame was a challenge. She smiled wide, getting Adrien’s boobs and her own in the shot, “Smile Adrikins!”

Meanwhile Marinette was at the grill, setting her two plates high with cheeseburgers. “Oh my God, Adrien is going to love these. I’ll take a few bites too, but he’ll get most of it!” She continued played out her thoughts in her mind, “And he’ll love me feeding him and he’ll make me his feeder and I’ll fatten him up and then when he’s 400 I’ll marry him and we’ll have kids and I’ll make sure he gets all he can eat and he’ll be such a big daddy and…”

Marinette stopped her fantasy as she held the cheeseburger. “I promised Cat Noir some cheeseburgers. I need to keep that promise too. And he doesn’t just deserve McDonalds either, he needs real cheeseburgers, like at those fancy burger bars that’s popular these days. I’ll be sure to repay him soon.”

Just as Marinette resolved this in her mind she turned around, ready to go back and stuff her Adrien. But then she saw it, Chloe in her spot, cuddling up and taking selfies with Adrien! “That brat!” Marinette spat out, stomping over as fast she could. But as Marinette rushed over to Chloe her feet brushed against the swimsuit and became entangled.

“Wha-AHHHHH!” Marinette screamed, twisting around falling into the deep end, her food flying in the air and falling onto the ground.

All the other kids laughed at Marinette being clumsy yet again. However, when they didn’t see Marinette come back up the humor turned to dread. Kim was the first one to notice something was wrong, “She isn’t coming back up.”

Alya was quick to put it together, “MARINETTE!”

Everyone on the shallow side of the pool raced to the deep end where Marinette was on the bottom, all the while Tikki peeked out from Marinette’s purse, absolutely concerned, but unable to do anything. But the first one there was Adrien who in a surge of adrenaline jumped out of his seat and dove into the water, swimming down he scooped Marinette up and rushed to the surface where he plopped Marinette on the ground.

“Everyone stand back!” He declared and started to pound on her chest, “One two three! Come on Marinette!” He shouted, pushing and shoving before placing his mouth over her’s and blowing. “Come on!” Adrien grunted as the class was surrounding him, watching him perform CPR. Alya was covering her mouth in dread watching this happen, while Chloe looked away she couldn’t bare to watch, she never intended this to happen. “One two! One two!” Adrien counted and blew into Marinette’s mouth once more before water spilled from her mouth and Marinette came to.

“Ugh…” Marinette groaned after coming to. She gazed her eyes, everything was blurry. At first she thought she saw Cat Noir’s silhouette but as things became clear she made out that it was Adrien instead. “She’s okay!” Adrien declared, smiling as everyone clapped and Alya helped Marinette sit up, “It’s okay girl.”

Marinette’s pigtails were undone and her blue hair rested on her shoulders as she wearily asked what happened. “Well it should be obvious! You were a klutz and tripped on your own swimsuit!” Chloe sprung up, quick to deflect how it happened onto Marinette's clumsiness, adding with a degree of concern and perhaps even guilt in her tone “You really need to be more careful. You’re lucky Adrien saved you, he’s a real superhero.”

Adrien glanced at his Miraculous ring and blushed, looking away, “No I’m not. I was the closest and Marinette’s life was in danger. Anyone else would have done it too.”

“Clumsy.” Marinette repeated what Chloe had said, clearly in shock. Alya grunted, lifting Marinette up to her feet, “I’ll take her home.” “Wait!” Chloe exclaimed, reaching for her bag, “I’ll call a taxi and I’ll pay for it too.” Alya looked surprised at this side of Chloe, “Wow, thanks Chloe.” Chloe looked down at the ground, “It’s my party, it’s the least I can do.”

Alya didn’t question it, just thankful for Chloe’s kindness and even a little shocked at that. Alya and Marinette got dressed and waited outside for the taxi.

“Did...did Adrien kiss me?”

Alya smiled weakly at Marinette who was still clearly out of it. She’ll have to explain everything tomorrow, but just this once she would indulge her.

“Yeah, he did. Adrien saved you.”


After the party things resumed as they were.

Alya continued to help Marinette lose weight. Marinette was very thankful for Alya, she made sure she ate right and every moment where she wasn’t being ladybug or going to school was spent with Alya going on jogs and working out. Alya was kind and supportive, letting Marinette rest when she needed to and giving her the encouragement to do three more crunches.

But she was also keen on keeping Marinette on her diet. When Marinette had thought that being Ladybug meant she would be thin in no time she didn’t care about her diet, and ate like she was still in a cast, and this is what bit her in the ass. She ballooned and ended up at 253, the most she had ever been in her life.

But thanks to Alya Marinette had already cut an amazing 17 pounds, bringing her down to 236. She was already receiving compliments from her friends for her amazing progress and she felt proud of herself. Her weight loss goal was to get below 200 pounds and then go from there.

But there were setbacks.

Alya couldn’t be everywhere and living in a bakery was like a crack addict living in a crack house. There were temptations everywhere, especially when Marinette worked. Today Marinette was doing just that, working and baking downstairs. She had just taken some cookies out of the oven and the scent made her mouth water. Succumbing to temptation Marinette picked up the warm gooey cookie and ate it, her face lighting up with pleasure.

At that moment she saw a shadow cast over her. Turning around her father Tom was standing over her. Tom was a big man himself, a big burly Frenchman it was little wonder Marinette grewe as fast as she did, there was a strong argument to be made that genetics played a part in Marinette being a total fatty.

“I hope you have some Euros to show me,” Tom said to his daughter, extending his large hand out. “But papa,” Marinette began to say before she was cut off by her father, “Now Marinette, you know the rules. None of us eats the stock, not you, not your mother, not me. The only exception is if we pay for it ourselves, so I need to see some Euros little lady.”

Marinette sighed and reached into her pocket, giving her father back her allowance. “Thank you Marinette,” Tom smiled at his daughter fondly, “I know everything is delicious, but we’re still running a business. How about after we close shop I bake you some cookies just for you?”

Marinette smiled widely, “Sure! I would love that papa!”

Tom smiled too, “That’s great! Now then, put these cookies into the display case, we have a lot more work to do.”

Marinette nodded and went back to work, it was never a dull day in the bakery. At that moment the bell to the door ringed and a familiar figure stepped in.

Marinette’s mother Sabine was at the counter, “Bonjour! How may I help you?”

“My name is Gabriel Agreste.”

When Marinette heard that she nearly dropped her cookies and rushed to the front. Sure enough Adrien’s father was there looking around. Marinette moved from behind the counter to great him, “Is there anything I can help you find?”

Gabriel looked down at Marinette, who was wearing her usual outfit, plus a white apron that was tied around her waist, and her nose had flour ontop of it.

“Yes, I was on my way to a meeting when I got hungry. This was the closest stop, so I am looking for something to eat, preferably something I can eat throughout the day. What do you recommend, Miss...”

“Marinette! I go to school with Adrien and I won your Derby hat contest!” Marinette gushed to Gabriel, whom as a fashion designer she admired and respected and whose son she was in love with. She quickly caught herself and become much more professional, “But I highly recommend our macarons!” She held a bag of them, “They’re really good and there’s plenty of them, you can snack on them through the day, just what you want!”

Gabriel looked down at the chubby baker’s daughter with her apron a mess and her nose covered in flour, “Yes, you won my contest, I recall now. A friend of Adrien’s…” He glanced at the bag Marinette held up and nodded, “I’ll take it. You are an excellent sales woman and I’m positive you are an excellent baker as well.” Gabriel takes the bag from Marinette’s hand, informing Sabine, “I shall be purchasing these. Thank you very much for your time.”

After Gabriel purchased the macarons he went back to his limo and tried one. A certain soft smile appeared on his lips as the limo took off. Throughout the day Gabriel had a macaron until finally he arrived back home. Adrien was on a couch doing homework when Gabriel passed him.

“Adrien.” Adrien jumped to attention, “Yes father?” “Are you friends with the Dupain-Cheng girl?” Adrien blinked, “Marinette? Yeah, she’s one of my friends. Why?” “Tomorrow I would like you to invite her here after school. I would like to speak with her.”

Adrien looked surprised, “Uh, yeah, I can do that. But why do you want to see her father?”

Gabriel frowned at him, “My business is my own.”

Adren looked down at the floor, “Of course father. I’ll bring her over tomorrow.”

At school the next day Alya and Marinette were in class going over their plan, Alya playing with her work out app on her phone, “Okay, if we go really hardcore today we can work off at least three pounds! I think you’re ready for it!”

Marinette chuckled nervously, she didn’t know which she hated more, the exercise or the dieting. But she knew it had to be done, she was just thankful she was doing it with her BFF. Adrien entered the classroom and approached Marinette, “Hey Marinette, I was wondering if you could come over to my place after school.”

Marinette nearly went into cardiac arrest when Adrien said that. Were her dreams finally coming true? “W-w-why?” Was all she could babble out, but Adrien scratched the back of his head, “My father wants to see you for some reason. I don’t know why, he’s pretty secretive, but he’d like it if you could come over.”

Marinette blinked, coming down from her fantasy, “Your father? What would he want with me?”

Adrien shrugged once more, “Beats me, but it’d be really cool if you’d come over, I don’t want to disappoint him you know?”

Alya leaned over and whispered into Marinette’s ear, “It doesn’t matter the reason, you’ll get to spend an afternoon with Adrien.” Marinette blushed at the whisper and immediately said, “Of course I’ll go! I want to be a fashion designer one day and your father is someone I look up to, I’d be happy to talk with him.” Adrien beamed brightly, “Great! Meet me at the front after school, my limo will pick us up!”

“O-okay!” Adrien went to his seat with Nino and Marinette couldn’t stop grinning through the entire school day. At the end of the day she met up with Adrien and the limo pulled up, Nathalie opening up the door for them. Marinette hopped in and couldn’t help but ooh and aw, “I’ve never been inside a real limo before.”

Adrien smiled, “Yeah it is pretty nice.” Nathalie pushed up her glasses, “Adrien, we have your pizzas ready.”

Adrien blushed, he didn’t want Marinette or any of his friends to see his feeding sessions. “Aw come on Nathalie, not now, we have company…” But Nathalie was stern, “You have to eat Adrien.” Adrien sighed in frustration, “Can Marinette have a slice then?” “No Adrien, it’s for you, you have to gain weight.” Marinette blushed, feeling uncomfortable with this argument, “I-it’s fine! Besides I’m on a diet and I-” But she was cut off by Adrien continuing to argue, “Really? I still have to gain weight? I’m 284 now, I’m already huge! I’m starting to really suck in fencing class, this has to stop!” Nathalie didn’t raise her voice, just continuing with her ice cold inflection, saying, “Once you get to 300 then you can stop gaining, it will all be about maintaining after that.”

Marinette looked confused, “Adrien, what is she talking about?”

Adrien suddenly realized Marinette was with them and quickly apologised, “I’m sorry Marinette, I didn’t mean for you to see that, this whole Grande Taille business is frustrating. I’m supposed to get huge so I can fit in the line’s sizes. Once I’m 300 I won’t have to gain anymore, but the thing is, I put on weight so easily, who's to say I won’t continue to gain after that?”

The limo pulled into the mansion and they got out.

Marinette had been inside before, as Ladybug, but never as herself. The black and whites and greys gave the mansion a very cold feeling, it wasn’t like the warmth of her home. Nathalie escorted Marinette to Gabriel’s atelier, “Gabriel is inside.”

Marinette entered the room and saw Gabriel looking at the portrait of Adrien’s mother. He turned and greeted her, “Thank you for coming Miss Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette bowed respectfully, “Thank you Mr. Agreste, but please call me Marinette.” Gabriel nodded, “Yes, of course Marinette.”

He noticed Marinette staring at a picture of Adrien, it was his thin self and his current self together, a before and after picture. She blushed at the comparison and how Adrien just seemed like a big balloon of a boy. “I see you’ve taken notice of Adrien’s new size,” Gabriel began which made Marinette froze up. Gabriel smiled with pride, “He can do anything, my son is perfect.”

Marinette looked up at Gabriel, “I’ve always wanted to ask, why is Adrien doing this? He was so thin before, why is this happening?” Gabriel looked at the picture to, the wall had various new photos of Adrien in fancy clothing eating various things.

Gabriel smiled, “One of the keys in fashion is predicting future trends and keeping your finger on the pulse. My rivals and peers scoff at the idea, but Grande Taille is the future. The line has always existed, but hasn’t gotten much work from my brand. I believe I am investing in the future, obesity is increasing in France and fashion will change to meet the demand, there is no way around it. Adrien is my ace in the hole, he can do anything. Boys will all want to be him.”

Gabriel waved his hand across the various photos. Adrien in these tailored suits looked very mature for his age, there was a sense of animal magnetism in him. “He is my poster child for my project with regards to boys. But when it comes to girls, I have ran into a problem. I have yet to find a model that can compliment and match Adrien and do for girls what Adrien is currently doing for boys. Which brings me to you.”

Marinette looked at Gabriel with confusion, “Me? What do I have to do with this?”

Gabriel chuckled, “Marinette, I am offering you a job. Would you like to be the model for the Grande Taille line for girls?”

Marinette was shocked, her jaw dropped to the floor. Her, a model? Marinette never saw herself as a model, not a model of any kind, plus size or otherwise.

“Mr. Agreste, I’m flattered, honestly, but I’m on a diet.”

Gabriel smirked, “That won’t be an issue.”

Marinette dug through her mind, trying to find other reasons she couldn’t do it, “A-and I’ve always wanted to be a fashion designer like you! I don’t consider myself a model or model material.”

Gabriel nods thoughtfully, “Everyone needs some kind of foot in the door. Think of this as your opportunity. After all this I promise to give you myself as a reference in your future career of fashion designing. I really do need a girl like you Marinette, the average Parisian girl. It would work very well with Adrien, you and him would be perfect.”

Marinette jerked her head up, “You mean I would get to work with Adrien?”

Gabriel nodded, finally finding something he could work with, “Absolutely. You and him will be modeling together in shoots. Would that interest you?”

Marinette nodded enthusiastically, “Where do I sign?”

Gabriel smiled, “Right here,” He held up a contract and a pen, “Right now.”

Marinette eagerly grabbed the pen out of Gabriel’s hand and went to work signing the paper.


Two days later in a hospital there was an elderly man sitting in a bed, a flute by his side. He was sickly and ill, his head bald. The doctor got up and patted his arm before leaving.

The nurse outside went over to him, “So what now?”

The doctor sighs, “Mr. Benoit can go at any time. The cancer is at its end game. The poor man, no children, no family, no one is coming to see him. He will die alone. The best thing we can do is keep him comfortable.”

The nurse nods sadly as the two leave the door as Benoit looked up at the ceiling.

“I don’t want to die.”

Benoit spoke out loud, his eyes not blinking once. “So much has happened to me. So much shit. They will get to live and I get to die. It’s not fair. Damn it. I just wish I could have my revenge.”

In an unknown location a window opens and countless butterflies flutter in the light.

“Ah, death, it brings out such negative powerful emotions. Feelings of regret, of anger, and despair. Perfect bait for my little Akumas to Evilize!”

Hawk Moth grasped a butterfly and changed it, “Fly away my little Akuma and EVILIZE HIM!”

The Akuma flew off, flying to its prey it landed on Benoit’s flute.

At that moment he heard a voice in his head.

“Lazarus, I am Hawk Moth, and I have heard your dying wish. You are correct, it is not fair that those that have wronged you may live, while you are fated to die. But I offer you time and a chance to right the wrongs of life. With your Flute of Sorrow you will be able to raise the dead for your command. All I ask for in return are the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Do we have an agreement?”


Part 5:

“So you’re really going through with this? Are you insane?”

Alya and Marinette sat in class before it began, having another discussion about Marinette’s latest scheme to get close to Adrien.

“I gotta do it! I have to! I’ll be able to be with Adrien for hours at a time!” Marinette clenched her fists with determined fire. But Alya shook her head, “Girl, girl, you’re going to explode out of your clothes.” Marinette laughed, waving it off, “Mr. Agreste told me I didn’t have to gain! I can still be a plus size model and lose weight.”

But Alya was still shaking her head, “And what if they want you to model even larger sizes? Did you even read the contract you signed? You could have just signed your soul away for all you know!”

Marinette didn’t have an answer for that. She didn’t read the contract and there was a very real possibility that she would be forced to gain like Adrien. But Mr. Agreste wouldn’t do that to her!

“Look, whatever happens is going to happen. But I promise that I’ll keep training with you during the free time I have left.” Marinette held up her pinkie to which Alya smiled, “And I promise to help you no matter what. You’re my best friend and I’ll always be supportive.”

The two girls made a pinkie promise, grinning at each other as Chloe and Sabrina walked in.

“So the word around the grape vine is that you’re going to become model! You, Chubbinette? Ha!” Chloe crows as Sabrina chimed in, “A plus size model at that! Makes sense, she’s too fat to be a real model.” Chloe laughed, “Haha, oh my yes! And even then you’ll most likely fail at being a fat model.”

Marinette frowned and clenched her fists together. This was it. “You know what Chloe! I’m going to prove you wrong! I’m going to be the best plus sized model in Paris! I’m going to inspire girls so they don’t have to take insults from brats like you!” Marinette was shaking in her righteous fire, “Also Chloe,” She grinned, “I’m going to be spending all my photoshoots with ADRIEN so you can just bite me!”

Chloe and Sabrina were shocked by Marinette’s outburst and quickly slithered away to their seats, in fear of getting into a cat fight with a very pissed off fat girl.

Alya grinned, putting her hands on both of her shoulders, “Well done girl, I’m so proud of you!” Marinette was panting, coming off an adrenaline rush, “T-thanks Alya! I just...I couldn’t take it anymore!” Alya then smirked, “I guess you’ll have to backup your words then, just to shove it into the queen bee!” Marinette fretted for a second. Alya had a point, her words meant nothing if she couldn’t back them up.

At that moment Nino and Adrien came into the class. Adrien was eating a large meatball hoagie and his stomach was looking even more rounder than usual. He moved slower too and everything about him just screamed mass and size. Marinette froze up as she watched his stomach wobble, the blackness of Adrien’s shirt couldn’t disguise it from Marinette’s eyes.

“Come on dude, just a bite!” Nino begged his best bro for just a bite of the sandwich, which Adrien hugged away from him, “No way Nino, this is my sandwich!” The two sat in front of Alya and Marinette, who giggled while listening in on their conversation, “Dude, you’ve hit 300 pounds now, you don’t have to keep gaining weight anymore, and besides you hate being a glutton, so what gives? Come on, let me just have a bit of the end part!”

When Marinette heard that she felt as if her heart had stopped. Adrien Agreste was 300 pounds. She looked Adrien over, the number in her head just made him look even fatter than he really was, as if the number in her mind was inflating him like a balloon right before her eyes.

But Adrien was insistent, “I know I don’t have to gain anymore and I do hate everything about this, but this is a really, really good sandwich, so I’m keeping it to myself Nino. End of story.”

Adrien took a large bite to prove his point and Marinette shuddered in bliss watching Adrien eat, muttering to herself silently, “Eat it all up Adrien and grow fatter…”

Nino sighed and slouched in his seat. Alya leaned in and whispered to her boyfriend “Don’t worry babe, I’ll get you one of them after school.” Nino looked behind him and grinned, “Haha, Alya you’re the best! Unlike some other people I know!” Adrien rolled his eyes, “Again. Wonder sandwich.”

After the rest of the class poured in Miss Bustier came in and started class. Just as she was about to begin she saw Adrien still eating his sandwich.

“Mr. Agreste are you eating a meatball sub in my class?”

Adrien immediately stopped and blushed as the class snickered and giggled.

“Y-yes Miss Bustier, I’m sorry.”

“Do you think that’s fair for the rest of your friends? Do you have enough to share with the rest?”

Adrien looked down at his sandwich and up at his teacher, “Well, not right now, no. But I think if I make a call, I could make it happen and bring some sandwiches in for all of us!”

The class became excited, chattering amongst themselves, Nino grinned widely and Marinette looked amazed while her heart fluttered, partially because of just another display of Adrien’s sweetness, but also at the prospect of getting food. Miss Bustier giggled, amused herself by Adrien’s reaction. “Okay Mr. Agreste, go into the hall and make the call.”

The class all cheered as Adrien got up and waddled out the door, before Miss Bustier was able to settle them down. Marinette looked at Alya and whispered, “I can go off my diet for this, right?” Alya smirked, “Are you implying you’re not going to stuff yourself at the catering table during your photoshoot?” Marinette whimpered, trying to craft a comeback, but Alya grinned, “Don’t worry girl, I’m just teasing. Adrien is giving you a gift, so you should accept it. Enjoy yourself.”

Marinette smiled happily at the prospect of eating, but was very much looking forward to being with Adrien even more.
In a cafe a figure in a black trenchcoat was putting cream in his coffee and stirring it with a spoon. He had long black hair that went down his back and a very well trimmed goatee. But the most defining characteristic of him was his skin tone. Pale, like a corpse.

As he took a bite of his croissant he heard a voice in his head.

“Lazarus it has been three days. I have been patient with you, allowing you to stalk your estranged daughter”

Lazarus looked at the barriesta behind the counter.

“But my patience is running thin. I WANT the Miraculous! We have a deal!”

Lazarus chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee, conversing in his mind he said, “I’ve spent the past year in a hospital getting bombarded by radiation, before laying in a bed getting ready to die. I want to enjoy life just the tiniest bit.”

Hawk Moth growled, “This was NOT what we agreed to! Do you realize what I’ve done for you! I cured your cancer! You have a second chance to get even with this cruel world that didn’t care that a sick man was dying!” Hawk Moth gripped his hand, “If you do not start living up to your end of the deal I can very well take away your second chance!”

Lazarus suddenly felt a pin in his stomach. He bent over, clutching his sides, he knew what this pain was. His cancer had come back. He coughed into a napkin, blood smearing into it, “A-alright! I’ll get busy! Just take it away! Take it away!”

Hawk Moth smiled and the pain went away, the tumor in his stomach shrinking away to nothing.

“Very good, that is what I like to hear. Now get to work. Your coffee break is over.”
The class was disappointed. This was the last class of the day, the class was almost over, and Adrien’s sandwiches hadn’t arrived. There were grumblings in the class, Adrien slumped in his seat, feeling the heat he was getting for promising something that didn’t deliver. Just then the door opened and a delivery man stepped inside. “Adrien Agreste, 13 meatballs?” Adrien grinned and rose from his seat, Marinette having to stop herself from drooling as she stared at Adrien’s full ass.

“Right here!” He gave the delivery man his money and held the bag up, declaring “Everyone gets a sandwich!” Everyone gave Adrien a burst of applause, even Miss Bustier who didn’t mind the interruption as class was almost over.

Adrien went up the stairs, passing by each sub. Nino got one first, who looked as grateful as a boy who had been wandering in the desert and was given a jug of water. Marinette blushed and looked away as she and Alya were given their sandwiches. Adrien continued on, giving sandwiches to Kim, to Max, to Nathaniel, to Alix, to Rose, to Juleka, to Ivan, to Mylene, leaving sounds of moaning behind him.

Finally Adrien got to Chloe and Sabrina. Sabrina looked at the sandwich with excitement, but Chloe took it from her. She smacked her lips at Adrien, “Thank you Adrien dear, but us girls have to watch out figures.” “B-but chloe…” Sabrina whimpered, but Chloe took the sandwiches over to Marinette. “You can have ours Marinette. You want to be a successful model, don’t you?”

Marinette looked at Alya who gave her an assuring smile, which gave her enough confidence to tell Chloe “I’ll be happy to eat these. After all, I’m going to be the best model ever!”

Adrien could only look on in amazement of the whole scene while Chloe huffed back to her seat.

After school ended Adrien walked with Marinette to the limo waiting for them. It was still awkward, Adrien wasn’t sure what to think about this newest development, Marinette had been arranged to ride with him to the studio. His father didn’t even consult him or tell him before hand and that frustrated him, but typically as always he didn’t show it. Still, at least it was Marinette, an actual honest to goodness friend and not a complete stranger.

“Are you ready for your first day?” Adrien inquired, to which Marinette looked down at her chubby feet in her sandals, “I’m actually really nervous. I want to do a good job. This is actually really big.” Adrien nodded thoughtfully, putting his hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll help you along. You won’t be lost.” Marinette’s heart pumped out of her chest as Adrien touched her, and gave her words of encouragement.

Adrien and Marinette didn’t get to talk much inside the limo, Adrien’s attention was on Nathalie who was going over many different things with Adrien. It was clear to Marinette that Adrien had much more things to deal with, things other than modeling. She was just there to work.

Left to her own devices Marinette felt herself caught up by it all.

Here she was in a limoscene cruising through the high end part of Paris, with the most gorgeous boy in perhaps all of France. She was going to be doing something she never thought she would be doing, Marinette was excited as could be.

When they got to the studio they were rushed into wardrobing, where Marinette and Adrien got dressed, changing behind two privacy screens. Marinette changed into an amazing pair of pants, black and dark they hugged her thigh and bottom, and her stomach was contained in the front. When she was given it she had doubted she would have fit into it, it looked so small, but to her amazement it fit her perfectly. “These are the best pants I’ve ever had.” Marinette said to herself as she rubbed her bloated thigh, “It’s as if I’m wearing nothing at all.”

Adrien smiled, putting on a black and white shirt striped shirt, his own rotund form was already in white silk pants, calling out behind his screen “Yeah, father uses the best materials!”

Marinette looked over the top, it was a white shirt with black horizontal stripes. Marinette looked unsure, common knowledge for any fashion designer, let alone a fat girl, was that stripes made you look bigger. But she gave it a closer inspection, finding the stripes were thin and narrow. Marinette put it on and looked herself over. To her astonishment it actually made her look curvy in all the right places. “Gabriel really is a genius,” Marinette said to herself, amazed at the genius in using just the right size of stripes, she never would have thought of that. A black beret covered her head and completed her Parisian Chic look.

She and Adrien soon came out from behind the screens and blushed when they saw each other. They were both in their striped outfits and while they wore different pants they still looked very much alike. They were almost dressed like they were a couple. The makeup artist quickly brought them to her stand, where they sat next to each other, getting their faces done.

“This isn’t so bad, hehe,” Marinette giggled at the brush tickling her nose, Adrien nodding, “I guess so, but I’m a little jaded. It’s always rush rush rush, do this, do that. But it’s like I said, I’m jaded. Plus there’s all this pressure, father really expects a lot out of me.” Adrien sighed sadly as he said the last part, which made Marinette feel bad for him.

“Oh Adrien, don’t feel bad, your father loves you.”

Adrien sighed once more, “Yeah, but he has a weird way of showing it. Whenever he chooses to show it.” Adrien looked over at Marinette out of the corner of his eye and smiled, “Thanks though Marinette, it means a lot.”

Marinette quickly looked down at her feet, “I-it was nothing.”

Marinette looked back up at herself as the makeup was continued to be put on. She never really was into makeup, not like Chloe or Rose were. But seeing herself like this really amazed her. It was amazing how much potential she had for beauty.

Soon enough the photographer was calling for them and it was time for work.
There is a saying: Les contraires s'attirent.

In other words it means opposites attract, and nothing could be truer than with Rose Lavillant and Juleka Couffaine.

Rose wore bright pink and white colors, and had a short blonde pixie cut. Juleka wore dark black and purple colors, and had long black hair with violet tips that covered part of her face. Rose had a sweet, cheerful outgoing personality. Juleka was rather shy and kept to herself when she wasn’t with Rose. Rose was very talkative and squeaks when she’s particularly happy, always smiling. Juleka was quiet and didn’t speak much, when she does it’s often an incomprehensible slurred mumble.

Yet they were the best of friends and together they were in Juleka’s room watching a scary movie on Juleka’s bed, laying on top of the covers. The petite and delicate Rose was tense, the movie was super scary and the thought of an ax wielding maniac stalking teens in the woods filled her with dread. She watched the teen wander in the pitch blackness until the killer jumped out of the bushes, the ax falling down into the girl’s face.


Rose squealed bloody horror and grasped onto Juleka, pushing her face into her chest.

“Ommph!” Juleka grunted at the sudden pressure from Rose latching onto her.

“Is it over?! Is it over!” Rose’s muffled voice came from Juleka’s chest. Juleka blinked at the screen and the moved on, petting Rose’s blonde pixie cut she mumbled, “Yeah.” Rose moved her face from Juleka’s chest and sighed, relieved that it was over, but still she latched on. While she cuddled with Juleka she noticed something, “Juleka, have you put on a little weight? You feel softer.”

Juleka shrugged, “Maybe a little.” She slurred, “Five pounds.” Rose giggled somewhat at how to the point Juleka was. There was no side stepping, no trepidation, no walking on eggshells. For the pixie fairy that was Rose it was an attractive quality.

She squeezed tighter, trying to feel all of Juleka’s plushness. She saw the little poof of pudge that had formed around Juleka’s middle and poked it, giggling at how marshmallowy soft her friend was now.

Juleka looked down at her friend playing with her small tummy pooch and mumbled in a deadpan tone, “Do you like my fat or something?”

Rose nodded, “I do! I think it’s really cute!”

Juleka said nothing as Rose continued to rub her paunch. Rose looked up at Juleka and Juleka looked down at Rose, eyes fixed on each other, before they leaned in and kissed each other. The two friends very much liked to kiss each other, kissing felt good. Each time they kissed each other Rose couldn’t help but giggle and a slight smile crept on Juleka’s lips as they locked lips.

At that moment they heard screams coming from outside. They jumped from bed and rushed to the window, where they saw dead bodies swarming about, with many people running from them in panic.

Rose covered her mouth, “This is awful!”

She hugged onto Juleka in terror, hoping the zombies wouldn’t get to them, but Juleka was cracking a smile for once, when she smiled it made the world glow, and only spoke one word.

Marinette couldn’t smile brighter even if the photographer had asked.

She was being photographed with Adrien after doing her solo photos. It didn’t make much sense to her, as to why they were on a set versus doing it in the open, but it didn’t matter. Just posing with Adrien felt like she was in a dream. The flash of the cameras went off as her back was up against Adrien’s, and she gave off quite the happy glow.

“Alright! That’s a wrap! You two can go get yourselves some lunch at catering and take a break! You earned it! Great first day, Miss Dupain-Cheng!”

Marinette beamed at the photographer’s praise as Adrien smiled, “See? I told you you’d do well, you’re a natural! Anyways I think I’m going to take a nap in my dressing room, I’ll see you in a bit! Go get a snack!”

“O-Okay Adrien! H-Have a nice nap!” Marinette fumbled over her words as she watched Adrien waddle to his private dressing room. Grabbing her bag Marinette went to the table, there were loads of donuts and Marinette picked a couple up on a plate. Tikki peaked from the bag, “You did a great job Marinette, but you don’t want to over do it on the donuts!” Marinette giggled at Tikki, blushing at how many she had put on her plate, “I know Tikki, don’t worry. But I did do a great job, didn’t I?” Tikki nodded, “It’s like I said Marinette you can do anything if you put your mind to it! Everyone has hidden talents and maybe modeling is yours!”

Marinette giggled happily at the thought when she overheard the photographer and the director talking.

“She’s a natural, this is her first time with no previous experience, she takes direction well, and she just has this natural flair to her.” The Photographer showed the director the shots he took, the director nodding, but noted, “She is talented, but she’s still too small for the clothes later down the line. I heard that she’s on a diet too, which is a shame if she wants to take this seriously.”

Marinette looked down at her treats and frowned. Tikki pouted, “It’s okay Marinette! You’re doing a great job! You can prove them wrong!” But Marinette fretted, she did want to be taken seriously and felt like she was making great strides in getting close to Adrien. “Oh Tikki, I know what you’re saying, but they have a point. The line up only gets bigger and if I keep getting smaller I won’t be able to fit, and maybe they’ll get someone else.”

Marinette picked up a donut and took a huge bite from it, telling Tikki with her mouthful, “I can’t let that happen Tikki! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! So the diets off.”

“But Marinette, you want to be thin don’t you? The bigger you get the harder it’ll be to go back!”

Tikki tried to warn Marinette, but Marinette swallowed, beginning to put another donut in her mouth. “I know Tikki, and you’re right as always, but what I want, what I truly desire, is for Adrien to be happy. Adrien clearly doesn’t like modeling, but the way I see it I’m making him happy by being here! I want to show him that I’m taking this seriously! But I know what the consequences will be Tikki, I’m very aware of that.”

Tikki nods, “If you say so Marinette. I’ll be supportive either way. If you want to be fatter I’ll encourage you just like if you want to be thin!”

Marinette smiled, “Thank you Tikki, you’re the best! And if I want to start losing weight again I can always count on Alya to help me. Now then, I think I need some cookies to go with these donuts, don’t you?”

Tikki giggled, “Piece of cake!”

Meanwhile in the dressing room Adrien sat slouched on the couch with his eyes closed in relaxation. Plagg floated around him, teasing him, “I think Marinette has a crush on youuu! Did you notice the googly eyes she was making! I thought I was going to puke from how much wuuuuv was in the air!”

Adrien laughed out loud at that, “Haha! Come on Plagg, Marinette is just a friend! But I have to admit it’s really nice to have her around. Modeling is so...lonely…” Adrien sighed sadly at the unpleasant feelings he’s had, ever since he first started modeling.

The black cat Kwami pouted, “Awww, poor boy! Here, have some camembert, it always cheers me up!”

Plagg hovered up to Adrien’s face holding a wheel of the smelly cheese, which made Adrien sharply open his eyes and move away, “Ugh! Get that cheese out of my face Plagg! Just because I’m 300 pounds doesn’t mean I’ll eat ANYTHING!”

Plagg grinned, “Oh good! More for me!” To which Plagg then dropped the entire wheel into his gullet in one go, grossing Adrien out to no end.

Just then the anime that Adrien was watching on his television was interrupted by a special report. “This is Nadja Chamack with breaking news, there are zombies in the streets of Paris!”

The news broadcast showed aerial footage of the zombies trudging through the streets as Nadja continued to speak, “Mayor Bourgeois is ordering everyone to stay indoors and let the police and Ladybug and Cat Noir handle this, for everyone’s safety.”

Plagg floated close to the TV, “Oooh, zombies! I haven’t seen zombies in a looong time! How exciting!” Adrien stared at the TV tensely, “Exciting isn’t the word I’d use! PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!” Plagg went into Adrien’s ring and Adrien changed into Cat Noir. “Ladybug is sure to join me shortly,” he grinned, looking forward to seeing her as he left the studio.

Meanwhile the director came into the catering hall, “Everyone stay calm, there’s an attack on Paris! The Mayor has ordered us all to stay inside! Ladybug will save us!” Marinette looked down at Tikki in her purse and shook her head, “Not if Marinette is stuck in the studio!” Marinette rushed to her own dressing room, locking the door she shouted out “TIKKI! SPOTS ON!”

Tikki was absorbed into Marinette’s earrings, allowing her to transform into Ladybug. Ladybug quickly left the studio, swinging from building to building. Along the way several police helicopters passed by her, Ladybug musing to herself, “Looks like all I need to do is follow the helicopters.”

Ladybug moved and moved until she got to where the helicopters were swarming around, she landed on the roof of a building and looked over the scene. There had to be 15 or 20 corpses all marching as if to war. “Oh this isn’t good,” Ladybug said to herself before hearing someone say, “You’re telling me.”

Ladybug jumped up and turned, seeing Cat Noir behind her giving off a cheshire grin. “Don’t do that!” Ladybug stomped her red polka dotted foot, which sent her body jiggling. “Sorry my lady, didn’t mean to scare you to death. But don’t scream too loud, you might wake the dead!” Cat Noir made multiple puns much to Ladybug’s displeasure while he looked over the scene. “I got here before you did, investigated it a bit, and it looks like these stiffs are all from morgues in the area.”

Cat Noir then looked Ladybug over and smirked, “You’ve lost weight my lady.” Ladybug smirked back, “Nice of you to notice.” She then looked Cat Noir over and had to do a double take, “And you’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you!”

Cat Noir continued to smirk, putting his arms behind his head he pushed out his leather clad stomach, “Nice of you to notice as well! I’m over three hundo, but I’ll keep the exact amount a secret.” Cat turned his back to Ladybug and looked back, winking, “I look pretty good for a 300 pound cat, don’t I?”

“T-Three hundred…” Ladybug’s chubby chasing feelings came over her as she looked Cat Noir over, examining every inch of his body, like she was counting every pound on display in his cat suit. She stared and stared at just how wide his bottom was packed inside of all that leather. Cat  grinned as he saw Ladybug stare silently, “Whatcha doing Bugaboo? Checking meowt?”

Checking meowt.

With that one pun whatever attractive thoughts Ladybug was entertaining about Cat Noir plunged to the depths of hell as Ladybug was reminded of just who she was dealing with. “Ugh! Why are we even talking about this! We have more important things going on than puns!” Cat’s perpetual grin didn’t falter, “Sorry about that, my Lady, please furrgive my puns, why don’t you lead the way! Ladies first!”

Ladybug ignored Cat Noir’s attitude and launched herself off the roof, Cat joining her, creating a perfect super hero landing.

Upon seeing the zombies up close Ladybug tensed up, her face clearly revulsed, “Oh my god, this is soooo gross!” Cat Noir took out his staff and twirled it around, “Kinda don’t have a choice my lady! Rrrrrawr!” Cat started to swing it, knocking zombies down left and right while Ladybug dodged and dodged, trying to avoid contact.

“Just where did they come from!” Ladybug shrieked doing backflips away from a zombie that was pursuing her. “Seems like an Akuma to me!” Cat grunted, extending his staff he knocked several over like bowling pins. “Obviously! But where is the main one!”

“Right here.”

The zombies stopped fighting bowed down to the figure in black, who was accompanied by three other corpses.

“I am Lazarus, the ruler of the dead! The land of the living cares not for each other, it is a savage cruel world that has all but squandered the gift of life! For that the world of the living will forfeit it’s right to live to the world of the dead! I will kill every living thing and then only the dead will walk the streets of Paris!”

Lazarus removed his trench coat to reveal he was wearing only leather pants and a leather vest that showed his amazingly muscular arms and the corpse coloring of his skin. He flipped his black long hair back and stroked his goatee before thrusting his piccolo flute at them, “And the first order of my new world order, is to take your miraculous!”

Ladybug and Cat Noir took their stances, “No you won’t!” Lady told him flat out while Cat added, “Yeah! Over our dead bodies!” Ladybug had to face palm at the timing while Lazarus had to face palm as well, “That’s exactly the point...okay, there’s 23 of my zombies and two of you. I’m ending this.” Lazarus started playing his piccolo and the zombies rose to stance, “Here here my pretties! You will attack Ladybug and Cat Noir! You will take their miraculous, kill them, and then join forces with them when I revive them under my power! Now attack!”

The zombies all started to rush at Ladybug and Cat Noir who each started to spin their weapons in preparation.

“You ready for this my lady?”
“Always have been!”

The two clashed with the zombies, fighting back to back. They swung and used their weapons to best of their abilities, but they kept on getting back up. Cat Noir growled in frustration, “We’re not getting anywhere! RHRRRRRRAAAAAH!” Cat took his staff and hit it against a zombie’s head as hard as he could, decapitating it off his shoulders.

Ladybug looked horrified when the head rolled on the floor and the body hit the ground, “Cat!” Cat Noir grimaced, “I don’t like it either my lady, but it’s the only way to make sure these things stay down. And besides...they’re already dead. We’re not doing any real harm here.”

“If that’s the case it looks I have no choice!” Ladybug extended her yo-yo and wrapped the wire around the necks of several zombies before pulling it back and popping off the heads of six entire zombies. Ladybug looked nauseous at what she had just done, but Cat Noir was amazed at the level of brutality his lady had demonstrated. “Bugaboo, have I ever told you you’re drop dead gorgeous?” Ladybug groaned, shaking her head, “Not the right circumstance to be making puns over, pussy cat.”

Cat just laughed and they continued to work towards Lazarus. Lazarus growled, he needed to escape and regroup and more importantly, to get more zombies. He needed a distraction. Seeing a car an idea formed in his mind. Taking his piccolo he played a song and instructed a single zombie, “Get in this car and plow into them.”

The zombie obeyed, getting inside and revving up the engine. Just when the car was at top speed he let go, running into Ladybug and Cat who just barely move out of the way, the car crashing into a shop and exploding in a fiery burst.

“Whoa, that was too close.” Ladybug exclaimed, after landing on her plush bottom, Cat Noir concurring, “Yeah, this cat was almost roadkill!”

They looked around and saw Lazarus was gone, Ladybug pounding her fist onto the ground as she got up, her rump wobbling as she did so, “Darn, he got away!” Cat looked over across the street and saw the METRO entrance, “I think he went underground.” Ladybug and Cat Noir went over to the entrance, Cat frowning, “He could be anywhere by now.” But Ladybug stroked her double chin, thinking out loud, “He’s a buff walking corpse, he won’t be able to hide in a crowd. Besides, the Mayor has put the city on lockdown, he’ll be the only one out and about besides us and the police.”

A man with a briefcase came out to the scene, Ladybug and Cat Noir going over to him, “Sir, it’s not safe here, please go back inside!” Ladybug tried to tell him, but he shook his head, “It’s okay, I’m a doctor, Doctor Alix Sarte. I recognize who that monster is, he is one of my patients, Michael Benoit. Mr. Benoit has terminal cancer, he was actually projected to pass today, by all rights he should be dead. But somehow he’s turned into this thing.” Dr. Sarte pulls out a file, “I know this is against doctor patient privilege, but people are getting hurt. This is his medical record, it should tell you where he lives too.”

Ladybug looked over the file, seeing his vitals and various information, including his residence. “This is actually helpful. There might be some clues we can find at his home. Thank you, doctor.”

With that Ladybug and Cat Noir took off in the direction of Benoit’s home. All the while down in the METRO tunnels Lazarus walked. Hawk Moth entered his mind, “Lazarus, why are you running away! Turn back and get their miraculous or you will die!” Lazarus was unperturbed, “You seem to be able to pop into my head and frolic around my mind. Why don’t you search my feelings, you’ll see what my plan is and where I’m going.”

Hawk Moth did just that, scanning his feelings and emotions until a sly smile rested on his lips. “A very good plan indeed. I shall leave you to it. Proceed as planned.”

Lazarus smirked, “Glad you see it my way.”

The super-sized super heroes landed on top of an apartment building. Cat checked out the computer in his staff, “Yup, this is the place.” He drew up the building plans and pointed, “His apartment should be right...here.” They ended up at a large circular window.

Cat Noir smirked, putting his staff away, “Admit it my lady.” “Admit what?” He put his right paw on the wall of the building and with his left took his leather tail and started twirling it in his hand, “You’re totally into me.” Ladybug rolled her eyes and laughed, “Ha! Puhleeese! In your dreams kitty! In fact, when we’re all done with this you can take a long cat nap and go back to dreaming. Anyways, we only have a limited amount of time here, so enough fooling around!”

Cat winked, giving Ladybug a French military salute he said, “Whatever you say my lady!” He opened up the window and started to go into the circular window head first. But it was then Ladybug realized just how bad a plan this was, “Cat, don’t!” “What are you-Ummmf!”

It was too late, Cat Noir had found himself stuck.

His top half was inside, his chest shaking slightly which dangled the golden cat bell on his collar and the angle he was in made his double chin look even bigger. The top most part of his stomach had made it through, hanging over the window opening like overflowing dough.

But there was no way his bottom was getting through. It just stuck out and plugged the opening up like a cork in a bottle of wine. His legs weren’t on the ground, they were raised up in the air, his tubby little legs kicking about as he tried to get in.

Ladybug shook her head, “See? This is what happens when you leap without thinking.” Cat grunted from inside, being able to hear her clearly, “Hnng, well you’re the brains of this operation, I’m just the looks!”  Ladybug gave an amused smile at the compliment, “Well thank you!” But then the last part registered with her and she rolled her eyes, “Ugh, whatever! Look, lets just get you inside, this is just ridiculous!”

Ladybug put one hand on each buttcheek in front of her and started to push, grunting, “This all comes from eating too much! I think this cat doesn’t need any more cheeseburgers!” Cat Noir grunted at the shoving, each shove by Ladybug sent a ripple through his body, up to his double chin. “Hhhhph, come on Lady! You know Paris wasn’t built for the husky cat! They don’t make windows big enough! And you still owe me some cheeseburgers too!”

Ladybug rolled her eyes, “A husky cat! Hah! Try fat kitty, you’re a fat, fat, FAT CAT!” She then squinted at the last comment, “And you owe me a steak dinner! I better get all the trimmings too, don’t you skimp on the sour cream for the baked potato!”

Ladybug groaned, shoving harder on her partner. She rammed her side into his bottom, occasionally her face would brush against his butt. It was hard work! After one good shove Ladybug panted, wiping sweat from her brow. She rested the side of her face against his leather clad bottom and sighed at the softness. With her eyes closed she continued to sigh, rubbing her chubby cheek against Cat’s chubby cheek. “Mmmm, so soft,” she whispered softly to herself, “So big….i want you bigger…I love big boys...”

Cat’s black ears on his blonde head twitched as he picked up the silent private muttering whispers. Did he just hear what he thought he heard? He felt Ladybug continue to rub against his bottom, stroking it, pushing against it. It made the cat boy blush and call out with an unstable voice “L-Lady a-are you close?”

It was enough to snap Ladybug back to action, who shook her head, “I’m sorry kitty, but it looks like you’re stuck tight. You’re going to need to use your Cataclysm to get free!” “Use my trump card already? Are you serious?” Ladybug nodded, “It’s the only way. You can leave and recharge while I look around, then you can come back or meet up with me. Either way, we need to get your butt through this window!”

Cat sighed, “When you’re right, you’re right. CATACLYSM!”

Cat Noir’s hand charged up and he slapped against the wall under him, which dissolved and he collapsed on the ground, creating a giant opening for Ladybug to go through. “Thank you for opening the door for a lady, you’re so chivalrous.” Ladybug teased Cat who was blushing, still taken back by what had occurred just minutes before. “Heh, it was nothing,” he said while dusting himself off, “Now if you excuse me, I gotta go recharge.”

Cat dropped down from the building and landed on the ground. He rushed behind it and changed back into Adrien, catching Plagg ejecting from his ring.

Adrien and Plagg both looked at each other and asked, “What was that about?”

“I don’t know,” Plagg said as Adrien took out some camembert, “I was there, I felt her feeling you up!” Adrien nodded, “And I definitely heard that. She wants me bigger…” Adrien grew a bright smile looking so happy, “She really does like me!” Plagg nodded, eating his wedge of cheese, “Play it cool though, you know like usual. Maybe get her that steak dinner she’s been on about. Girls loooove food!” Adrien looked back up at the building and chuckled, “Especially fat girls.”

Up above Ladybug was looking around the apartment. She picked up various photos of Michael from when he was young, many posing on beaches while flexing his arms. “A bodybuilder, huh?” She also found photos of him in military uniform, “A soldier.” She saw a computer at the desk and started to log on, finding it wasn’t password protected.

Cat Noir had changed back and came back inside. He found Ladybug on the computer and leaned over, looking over her shoulder, “Find anything Bugaboo?”

“Going over his search history now. It’s just a bunch of searches for someone else named Benoit, a woman.” Cat’s interest perked as he looked at the screen showing the social media profile of a young woman, “A relative? Maybe his daughter?” Ladybug smiled in delight, “Either, it’s a clue for where he’s going to pop up!”

Cat chuckled, “Beauty and brains, no wonder you’re so attractive.” Ladybug looked up at Cat and smirked, “I wonder which you prefer more about me.” Her teasing made Cat blush while Ladybug got up from the chair, putting the address into her yo-yo, “Anyways, we got what we came for. Let’s beat it and get there before he does!”


Ladybug and Cat Noir swinged and jumped from building to building, the magic of their miraculous making it so their tubby weight problem didn’t slow them down. They could hardcore parkour for as long as they wanted, jumping, manueving from massive long spaces. But as they were moving Ladybug spotted something, “What in the world?”

There were people moving in the square below them, walking freely as if nothing was happening. They saw Lt. Roger Raincomprix was directing traffic and jumped down to him. “Lt. Roger,” Ladybug began to address Sabrina’s father, “Lt. Roger, what is going on? It’s still too dangerous for people to be out!”

Roger nodded, “Orders of Mayor Bourgeois! He has deemed the situation less dangerous and has rescinded the curfew, everyone can go outside as they please!” Cat spoke up, “He can’t do that! We haven’t captured the Akuma yet, he could attack at any moment!” Roger just gave a good hearted chuckle, “There’s still plenty of copters doing round checks. If we spot him, we’ll know.”

Ladybug looked up at the sky, indeed the air was full of helicopters, hovering about. Ladybug shook her head, “It’s still not going to be enough.” Just as she said that they felt the ground began to shake. “Oh great, this is just the time for an earthquake!” Cat Noir struggled to keep an equal footing from the strong quake, but a look of panic crossed Ladybug’s face.

“Lady? What’s wrong?”

Ladybug turned and put her hands on Cat’s shoulders, looking square into Cat Noir’s large green eyes, “Cat...what is under Paris and is FILLED with THOUSANDS of corpses?”

Cat thought for a second before the same look of terror washed over his face, “....No. You don’t mean…?”

“The Catacombs”

Four skeleton arms burst from the ground at that moment, skulls peaking out they made the hole bigger and bigger, many more crawling out as Ladybug stared in disbelief.

Both Ladybug and Cat Noir got their weapons out and tried to look ready, but they were actually  scared as the hole in the ground got larger and more skeletons came out, including four holding a throne up where Lazarus sat, clad in a crown of bones.

“Thank you for giving me the time to find my army.”

Lazarus breathed a large breath and extended his arms in the air, “Paris, upon this rock I shall build my church.”

More and more skeletons came creeping out of the hole and the super-sized heros were too in awe to do anything. Finally Cat spoke up, “My lady, I hate to say this, but I’m a bit of a scaredy cat right now! We need a plan!” Ladybug started to swing her yo-yo, looking over at the opening that was behind Lazarus, and was where more skeletons kept coming from. “We have to stop the flow, otherwise they’ll be too many and we can’t survive. Cat Noir, fight your way to the opening and close it with your Cataclysm!”

“Sounds like a plan!” Cat Noir shouted and started to swing his staff, trying to get over to the other side. Ladybug swung her yo-yo, swinging it fast enough for it to light up. She launched it at several skeletons, smashing their skulls in like clay pots. She was so adpt with her yo-yo that she could spin it into a buzzsaw, just mowing down any skeletons that crossed her path.

But Lazarus just gave a wry smile, “You sad pathetic children.” He put his flute to his lips, “The song of my flute of sorrow will show you the truth. The truth that true immortality only comes from death. Death will set you free.” He began to play his death medley, the fallen skeletons coming back together and rejoining the numbers.

Cat Noir just growled “Oh yeah? You don’t say! What is truth! Can’t be the same as mine!” He extended both ends of his staff until it was longer than ten javelins, swinging it around in a circle he took out several more skeletons. He then did a bolting run towards Lazarus, bringing in his staff back before he launched himself into a jump. When several skeletons got in front of Lazarus to shield him while Cat was in the air, he extending his staff to the ground, launching him further up and allowing him to safely tip over to the opening.

“Cataclysm!” Cat Noir shouted, slamming his fist into the ground. The ground started to quake and collapsed over the opening. Cat Noir stood up and folded his arms in triumph, “Sorry Lazarus, looks like your plans reached a dead end!”

Ladybug grinned at this, “Great job Cat Noir!”

Lazarus put his hand up to his temples trying to think. He then noticed all the civilians that were outside, watching this horror take place. He smiled, “My boney brethren! I think it’s time to add some new meat to our revolution!” Ladybug watched Lazarus play, “New meat...what does-NO! Cat Noir, he’s going to start killing civilians, protect them!” “Way ahead of you!” Cat Noir and Ladybug started to go after the skeletons who had dispersed and were going after the on lookers.

But to their horror they found themselves unable to save them all.

The skeletons were armed with bones that had been carved and sharpened into daggers. Each time they stabbed a civilian Ladybug and Cat Noir felt their hearts sting and twist in pain. But when they saw Lt. Roger get stabbed, a person that they had freed from being an Akuma, they fell to their knees, watching in abject horror as Lazarus turned him into a zombie.

Cat Noir clenched his fist, yelling out “FILS DE SALAUD!” He cursed at Lazarus and was about to charge at him, but he heard his ring beep. He was running out of time and he was all out of camembert as well. “Lady! Running out of time!” Ladybug nodded, “Gotta make the most of this. LUCKY CHARM!”

Tossing her yo-yo in the air and activating her miraculous dropped a red and black polka dotted pebble into her hand. She took it between her thumb and index finger and examined it, “A pebble? What am I supposed to do with this?”

She scanned the area, trying to formulate a plan. The skeletons….Cat Noir...the flute. A plan formed in her mind and she grinned cheerfully, “Cat Noir! Take down as many skeletons as you can, go to your limit!” Cat Noir looked at his ring, he only had four minutes left, “I’ll push it to my limit, but you gotta hurry!” Cat started to extend his staff once more from both ends, “Just how long can this thing go?” He mused to himself as he started to swing it, striking down countless skeletons and shuffling zombies off their feet.

Ladybug watched Lazarus reaction to this and saw him begin to raise his piccolo to his lips. “Bingo!” Ladybug exclaimed, jumping over to the right angle she threw the pebble which got caught inside the piccolo’s opening. Lazarus tried to play, but found he couldn’t make a sound! “NO!” He exclaimed, losing control over his skeletons and zombies.

“Your revolution is over!” Ladybug extended her yo-yo to knock down the four skeletons carrying his throne of bones, crashing Lazarus down with a thud, his crown rolling off and his piccolo flying into the air.

Ladybug immediately jumped and did a triple flip in the air, her whole body shaking as she did so, and caught the flute before breaking it in two when she landed, the Akuma flying out. “No more evil doing for you little Akuma! TIME TO DEVILIZE!” When Lazarus saw the Akuma fly out of his flute his eyes filled with despair, he cried out “N-no, no! My life! That’s my life!”
But it was too late. Ladybug purified the Akuma, letting it free from her yo-yo, “Bye bye little butterfly.” She pried the pebble from the flute and tossed it into the air, yelling out “MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!”

The pebble exploded into red and black energy that washed over the city. The wrecked buildings and cars became fixed. The skeletons disappeared and were put back into the catacombs. But the most shocking of all was when Lt. Roger and the other zombies were turned back to humans, each one examining their missing lethal wounds.

Cat Noir joined Ladybug in amazement, speaking up “Lady...did you just raise the dead?”

Ladybug shook her head, “No cat, this is different. I think I just bought the dead back to life. These aren’t zombies.” Cat Noir looked at the happy civilians that were relieved that they were alive once more and asked, “Do you think this is why Hawk Moth wants your Miraculous?” Ladybug closed her eyes in thought, “Maybe. I just know that’s never going to happen. This power is mine and I will use it to defend Paris to my last drop of energy.” Cat Noir grinned, “Same here!”

The two partners smiled at each other, doing their post victory fist pump, “Pound it!”

At that moment the energy wave hit Lazarus and he was turned back to Michael Benoit. Gone were the bulging muscles and leather, replaced by who he really was. Skinny and sickly and old and bald. He coughed up blood all over the sidewalk and the two of them rushed over. Cat’s ring started to buzz, “Lady, I’m about to turn back, do you got this?” Ladybug held Michael up, “Yeah, I do. Don’t worry.” She turned to Roger, “Lt. Roger! This man needs medical attention! Call an ambulance! Don’t worry Mr. Benoit, it’ll be alright.”

But Michael looked away. He knew this was the end.

In his lair Hawk Moth gripped his fists in anger.

“NO! I was close to victory! Ladybug, I WILL WIN! One day I will win and YOU WILL BE THE ONE IN A CASKET!”

Adrien was in his room with various cakes laid out. His mouth was smeared with frosting and he was only wearing his black briefs, his belly covering the front while his ass oozed out from behind, the under garment was rather small on him. He held a slice of cake in his hand, eating it without a plate or fork.

Plagg giggled floating by, “My how things change! Weeks ago all I heard was whining about being able to be a fat little glutton, now you’re going all out in being a piggy!”

Adried took eager bites of the moist cake, bits of chocolate falling on his chest, the busty boy wiping frosting off and putting his thumb in his mouth.

“Things have changed Plagg, I know what Ladybug likes now. She might not like me in particular, but she specifically likes fat boys. Getting huge might just be the right way to win her over and I’m willing to do just that.”

He looked over at a cheesecake with a strawberry swirl and smiled, “Oh Ladybug…”

Meanwhile Marinette was in her room and had a spread over her desk. Pints of ice cream, plates of cookies, brownies, and cupcakes that she had made for herself in the bakery kitchen, as well as whole cakes. She even had the bakery frosting bag with her in case she wanted extra frosting on her treats.

Tikki floated by, giggling, “Wow Marinette, you’re really going whole hog!”

Marinette blushed, not used to hearing that sort of thing as a compliment. She giggled too, “This is just to celebrate the end of my diet! There’s no way I’m going to eat like this every day, my teeth would fall out! All the sugar would rot them one by one and they’d just fall out! I’m just making up for lost time!”

Marinette was wearing just her jammies, and even though her gut still stuck out, it was way too small for Marinette now. She clutched it, “A lot of lost time. I need to get big Tikki, huge! I don’t even waddle, and I don’t think I even did when I was at my biggest.” Tikki nodded, “And now that biggest won’t be your biggest anymore!”

Marinette giggled, this all felt good and right, despite how naughty and taboo the whole thing was.

She picked up a moist chocolate cake and grinned happily, “Time to get FAT!”

Part 6

Marinette burped slightly into her pillow and smiled to herself over the smell, it smelled like the pork ribs she had last night, the scent of the smoky BBQ sauce was unmistakable.

The morning Paris sun shined through Marinette’s windows, tickling her eyes. She moaned as she turned over, not wanting to get up, her bed always felt extra comfy the morning after a big meal. And Marinette hadn’t been skimping on any meals in her desire to prove to Adrien how dedicated she was at being a plus size model, preparing herself for when she was to model bigger sizes.

Tikki hovered over Marinette, chirping, “Wake up Marinette! Alya is coming for your morning walk!”

Marinette moaned, having to be reminded of their morning walk.

Marinette had already been a busy teen before getting into modeling. She was a school girl with homework and assignments and she often times worked in the bakery with her parents. On top of all that she was secretly Ladybug, the guardian of Paris. But even with all that on her plate, she managed to squeeze her workouts with her BFF Alya in between, but now with the modeling gig those workouts were getting few and far between, getting them in whenever she had the free time.

Marinette sighed getting up. Seated on the bed her belly spilled out of her top, onto her pink pajama pants clad lap. She rubbed her eye with one hand while absent mindedly played with her soft belly fat with the other, it was a habit she had picked up, whenever she wasn’t doing anything she would play with her stomach like it was play dough.

She pouted, “I did promise Alya we’d go for a walk, but I feel like I’m betraying her by getting fatter on purpose all the while she’s trying to help me. I feel like such a bad friend.”

Tikki nodded, “You have to tell her the truth Marinette! Alya is your best friend and she deserves to know the truth! It’s the right thing to do!”

Marinette sighed and rose to her feet, “You’re right as always Tikki. I just need to find the best time to tell her, the right opportunity.” Standing up Marinette yawned, stretching her arms in the air lifted her shrinking night shirt up, revealing the expanse of her doughy stomach. Tikki flew down and poked Marinette’s stomach, “You’re really get big now!”

Marinette giggled, feeling proud of herself and enjoying Tikki’s compliment, “I know, I’m really filling out! Let’s see if I’m close to my highest.” Marinette stepped on her scale, “Let’s see, I got down to 236 before I stopped my diet and let my inner piglet out come out and play. And now I’m…” Marinette looked down at her chubby toes and saw the needle rest on 248. “Yes!” Marinette jumped up into the air, landing on the ground with a thud that rattled her room, “I’ve put on 12 pounds! I’m getting close to being back to where I was!” She then giggled naughtily, “And then I’ll start on getting even bigger!”

Marinette started to change, peeling off her pajama bottoms she took delight in her jiggling thighs as she changed into a pair of pink leggings that hugged her thigh thighs and wobbling ass. She caught a site of her big bottom in her yoga pants and slapped her big behind, “I bet the next outfit I model will look amazing on me!” All this modeling had helped her confidence and self esteem, her embarrassment about being obese was quickly vanishing.

She pulled off her shirt and started to put on her sports bra, Marinette was very proud of the fact that she needed bras and especially this sports bra. For a teenager to have a pair of Cs was a source of pride for her. Before breaking her leg she was as flat as a board, but now she had respectable boobs that no one could ever call flat. The thought made her giggle, she hoped Adrien was paying attention to her assets when they worked together.

While being lost in her fantasy of Adrien ogling her boobs Marinette’s mother called from below, “Marinette! Alya’s here!” Hearing that Marinette slipped on a white retro Jagged Stone t-shirt from 1991, before she got fat it was her primary lounging/sleeping shirt and was big and baggy on her, but now fit her perfectly and was a good work out shirt.

The trap door entrance to her room opened and Alya came in. “Hey girl! You ready for our walk!” She said energetically before looking Marinette over with analyzing eyes. Marinette blushed, she could tell her BFF could tell she had put on more weight, “Y-yeah Alya! It’s a perfect day! Let’s whip me into shape!”

The girls went down the stairs to the apartment and then down to the bakery where Tom and Sabine were working. Tom was in a particularly good mood, beaming brightly “Oh Marinette! Look what came in!” He placed a box on the counter and opened it. Inside were countless copies of La Mode, the high end fashion magazine that Adrien regularly graced the cover of. But this time Marinette was the cover girl, clad in the black and white parisian chic outfit from her first photoshoot.

Marinette smiled wide as she held the magazine up, “Oh wow! I can’t believe you ordered all these, thank you papa!”

Tom smiled proudly, “Well of course I did! Your mother and I are so proud of you! My daughter is a famous parisian fashion model Haha!” Tom gave a good hearted belly laugh as Sabine added, “Plus it’ll give our business a boost, maybe we could have an autograph signing here.” Marinette grinned brightly, “I’d love to do that, I’ll ask my producer and see if I can arrange it!” She hugged her parents tightly.

Alya giggled, “Those magazines aren’t the only thing out today! Coming over I saw your face on posters and plastered over the METRO train! I even saw you on a billboard! Girl, you’re famous!”

Marinette gasped, “I have a billboard?!” She was swooning, as if a billboard was the pinnacle of fame. Alya laughed, “You bet girl, I’ll show you on our walk!” Marinette nodded, waving at her parents “Bye mom! Bye papa!” Her parents waved bye, Sabine saying “They’ll be a fresh batch of croissants ready when you get back Marinette!”

Alya looked at Marinette suspiciously and Marinette just laughed nervously, “Hehehe thanks mom!” Marinette had done away with all pretenses that she was still on a diet at home, she ate whatever she wanted again and her loving parents said nothing, still over the moon over their daughter’s accomplishment.

The walk was rather quiet, aside from Marinette seeing all the new advertisements that were put up and gushing at becoming a star Alya was as quiet as a mouse. That is, until she spoke up.

“Marinette, can I ask you something?”

Marinette looked at Alya, she had been unusually quiet, “Sure, anything.”

Alya adjusted her glasses and looked Marinette square in the eye, asking “Are you purposely gaining weight? It’s pretty clear you’re way bigger since you started modeling.”

Marinette lowered her head, she knew the time had come to open up. “Yeah Alya, I am. I overheard the director of the shoot talk about larger sizes down the line and I want to prove that I’m reliable and in this for the long haul, plus I want to show Adrien that I’m taking this seriously. So I’ve been fattening up behind your back and I’m so sorry for being a lousy friend.”

Alya sighed, adjusting her glasses one more time she said, “Well, looks like I’ll have to put you on another diet.” Marinette panicked and got down on her knees hugging her friend, begging “Oh Alya, I don’t want to do this! I’m in a position where I’m encouraged to be fat, I need to be fat, this is my chance to show my love for Adrien! You know I can’t say it to him, but I can at least show him! Please don’t make me lose weight Alya!”

Alya smirked down at her, “Who said it was that kind of diet?” Marinette looked up at her, “Huh?” Alya nodded, “The moment you told me you had signed with Gabriel Agreste and became a plus size model I knew the temptation would be way too much for you. I told you you were going to explode out of your clothes and those yoga pants are looking pretty tight on those buns, girl.”

Marinette was surprised, “Y-you knew?” Alya smiled fondly and stroked Marinette’s hair, “Of course I did. Do you think I didn’t notice your stretch marks returning? It’s pretty obvious you’ve been a pig. And that’s okay. I’m your BFF, it’s like I said, I’ll support you anyway I can. So if you want me to, I’ll fatten you up.”

Marinette beamed brightly, “Y-you will! Oh thank you!” She hugged Alya even tighter, and Alya just giggled, “That’s what friends are for. And once this is done with I’ll whip you into shape again. Everything is just fine.” Alya then grinned, “But until then I’m going to have my fun and make you the size of a house!”

While this was happening Adrien was eating breakfast at his mansion.

Crepes and pancakes and waffles, all smothered in whipped cream and syrup laid before him to eat. On the sides were plates of bacon and scrambled eggs with bacon mixed into them. He had been eating this regularly, Nathalie obediently following his desires. She knew that continued weight gain would be good for the clothing line, even after Adrien had met the weight requirement and didn’t necessarily have to do it anymore.

Adrien was being a pig, ever since he had overheard his beloved Ladybug private mutterings about her love for fat boys he had been stuffing his face, no longer having the qualms he had when his father initially forced him to pile on the pounds. Having already been a hefty hog to begin with, Adrien just got heavier, adding 22 pounds and putting him at an ample 322.

Adrien ate without his shirt on, with the way he was eating there was a chance he would spill food on himself. With his shirt off the fruits of his gluttonous labor were fully displayed.

His stomach was the biggest thing on him, seated as he was it spilled out onto his lap. It was smooth and round and had the consistency of creamed butter, soft as could be. His belly button was looking deeper and darker every day, and when he sat he had two large rolls on his sides. When he was on his feet his stomach pushed way out in front, making him look like third trimester pregnancy. While it stuck out as far as it did it also had a hang to it, reaching down to just about his pubic area.

Resting on top of Adrien’s tummy sat his huge boobs that were the second biggest thing on his body. The areolas were stretched out and looked like slices of pepperoni while his nipples had become thick little stubs. They were huge and bloated, like badly inflated water balloons, sagging over his stomach on the sides. When he was up and moving his big boobs would bounce and shake uncontrollably. If were to be fitted for a bra there would be little doubt that he had a pair of double D bra busters, the largest tits in school, even larger than Marinette.

He leaned forward and his chest inched over his stomach, jiggling in the air and creating a massive cleavage. He forked a large bite of pancakes in his mouth and sipped it down with choocare milk. He did the same with the waffles and crepes, leaning over to eat like a pig in a trough, belly oozing between his thighs.

By the time Adrien had finished the stacks of pancakes Nathalie come out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of more stacks. Adrien smiled wide with his syrup and cream stained lips, “Thank you doing for me Nathalie!” Despite the way he now gorged himself like a sow in heat the sunshine boy retained his polite sweetness.

Nathalie had no reaction to his sweetness as she placed the tray down. “The chefs are hard at work on your lunch hour, after you eat this stack you should take a rest to prepare yourself for the menu of hamburgers cooked American style.” She turned to leave, but before she got to the door she turned and said to Adrien, “Adrien, I’m glad you’re putting on weight on your own volition now, but if you had done this at the beginning it would have made things much easier for your father and his company.”

Adrien pouted to himself as Nathalie left, feeling his heart sink. He really had disappointed his father for being such a brat by protesting. Upsetting his father was the last thing he ever wanted to do. So he dug in quicker, eating out of sadness rather than the joy of love and gluttony. He just wanted to leave and hide in shame, knowing he had upset his father.

After everything was all done Adrien let out a good gassy belch “BUrrrrrUUUPPH!” He put his hand to his mouth and said “Oh, excuse me.” to noone in particular, but as a sweet boy he felt the need to. He held his stuffed stomach with one hand and used the other to balance himself on the walls to get to his room.

Once inside he laid down on his bed and rubbed his stuffed belly. Plagg floated by, “Is the cow all done grazing?” He giggled, tickled to death by the fact that Adrien had given into his inner pig. Ever the glutton himself the black cat kwami and Adrien had strangely start to bond over eating and gluttony. Adrien moaned, patting his belly as he laid on his side, his stomach spilling far out, “Nathalie said I made father upset by holding back all this time. I feel awful.”

Plugg shook his head, “But you’re doing a great job now! That old lady is always such a stick in the mud. What matters is that you’re pleasing your father now. And yourself too, I bet Ladybug won’t be able to take her eyes off you!”

Adrien grinned, Plagg’s pep talk had cheered him up and livened his mood. He  scooted out of his pants, now only in his black briefs he reached under his belly and touched himself. Plagg saw this and teased him, “Oooooh, what a naughty boy! Whatcha thinking of? Ladybug? A fatter Ladybug? Fatter you? You and her getting fat together?”

Adrien moans as he held himself in his hand, “All of it. Me getting much larger, imagining her approval. Her feeding me lots of good food and complimenting me.” His hand moved to his bosom, pinching a nipple he shuddered, “Her telling me how proud she is for me to have bigger boobs than her.” His hand moved from his chest to exploring the rest of his body. He patted his broad buttocks, feeling them jiggle, “I still remember being stuck, feeling her hands on my butt...her face..”

Adrien shuddered right then and rolled back up, playing with his stomach, patting his jelly. He reached into the mini-fridge kept in his room and took out a long hoagie sandwich. Plagg floated in his face, “Go on fat boy, eat up! Every bite makes you bigger and fatter for your Ladybug!” Adrien’s kwami, teasing and carefree as he may be, had seemingly turned into his encourager and his feeder, egging him on to push more pasta in when he was overly full or to eat one more pint of ice cream.

Adrien took huge bites, mayo and mustard getting dropped on his boobs. Plagg continued, “You have to take bigger bites than that. The bigger you bite, the more food you get, and the more food you get the more fatter you get and the more Ladybug will loooooove you! So eat that hoagie! Balloon that belly! Blubberize that butt! And grow those tits! You’re growing to grow the biggest boy boobs in Paris!”

Adrien grunted, Plagg’s encouragement made him eat even more. He was going to go full pig for Ladybug’s affection.

The next day at school before class began Marinette was resting comfortably in her seat with Alya who was on her phone setting up their schedule. Marinette watched dreamily as Adrien squirmed in his tight desk. She absentmindedly plopped macarons she had made herself. As she stared at Adrien from behind his back she couldn’t help but hear him and Nino talk.

“Dude, so you’re actually getting fatter again?” Nino asked in surprise. Adrien nodded, “The sizes in the line are going up, so I have to keep up. Looks like it’s more pigging out for me, Nino.” Adrien told a half truth and let out a faked sigh, not wanting to let anyone in that he was doing it for himself.

Marinette giggled upon hearing this, “Get fatter Adrien, I’ll be sure to watch every pound grow on you, from that adorable butt to those huge honking tits-”

“Marinette who are you talking to?”

Marinette screamed, Alya had startled her. She stuttered, “A-aha-N-n-no one!” She had hoped her whispering mutters had been silent enough that Alya hadn’t heard. Alya grinned, “I’ve created a new schedule for us, every day we’re going to go around Paris and stuff you till you drop!”

Marinette looked at the routes on the map and grinned widely, “Oh Alya, your the best friend I’ve ever had.” Alya grinned, “You know it, girl. I’m going to have a ball fattening you up!”

At that moment Ms. Mendeleiev, the school’s science and math teacher walked in, looking as frail and grumpy as ever. She stood in front of her desk and said, “This is the start of the school’s cooking class! We shall be making meals from all courses and learning about kitchen safety and etiquette! Cooking is just like chemistry, it’s all about precise numbers and figures and formulas, which I will expect you all to memorize!”

Marinette pouted, she learned how to bake from her parents, who were accomplished bakers and pastry makers in their own right, they taught her that creativity was an important part and that food was like an art, it didn’t have to be so strict.

Ms. Mendeleiev continued, “Now before we begin the class, we will need a volunteer. This is an important job, she will taste a sample of your creations, so you will have two meals, one for yourselves and one for our volunteer. The volunteer will be able to tell us whether it’s good or not. It is a very important job as they will determine whether it’s safe to eat. Now who wants to do it?”

Alya whispered to Marinette, “This is a good chance for you to eat some more, fat girl.”

But before Marinette could raise her hand Chloe rose her first, announcing, “I’ll be the one to volunteer!”

Everyone in the class was shocked and Sabrina started to whisper “But Chloe, what are you thinking? You might start to get-” Before she was cut off by Chloe, saying, “That’s exactly the point Sabrina. You’ve seen all the ads in the city. Chubbinette might start to get a big head as big as her body, and we can’t have that. It’s not right that she’ll become popular by being a big fat pig, so I’m going to show her what a real pig looks like.” She peered at Sabrina, “And you’re going to help me, right Sabrina?” Sabrina nodded enthusiastically “Oh yes, I’ll work hard to butter you up!”

After the initial class and tasting the samples Chloe left Sabrina behind, calling her limo she skipped the rest of school, instead going to every high class fancy place to eat the most decadent dessert they had. Each time she hopped from one to another she had to see Marinette’s face on a bus or on a wall. It made her so angry, “Oh that little runt! She thinks she can be popular and win over Adrien? I’ll show her!” Cheesecakes were devoured, ice cream gobbled, brownies scarfed, and sodas were sucked dry.

Chloe’s little food run continued until she made her way back to her hotel, entering her suite. She called in to room service, “Pierre? Get me junk food! I don’t care what kind, chips, cookies, crackers, chocolates! Anything that’s cheap and disgusting that commonors eat! I want it now!”

She slammed the phone down and rubbed her stuffed stomach, abused from all the various cakes she had eaten. She looked in the mirror at her distended belly on her trim figure and rubbed it, “I look pregnant!” She declared. She undid her fancy posh belt and her stomach extended out even more.

She moaned as she patted her bloated stomach, she burped a few times and even farted. “Ewwww, I’m getting fat and turning into a total beauf at the same time!” She whined in distress, a beauf was to the French what trailer trash was to the Americans.

But still, she swallowed her pride, “It’s all just a price to pay for turning into a pig like Marinette. But unlike her, I am still a lady and I can hold in my gas!” She haughtily said as she went to a small room and turned on the light. Inside was her liposuction machine, true to the rumors that had spread in school. “If I’m going to show Marinette who’s still boss around here I need to go all the way!” She started to kick at the machine, pulling the tubes out, whacking it so hard computer chips started to fly out.

She grinned, “Nothing is going to stop Chloe Bourgeois from being the fattest girl in France!”


Days later there was a special event happening at the Louvre.

Inside amongst the many portraits including the Mona Lisa stood a crowd and a platform. Standing on it was Nathaniel Kurtzberg who was looking nervous at all these people. In the crowd were Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino.

“I’m really happy for Nathaniel, I can’t believe he won the contest!” Alya smiled at the bashful red head on stage, her boyfriend Nino adding, “Well, he worked his fingers to the bone on this project he was bound to win!” Marinette shook her fleshy face, “It takes more than just hard work to get good at something, it takes real passion to get behind it, and Nathaniel has always been passionate about his art. I’m so proud of him.” Adrien grinned, nodding, “Yeah, you know what they say, the cream always rises to the top.”

At the mention of the word cream both Marinette and Adrien’s stomachs rumbled and they gave a good natured laugh, “I think after all this is done we should all head out for a bite to eat!” Adrien suggested, which Marinette’s eyes grew wide, “I would so LOVE that, I am STARVING!” Alya snickered, whispering, “Ease up on the excitement there, fat girl, you don’t want to scare him off.” Marinette whimpered and said more calmly, “I’m willing to go wherever you guys want to go.”

The mayor of Paris Andre Bourgeois was there, talking amongst the techicians working on the microphone. Standing next to him was Chloe, who looked bored as could be. The four kids were shocked at just how quickly she had grown.

“Man, Chloe has majorly porked out.” Nino whistled as they could see how tight her pants were and how she now had a little pot belly that poked out of her shirt and oozed over her belt buckle just the tiniest bit. Alya laughed, “Yeah, she must be eating every waking second! Look! She’s even eating chicken right now!” Chloe indeed had a bucket of American KFC in her arm that she was eating from. Adrien shook his head, “I know it sounds hypocritical coming from me, but Chloe is really making a pig of herself.” Marinette, looked down at her feet, “She’s just trying to mock me. She thinks since I’m getting popular as a plus size model, she can one up me and take away my popularity by getting fatter than me. ”

Alya hugged Marinette from behind and played with her belly, “Let her, she’s not on the billboards and you’ve got at least a hundred pound head start on her. You’ve got nothing to worry about, fat girl.” Adrien added, “Yeah, besides you’ve been popular \way before you got big and became a model. You’re sweet, and kind, and you’re considerate to others in need, that’s what makes you popular.”

Marinette smiled wide at Alya, but blushed furiously at what Adrien had said. She had never actually considered herself popular, thin or fat. She just considered herself an average teenage girl, it made her feel so good that her friends felt that way about her.

At that moment the Mayor Andre Bourgeois took the podium and wiped his sweaty brow on his tired face, no doubt from the stress of running a city like Paris, but more likely from being Chloe’s father. He tapped on the mic and began to speak.

“Greetings fellow Parisians and lovers of art! Paris is a city that is the historical capital of the world of art and today we continue that fine tradition!” Nathaniel approached the stage as Andre went on, “In order to encourage the continued spirit of art we created an art contest where the winner would hang right here in the Louvre for a full year! With me is a Mr. Nathaniel Kurtzberg, he is a student at the same school as my daughter Chloe” Chloe threw Nathaniel a nasty look as her father continued to speak, “But he was created a masterpiece that sits behind this curtain. Mr. Kurtzberg, what can you say about this piece?”

Nathaniel coughed gently and spoke softly into the mic, “It’s my first attempt at painting, I’m normally a sketcher, so i’m surprised I won the contest.” The curtain was pulled back to reveal Ladybug standing triumphantly on the Eiffel Tower, the colors were radiant as could be and the pose, as she was hanging over the air while holding onto the top of the tower with her right arm, was very dramatic.

There was a round of applause, while Alya couldn’t help but whisper to Marinette, “Looks like he painted her from her thin phase.” Marinette giggled too, she was nowhere near as thin as the painting portrayed her anymore. Nathaniel continued to speak softly, “Ladybug saved me from an Akuma attack, turned me back normal, this is my way to show my thanks. I hope she likes it, wherever she is.”

“I do like it Nathaniel” Marinette thought in her head as they watched Nathaniel shake hands with the Mayor.

Soon after the event died down and the four friends went on their way to eat, Andre and Chloe went their own way and Nathaniel was left with his parents. “We’re so proud of you” His mother hugged him, his father asking “What do you want to do now? You get free pick!” Nathaniel thought it over and told them, “I would very much like to go home. I’m tired.” His parents looked confused, but obliged, taking him home.

Once inside his room Nathaniel lept face down into his bed, smothering his face in his pillows. Today had been a great day, his painting was hanging in the Louvre. He sighed and reached for his stylus, holding it always made him feel secure. He sighed once more into pillow. Today should have been on of the greatest of his life yet he felt so...empty.

“None of this matters.”

In his lair Hawkmoth turned his head to the window. “Depression is such an awful disease. It can bring even the happiest of people to their knees. It doesn’t even take a bad day. And thus it becomes a well for me to go back to.” Hawkmoth clasped a butterfly in his hand and charged it with energy, “Go my evil little Akuma and evilize him!”

The Akuma flew away, flying to Nathaniel and landing on his stylus. Nathaniel suddenly heard a familiar voice in his head. “Evillustrator, we meet again. Your sadness and sorrow never truly went away, not your desire for revenge. I can give you the right medicine for your depression. But first, you must once more bring me the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir. Do we have a deal?”

Nathaniel rolled his eyes back in bliss, “Yes Hawkmoth. I will erase Paris and draw it again in my own image.”

Part 7:

“That’s it! I love it, keep doing that!”

Marinette smiled cutely as she brushed her hand through her hair, her pigtails having been undone. She was decked in pink overalls with a flannel shirt tied around her robust waist, the theme for today was “retro” and 90’s retro in particular.

They were doing a photoshoot in the park, Adrien had just finished his and was relaxing with several plates of food that held a big helping of macaroni and cheese, various donuts and brownies, as well as a slice of cake. All the photoshoots were catered and now Adrien was taking advantage of the near buffet served at each shoot. Adrien leaned forward and scooped a forkful of baked macaroni into his mouth, it was his fourth serving and he felt full but his new found gluttony forced him to stuff himself while he watched Marinette work.

Plagg peaked out from his shirt pocket, “You sure do love macaroni and cheese, fat boy. But how can you have mac and cheese if it’s not made with camembert!”

Adrien rolled his eyes, “Because camembert is awful and I would be puking all over the floor if it was mixed into this. I really have to hand it to father, he goes out of the way with catering.”

Plagg giggled, “All the better for you to pig out, eh porky? You’re really taking advantage of it ever since you went full hog.”

Adrien took a greedy forkful of mac and shoved it into his mouth as if to demonstrate his new found desire for weight gain. After he swallowed he said, “Of course I have Plagg. The next time I see Ladybug I want her to notice just how much fatter I’ve gotten.”

Plagg smirked, “And just how big do you want to get for Ladybug?”

Without a moment's hesitation Adrien answered, “As big as she wants. If she wants me to, I’ll be 800 pounds just for her.”

Plagg snickers, “Oooh, I’m impressed. You’re willing to be an 800 pound greedy guzzling glutton?”

Adrien sighed and smiled contently, “I would, just for her. The only downside I can think of would be immobility, I couldn’t be Cat Noir anymore.”

Plagg laughed, “Ha! You really underestimate the magic in your Miraculous. Even if you were 2000 pounds the magic would allow you to move with no issues. Sure as yourself you’d be an immobile hefty heavy hog, but as Cat Noir you could do cartwheels!”

Adrien gave an amused smile, “Well that’s good to know. Oh, Marinette is coming, hide Plagg” Plagg hid under his shirt as Marinette came up to Adrien, sitting down next to him. She had with her the box of donuts from the catering table. She sat down and proceeded to eat from it, Adrien was surprised she took the entire box, “Wow you must be hungry Marinette!” Marinette blushed as she did whenever Adrien spoke to her, “W-well being with you works up an appe-UH, I MEAN, you know modeling makes me hungry!”

She shut her eyes closed and took deep breaths trying to calm herself down. She looked at Adrien all packed into his clothes and said, “Y-you look like you've gotten bigger.” Adrien smiled a friendly smile pand said, “There’s going to be larger sizes soon, I just want to be prepared for them. You look like you’ve gotten bigger too. I thought you were on a diet?”

Marinette closed her eyes shut and shook her head, “No, no, no! Well, I mean I was, but um, you know, it’s like you said, bigger sizes soon, so I might as well eat up and get fat like you! I mean it looks good on you you know.” Marinette heard what she had just uttered and she couldn’t believe she said the last part, she took two donuts from the box and shoved them into her mouth.

Adrien chuckled, Marinette was so weird it was very enduring to him. He reached into the box and pulled out a donut, “Thanks for the compliment Marinette, you don’t look bad yourself.”
Marinette thought she’d die right there, but Adrien continued to talk, “I have to say though I’ve been eating all day.” He yawned, “I think I might take a cat nap soon, I don’t know why, but gorging myself makes me sleepy.”

The director suddenly called out, “Marinette! I need you to take a few more pictures, just five more!” Marinette called back, “Okay I’ll be right there!” She turned back to Adrien, “I gotta go back, I hope you have sweet dreams.” Adrien smiled at her, “Thanks, I’ll do my best!” He went back to his trailer while Marinette went to shoot more pictures.

In the midst of all this Evillustrator flew in the air on wings he had created. The air blew past his hair and he yelled out in joy “Yes! This is what I’ve been missing all this time! I’ve never been happier!” Evillustrator heard Hawk Moth in his head say “Don’t forget our arrangement! The medicine for your depression has a price!”

Evillustrator grinned, “Of course Hawk Moth, all I need to do is draw them out!” He looked down below him and saw the photoshoot, “Ah! Adrien Agreste and...Marinette Dupain-Cheng!” He growled, remembering what happened the last time he was with her, “She betrayed me! I’ll make them all pay!”

Hawk Moth saw what Evillustrator was seeing and ordered him, “Do not under any circumstance hurt Adrien Agreste! You may seek your revenge on the rest, but I order you to spare Adrien Agreste!” Evillustrator growled once more, “What difference does it make!” But Hawk Moth was firm, “That is not your concern! Obey me or I will take away your powers!” Evillustrator nodded, “Very well Hawk Moth.”

Evillustrator flew down to the shoot and called out “Marinette!”

Marinette looked up, surprised and having a flash of deja vu. “Nathaniel?” She asked out, completely struck by this return. Evillustrator corrected her, “Nathaniel is out of the picture! The only thing left is me! And I will make you pay for betraying me!” Evillustrator whipped out his stylus and conjured up a pack of wolves that started to wreck up the photoshoot.

One wolf advanced towards Marinette who climbed up onto the fountain in an effort to get away from it. The wolf adjusted itself, ready to pounce and tear into fatty flesh when it was struck by a baton and disintegrated into data, the baton quickly returning to Cat Noir.

“Don’t you know the old saying? Cats rule and dogs drool!” With cat like quickness Cat Noir extended his baton into a staff, swinging it he destroyed the other wolves too.

Evillustrator sneered at him, “If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get!” Evillustrator drew a long, thin, and sharp rapier and charged at Cat Noir. He slashed rapidly but Cat Noir was an experienced fencer as Adrien, he blocked every slash with ease before doing a backflip over to the lights that had fallen on the ground, kicking them up the lights blared into Evillustrator eyes, making him scream out in agony as he was blinded.

Using the opportunity Cat Noir leapt onto the fountain and grabbed Marinette, throwing her over his shoulder like she was a feather and not an overfed girl. “H-hey!”  Marinette protested and blushed as she felt Cat Noir’s hand grasp her butt, “We need to get you out of here!”

Cat Noir extended his staff and the two of them made it on top of a building where Cat Noir started to dash, running like a cat chasing after a rat and having no trouble at all moving their combined weight of nearly 600 pounds.

After they were far enough away Cat Noir sat Marinette down on the ground, “Sorry about that Princess, but I had to get you out of there, looks like he’s got a grudge.” Marinette got up and dusted herself off, “I don’t blame him, our previous fight relied on trickery. Oh poor Nathanial, what could have happened to make him akumatized again?”

Cat Noir grinned, “Well don’t worry about a thing!” He thrusted his gut out and flexed his fat arms, “This cat has claws!”

Marinette felt a rush of panic, how could she transform if Cat was by his side?

“But Cat Noir, Ladybug will need you!”

Cat took hold of Marinette’s pudgy hand and rubbed it with his other hand, “Worry not. I’m positive Ladybug will show up fairly soon.” Marinette blushed at Cat Noir’s affection before they heard syrans. The two head to the balcony and saw entire blocks of Paris disappear. Cat Noir exclaimed “He must be erasing things with his stylus! If he’s not stopped he’ll erase the entire city!” Marinette pointed out, “It looks like he’s heading towards the Louvre. Cat Noir you have to go, Paris needs you!”

Cat Noir looked at the damage being done and then at Marinette. He got close and put both hands on her shoulder, “Stay here and call for help. But most of all be careful. Unlike me you don’t have nine lives.” He then took Marinette's hand and kissed it, “I’ll see you again Princess. Until then!” He ran and leapt off the roof, twirling his staff to fly like a helicopter over onto another rooftop where he began to dash to the Louvre.

Tikki left the pocket on Marinette’s overalls and remarked, “Wow, it looks like Cat Noir really likes you!”

Marinette laughed and rolled her eyes, “Ha! Cat Noir is a helpless flirt! He’ll flirt with anything that moves!” Tikki grew a smug little smirk on her face as she said, “You’re blushing Marinette.” Marinette shook her head “I-I am not! Anyways we gotta help Cat Noir! Tikki spots on!”

Ladybug threw out her yo-yo and swinged until she caught up to Cat Noir, landing on the roof she joined him in running, her entire body shaking. Cat grinned upon seeing Ladybug join him, “I knew you’d show up, you never disappoint my lady.” Ladybug smiled at him while they run, “You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world, kitty cat.”

She peered at Cat Noir and noticed how much bigger Cat Noir looked since last time, “Cat Noir, did you put on more weight?” Cat Noir grinned, “I have! I’m almost 330 now. And I’m going to get bigger. This fat cat loves to eat!” Ladybug blushed at the revelation of his size, thinking about how fat he was excited her. Cat Noir then said, “And you’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you. I guess you yo-yo a lot, huh?”

Ladybug gave a faux humph. “It's not polite to mention a lady’s weight kitty, but yes I have grown. I tried dieting, but I decided to stop. We can still move and fight at this size, so why bother?”

Cat Noir smirked, “Well you look wonderful at any size, bugaboo.”

Ladybug giggled, “Why thank you Cat Noir.”

The two of them finally caught up to Evillustrator and saw he was standing on the back of a bear while being accompanied by lions and tigers. Above him an orb of light followed his every movement.

“Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” Cat Noir cracked a joke while Ladybug was focused on the orb. “It’s like a miniature sun. His tablet only works with light, it’ll be harder to stop him with that following him. We’re going to need some help. LUCKY CHARM!”

Ladybug threw her yo-yo into the air which produced...a flute?

“A flute? What am I supposed to do with this?” Ladybug questioned the red and black polka dotted instrument. She thought and thought about what it could possibly be for, before it hit her. “Of course! Cat Noir, I’ll be back! Do you think you can handle this for a short while?” Cat Noir smirked, “I can do it while standing on my head.” “Good, I’ll be back.” Ladybug tossed her yo-yo and took off while Cat Noir dropped down to the ground and took out his staff. “Hey there did you miss me? At least you took to creating some cats instead of dogs.”

Evillustrator scoffed, “You again? My pets will take of care of you!” The animals attacked Cat Noir who tried to dodge while getting hits in from his staff. As he bounced around he saw Evillustrator enter the museum and grunted “Please hurry my lady.”

In another part of Paris Alya was rushing to the Louvre. Hoping to get a shot of the battle for the Ladyblog she ran as fast as she could, she needed to get the first scoop before anyone else. The thought of dozens, perhaps thousands of Parisians getting erased out of existence were blocked from her mind, it was all she could do to keep sane.

Suddenly Ladybug dropped in front of her.

“Ladybug!” Alya exclaimed, giving her a big hug before stepping back and taking a look of her. “Wow, you’re even bigger in person! I have so many questions! Why did you get so huge? Is this some sort of super power?” She placed both hands on Ladybug’s fat belly, “How are you able to move and fight so well at your size? How big is your waist.” Alya peered behind Ladybug and glanced at her big butt, her costume making it look even bigger “Do you get stuck in doors? What-”

Embarrassed by all these invasive questions she cut her off, saying “Alya, we don’t have time for this.” She took out the box containing the fox miraculous “I need your help once again. Will you assist Cat Noir and I by becoming Rena Rouge again?”

Alya grinned wide “Of course I am! Let’s do this!”

She grabbed the box and opened it, causing a bright orange light to emerge. The light turned into Trixx, the Kwami for the fox miraculous. Trixx, the cute little fox creature smiled wide, “Hey Alya, it’s great to see you! Are you ready to transform?” Putting on the necklace Alya nodded with confidence, “You know it Trixx!” Trixx smiled, “Just say the words!”


Trixx went into Alya’s necklace and Alya began to transform. With both hands she flashed a mask on and grew two long ears. Alya’s hair grew longer, with the tips turning white. Her clothes turned into a red and white bodysuit with black feet and black arms and a coat tail sprung from her back. Alya had become Rena Rouge.

Rena looked herself over and couldn’t stop smiling, “I’ll never get tired of this!” Ladybug smiled as well, saying, “We have to get going, Cat Noir needs us. Let’s go!” Ladybug extended her yo-yo and took off while Rena lept from the ground and followed her. Alya was always overjoyed whenever she got the chance to be Rena Rouge, it was such a rush.

Cat Noir was still busy with the animals. He had taken care of the bears, turning them back into data, but it was the lions and tigers he was having the most issue with.

“Come on guys, I know you’re just digital data come to life, but you’re still cats, we should have an understanding, don’t you think?” The big cats cared not for Cat Noir’s sense of humor and circled the fat superhero, getting ready to pounce before Ladybug and Rena Rouge jumped down to join him.

“Well, well, nice to see the fox join the animal party.” Cat Noir quipped to which Rena Rouge gave an excited grin, “You know it wouldn’t be a party without the fox.” Ladybug started to swing her yo-yo and grew a confident smile, “Well then let’s get this party turned up!”

The three of them attacked the digital lions and tigers, their weapons out and ready to do some damage. The three of them took down the cats easily, breaking them down into data. Cat Noir twirled his staff and put it away, saying with a cocky tone, “Well that was easy enough, taking evillustrator down again should be a breeze.”

Ladybug shook her head as they entered the entrance to the museum, “It’s not going to be easy, that’s why we have Rena Rouge with us.” Rena smiled at Ladybug’s comment, “I’m just happy to help out, you know I love you two.”

“So do you have a plan, Bugaboo?” Cat Noir asked. Ladybug was still carrying her Lucky Charm item with her, she looked down at it and told him, “I think I do. Cat Noir, you need to get to the main circuit breaker and use your Cataclysm on it, that should take out all the lights in the museum. Rena Rouge will use her Mirage on his miniature sun and turn it off and then we can get his Akuma out of his stylus.”

Cat Noir nodded, saying “Picture perfect plan, my lady.” Rena smirked, adding, “Yeah, it’s a real work of art.” Ladybug moaned at the puns and put her palm to her face, muttering “Pour l'amour de Dieu,” and then said “Enough puns, we can’t waste time. Let’s split up.”

While they split up Evillustrator was still standing on the bear he had created that wandered through the museum. He was casually erasing all the artwork he could find.

“Everything goes.” Evillustrator muttered under his breath while he erased the Mona Lisa. Hawk Moth suddenly entered his head, “Boy, I did not cure your depression so you can destroy art. You have an obligation to me and I can easily revoke your power!”

Evillustrator came across his own painting and sneered at it. Promptly erasing it he said to Hawk Moth, “This is all part of my plan. I’m feeding them bread crumbs to come to me. You’ll get your Miraculous Hawk Moth.”

At that moment Ladybug and Rena Rouge ran into the gallery ready to fight. Evillustrator saw Rena Rouge and remarked, “So it’s the new hero. It doesn’t matter how many super heros come after me, you’re no match against the imagination of an artist!”

“Don’t let him draw!” Ladybug declared, charging at Evillustrator while swinging her yo-yo. Ladybug kept herself close, using her yo-yo like a riot shield, Evillustrator had no choice but keep backing up, not having any opportunity to anything. Suddenly the lights went out and the only source of light was the miniature sun hovering above Evillustrator. Ladybug was ecstatic, “He did it! Alright Rena, it’s time!”

Rena put her flute to her lips and played a melody as an orange light emerged from her flute. “MIRAGE!” She shouted, flicking the orange light at the sun, making it disappear.

“No!” Evillustrator called out as he looked around, seeing nothing but darkness surrounding him. “It makes no difference! My entire life is darkness and sadness! This is nothing compared what is truly in my heart!”

Suddenly Evillustrator felt his stylus leave his hand and he heard a voice say “Here you go, my lady.”

Ladybug gripped the stylus and broke it, freeing the Akuma that hid inside it. Seeing the purple glowing butterfly she took out her yo-yo and said “No more evil doing for you little Akuma, time to de-evilize!” She caught the Akuma in her yo-yo and then released a white butterfly, “Bye bye little butterfly.” She then threw her lucky charm into the air, shouting “Miraculous Ladybug!”

The flute exploded into waves of miraculous power. The lights in the Louvre turned back on and all the paintings erased by Evillustrator were restored, including the one done by him. The blocks of Paris that had also been erased were put black into place, as well as the people that had been victims, were brought back to life. Evillustrator turned back into Nathaniel who looked around bewildered by his surroundings, confused as to how he got there.

Ladybug, Rena Rouge, and Cat Noir all fist bumped and proclaimed “Pound it!” in victory. Ladybug went up to Nathaniel and got down to one knee, putting her hand on his shoulder she asked, “Nathaniel, what happened?”

Nathaniel looked away, “I get depressed sometimes, even when I accomplish something like my art hanging in the Louvre I still feel sad and worthless. Hawkmoth must have targeted me while I was…” He couldn’t even complete his sentence while Ladybug gave him a big soft hug, “It’s okay Nathaniel, depression isn’t something to be ashamed of. It just goes to show how evil Hawkmoth is, targeting your depression like that. Everything gets better, trust me.” Nathaniel smiled as he was hugged,”Thank you Ladybug.”

The teenage heroes Miraculous all started to beep. “Looks like it’s time for us to go. It was nice seeing you again, Rena Rouge.” Cat grasped her hand and kissed it. Rena giggled and grasped a handful of Cat Noir’s stomach, “And I hope to see lots more of you soon too, you’re pretty cute being a fat kitty cat.” She then reached over with the other hand and rubbed Ladybug’s stomach, “So are you Ladybug, the extra pounds really suits you well.” Ladybug smiled, “I think so too. We’ll see you later Cat Noir.”

Cat Noir waved at the girls as they left before going his own way. Ladybug and Rena Rouge went to a secluded corner and Rena Rouge turned back to Alya. Alya was grinning as wide as could be while she handed Ladybug the fox necklace, “That was AWESOME! Heh, maybe I should put on some pounds too, don’t want to be the only one not having fun.” Ladybug giggled, “Up to you if you want to. But thank you for helping us Alya.” Ladybug’s earrings beeped as she quickly said, “Gotta jet! Bug out!”

Hawkmoth chuckled in his lair, “A failure to be sure, but it is interesting how I could easily come back to this one. There’s bound to be many others with a mental illness in Paris…”


“Come on, you can eat a little bit more fat girl!”

Some time later Alya and Marinette were having a sleepover in Marinette’s room. Alya had continued her task of fattening her best friend up. Up in the attic the floor was littered with boxes of donuts and delivery pizza, as well as pints of ice cream and bags of chips. They wore their PJs, Marinette’s looking absurdly revealing with her belly hanging out of it and her breasts threatened to pop out, while her bottoms were so tight her panties could be seen through the pink material.

Needless to say Alya had done a wonderful job as Marinette’s feeder.

“Oh Alya, I’ve been eating all day, I’m full!” Marinette said while wiping a bit of frosting off the corners of her mouth.

Alya grinned and grasped Marinette’s big gut and gave it a shake, “You can’t fool me fat girl, I know you can eat more than this. You’re 299 pounds, just one pound away from being 300, I know you can do it!”

Shaking Marinette’s gut made Marinette wobble all over, even up to her enormous doughy double chin. It was true, she was fatter than ever and was close to matching Adrien by reaching 300 pounds. With her best friend at her side, her accepting parents, and a desire to impress Adrien by being good at her job, she had been given carte blanche to be as big as a pig as she could. Now she was a cookie away from being 300 pounds.

Alya reached for a delicious looking cheese pizza slice and hovered it under her nose. Marinette moaned at the enchanting smell and started to eat it from Alya’s hand. Alya grinned, “That’s right fat girl, eat all you can. I’m having a ball fattening you up, this is fun!.” Alya fondled her rolls on her sides, “You gotta be huge for the upcoming sizes, so we’re going to get you all ready for them.”

Alya switched to a pint of chocolate and peanut butter ice cream and started to spoon feed her like a baby, “Honestly girl you’re living every girl’s dream, eating yummy treats and not worrying about getting fat. Heck, you might be as fat as Ladybug now!” Marinette giggled around the spoon and when it was pulled back she said, “Oh no, I can’t be as big as her..”

Alya giggled too, “I think it’s true! I’ve been tracking her weight gain on the Ladyblog, she’s probably twice the size she used to be.” Marinette couldn’t say much as she accepted every morsel of food that Alya offered.

After Alya finished feeding her the ice cream she got up, “Alright fat girl, I think it’s time to weigh you again.” Marinette burped softly from all the junk in her gut as she began to get up. Getting up, especially on a full stomach was hard on her and as she bent over her pajama bottoms ripped right down the middle.

“Oooh! Looks like I’ve been doing a good job on you.” Alya coos as she went behind Marinette to see the damage, observing Marinette’s pink panties being caught between her ass cheeks. Alya smirked, reaching for her panties she tugged them out of her cheeks, “I think Adrien’s dad needs to get you some bigger panties.” Marinette blushed at her best friend’s fingers poking between her wobbling vanilla pudding filled cheeks.

“T-thank you Alya” Marinette blushed darkly, feeling relief from the wedgy she had endured. Alya continued to circle Marinette, taking her all in as if Marinette was a work of art. Standing up right Marinette’s stomach dangled out of her straining top.

Alya got the scale and placed it in front of Marinette, “Alright, hop on fat girl.” Marinette stepped on gingerly and could hear the scale creek. Marinette looked down, but could only see her big hooters and her stomach in front of her. But she looked at Alya who was watching the scale reading and observed how huge her grin was growing.

“W-well Alya? How big am I? I’m so fat I can’t see my feet.”

Alya gave Marinette’s big belly a loving soft pat and said, “304 pounds, fat girl.”

Marinette beamed wide and jumped as high as she could in triumph, “Yes! 300 pounds! I’m as big as ADRIEN!”

“For now.” Alya hugged Marinette lovingly from behind, “I’ve still got to feed you more if your going to match Adrien weight for weight. God knows he loves to eat.”

Marinette’s heart fluttered at the mention. She swallowed hard, “Oh yes. He’s so big now. He just eats and eats and eats, it’s so hot.”

Alya laughed out loud, “Hahaha! Girl, you’re such a chubby chaser!”

Marinette blushed and bit her lip, “Yeah, you’re right about that Alya. I can’t deny that, I love fat boys so much.”

Suddenly Marinette noticed something and grew a smile herself. “Now what is this?”

Marinette lifted Alya’s top a little bit and pinched her love handles. “Is someone gaining a little weight too?” Marinette had a smug smile while teasing her friend. Alya swatted her hand away, “Shoo! Just a little! Hanging around you is really fattening. I can’t help it if I put on a little. Besides!” Alya struck a glamorous pose and flipped her red hair behind her, smirking, “I’ve always had a curvy figure you know.”

It was true Alya had been curvier than most of her classmates, her body was very generous in the hips. But now that Marinette look a good long look at her it was clear things were changing. “Alya, I’m a plus size model, I model clothes for FAT girls, I think I know what I’m talking about.” Marinette lifted the front of Alya’s shirt and played with the little brown pot belly she was developing “And I think you’re starting to become a bit more than just curvy”

Alya started to laugh as Marinette played with her belly, “Hahah! S-stop that! Okay, okay you’re right! I’m getting a little fat. But like I said, it’s the price that comes with making you into a blue ribbon pig!”

Marinette smiled sweetly at her friend, “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings Alya.”

Alya shook her head, “No, it’s okay. It’s a fact and I believe in the truth over anything else. I suppose when it’s time for you to start losing weight I’ll just join you and then we can lose weight together.”

Marinette beamed and hugged her, “You really are a great friend Alya.” Alya grinned, “You know it girl.” While they hugged their tummies pushed into each other and the grinding of Alya’s little pot on Marinette’s hanging sack of belly fat made her laugh, “Ha! Looks like we're gaining BFFs.” Marinette had to giggle at that and reached for a croissant on the counter and offered it to Alya, “Eat up Alya.” Alya eagerly took a bite out of the pastry and moaned, “You know, this could be more fun than I thought. Time for this fat girl to indulge herself.”

While Marinette and Alya were celebrating Adrien himself was back at his mansion locked in his room feasting with plagg. He was eating a massive cheese burger that weighed nearly two whole pounds.

Plagg swallowed a wheel of camembert and encouraged his friend, “Come on, you can do it fatty! Stuff that face!” He hovered around him, “You’re in your underwear, you have nothing holding you back! Go for it!”

The words of his kwami pushed Adrien to take bigger bites of the burger, bits and pieces messily falling onto his chest. It was true, he was in nothing but his underwear and it showed off just about everything.

Seated where he was his stomach rolled over his crotch and only the tiniest bit of his black briefs could be seen, while his love handles rolled over his sides. Adrien’s gluttony had pushed him to 354 pounds and was now as blubbery and heavy as a baby killer whale. The boy had no neck to speak of, it had been entirely hidden by his bulging double chin. His chest sagged lazily down and were far bigger than Marinette’s pride and joy. Adrien’s forearms were round and broad while his upper arms resembled loafs of bread, and were just as soft.

Taking a few more bites he finished his burger and let out a rousing belch, saying “Excuse me” out of polite habit. As he got up his belly surged out farther and wobbled against his crotch. Standing up showed how wide he was getting with his legion of back fat behind him, his moobs had created a roll under his arms that went all the way around his back.

His big butt shook and jiggled in his small black briefs, as did the back of his soft thighs while he waddled to his fridge. Upon request Adrien had an entire fridge installed in his room. It was stocked with all sorts of treats that he used to fatten himself. He looked inside and eyed the cookie dough and a slice of cheesecake.

“Hey Plagg, what do you think? Cookie dough or cheesecake?”

“Why not both?”

Adrien smiled at his gluttonous cat kwami and nodded. Plagg was a natural pig and he trusted his Kwami’s advice when it came to gluttony. He took the cooking dough and used the log as a fork of sorts for the cheesecake, eating both at the same time.

“I was so happy that Ladybug noticed my size” Adrien moaned as he ate. Plagg grinned, “Oh yeah, she was totally ogling you. Your plan to woo Ladybug is definitely working fat boy, but what about her? In case you didn’t notice she’s gotten way bigger too!”

Adrien smile fondly, “True love doesn’t care about size. But since I know Ladybug’s preference, I have no problem getting huge. I wonder if I can get her to feed me…”


The next day Marinette was slowly walking while Tikki hovered around her.

“You’re 300 pounds now Marinette, how do you feel?” Tikki chirped, smiling wide at her friend.

Marinette puffed as she smiled back, “Heavy. Definitely heavy, I can feel my weight. Slow too, it’s a good thing we left early for school.”

Marinette was getting a bit apple cheeked from hauling her big ass to school. As Marinette walked she briefly lost her footing and almost tripped over, but caught herself. Tikki rushed over to her face, “Are you okay Marinette?”

Marinette nodded reassuringly, “I’m okay Tikki, it’s just, I think I’m getting even clumsier the fatter I get, I’m just not use to my new body.”

Tikki flew down to Marinette’s tummy in her white shirt and poked it, “I’d say, you can’t see your feet anymore Marinette! It’s almost like you’re pregnant with your big tummy!”

Marinette stopped in her tracks and her face went red, she stammered, “W-what did you say, Tikki?”

Tikki giggled, “I said it’s almost like your pregnant Marinette!”

Marinette giggled naughtily and Tikki could tell her mind was going somewhere else.

“Hehehe, yeah, pregnant! I’m pregnant with Adrien’s babies!”

She rubbed her big 300 pound stomach, “So pregnant! 14 and pregnant! Fat and pregnant!” She huffed and pushed out her stomach as far as it could go and started to exaggerate her already handsome waddle. “Ooooh, so big! Look at me waddle! I need to go eat something! Like ice cream and sweets! I’m an expecting mama and I’m eating for two! Or three!”

Tikki said nothing, but giggled, always amused when Marinette would get lost in fantasy.

Marinette slowly waddled like a duck before her phone beeped. “Oh no! Time’s almost up, I’m going to be late! Oooh, I wish I wasn’t so slow!” But then Marinette got an idea. “I may be slow, but Ladybug isn’t! Tikki, spots on!”

Tikki was absorbed into Marinette's earrings and she transformed into Ladybug, now being able to move as fast as she wanted, running and swinging to school. When she arrived she turned back to Marinette and made it to the first class, the cooking class with Ms. Mendeleiev was starting and Marinette got to her seat next to Alya.

Alya grinned, “Surprised you got it here on time, fatso!” She playfully poked Marinette's big tummy and Marinette smirked, teasing back “You’ll be tardy for class soon enough.” She pinched Alya’s growing love handles, her plaid shirt was getting increasingly tight over her pot belly.

Ms. Mendeleiev grumbled “Where is my TA! She’s going to be tardy!” Just before the bell rang Chloe entered the classroom and Marinette and Alya’s jaws dropped.

Chloe Bourgeois was huge. She may have been the fattest student in school.

She waddled to her seat by Ms. Mendeleiev’s desk, her white pants showed every dimple and roll on her lower half while her striped shirt acted more like a tube top, her stomach was hanging clear out and was covering the crotch of her pants. When she sat it pushed out past her knees and her rear end spilled over the edges of her seat.

Ms. Mendeleiev frowned at her, “Miss Bourgeois, that was much too close, you have to be on time if you want to be my TA!”

Chloe took a deep breath, she was red in the face and resembled in over stuffed pig, “Right, don’t worry, I fired my valet after he got me here so late! He said it was the traffic! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!”

The class started and all through the lecture Alya and Marinette struggled to come up with a reason as to how Chloe had gotten so huge. Every school day it seemed like she just got bigger and bigger, and now she was absurdly big.

Soon the time came and each student went to Chloe to feed her a sample of their product, this time they had baked cinnamon rolls. By the time Marinette came up to her the snobby pig had frosting all over her mouth and looked just like what she ate, a doughy sinful bun.  Chloe had a smug smirk on her lips as she opened her mouth, “I’m ready for you to feed me now, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!”

Marinette offered her the cinnamon roll, but asked, “Chloe, just how big are you?” Chloe took one bite of the roll and swallowed, smirking, “My, how rude of you! Jealous much?” She rubbed her stomach and remarked, “If you must know Chubbinette, as of this morning I am 413 pounds!”

Marinette was shocked, “No way! That’s bigger than Adrien!” Chloe tilted her head back and laughed, sending her enormous chin into a jiggling frenzy “Yes way! But don’t worry, Adrien is perfect, so he’ll get to my size soon enough and we’ll be the fattest kids in school, while you just fade away into obscurity! Just think, I might take your job as a model when your not big enough to model certain sizes!”

Marinette frowned and started to shove the cinnamon roll into Chloe’s mouth all at once, almost trying to silence her with food. After she was done she marched back to Alya and sulked.

Chloe swallowed the entire cinnamon roll and belched before farting softly. She moaned, her stomach was so full. After class she called for another limo to take her back to her hotel. She couldn’t be expected to continue school with such a full stomach.

In her suite she stripped to her underwear and got on her bed. She called for her butler, “Jean Luc! It’s time for my tube feeding!”

Her butler, the most patient staff member at the hotel quickly set up the feeding machine. Yes, Chloe characteristically cheated to get to her size. While Adrien and Marinette, and now Alya, all ate to get large, putting in their hard work Chloe took lazy shortcuts.

“What does mademoiselle wish this time?” The butler spoke with an upbeat tone.

Chloe pointed, “The honey this time Jean Dupree!”

The butler nodded and picked up the vat of pure honey and placed it into the machine. He placed the plastic tube into Chloe’s mouth and turned the machine on. The machine hummed as it started to pump honey into Chloe. Chloe moaned at the sweet substance filling her stomach as the butler offered, “Would mademoiselle like Mr. Cuddly while she feasts?”

The butler presented the yellow childhood toy of Chloe, who scoffed but grabbed the yellow bear from his hands before shooing him away.

Alone with her honey and her bear she hugged the bear tight to her fat body. Oh how she loved her soft cuddly bear. All boys need to be as cuddly as Mr. Cuddly, it was why she loved Adrien’s new size so much.

If only all boys could be as fat as bears.

Part 8:

Alya looked herself over in the mirror, examining her new body. Her jeans and plaid shirt were tight, tight, tight and bits of her brown flesh were oozing out, giving her a serious muffin top.

She lifted her sizable gut with both hands and wobbled it, feeling herself jiggle all over. She smiled at herself, admiring the double chin she had grown and how it stuck out, as well as just how chubby her cheeks were.

“Girl, you got fat!” She praised her reflection.

She had started gaining weight after trying to fatten her BFF Marinette, a sort of collateral damage from her efforts. Instead of fretting she decided to roll with it, embracing gluttony and the novelty of getting fatter instead of exercising and proper nutrition.

As of last night Alya had reached 200 pounds and felt a strange sense of pride from how good she was at inflating like a balloon.

She turned to her side in the mirror and grew an enormous grin on her face when she looked at her butt. It stuck out pretty far, about as far as her gut did. She did a little bounce and watched with awe at how her well fed rump shook upon landing on her feet. She turned her back to the mirror, thrusted her butt out and slapped her bubble butt, “Talk about a lard ass!”

Yes, Alya was swollen with pride. She had created this body pound by delicious pound.

She knew it wouldn't last, eventually she and Marinette would lose the weight and get thin again, but she would be sure to look back at her fat period with fondness. Until then she was going to enjoy herself and savor every moment

Her stomach suddenly rumbled and she was reminded of what she had been doing before she got distracted by her vanity.

On the counter was a box containing half a dozen donuts and a small carton of milk. She started in on the donuts, loving the glazed sugar. She really had become a true glutton. She wasn't eating and gaining for anyone or for any goal. She was indulging for herself.

Bite after bite the donuts went down and then she started to drink from the carton, chugging the white cow juice down to bury the sweet fried dough previous eaten. When she finished drinking she set the carton down and let out a big milky “UuuuuRPHH!”


Alya put down the carton and saw her towering boxer sister Nora enter the room.

“I know you’ve been growing like a piggy, but you could at least show a little dignity sow guts!”

Alya was wise to her sister Nora and didn’t put up with her bullying, “If you’d pay more attention to social trends Nora then you’d know that bigger is better at the moment! I feel great, I’m a 200 pound ebony beauty you need to get off my case.”

Nora grinned back, “Like that covergirl friend of yours Baguette, right? Come on sis, you and I both know trends are short and have a low life span, just like all fat people. And just what are you and your flabby friend going to do when the fad is over, hmm? You’ll be stuck in obesity land and no one will tell you how special you are for being porkers anymore.”

Alya looked down at her blubbery stomach and sighed “You’re right sis. Eventually this is going to have to stop.” She looked up at her, “When that time comes I’ll let you train me and slim me down, okay?” Nora grinned, “Deal! I’m going to have a blast whipping that fat ass.” Alya grinned back, “And I’m going to enjoy being a fatty for all it’s worth!”

At that there was a knock on the door and Alya rushed over and nearly glomped her boyfriend Nino.

“H-hey Alya!” The boy smiled wide at the sudden impact of his girlfriend’s heft. “We’re off to Juleka’s to watch a band rehearsal, Nora. And then after that we might get a bite to eat!” Alya added the last part with a wink to spite her sister. Nino shuddered after they left, “Man, she seemed scarier than usual!” Alya laughed, “That’s because I told her to bug off about my weight.” Nino whistled, “My girlfriend is a badass.” Alya grinned wide, “You know it!” Nino wasn’t at all embarrassed about Alya’s size, her sheer confidence made her all the more attractive to him.

When they came across Marinette sitting on the top of the stairs red in the face. Ever since Chloe’s explosion of weight Marinette had turned into an OCD eating machine, always having food in hand. In turn it blew her up and she was as wide as the stairway and her weight zoomed to 320.

“It’s a lot of stairs and the elevator was broken. Marinette’s pretty out of shape you know.” Nino explained as Alya bent over, hand on her shoulder saying “You know you can’t sit there fat girl, you’re a fire safety hazard.”

“Oh ha ha!” Marinette rose up, turning to face Alya. Her face was even rounder than ever if it was possible and her double chin looked like it weighed at least a pound. Her white shirt was more like a tube top and her tummy wobbled every move she made. Her pink pants were the Gabriel brand she modeled, they were so comfortable, but they also detailed the width of her thunderous thighs.

“It won’t be easy for you when you get to be my size Alya.” She jiggled Alya’s belly and pouted, “The modeling shoots have a chart of our weights. I just touched 320, but Adrien is 372, he’s almost 400 pounds, it’s like I’ll never match up with him!”

Alya hugged her, their soft fat meshing together, “Girl, you’ll get there soon enough with the way you’ve been eating like a pig. And Adrien has advantages too, he started first and you dieted for a bit so you’re playing catch up, plus he’s rich and just has more resources than us average girls.” Alya rubbed Marinette’s big belly “You should be proud of yourself anyways, 320 is huge! You’re like fatter than even most American teens! As for Chloe, she’s doing something, there’s no way she can be that big just eating like we do.”

Nino chuckled, “Or she really could be that big of a pig.” Alya smirked, “Maybe, but you you’ll always know who your pig is, won’t you?”

Marinette gave a half smile at the love birds. She was happy Nino and Alya’s relationship, but at the same time she felt the tiniest bit envious. She wished she could share what they had with Adrien. She sighed looking down the long staircase, dreading the next trek down.


“Permission to come aboard, Captain!”

Rose stood on the dock outside the Liberty standing in salute.

Anarka looked at the short pink clad pixie cut blonde and grinned, “Arrr, permission granted! Rose my dear, you look rounder every day I see you!”

Rose giggled. Her girlfriend’s recent eating habits had rubbed off on her and she too had grown to a pleasantly plump 162 pounds which on such a short frame made her look even rounder. While Rose was thick in the bottom, flabby in her tummy she somehow maintained a thinness in her face with not a hint of a double chin. “Juleka always has good food around!” The pink portly piggy came aboard, ready to jam with her band Kitty Section which comprised of herself as the lead singer, her girlfriend Juleka and Juleka’s brother Luka as the guitarists, the gentle giant Ivan Bruel on drums, and Adrien on keyboards.

Rose waved at Ivan who had his girlfriend Mylene Haprele along with him. “Hey guys! Is everyone coming?” Rose squeaked, her paunch shaking in her pink top. Mylene sipped some tea, a short timid girl she was frequently prone to anxiety attacks and found tea helped relax her, “Luka and Juleka are here, but Adrien may or may not show up, you know how it is with his dad.” Ivan added, “Alya, Nino, and Marinette are coming to watch us play, so they’ll be here too.”

At that moment Juleka came up from below the ship. The five pounds she had first put on seemed like a memory compared to the bloated 189 she was now. Her long purple bangs that covered part of her eyes did nothing to hide the plumpness of her face. Her purple leggings were packed with her thunder thighs, her flesh poking out through the various holes created by her bulbous legs.

“Hey Rose.” Juleka slurred, never speaking above a whisper it was hard to decipher what she was saying sometimes. Rose embraced Juleka and wrinkled her nose. Juleka hadn’t showered again and her odor was emitting from her unwashed hair. Rose brushed Juleka’s purple bangs revealing a patch of acne on her chubby cheeks and squeaked, “You haven’t showered Juleka, have you been a lazy piggy today?”

Juleka nodded submissively. Rose wasn’t chiding her, she had a very unique interest in smells, she loved them all, including her girlfriend’s musk. Juleka looked over at the table where three pizza boxes had been set up for the group jam session and smiled, “Awesome.” She waddled over and took a slice, taking a big greasy bite.

Juleka’s explosive weight gain could only be explained by bad parenting.

Anarka was a bit of a loon, living on a houseboat she talked like a pirate and liked the “lived in look.” She had a very laissez-faire approach to raising her children, she allowed them complete freedom and let them do whatever they wanted, including what they wanted to eat. There were many, many mornings in Juleka’s life that she had ice cream for breakfast.

It was only just now catching up with her.

Soon later Marinette, Alya, and Nino made it to the ship. Alya was a little out of breath just from walking from the Metro stop to the dock, but Marinette was sweating up a storm, she was incredibly out of shape when she wasn’t Ladybug. “Hey guys…” Marinette puffed, exhausted from the walk, but her attitude quickly changed when she saw the pizzas. Alya, Nino, and Marinette grabbed plates and picked out slices. Nino only had a modest two slices, while Marinette had six, but Marinette was surprised when Alya took the same amount.

They started eating, but Marinette couldn’t help but stare at Alya plowing through the slices. She watched her eat, amazed at how she could pack it away. She almost imagined seeing Alya growing fatter right before her eyes. Alya caught Marinette staring and smirked, sticking up a middle finger. Marinette laughed and flipped her off too, telling her “You’re really taking to the fat girl lifestyle.”

Alya rested her hands on her stomach, “You know it girl. If I do something I’m going to do it all the way, that’s just how I am. So bring on the food!”

Marinette laughed in agreement and started to chow down. Completely lost in gorging she didn’t notice the groaning chair. It should have warned her that she was too heavy, her bottom was too much of a burden for the chair’s weak constitution. She should have seen it coming, because all at once the obese teenager’s ass slammed down onto the ground, smashing the chair to smithereens and rocking the ship.

“Arrgh! Marinette be careful lass! This ship is delicate!” Anarka grasped a pole while Marinette was gobsmacked, it was like it had happened in the blink of an eye. Her cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment, but she remembered something Cat Noir had said before, that “Paris wasn’t made for the husky cat.”

It surprisingly calmed her down and she felt less embarrassed while Alya went over and grasped her soft fleshy wrists, “Come on fat girl, lets get you up.” She grunted, thrusting her big butt out as she tried to heft her friend up, “Hnnng! Jeez Marinette, I think you’re already heavier! You really are a fatty!”

When Marinette was back on her feet Anarka placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Why don’t you go get me son up to join us? He could use a bit of fresh air from his cabin.”


Marinette enjoyed seeing Luka, he was always very kind to her and made her feel good. With how easy her self confidence could be shaken Marinette often needed confidence boosters and Luka was quite good at that. At the same time though he gave her butterflies, he was the only other boy in her life that gave her as much butterflies as Adrien did. It baffled her as to why, especially with her recent evolution in taste in boys. Unlike his little sister Luka remained thin and trim, and her attraction to it confused her.

As Marinette made her way down below she could hear the strings of a guitar coming from his room. The door was open, but Marinette still knocked on it.


“Come on in Marinette.”

Marinette gulped and squeezed inside the cabin. Luka was on his bed, guitar in his arms. His eyes were closed, like he was lost in focus. He slowly opened them and smiled, “It’s good to see you again Marinette, I don’t think the pictures in the magazines do you justice.”

Marinette’s round face flushed as red as a tomato and her heart started to beat faster. “I..well….um” She struggled to find words to the young punk rocker’s compliment. The only thing louder than her struggled attempts at any kind of speech came from her hungry tummy.


Luka’s fingers instinctively started playing deep sounding cords, going as heavy he could. “It sounds like you have unrest inside of you…” the cords changed to a lighter tune, “When considering how much good luck you’ve been having it should be sounding like this. Is everything okay Marinette?”

“H-hungry!” Marinette spat out, blushing even more at sounding so infantile to this cute boy.

Luka giggled softly before gesturing his head towards a box of pizza. “I ordered that a little bit ago, sometimes I order things just for myself, my little sister’s appetite has gotten pretty big, you know? Anyways, it’s a bit cold, I sorta forgot about it until you came in. You can have some if you want.”

Luka’s approval was all she needed for Marinette to lift up the box and take the cold slices of pizza and begin to eat. Her quest to put on more weight for her modeling had turned her into a big eater, she would lose herself in her eating. But Luka’s presence was enough to anchor her in reality.

“You should probably have some too…” Marinette began to say, but Luka shook his head, “No, it’s okay Marinette. Have all you want. Models need to eat, right?”

Marinette blushed once more. Yes, that’s what she was now, a plus size model, a big girl model. She had to eat! She had to eat to ensure she would keep modeling, to be there for Adrien! She resumed eating, taking big bites to make sure she was stuffed good. She eyed some green glass bottles of Coca Cola and asked, ever so politely, “May I?”

Luka smiled again and said, “Marinette, I told you, have all you like? You need to drink too, I don’t want you to choke.” Luka’s words sounded so understanding, it was enough to calm Marinette’s nerves about being a pig in front of him. She took one bottle of coke and unscrewed the cap, the carbonated beverage activating. The bottles were small, enough for a pig like Marinette to swallow in three gulps.

Pizza and soda, pizza and soda, until there wasn’t any trace left.


Marinette blushed as she held her chubby hand over her mouth after her unladylike belch. Luka couldn’t help but giggle at her embarrassment. “Ooof,” Marinette grunted as she rubbed her stomach which had bloated up and stuck out far making her look overly fat and pregnant, “I’m full now. Thank you Luka!”

Luka continued his happy expression, “It’s no problem Marinette. You look a lot happier now.” Marinette smiled back, her chubby face was coated in sauce and grease, “I am happy now. I guess I’m at my happiest when I’m stuffed.” She rubbed her gut slowly, “I want to be, well, I want to be the best model I can, and stuffing is just part of it. A lot of these tops show off my tummy and a stuffed tummy looks really good in it, urrp!”

Luka nodded, “You’re really good at modeling Marinette. You’re doing a great job. Anyways, I think I’ll join you guys now and start jamming.”

Marinette wiped her face off with a towel, “Okay great, come on, let's go!”

Marinette started out the door, feeling it was a tight squeeze. However, unlike last time it took more of an effort to push herself through, and she soon found she didn’t move at all when she got in a certain length.


She grunted trying to scoot out the door. She grasped the walls on the outside and tried to push herself out, but her eyes grew wide when she wouldn’t budge.

“Uh...uh oh! No! NO!”

She wiggled and thrashed but it was no use. Luka approached her from behind, “Are you okay Marinette?”

“I think I’m stuck.” Marinette squeaked out, craning her neck she looked behind her at Luka.

Luka giggled, “What a Pooh Bear,” but hearing Marinette whine he apologised, “Sorry, this is serious. Don’t worry Marinette, I’ll help you out. Let’s see...okay, I’m going to try and push you out. Just...relax.”

He placed his hands on her bottom sticking out in her pink pants and Marinette gasped, before her entire face turned a familiar shade of red. Luka’s hands felt so good on her bottom. The butterflies in her stomach were fluttering like never before and her bottom shook in her nervousness. Luka felt the jiggle under his hands and smiled, leaning in he whispered into her ear, “Marinette, you’re quivering. It’ll be okay, just relax and this will all be over. Let me help. Allow me.”

Marinette froze right there at his words, his breath brushing the hair on the back of her neck, she was completely helpless to his charm and gave Luka consent to try and unwedge the stuck girl.

Meanwhile up above Adrien had arrived. His stomach jiggled with every step he took, his black shirt had ridden up to show his bulging middle between his pants and shirt. His jeans looked painted on they were so tight.

“Hey guys!” Adrien waved a broad forearm at them as he arrived, Nino greeting him with a high five, “Bro! Glad your dad let you make it!” Adrien sighed, “Yeah, but I’m on call, I could be called back at any moment.” He then noticed Marinette was missing, “Where’s Marinette wasn’t she coming with you guys?”

Alya swallowed a bite and said, “She’s down below, she was suppose to get Luka, but it’s been a few minutes since then. Why don’t you go see what they’re up to?” Adrien nodded, “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” He made his way down below the ship and heard grunting sounds.

Luka was pushing on Marinette, trying with all his might while still trying not to cause her pain. Marinette was doing nothing, letting Luka have his way with her bottom. She couldn’t admit it because of the situation but she was enjoying his touch on her ass. But when she saw Adrien come around the corner she gasped out “Adrien!”

“Hey Marinette!” Adrien said, coming up to her, “What are you doing?”

Marinette couldn’t fumble her words even worse than she could, Luka’s hands were still on her ass as Adrien talked to her, “Nuuuuhwahnoa, not a thing!” She finally managed to get out. But Adrien took one look at her hips in the doorway and asked, “Are you stuck?”

Marinette sighed in defeat and looked down at her toes, or rather her tummy as it hid her view of her toes, “Yeah I am.”

Luka called out behind her, “Adrien, is that you?”

Adrien answered, “Yeah Luka, are you okay in there?”

“Yeah, I’m just trying to get Mari free!”

Adrien could see the discomfort in her face and he said, “I guess it happens to the best of us. It’s been happening a lot to me lately as well.” He rubbed his hip as if to display what he was talking about. He was referring to when he got stuck as Cat Noir, when he learned Ladybug’s tastes towards boys and made him embrace weight gain and getting bigger.

Luka called from behind the fat girl, “Adrien, why don’t you grab Marinette’s arms and I’ll push from behind, maybe with your help it’ll do the trick.”

Adrien nodded, “Yeah sure! Is that okay with you Marinette?”

Marinette couldn’t even talk she was so embarrassed, but nodded yes in affirmation. Soon she found Adrien grasping her butter soft wrists in front of her and Luka gasping her butt behind her and they both started to work.

“Hnnng! Hunnng!” Adrien and Luka both groaned and grunted trying to throw Marinette’s weight around, but the girl remained stuck, not budging at all. All their work and sounds drew the rest of the group downstairs. “Girl, are you down here?” Alya called out before she started laughing hysterically upon the sight before them, “HAHAH! Oh man, you gotta be kidding me!”

Marinette cried out, “It’s not my fault!” She couldn’t die any harder from all the embarrassment she was facing.

Anarka went up to examine the stuck girl, poking her finger into her hips, “Aye, I’d definitely say it’s me ship that’s at fault here! It wasn't made for a girl of such corpulence, har har har!  Luka, are ye behind there?” “Aye aye Captain!” Luka called behind Marinette.

Mylene looked up at Ivan, “Ivan, why don’t you try pulling Marinette out? You’re the biggest, so you’ve got to be the strongest!”

The tall metal head looked Marinette over and said, “I think I can do it.” He came up to Marinette and grasped Marinette's arms and started to tug and pull. Marinette yelped, Ivan really was the strongest, but he wasn’t being gentle like Adrien and Luka, she felt like her arms were going to be pulled out of her sockets. Worse yet she still wasn’t budging. “Ow! Ow Ivan! You’re hurting me!”

Ivan stopped pulling and dropped Marinette’s arms, “Sorry Marinette, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Marinette whimpered, “It’s okay Ivan, I’m just stuck tight I’m so fat.”

As everyone tried to think of what to do Adrien slowly back up and slipped up the stairs and off the ship. Plagg flew out from Adrien’s shirt pocket, “Where do you think you’re going? Aren’t you going to help your tubby girlfriend out?”

Adrien rolled his eyes, “Plagg, Marinette isn’t my girlfriend, she’s just a very good friend. But I am going to help her, only as Cat Noir! PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!”

Adrien transformed into Cat Noir and went back on the ship, going down below, “Hey guys, I think I can help.”

They all turned to see Cat Noir, surprised as could be. Marinette though thought she was going to crack. He was the LAST person she wanted to see in this state. “C-Cat Noir! W-What are you doing here!” She asked as everyone parted like the red sea to Cat Noir approaching the stuck girl.

“I was doing my pawtrol and I heard the cries of a damsel in distress.” Cat grasped Marinette’s plush hand and kissed it, “Everything will be just fine Princess.” Without asking permission he grasped Marinette’s right wrist and started to pull. So stuck was Marinette Cat still met some resistance. “Wow, you really are stuck. Don’t worry though, I got this.”

Marinette’s face couldn’t get any redder, she had been broken, and sure enough she started to slide out before falling into Cat’s arms. “Easy there, I got you.” He guided her down onto her knees before standing up triumphantly. “Now that you’re free my work here is done. Have a pawsome day everyone!” Cat darted up the stairs and off the boat to turn back.

Marinette got to her feet and had suffered so much embarrassment that she waddled her way up the stairs too, telling them all, “I gotta go!”

“Wait Marinette!” Alya called out, but Luka shook her head, “Let her go. She’s a very conflicted girl and needs her space.” He then smiled, “Give her some time and she’ll bounce back. She is Marinette Dupain-Cheng after all.”


Days later in a restaurant called Le Veau Gras Adrien was stuffed in a booth seat.

His stomach folded into the table, the top half seated on top of the table before him while the lower half extended far past his knees under it. Beside the top half of his gut were empty plates that once housed several different cuts of steak. The various steaks were now nestled in his stomach which Adrien was rubbing and massaging in bliss. This was a very good fancy restaurant, Adrien thought, with a wide variety of cuts. A true steakhouse if there ever was one and now Adrien sat, a fattened calf.

“So this is where you’ve been.”

Adrien opened his eyes to see his fencing rival Kagami standing by his table, clad in her school uniform consisting of a black shirt, red tie, black tights, red plaid skirt, and white blazer.

“Kagami!” Adrien blushed. He hadn’t seen the so called Ice Queen in quite a long time. From the beginning when his father first told him he had to get fat his schedule was adjusted accordingly. His fencing activities were dropped all together and Kagami had risen, taking his spot on the team.

She looked the fat boy over with a certain gleam in her eye an apex predator got over a prey.

Kagami patted the collection of upper belly fat on the table, “I’ve been keeping track of you Adrien, you certainly have been doing a good job packing on the pounds. You must be 400 pounds by now, or pretty darn close.”

Adrien shifted in the booth uncomfortably, “A little lower than that. The tabloids keep saying I’m over 500, but they’re wrong.”

Kagami then slid into the booth, planting her trim bottom in the spare space that Adrien’s lard hadn’t taken over. It was a testament to how disciplined and proper the girl was, to be able to sit in such a tiny space. “You certainly look like you’ve been enjoying yourself.” Adrien shook his fleshy face, “I wasn’t at first, it was all really upsetting. But...well, you know the girl I have my eye on? Well, I overheard she prefered fat boys and well…” Adrien stroked his stomach as if to complete his sentence for him.

Kagami looked amused, “You’d willingly let yourself grow this large for love?”

Adrien blushed, “Well, I mean...yeah, for her.”

Kagami continued maintaining an amused smug expression, “Well, there is certainly lots of you to love now, isn’t there?”

She spotted how slouched Adrien sat, completely opposite of her erect posture. She noted his chest and placed a hand on his left breast, “Hm. Yes, that’s why. You have a very large chest.”

“K-Kagami!” Adrien exclaimed, shocked by the sudden touching. His nipple suddenly hardened under Kagami’s palm and she shook her head, boys had such little control.

“You’re posture is starting to falter because of your chest. You have really large pectorals, although they’ve flabbed up to the point where I would definitely have to call them breasts. I think I should take you bra shopping.”

Adrien looked confused, “Kagami, I’m a boy, boys don’t wear bras.”

Kagami rolled her eyes, “Oh Adrien. Girls don’t wear bras just because we’re girls. We wear them for functional reasons. Here, look,” She grasped Adrien’s left hand placed it on her right breast.

Adrien’s jaw dropped, “K-Kagami, what are you-” He tried to talk, but was cut off by Kagami, “Adrien, having breasts suck. When they swell and get huge it makes our back hurt. None of us actually like having to wear bras, but we need it just to survive. And now, since you have a sizable bust, you do as well. We won’t do it today, but I’m definitely going to need to take you bra shopping real soon. I don’t want you slouching like a hunchback, it wouldn’t be proper.”

She let go of Adrien’s chest and then his hand, Adrien drew his hand back, blushing profusely over her teasing. She looked the plates over, “You had four entire steaks?” Adrien nodded, “Yeah, they serve four different cuts.” Kagami asked, “And how did you have them?”

“Medium well.”

Kagami scoffed, “Pedestrian taste. I hope you didn’t have them with ketchup too.  Waiter!” She raised a finger and called a waiter over, “Yes, we would like all these dishes again, but this time medium rare.”

“Yes, mam.”

Adrien looked at Kagami, “Kagami, you can’t possibly eat all that.”

Kagami emitted a sound that sounded like a cross between a laugh and a sob.

“Phehhh….Adrien, my dear. This is for you. You are Adrien Agreste, you deserve nothing but the best. If you’re willing to get this large for a girl, you should have dignity and class while doing it. So you are going to eat.” Adrien moaned, “But I can’t…” to which Kagami said, “I’ll feed you. You just relax and eat. Am I understood?”

Kagami said the last part with such cold conviction that Adrien wouldn’t dare question her. He was going to eat and eat everything that was put in front of him. Kagami was a bossy girl, but Adrien had a weakness for the strong types like his Lady.

Finally the steaks arrived and Kagami went to work cutting them up, feeding Adrien like a baby. All Adrien could do was eat, he could not resist each flavor bite. He was already so full, but now he was being stuffed by this demanding girl that seemed intent on fattening him even further.

“You really do need a good feeder.” Kagami told him, feeding him forkful after forkful. Adrien moaned, “I’m doing pretty well by myself Ka-ah!” He began to say, but his mouth was filled with steak. “If I had been your feeder from the start you would have been over 400 pounds a long time ago. Yes, I think I should be your feeder for sure.”

Kagami continued to feed the blonde fat boy until the final bite, several pounds worth of meat now packed in his stomach. Adrien was so bloated he was in tears, he could barely breath, but he was given belly rubs by Kagami as a reward. “What a good boy,” Kagami praised him like a big fat golden lab, “You are a champion Adrien, in anything you put your talent to. If blowing up into a fat cow is what you are pursuing I will encourage you to be as fat and gluttonous as you can be.”

It took a while, but Adrien was ready to leave, Kagami scooted out and helped Adrien out, helping the immensely obese boy to the door...where he promptly got wedged in. Kagami blinked behind him, “How on earth did you even get inside in the first place?”

Adrien belched from the other side as Kagami placed her hands on Adrien’s sizable ass and attempted to push him out. Adrien was too full to help, so he sat there and made Kagami do all the work. Kagami however, despite her athleticism, was just too small and weak to move Adrien's bulk.

Meanwhile, Ladybug was running on the rooftops of Paris.

After getting stuck Marinette needed to let off steam and there was no better way than becoming Ladybug. Ladybug always gave her a huge confidence boost by being able to move as light as a feather. Ladybug jumped over rooftops, engaging in hardcore parkour which her size made all the more thrilling, all the momentum her weight gave her made her leaps and tumbles and flips more power.

Sprinting across one more rooftop she saw a commotion happening at the Le Veau Gras. She dropped down in front of the entrance and was shocked, “Adrien?”

Adrien looked up and saw Ladybug before him, “Ladybug? What are you doing here?”

Ladybug took all of Adrien in, seeing how wedged tight he was in the door frame, his side fat spilling over the edges like rising bread. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

“Well, I kinda got stuck from eating too much.”

With the way he was positioned and especially with how stuffed he was his shirt had ridden up all the way to his chest, his entire stomach was out and wobbled every time he tried to get out. Kagami meanwhile heard talking on the other side and stopped pushing on Adrien’s bottom, opting to lean in and listen.

Ladybug blushed, Adrien was just so fat now, absolutely a baby killer whale in size. She went up slowly, her pulse high and her hands trembling, “You really overdid it, but I don’t blame you, this place has a great reputation...d-do you need help?” She asked, the closer she inched forward the more details she took notice of his amazing body.

“That would honestly be a huge help.”

Ladybug grasped Adrien’s wrists tenderly, she didn’t want to even so much as bruise her crush, “Alright, then I’ll help you. Don’t worry, I’ll get you out of there, everything will be okay.”

Adrien flushed red at Ladybug’s encouraging words. His Lady was here and saving him, he always relished moments like this, when the two of them would be together. Ladybug started to pull but was met by resistance from the door. She grunted, her polka dot clad body shook all over from her rump up to her face as she pulled. Her upper arms quivered like jello and she moaned, God Adrien was so fat! Her entire world was Adrien and in that world Adrien was the fattest boy in the world.

“Hnng,” Ladybug grunts, “If you’ve been trying to make yourself fatter I have to say you’ve been doing a great job!”

Adrien took a sharp breath and felt himself grow hard. She noticed! And he knew she liked it, he knew her secret, so he knew it was praise and not criticism.”

“Y-yeah, I have been trying. I eat like a pig all day long and I don’t exercise, I’m trying to make myself the fattest boy in France.” He moaned as his hard on rubbed the fabric of his jeans, “Hnnng, you know, for my modeling career.” He added on, not wanting to let on that he knew her secret.

Ladybug’s knees shook at hearing that and she pulled even harder which popped Adrien right out, Adrien landing on her.

Adrien blinked in shock, “Ladybug, are you okay?”

Ladybug’s face was buried deep in his chest as he laid on her, lost in her own world Ladybug nuzzled his chest, hoping he wouldn’t notice. She wanted this to last forever, for her to be covered with Adrien Agreste’s fat body for all time.

When Adrien rolled off she was a little disappointed that it ended and they both got to their feet. Ladybug saw Kagami standing in the doorway and blushed, “Kagami, were you there-” “For the whole time.” She completed her sentence. “Thank you for freeing Adrien Ladybug, he’s too much for one girl to handle.” She cupped Adrien’s fat face and kissed his cheek goodbye.

Ladybug was still on cloud nine, but knew she had to leave. “Well, now that you’re free I have to get going, bug out!”

She extended her yo-yo and took off, Adrien waving goodbye to her. He would remember this day for a long time, but so would Ladybug too.


Later on that night Ladybug was on patrol. Oddly enough she was heading back to Le Veau Gras, Cat Noir had text her and told her to come there immediately. She thought there might be an akuma there, but when she landed on the roof she found Cat Noir seated at a table with candles surrounding them.

“Good evening, my lady, remember when I told you I owed you a steak dinner? Well, tonight I’m paying my debt!”

The reason Cat had eaten there as Adrien that day was because he was looking for a great place to pay back his debt.

“Cat Noir, this is, I mean…” Ladybug was at a lost for words, she was impressed by this gesture. She hadn’t thought much about their silly little bet, but now Cat Noir had arranged for this to happen. The manager of the restaurant was serving as their own waiter.

“You don’t need to order, I already put ours in. It’s like I said, you’re getting a steak dinner. Oh and don’t worry, it’s not a date, I remember what you said.”

Cat got up and scooted out a chair for his lady to sit. Ladybug did so and Cat scooted her in, after which he returned to his spot.

The food came soon after, two juicy slabs of steak with all the trimmings. The two heroes started to dig in, Cat Noir saying, “I’m actually happy I can talk to you like this, and there’s no major threats at hand. I was thinking, my lady. Do you think we should give our kittens their Miraculous full time? We’ve been hitting it pretty hard lately and they’ve went over and above when called upon. I think they’ve earned it.”

Ladybug was buttering her bread when Cat said that, licking stray butter off her fingers as she thought it over. It was true, Rena Rouge and Carapace had been powerful allies and the enemies had been getting tougher and tougher.

“You might be right Cat. We’ve been facing Akumas like Lazarus more often than not and that one was just bad. I can’t keep running to Master Fu every time either, it’s not fair to you to hold them off, it’s not responsible. I agree, Rena Rouge and Carapace have earned it.”

“And Queen Bee?”

Ladybug fell silent. She justified giving Chloe the Miraculous each time under the idea of “baby steps” but her recent attitude with her weight gain as Marinette had left a really bad taste in her mouth.

“What about Queen Bee? I don’t think she’s earned it.”

“Lady, she completes every mission we give her, she’s proven herself time and time again.”

“Chloe Bourgeois has a bad attitude.”

“She’s reliable.”

“She’s a loose cannon!”

Ladybug and Cat Noir both were silent as they cut into their meat, having met an impasse. Ladybug sighed, “I’m sorry Cat, I’m just going to have to disagree with you. Chloe sorta of fell into our hands as Queen Bee. We have to be careful with her, she’s our wild card. In any case, I have to see what Master Fu has to say about it. If he says no to any of them then there’s nothing either of us can do about it anyway.”

Cat nodded, “That’s true. I think being a superhero is good for Chloe, every step of the way she grows as a person when she’s Queen Bee, she gets more learning experience as a super hero than she does as a civilian. But you’re right Bugaboo, it’s up to Master Fu.”

Ladybug nodded as she had potatoes and steak together on her fork. She took a bite and swallowed, “Thank you for this Cat Noir, it was very sweet of you. It looks like I’ll have to find you a good burger joint now. I think you’ve earned those cheeseburgers.”

Cat grinned, “Can’t wait, this cat loves Cheeseburgers.”

Part 9:


The sounds of gluttony filled the posh hotel room with the source laid out on the bed.

Chloe filled up the queen sized bed with her queen sized body as she laid on her side. A literal buffet of cakes was set on the side of her bed and the lazy brat was glutting herself like an incredibly obese 21st Century Marie Antoinette.

Chloe was being a cake tyrant. Clad in just a stained bed sheet her breasts were smeared with icing, as were her tummy rolls, while her mouth was a rainbow of frosting and crumbs. Chloe let out a pig-like snorting grunt when she reached out to grab a big greedy handful of chocolate cake. The action caused a series of motions in her hanging upper arms.

Chloe had achieved bingo wings a long time ago. She had more cellulite dimples than any teenager should have on their bottom, but she had gone past the point of caring about dimples.

Shoving a big handful of cake into her mouth she moaned in her decadence. “I am truly a queen! I can get as fat as I want and no one can tell me otherwise! Les femmes françaises ne grossissent pas! To think I ever lived by that statement! French women don’t get fat? Ha! Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!”

Chloe then grabbed a pail of cream and started to drink from it, her double chin bobbing. Pure white cream seeped from the corners of the pail, spreading over her body and making her sticky, before ending with a boisterous belch. “BEEELCH! Ooof. I think I was made to be fat.”

Just when did this all start? Marinette Dupain-Cheng becoming a model. But how did this get so out of hand? Questions that were irrelevant to Chloe in the big picture. She was larger than Marinette and Adrien would soon be as large as her. For a petty girl like Chloe she should be satisfied with that accomplishment.

But she wanted more. She wanted to get even bigger, but she plateaued at 413 pounds. No matter how much she gorged she just couldn’t get bigger and her feeding machine had broken down. Still, she wasn’t complaining. After all, it just meant she had to eat even more.

“Tout est parfait,” Chloe sighed in bliss when suddenly the doors barged open.

“Well well well!”

There was too much tummy for Chloe to see, but she knew that voice, it sent chills down her spine.

It was her mother, Audrey. Yes, it was her mother, but she had clearly been inflated. She was the fattest person Chloe had ever seen in person during her young life. Hills of rolls and cellulite blubber just seemed to flow everywhere on the formerly trim woman. Her body filled up her black and white romper and made her resemble a beach ball in shape

“M-mom! You’re-you’re-”

Audrey finished her sentence with a certain tone of smug pride. She turned around in a full 360 showing how every roll and fold shook and jiggled at the slightest movement. Her romper was backless and it showed all of her jiggly back fat.

She finished her circle and faced her daughter on the bed. “Gabriel’s Grande Taille line is going to hit the shelves in three months. Fat is the new trend and Style Queen is going to promote it! That’s why I’ve come all this way from New York.”

Chloe’s fleshy cheeks grinned, “Fat is in? Merveilleux! Because I’m 413!”

Audrey however looked less than impressed.

“Is that it? Only 413? Claudia,” She forgot her own daughter’s name, “For the trend that’s coming you are going to look tiny. Just look at your mother.” Audrey put both hands on her enormous stomach, “I’m teetering over 600 pounds. You are far too thin to be beautiful in 2019.”

Chloe’s heart sank as her mother dissected her. All her life her mother brought her down, including tell her she was too fat. Now she was telling her she was too thin.

“I mean for goodness sakes, Gabriel's cover girl Marinette Dupain-Cheng is THINNER than you are! It’s ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! There is absolutely nothing special about you.”

Chloe’s lip started to quiver, a rush of negative emotions flowed through her. Audrey peered at her through her sunglasses and rolled her eyes, “Oh for goodness sakes. Are you really going to cry? I suppose I could do you a favor.”

Chloe looked at her mother with curiosity in her eyes, “W-what? A favor?”

Audrey pulled out her cell phone, “It’s more for myself than you. It’s a matter of pride. I just hope you don’t disappoint me as usual.”

At that Audrey started dialing and waddled her wide self off. Alone in her room Chloe was confused by this turn of events, but those words from her mother, that there was nothing special about her, still stung her heart. Reaching behind her pillow Chloe grabbed a jar of honey and a silver spoon, and began to scoop golden globs of honey into her mouth, tears starting to fall down her round cheeks.


Chloe was actually skipping school that day. While she usually did so whenever she wanted like the brat she was, today was especially useful to skip. Today was the mile run and the only two still in it were Alya and Marinette, everyone else had finished.

The two fat friends huffed and puffed, their round cheeks flushed red as they struggled to pump their legs.

“Oh...man…didn’t think…I could get THIS out of shape so quickly!” Alya wheezed and groaned about her ruined fitness. More troubling to her were her gym shorts, they felt so tight on her. So packed full of her ass Alya feared they would burst at the first wrong step, and with how much her brown flab was shaking that step was becoming inevitable.

The only saving grace to Alya was Marinette. At least she was there with her. Marinette was the only girl in worse shape than her and that gave Alya the slightest bit of comfort.

It was a miracle she had made it this far and not drop dead from a heart attack. Her legs ached from just lifting them, and the fact she had to do a mile was making them feel like they were about to fall off. Marinette hadn’t done any real exercise in months, she had been using Ladybug to do most of her long distance travels and her muscles had turned into jelly as a result. A trail of sweat was left behind her as she pumped her legs.

“This is awful Alya! How am I supposed to be as big as Adrien while doing this! I’m still only 320 pounds! I’ll never be ready for when these clothes are released!”

Alya puffed back, “D-Don’t worry girl! We’ll find a way! Just...let’s make it out of here in one piece!”

There was an added incentive for Marinette to finish this. Through her huffing and puffing and the burning of her legs she could see Adrien in the distance. Adrien sat on the bleachers, his father had arranged for him to sit out of gym.

He had a bag of fries that he was eating from, his round plush hand dipping into the bag back and forth. Even though he was sitting out he was still required to wear the required shorts and top, both of which were cutting into him. Every so often he had to squirm on the bleachers, his shorts were so tight they constantly pinched his huge thighs and he had to tug on the sleeves of his shirt, they were cutting into his lardy arms badly.

With Kagami’s sudden helping hands the rate of gaining had increased and Adrien was inflating like a giant balloon, being filled with yummy calories. Adrien sat with his knees stretched far out, he had grown so large it was the only way to sit comfortably with such a heavy stomach. Sitting like this his chest pushed out and he could no longer see his feet, and he was starting to lose the ability to tie his own shoe laces, all the effort made him a sweaty mess.

Marinette could see him closer and closer as she approached the finishing line and, it filled her with determination to make it through, a look of focus crossing her sweaty face.

Adrien watched the girls tredge slowly to the finish line. He waved a flabby arm, “Come on Alya! You can do it Marinette!” Hearing Adrien cheer her on filled a fire in Marinette’s doughy belly that pushed her faster, waddling pass Alya every so slowly.

Plagg phased out his gym bag, giggling “Aren’t you lucky? Daddy Agreste and mommy Nathalie make sure their chubby lil baby don’t even have risk a scratching a knee!” Adrien rolled his eyes, “Come on Plagg, cut it out. First of all, Nathalie is not my mom, no way. And again, this is all father’s doing, so might as well go with the madness, right?” Plagg continued to hover around Adrien’s vast body, “You don’t even have to be here, you could be in the cafeteria getting yourself into an even bigger shape for Ladybug.”

Adrien smiled sweetly, “I still have to cheer them on! They’re the only ones. Come on Alya! You can do tt Marinette!

The girls were closing in and Marinette put the extra huff into her puff and crossed the finish line, landing on her knees in exhaustion, as did Alya.

Adrien got up as quickly as he could, darting to the fallen tubbos.

“Marinette, Alya, are you okay?”

Marinette’s heart was fluttering, not just from the odyssey of exercise she had to endure, but from Adrien standing before her. On her hands and knees she was on eye level with his belly. The bottom most part of his swollen stomach was within an inch of her face. Her face was already flushed red with exertion, but it only grew redder as felt tempted to kiss it.

“Just...thirsty!” Alya wheezed out, her glasses slick with sweat. Adrien nodded and waddled his way back to the bleachers and brought them both two bottles of soda. The girls cracked them open and chugged them down within seconds.

“Oh thanks so much Adrien!” Marinette sighed in relief when she finished, Alya finishing hers second with a belch, “URP! Oh that hit the spot.”

“Glad you’re are all better. I know I didn’t have to stay, but I thought you girls needed moral support.

Marinette smiled, wiping the sweat off her forehead with her arm, casing her entire bloated limb to wobble “It was really nice of you Adrien, we really appreciate it.”

Alya took off her glasses and started to clean them, “Yeah and thanks for the cokes, that was real cool, it made it all worth it.” Alya suddenly got an idea and grinned, “Hey, Nino and me are hanging out after school, we’re gonna play video games why don't you two come over!” Alya knew this was a good way to bring the two together, but the response she got surprised her.


Adrien and Marinette stuttered, trying to think of what to say. During their steak dinner Cat Noir and Ladybug set up a time to meet with Master Fu, both of the secret heroes needed an escape from Alya’s invitation. “I’ve got a really busy schedule tonight, I have to go to a social party for the Agreste Foundation.” Adrien said, scratching at the the corner of his eye nervously, while Marinette added “Yeah, and I have to help my parents make a batch of croissants!”

Alya looked at them both weirdly, she thought it would have worked. “Alright, if you guys say so. Come on girl, let’s hit the showers.” Alya started her way to the locker room while Adren and Marinette both sighed to themselves, relieved as could be.


Ladybug and Cat Noir sat on the ground, Ladybug sitting proper on her knees while Cat Noir was laying on his stomach. He grinned and popped another Baozi in his mouth. Master Fu had made them dinner and they were just about finished. Dishes that once contained fried rice and Chinese noodles were laying around them.

Ladybug finished her bowl of noodles and smiled at the master, “This is the best Chinese food I’ve ever had.”

Master Fu sipped his green tea and smiled at the super sized hero, “The recipe is very old, older than even I am. I haven’t personally made such a dinner in a very long time, I’m delighted the two of you enjoyed it.”

Cat Noir took the last bite of his Baozi and said, “It was way more than enjoyable. Is there any more?”

Ladybug chided him, “Cat Noir, you’ve had fourths!”
Cat Noir grinned at her, “And you had fifths, my lady.”
Ladybug blushed at Cat Noir’s comeback, “I-it’s just really good!”
Master Fu shook his head, “I am afraid there is nothing left.”

The two superheros both pouted in disappointment while Master Fu chuckled in a grandfatherly manner, “But we can have more dinners like this in the future.”

Ladybug smiled, “Thank you Master Fu, it’s our appetites, we…” Ladybug paused, putting a hand on her polka dotted belly she tried to think of how to put it while Cat Noir just grinned, coming out and saying “We got really fat and love to eat.”

Ladybug looked at Cat Noir horrified by how open he was in front of the master, hissing “Caaat!”

Cat Noir shrugged his soft shoulders, “I don’t think there’s any point in being modest here Lady. Let’s call a cat a cat and say we got fat!”

Master Fu once more chuckled at the two teens, “Yes, it is very noticable. I’m sure the two of you are well aware of the magic within your miraculous. However you choose to deal with this matter in your private life is entirely up to you. It’s irrelevant to the mission of defeating Hawkmoth.”

Ladybug blushed at this talk, but regained her composure, “Actually master, there’s been something Cat Noir and myself have been talking about. The other Miraculous holders, that have been helping us from time to time. We believe it might be time to give them out full time.”

Fu closed his eyes in thought, clearly disapproving the idea, but Cat Noir continued, “They’ve proven themselves more than once and frankly Hawkmoth is getting stronger. Not only that, but with the reappearance of the peacock miraculous Hawkmoth now has a partner and we need all the help we can get.”

Fu opened his eyes once more, “You truly believe so?”

Ladybug nodded, “Yes, Cat Noir is right. We need them more than ever and they’ve more than proven themselves. Rena Rouge, Carapace.”

“And Queen Bee too,” Cat Noir added, to which Ladybug sighed, “I wouldn’t go that far.” But Cat pressed on, “She’s been a team player Lady.”

Fu put his hand up, “Do you two not agree on Chloe Bourgeois?”

Ladybug sighed, “Yeah, we seem split on that part.”

Master Fu shook his head, “Then I will have to say no to the matter. You two must be a team and work together. If you cannot agree on an important issue like this, than neither can I.”

Ladybug and Cat Noir looked the other way, clearly knowing Master Fu was right. They both knew they had to come a resolution on this disagreement. But how?

“Thanks for coming over girls, Marinette’s got a problem.”

Marinette and Alya were standing up while their friends Rose, Juleka, Mylene, and Alix were seated in Marinette’s room. Marinette was currently nibbling on an enormous chocolate chip cookie from the bakery down stairs.

Marinette took a nervous bite and started to say, “The new clothes I’ve been modeling are going to go on sale soon and I just can’t fit into the biggest size. They’re expecting me to model them in public at some point and I just can’t seem to fit into them, the photos that I’ve been doing aren’t those sizes. I seem to be stuck at 320, I haven’t been able to gain a single pound in two weeks! What am I going to do!”

Marinette hugged Alya tight and started to sob, Alya patting her friend’s back.

Alix, the tomboy of the group, looked confused, “So? What’s the problem?”

Alya explained further, “If Marinette can’t fit into the largest size in public Gabriel Agreste might drop her and she won’t be able to model with Adrien anymore.”

Rose, Juleka, and Mylene all gasped in horror, with Rose in particular squeaking out “How awful!”

Alya then said to all of them, “That’s why we have to help Marinette. We’ve got to make her 400 pounds!”

“Juleka and I will help for sure!” Rose squealed with determined fire, her overweight girlfriend nodding as Rose squeezed her hand. Mylene nodded in agreement, “Ivan’s a big eater, I’m positive being around us will do wonders for your weight Marinette.” Alix just grinned, the punk skater saying “If you want our help to make you a bigger pig we’ll definitely help out.”

Marinette took her face from Alya and sniffed, her eyes red and puffy she smiled, “You guys...you’re so awesome!” Alya, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, and Alix all hugged the obese teen who felt so special having such awesome friends.

It was from there that her friends dedicated themselves to one thing and that was fattening Marinette up like a pig. Each girl had their different methods, but the end result would be the same, an enlarged Marinette

Alya didn’t require much effort, the very nature of being Marinette’s BFF meant she was always around her and the two pigged out to their heart’s content, Alya’s own weight continuing to rise as she let herself live the fat girl lifestyle. Mylene invited Marinette to hang out with her and Ivan, true to her word Ivan was a big eater and there was much food involved. The food choices were vegan, but Marinette didn’t care much, it was all yummy.

Rose and Juleka would invite Marinette over to sleep overs. Rose, Juleka, and Marinette enjoyed sleeping over at Juleka’s house boat, Marinette eventually getting used to Juleka’s slovenly kept room. They enjoyed ordering pizza and playing video games, Juleka in particular being great at them. The sleep overs were of course filled with food with multiple pizzas sent over. It seemed like Juleka ate nothing but pizza with the amount of past pizza boxes in the dirty room and the new amount of acne and spots on her cheeks and up the side of her nose.

Rose was growing plumper by the day as well, being very short made her appear even larger. She was the one that routinely got up to get the food and Juleka found herself blushing when she would watch her pink butterball girlfriend waddle down the hall of the ship.

Marinette would giggle at how sweet they were with each other, they truly loved one another. She hoped it would be like that with Adrien one day, they could be a big fat couple. Marinette suddenly gasped to herself.

She wanted to be fat? She was just getting fat for the modeling gig and to help Adrien, if she had to choose she’d rather be thin, right? She had been doing this modeling under the impression she would lose the weight when she was finished. Did she really want to stay like this, had it grown on her that much?

All these questions were going through her head and she found she already put another slice of pizza on her full plate She giggled girlishly, “I’m getting really greedy.”

Rose giggled, squealing “Ooooh it’s okay Marinette! It’s okay to be greedy once in a while and treat yourself!” Julka nodded, her mouth filled with food as she mumbled “Yeah, pig out.” Rose giggled at Juleka, Juleka had really let herself go and was nearly as big as Ayla. Having a very large girlfriend was very enjoyable to Rose who would hug and cuddle up to Juleka every chance she could to feel her chub.

Marinette smiled somewhat, she was glad that her friends were so accepting and encouraging. Not to mention every time she slept over she encountered Luka who always had something nice to say and gave off such a positive aura, she almost came over just to see him. With the kind of help her friends were giving her Marinette was able to change her mind to something else, food and fun and friends.

Hanging out with Alix was a change of pace, being an active tomboy she wasn’t keen on letting herself go like the other girls, but she still helped Marinette in her own ways. They were always out doing something, even with Marinette’s limited fitness. It was a good thing Marinette was being active with Alix, constant ballooning with no exercise would most likely result in her ending up immobile and that wasn’t something she wanted.

That didn’t mean Alix wasn’t fattening Marinette up, they explored the emerging trend of parisian street food and hit every food truck they could find. Food trucks were a relatively new thing to Paris, the first ones having only been approved in 2011, now a whole whole world of cuisine was available to the gluttonous Marinette.

Alix and Marinette were often joined by Nathaniel and his new friend Marc. Nathaniel and Marc had been introduced to each other by Marinette and Marc’s presence helped ease Nathaniel’s depression. Marinette quickly found her and Marc having a similar interest: They both liked to eat.

Adrien’s enlarged fame was starting to have an affect on people like Marc, who were trying to emulate Adrien’s size. To put it simply, Marc had grown fat and bottom heavy at that. His legs and butt had inflated and his skinny jeans hugged them like sausage casings, while his rounded double chin face and softening chest emphasized his femininity, he very well could pass as a fat girl.

Nathaniel didn’t mind at all, finding his special friend to be all the more cuter. Alix and Nate both would snicker to themselves watching Marc and Marinette eat and gossip over boys like a couple of girlfriends.

It was a never ending feast for Marinette, being fattened like a pet pig by her friends. Marinette ate and ate and the resulting gains were impressive even by her standards and a month later the girls had gathered at Marinettes, ready to see the results.

Before the weigh in they were doing some last minute feedings. Alya spooned her ice cream, Mylene chocolate cake, and Alix donuts while Rose and Juleka gave Marinette a belly rub, massaging her soft tummy to help digestion while playing with the lowermost part where the newest deposits of soft fat had collected.

“Mmmmm, yum!” Marinette moaned, smacking her chocolatey lips saturated with chocolate. Alya grinned, “That’s it fat girl, eat up. Once you finish all these we’re going to weigh you and see how big our Mari-Cow is.” “I wonder how big she’s going to be,” Mylene wondered, Rose squealing “I bet’s gonna be a lot, she’s been eating like Juleka!” Juleka’s acne ridden cheeks blushed at Rose’s comment, her own waistline had swelled from the constant feeding.

By the time all the food was gone Marinette’s belly was bloated out and she was rubbing it slowly, “Oooh, I think I ate too much.” Alya snickered at that, “Really? You’re only full now? You’re a riot girl.”

Marinette moaned softly and the girls heard a deep baritone fart sneak out of Marinette’s butt. Alix fell down on her back laughing “Hahahaha! Did you! Did you really just do that? Way to rip one tubby!” Mylene, Rose, and Juleka each pinched their nose as an offending smell filled the attic while Alya went to the window, opening it up she said, “Good lord, girl. You better not do that around Adrien, that’s the absolute worst thing that could happen.”

Marinette was so bloated it was painful and these comments only made things worse, she whined, “I-I couldn’t help it…”

Alya shook her head, “It’s fine, we’re just saying that in good fun. Anyways, I think it’s time to weigh you.” Alya picked the scale off a shelf and started to place it on the ground. However when she bent over to do it her jeans suddenly ripped down the middle, her big brown butt came surging out revealing her g-string she was wearing. The girls laughed at Alya who stood straight up and looked at her big rear.

“Heh, guess that was bound to happen sooner or later.”

Alya grinned and slapped her brown buns, causing her fleshy cheeks to ripple. She looked at the girls, “We’ve all put on something, I think we should weigh ourselves as well.” Alix scoffed, “Except me.” But Alya smirked, “You sure about that Alix?” She waddled over and lifted her top showing a small budding pot belly. “H-hey! Cut that out!” Alix pulled her shirt down to Alya’s crowing, “Ha! Anyways, I should probably get out of these. No point in covering my fat ass.”

Alya dropped her pants, wiggling out of them caused her thunder thighs to shake like jelly. She then turned to Marinette who was still on the couch, “Now them, time to get Miss Piggy on her hooves.”

Alya grasped both of Marinette’s hands and started to pull. “Ooof, not so hard Alya!” Marinette whined as the other girls assisted, helping Marinette get to her feet. On her feet Marinette stepped on the scale and the girls all cheered out “417!”

Marinette covered her mouth in shock, “Holy cow I’m a cow!” Alya gave her hanging belly a loving pat, “You did it fat girl. There’s no way you’re not fitting into the biggest sizes now.” Alya then stepped on the scale and whistled when it read 232. “Sheesh I’m a real heavyweight. I might be needing some of those sizes if I keep eating like you Marinette.”

“Guess I’ll go next.” Mylene said, stepping on. It read 132 and Mylene shrugged, “Hm, same as usual.” It made sense, although she was chubby her vegan diet prevented much ballooning.

“My turn!” Rose squeaked, hopping on. Looking down she giggled, “teeehee, my tummy is growing big! I can hardly see my feet, it’s so cute!” Indeed her belly was pushing out her pink dress. Rose seemed so nonchalant about her weight gain, even as her features continued to grow, and her face was now catching up, becoming bloated with an emerging double chin. She craned her neck over her tummy and saw it was 177. She smiled at the result and bounced off, her fatty form jiggling, “Your turn Juleka!”

Juleka stepped on and looked down, brushing her oily purple hair out of her eyes all she could see was her stomach. “Hm, can’tseemyfeet” She slurred to Rose, the only one who could decipher what she said. Rose looked Juleka over, seeing the many food stains on her purple leggings and smiled. Her girlfriend was a fat slob and she was okay with that. It made a good combo to her, short and clean and tall and dirty.

“It’s okay Juleka!” Rose giggled, looking at the number for her. “211! Oh Juleka you’re such a big piggy!” Rose hugged Juleka tight, her face rubbing into her malodorous soft body. Juleka blushed, her diet was really getting the better of her.

Finally it was Alix’s turn who stepped on. “128! Jeez I’m getting chubby!” Alix pinched her small tummy as the rest of the girls giggled at her reaction.

Marinette smiled at them, “Thank you so much girls. This is going to make all the difference, I couldn’t do it without you.”

Alya grinned, “It’s nothing Marinette that’s what friends are for!”

Later that night Marinette was downstairs in the bakery, getting ready to go back upstairs with two boxes of donuts in her hefty arms. Just as she was about to leave the bakery she saw herself in the mirror of a display case.

She looked at herself and how massive she was. She had to stand back a bit, she didn’t fit all in the mirror. She looked at her fat face and how her thick double chin just would not go away no matter what direction she turned. Her stomach was halfway down her thighs and covered her privates. She frowned, “What am I doing?”

Tikki hovered around her, “What’s wrong Marinette?”

“I’m huge Tikki.”

“Yeah, but that’s what you want, right?”

Marinette stared up at the ceiling, “Oh Tikki I don’t know what I want. I thought I was going to be able to lose the weight.”

“You will Marinette! You lost weight before, you can do it again!”

“But that’s the thing! I’m just...I’m starting to like it Tikki. I love pigging out and eating whatever I want. My friends still love me, my parents accept me, and I’m getting to be with Adrien, but I should want to be thin, shouldn’t I? I mean, sure I fantasize about Adrien being huge, but now my day dreams are about him and I being huge TOGETHER! I’m so confused.”

Tikki flew up to Marinette’s chubby face and gave her cheek a hug, “It’s okay Marinette. You don’t have to worry about what’s in the future, just focus on what’s going on now. Right now you love being fat and eating like a pig, so focus on that! You can always lose the weight Marinette, I believe in you and I’ll always support you!”

Marinette smiled at her kwami, “Oh Tikki, you always cheer me up. You’re right, I can do anything I put my mind to. And I’m going to be a famous plus size model with Adrien! Time to hit the donuts Tikki!”


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