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This month's Patron update is here!

Thank you to everyone who dropped a pledge here this last month, I am doing my best in all things Content Creation and I'm always happy to take on feedback or suggestions. It means a lot that you collectively give me this opportunity and I want to make it worthwhile for you.

I am working on a (at moment of writing) Patron-only video where I rank all the Overwatch characters from least to most fun. I know that's a little niche, but I'm hoping to branch out into all sorts of lighter content where I can just chat a little bit of shit and post it here for you to see. 

It will eventually end up on the YouTube channel but whether it gets posted in its entirety or spliced into Shorts is undecided. 

YouTube Updates

April Videos

  • The Observer Video will be out on the 10th - not that it matters to you folks I suppose, since you've already seen it!
  • The "I watched and reviewed every movie on Tier 1 of the Disturbing Movie Iceberg" script is almost complete, it just requires me to watch a lot of movies so it takes a long time. Should be out later in the month

May Videos (optimistic)

  • I would like to take a crack at 13 Reasons Why Season 2. Depending on my ability to watch an entire season of television, I can make this happen next month.
  • It might also be time for that Town of Light video. I feel a bit more capable of addressing some dark themes this month so it could be on the cards
  • I would like to discuss Death of the Author & The Virgin Suicides - but that would involve reading it again, so we'll see. 

I'll put out a new poll later this month to get your preferences on which videos to cover next, just as we did a few months ago! 

And May's 5 Minute Review poll will go live in the final week of April so you can get your choices in (and I remember to make it multi-select again, woops). 

Have a great April everyone!



Thanks for the great content hopefully this is the month you get to 100K.

Simon Holmes' Username

I don't even play Overwatch and I'd be interested in you doing a ranking of how fun the characters are, just because a) You're quite interesting and b) Whilst not my jam (My jam is strawberry, smooth, with no actual bits of real fruit in, YUK, WHY?!!?!?) it does appear to have a fun cast of colourful characters even if it IS realy painful hearing Tracer's English voice actor put on a horribly fake sounding accent that Americans seem think is what Cockneys sound like.