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They brought the house down...as usual. 🤩


crispy chicken

Cool! It's cool to rewatch these award show performances. Ppl tend to only watch them at the time when it was broadcast, and then more or less forget about them. Which is a bit sad because these are usually the best performances. Mics are always on with Mamamoo ☺️ I think it's amazing (and very rare) for kpop performers to interact with the crowd like that at the beginning. Especially if you're a singer and you're interacting with actors/actresses. The chances of them knowing each other, like knowing- knowing, are pretty slim. So usually the performers will be too shy (respectful) to do things like that. But here we have Mamamoo showing how it's done 😎 And even more surprisingly is that this was only 2.5 years after their debut. The first set of girls in the audience was AOA. The second set was WJSN.