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Chapter 1: The Cravings & the Sickness

Jubilee smiled at the big sandwich she was making. She had cut an entire loaf of bread in two and was placing strips of roast beef and bacon while also stacking it high with a thick layer of different kids cheese.

She placed several jalapenos onto it before slathering it in brown mustard, drowning everything with the mustard until it was spilled over and spreading onto the plate it was on. She then covered the messy goop in pepperoni slices and even more roast beef slices. After she was finished making the hoagie she started in on it.

The sandwich was just huge and decadent and it had been her third sandwich of the day.

Her appetite had noticeably changed, whereas before a simple tuna sandwich would have been enough, but this something else. She couldn't understand why she would need such an unnecessary sandwich.

She ate and moaned, taking big deep bites she opened her mouth in a most lewd sort of way, her eyes rolled over as she held the phallic shaped sandwich.

As she ate the sloppy sandwich from hell her stomach gave her issues and discomfort.

Reaching down she felt her belt buckle. She felt bloated and her belt was feeling tight around her middle. Looking around to see if the cost was clear Jubilee undid her belt and allowed her stomach some freedom. She lifted up her pink shirt and could see a thin layer of pudge developed on her stomach. She still couldn't handle the tightness and undid her pants, letting her pudge move further out.

"Jeez, where did this come from?"

She rubbed her hand over the slight bulge, “I should really cut back on my eating.”

She said as she two three more big bites of the sandwich, brown mustard coating her lips. Smacking her lips she added, “And maybe up my training.”

At that moment Storm came into the kitchen, already in her X-uniform, her grey cloak neatly covering her.

“Ororo!” Jubilee called out while wiping her mouth clean.

“Yes Jubilee?” Ororo asked. Out of the teachers in the school Ororo was always one of the coolest and most understanding.

“Do you think I could get a private session in the Danger Room?”

Ororo saw jubilee’s unbuckled belt and saw how bloated she was. She kindly reached out from her cloak and rubbed the soft pouch, “I don’t think the Danger Room would be necessary for something this small. Just go for more walks and ease up on the sandwiches, child.”

But Jubilee was insistent, “Come on Ororo, I really need this fixed as quickly as possible.” She rubbed her small little tummy, “I’m just so bloated.”

Ororo sighed and nodded, “Very well. We shall commence your session in an hour. Get prepared because there isn’t an easy mode in the Danger Room.”

Jubilee grinned widely, “Thank you so much! I’m going to do my best!”

When Storm left Jubilee’s stomach suddenly rumbled and an idea of a hot fudge ice cream crept into her head.

“God, why can’t I stop eating. I really need some self control” Jubilee said as she found herself grabbing ice cream from the freezer.


All suited up Jubilee was ready to go, complete with her yellow trench over her black and gold  uniform and her red visor over her eyes. She did have an issue, the giant gold X in her uniform drew attention to her paunch.

Stom sat in the control panel and spoke into the com:

“Alright Jubilee, the simulation is about to begin. As always, everything isn’t lethal but it will cause pain and possibly injury. If you need to quit at any time just say so.”

Jubilee nodded, “Got it! Let’s go!”

Stom activated the vast room and the first thing appeared was a sentinel.

“Nice classic test!” Jubilee remarked when the first thing the robot did was fire missiles from it’s fingers. Jubilee thrusts her hands out and the crackling sound of her power was activated as she blasted pyrotechnics she called “fireworks” at the missiles, blowing them up.

The giant sentinel launched a fist to the ground, only for Jubilee to climb up the arm to the neck where it was weakest. The crack and pop of her fireworks scrambled it’s circuit until the lumbering giant came falling down.

Upon achieving victory Jubilee’s stomach once again acted up.

“Storm! I have to cut it short, my stomach!”

From the control room storm was bewildered “A stomach ache? You want to abort the simulation due to a stomach ache?”

The hunger inside her spiked and she moaned, “Pleeeease!”

Storm to her amazement switched the program off, the ruined sentinel vanishing. “Alright Jubilee, go get something to eat.”

Storm watched with concern as Jubilee shuffled out of the Danger Room, something was terribly amiss.


At that very same moment Laura was placed over a toilet bowl. She had been throwing up for close to fifteen minutes. It was so bizarre to her, her healing factor should have prevented her from vomiting so violently as she had been.

After what seemed like forever Laura felt like she was finished. Wiping a stray bit of vomit from her mouth Laura made her to Hank McMoy’s lab.

Entering the lab she came across the friendly mutant with blue fur that was known as the Beast. Henry was dressed in a suit with a white lab coat on, shoeless of course.

“Hello Laura, what brings you to my lab?” He said with a friendly smile.

“I feel sick, doctor.”

Hank chuckled, “My dear my lab isn’t the place to treat such things. We have a school nurse who-”

“I think I have Adamantium poisoning.”

Hank adjusted his glasses at the seriousness, “Well in that case you came to the right place. Please strip and lay down.”

Laura did so, Beast not looking away having the professional decorum as a doctor.

He examined her body and noted the soft layer that had been developing all over her body, he pinched some inches, examining her fuller butt he saw how it now had a slight jiggle.

“Laura, you’ve put on some weight. Nothing to be too concerned with, you’re in the perfect range for a healthy teenage girl. Now, could you extend your claws?”

Laura made a face as her claws exploded out of her arms and through her hands. Each time she did it the claws would burst through the skin and hurt like hell. Beast looked at each claw on each hand, examining the sharp metal.

“There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with your claws.”

Laura pulled them back and Beast said, “Why not get in the body scanner, it should give us a better view of your adamantium skeleton. But before that I should draw some blood.” Hank pricked Laura drew multiple samples of blood before ushering her into the machine.

Thanks to their relationship with the Shi’r Empire the X-Men had access to advanced medical technology. The machine quietly hummed before turning off. Laura crawled out of it, “Well Doctor McMoy, what does it say?” “I’ll need an hour or so to examine all the date. Why don’t you go kill some time while I wait.”

Laura nodded, “Alright, I'll be back.” Beast waved a big blue paw, “Take your time, these things are quite tedious,”

Laura left, feeling hungry in the belly. Going to the kitchen she found Jubilee with loads of meatball subs she was eating from. “Hey, I’m kinda peckish, might I join?” Jubilee grinned at her friend, “Yeah, no problem there. There’s more meatballs in the pot, you can help yourself.”

Laura did just that, taking apart loaves of bread she started covered them in meatballs and marinara sauce while also coating them in slices of pepper jack cheese.

Back in the lab, Hank was going over Laura’s results. He removed his glasses and pushed back in his chair. “Oh my stars and garters,” He said to himself in amazement.

He quickly got up to find Laura, only to find her binging with Jubilee. They were eating sloppily, meatballs falling and rolling on themselves, but still they ate more.

Laura looked up with a mouthful of sandwich, swallowing she asked, “Dr. McCoy, what do the tests say?”

Hank gripped his giant blue hands. He knew there was something else at work here, but he needed more research.

“Nothing to worry about just yet. Just keep eating, it should help with your vomiting.”

Laura nodded affirmatively and resumed taking huge bites like an animal.

There was definitely something up, Hank knew, but for now all he could do was watch…

To Be Continued...


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