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I dare you to predict the progression of any MAMAMOO song...they're full of surprises.... taking you on an adventure... whatever the tone of the song. Congratulations to SOLAR who continues to shine so bright with her undeniable vocals and unwavering determination. This album is super. 👏🏽



Listening to her b-sides first time with you and I'm blown away. Blues in particular really got me and Honey Honey also got my attention. I loved that we got songs that highlighted her flexing her vocals. Not that I should still be surprised but how she flexes her vocals with ease just gives me chills each time. Funny how it still takes me by surprise. I felt these songs really brought that to the forefront. This album is just jam packed with different emotions, giving herself and us the listeners an outlet to release them. I never get tired of saying this but all the members are just so creative. Their individual styles, personalities and strengths shine through in each of their solo works. So so different from each other, but ALL just so good. They are true artists that put their heart and soul into their work. We moomoos are so lucky. Btw I think we're getting a performance video for Colours. We are so not ready for it