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Hey guys, excellent news in that Patreon is reversing it's fee policy and is going to work with us, the creators and the patrons for better solutions going forward. 

Unfortunately I feel like this has shaken my trust in the platform. I'm not going anywhere, but I will be spreading myself out across more than one platform in the future. My Goal is still to be able to do comic work at least part-time in the future and I will need more people for that to happen. $1 tiers are a thing with this campaign now and they get you basic access to my Discord Channel. Thinking of making 2 and 3 Dollar pledge tiers too but not sure what I can offer for those as of yet. 

When it becomes feasibly sound to do so I want to start selling signet pins of the overlord's crest. But I'm still working together the details on this because it will be expensive to produce them. (though they should last me a good long while) I'm also futsing around with making some 3D models that I will be able to turn into figurines to hand out to patrons as a big huge thank you for sticking with me all year.

 I have plans both big and small, thank you for sticking with me or joining up with me as I persue them. 



That choice they’d made (now reversed) didn’t sit with me either. Darn near ready to pair down to just one to support.