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Lilith from Borderlands ♥ I'm so hyped for Borderlands 3 O_O!


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Lovely work!!


I cannot tell you how long I've waited to see your take on Lilith. You're doing god's work.


Best Siren still




Oh wow she looks awesome! Amazing job as always, I know I'm like a broken record at this point. I wish I liked those games but open world stuff has never really appealed to me.


Oh wow Dandon, great work! The whole piece is so vibrant! Love the contrast and how Lilith really pops! ^^


That’s hot, that’s hot.

Chris Harris

My favorite Borderlands character. I hope they don't kill her off, in the trailer it looks pretty grim for her. 😟 You did an amazing job on this one! Thanks Dandon.


Looks like a sexy siren, Dandon!


Redheads, tatoos and fire!


Looks great. Any chance we can expect Amara, the new siren, to be drawn by you at some point? Her fit look seems perfect for your style which often have the women be fit :)


Oooo Lilith! I used to have a big ol crush on her back in the day. Best Siren Bae <3


Oh wow! This is awesome, does this mean we could maybe expect Maya and the new Siren possibly maybe (I hope) hehe wonderful job on Lilith Dandon cannot wait! 😄😍




Wow, it's a gorgeous work :D Awesome job Dandon <3 Lilith looks absolutly amazing on this piece. To be honest I'm not hyped any bit for the Borderlands, but the character design in it is great :> Yet another marvelous character from Borderlands :3 Still I think that Gaige chick would looks nice if made by YOu :D Maybe I'm not hyped for the BL3 but Mortal Kombat 11, thats another thing. Already got it preordered , and when it's on.... then lets the gaming begin ^^ And yeah hope to see some wonderful MK gal :3 I know Your mind is set for Jade, but a H-scene would be amazing too ^^ A scene of Jade (MK11 version) and Skarlet (best if her look would be from MK9 :D ) having fun, with some force/blood tentacles (as You make an amazing work with them). Ahhh that would be awesome! Fingers crossed. All the best Dandon, good luck and have fun with the projects ! Have a wonderful April :* Lots of hugs :D PS. If possible check the message box before the Easter! :D


Nice. :D The Borderlands art style complements your own really well! You’re killing it quality-wise, as always!


Gorgeous work as always!


Mmm my favorite character of the series. Thank you for this!!

Tia Halibel

Bonerlands 3 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Would love to see a series of Borderlands ladies!


You and probably 98% of the gaming world 🤣 the hype train is real hopfully it dont crash


Best character of any game ever! I absolutely love it. <3


Hmm, that's a lot of definition down there.


Ahhhhhhhhhh, YESSSSSS!!! Borderlands 2 was so fun, I hope 3 is good.


Aaah she looks amazing. I’m always a fan of your red headed drawings. 😍

Ciarán M

Before I get to my comment properly, I just want to say thank you very much for your kind response to my comment on Lady! I'm so, so, so happy that you enjoyed that goliath of text so much and thank you for agreeing to have versions of Lady with eye-contact and with a lot of fluff! 😹 You are just too kind, Dandon, and I can't wait to see the final versions! Now to Lilith herself! The first thing that strikes me here is how beautifully vibrant the colours are in this piece, the deep blue sky with the rich red tones of Lilith's hair, lips and t-shirt all contrast so well. Similarly, her warm skin tones and the browns of her jacket, belt, trousers and gloves also pop so nicely against the blues and white of the sky and fluffy clouds. Her yellow eyes are also so piercing too, perhaps Lilith is also a Witcher! 😹💛 The yellow fire effect on her hand is also very striking against the sky, as are her pale-blue tattoos against her skin. I really like the angle and pose too, Lilith looks positively badass and imposing as we look up at her with her magic activating and gun at the ready! The sweeping of her hair and how it curls at the tips, as well as the subtle curve through her body as she arches her torso, the asymmetry of her raised and lowered arms and her spreading thighs with her hips pushed to one side also add that great feeling of dynamism to the piece. And it has to be said, before I get to specifics, the overall rendering in this piece is superb! The lighting is so very striking with amazing contrasts in light and dark tones, while the textures in this piece are all so varied and unique, with every type of material looking so very different from one another. But now looking to specifics, I am in love with the hair in this piece, the bright rim-lighting and white-tinted tips of her hair really pop against the overall red-pink tones, while the bright line of light that runs across the hair gives it all such a gorgeous shine, while contrasting well against the darker tones. And of course, there's a perfect amount of definition to the strands with a great deal of detail to them. Lilith's face is gorgeous too, as I said before, her eyes are so striking and the way they shine with bright tones around the pupil, framed by a darker, more orange tone is so vibrant and captivating, especially against the whites of her eyes. Her lips too just look incredible! The dark and light tones give them such a shiny, juicy texture and the colour is so rich and really pops against her skin. Speaking of which, the bright lights that shine onto the ridge and top of her nose, as well as across the left side of her face define her features so well with my favourite part being the area around her mouth and chin with many subtle plane changes, as well as the brightest light at her chin being very eye-catching. In an effort to slightly reduce the length of the comment and hopefully some of my usual repetition, I'm just going to group all textures together. Especially since there are so many here! 😸 The fluffy, furry texture of her collar looks so soft and appealing, like you could really imagine running your fingers through it and feeling the softness. Her t-shirt has this subtle roughness to the texture that you can see in the tones that define the forms, for example the dark tone on the inside of her right breast as well as in the hard-edges that define her abs, that texture of the material looks incredible and is very impressive in how it shows the forms of her body through it. Her jacket is fantastic with how deeply the folds, crinkles and indents in the material are, like you can see how tightly held together the leather is and once again, the texture is so good that it's easy to imagine how it would feel to touch. What's impressive is that her gloves and belt are leather too and yet they each look different from the jacket and from each other. The belt is smooth and shiny, while the gloves have this sort of scaled texture to them when you zoom in and closely look. Her trousers as well have this soft, subtle shine to them and something of a painterly feel to the deep folds that gather around her pelvis, contrasting well against the smooth surface of the outer-trousers (I don't know what to call the textured, smoother surfaces on her outer thighs 😅) . And I love how you can see these deeper folds on the outer-trousers where they connect to her belt on her right side, with a little gap too beneath the metal loop on the belt (hopefully that described what I mean properly) And of course all of the metallics in this piece are amazing with how they shine with starkly contrasting light and dark tones. The gun however has a more subtle shine to it, making it unique against all of the buttons and belt buckle, I also like that the colour is a more neutral steel that also pops well against the rich brown tones of her glove and outer-trousers. And in another attempt at consolidating similar pieces of feedback, I'm going to next go over the rim-lighting... even though I already mentioned the hair rim-lighting separately... however I'm making this structure up as I go along 😅 (I don't plan these comments really, I just open Dandon's painting in a separate window and type like crazy as I look at it in both full view and zoomed in 😹). Anywho! The pinkish rim-lighting on the tops of her breasts goes very well with the red material while also strongly contrasting with both the darker tones and the rough texture of the material, really adding definition to her breasts. The bright light running down her left fingers and left forearm also add some great definition to the planes, while also contrasting with the shadows along her arm. Something I particularly enjoy are the lights that run down her outer-trousers as well as on her jacket, beneath her armpit, the blue-tinted lights here look amazing against the warm browns and I like how for the outer-trousers, the rim-lights are soft while on the jacket, the lights have hard edges that really accentuate the hard folding of that thicker material. Oh and her right hand/fingers also benefit from the light-blue tinted rim-lighting, separating her knuckles and accentuating her wristband and glove. Now, the overall rendering of Lilith's clothes and forms are truly breathtaking here and so very impressive with the extra details of clothing (that jacket and the thick leather blows my mind!). Her breasts/upper stomach area are sensationally good with soft blending of tones defining her breasts and showing how the material sinks between them, while I adore the tight folds that run relatively horizontally across her upper body beneath the breasts. The deepest creases in the material also expertly show how the material sinks under her breasts as they rest on top of her rubs and looks terrific. The two vertical lines that run over her breasts are also very impressive in that they have their own lighting, raised surface and occlusion shadows. And I love the pinkish lighting on her right waist and how it further accentuates the folds. Her abs look absolutely stunning! Both under the material and the bare skin and I love how a bright light shines onto the area of her bellybutton, softly blending out into the shadows, albeit with a small hard-edge under her bellybutton to separate the two sides of her abs. And the folding in the material of her trousers really does look incredible with a real painterly look to the brush strokes that give the folds a hard edge, but at the same time they still blend smoothly into the overall shapes of her thighs which is very impressive! And I've been saving the very best till last... the part that struck me like a truck when I saw it first... her right arm/shoulder... goodness gracious, Dandon... this arm alone is a masterpiece of painting! 👏👏👏👏👏 The strong light that runs down the outside of the arm and shoulder contrasts so strikingly with the shadows on the front planes, really accentuating all of the shapes. While the shadows themselves have so much variation in tone within them that define the forms of her toned, muscular shoulder, her bicep, the crease of her bending elbow and the muscles of her forearm. I absolutely adore the rippling tones of her shoulder with the bright rim-light, soft shadows coming to a hard edge at the centre with a soft light that then blends back into shadows close to her jacket. I really hope I described that well because that part alone blows my mind! It's even better with the hard edges/darker shadows that lock her deltoid into the bright tones on the side plane of her upper arm, while I adore the contrast between that bright light and the adjacent core-shadow for her bicep, again with variations in the darker tones that add more depth to those shapes, while the dark shadow in the crease of her elbow separates bicep and forearm so nicely. Oh goodness... I really could go on and there's whole things I haven't talked about... but even by my standards this is running on too long 😹 I really hope that you enjoy this comment, Dandon, and I hope you find my "synopsis" helpful, I fear that it's rambly and incoherent even by my standards 😅. You packed in so much detail into this amazing painting and it is truly a masterpiece of texture and lighting with gorgeous, vibrant colours! Truly breathtaking work! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (and thank you again for your kind response on the Lady painting, I'm very excited to see the final versions of both Lady and Lilith! 😻😻😻😻😻)


Dear Dandon, when you draw how do you handle the characters poses? Cuz recently when I draw I feel like I keep doing pretty much the same pose, also how do you make simple poses look more dynamic?


Holy shit. This makes me want to play finish the first game and play the second one.




As much as I would like to play Borderlands 3, I'm not paying for it, fuck Epic Games, don't give them your money, if you do you're enabling them.


Borderlands 3 🤩 it will be a great game, we are already getting ready with friends for a lot of fun in co-op 🤤 We'll be free at last from Rainbow six Siege 😅 I will tell you honestly - Dandon, you hit me in the heart directly with this artwork 😍 I love girls with short hair and if they are redheaded with those eyes...😊 you discovered my biggest weaknesses, I must call to mr. 47 or Liam Neeson 🤔 maybe he is cheaper 😂😂😂😂😂😉 Lilith really catches my eye, but her red lips attract me the most. Her look is indescribable. I don't know how you do it, but you choose the right pose for a character, it is really awsome. I like it, not because we can see more... yyyy, eeee, hmmm 😅 but I like when super powerful heroine (hero too) is looking on us from above, it gives a good hint of who rules here 😃 I noticed that you changed her clothes a bit, a scissors went into motion but it worked out very good (I can honestly say that it looks sexy :3). She also lost one blouse 🤔 I see that is warm there 😉 but she still have vest with that fluffy colar just in case 😋 Do you remember when I talked about Baiken that there is something in the picture that I want to look on her a little bit longer? Here is the same. I don't know why but these colors really delight me, this is the second time. Great job Dandon, I'm really impressed 😍 In summary, the April batch promises to be really great. I am waiting for the last ace from your hat or maybe this time will be a joker? 😉 Thank you Dandon, have a nice evening, weekend and the wonderful, calm and happy Easter! 🙂

Jill Valentine

This is magnificent Dandon <3


Wow this is stunning!!! I'm so hyped too. I'm probably going to dedicate way more time to that than work, for like the first month.


The best one of the Sirens. I'm guessing those tears are hinting at a battle damaged variant. Still waiting for a full reveal of Moxxi's new design in Borderland 3, I like the little they teased so far. I still have to finish the Borderlands 2 dlcs, the Pre-Sequel, and Tales from the Borderlands before I buy Borderlands 3. I would like to see you do Captain Scarlett as well.


What a sexy colorful artwork! Love it (≧∀≦)

Ted Brown

I love everything about this. ;-) I love the pose, I love her hair, i love the use of red. And I LOVE the tone in her arms and shoulders. <3


Breathtakingly awesome! She looks so hot, and I love the angle 😍😍😍 An amazing take on Lilith 😊

Marcus Aurelius

This is fantastic. Is it just me, or do the colours pop more in an attempt to pay homage to borderlands distinctive cell shading art style? Lilith looks red hot, never was a siren more appropriately named. And if you're going to be doing art featuring borderlands characters, guess I have a reason to go play the upgraded original version now. Great work Dandon!


Oooh yes! I liked Lilith's gameplay better than Maya. Now, Amara (the BL3 Siren)...I'd love to see her too!

Ashley Mason

How did you manage to make Lilith look better than any offical works?! OöO Tbh, its not surprising. It is your art. *-*

Abalone Malone

I love the detail on the Jakobs pistol. Thanks again for your amazing work Dandon!


Hey Dandon, she was the best sirene of the games, if i remember correct shes from borderland 1 right? :D i like the combination redhair and yellow eyes, like one of my OCs ;P and Rindou Kobayashi from Food wars, apropos Rindou what do you think of drawing her :3 :D ;P i cant remember her trouser was that skimpy and thight ;P but i like your take on her :D and of course another great pose selection, from a lower perspective for a better view at the thighs :3 and another awesome art, if you dont post another art before "Ostern" i wish you happy eastern and "einen fleißigen Osterhasen" Geniess das geile Wetter :3


Amazing! Any chance we could get maya at some point?


Nice. Sag mal dandon machst du noch Asuka Kazama von Tekken?


How do I unlock the nsfw pics?


They will be sent on the 5th-7th when all are finished


Yeah, she was like forever on my suggestion list O_O Loved to paint her :3


Oooh, you could be hyped for the soundtrack, BL2 has an amazing OST *_* Thanks so much, I'll keep your suggestion in mind :3


Hm, I think about what the focus of the character should be and then I try to draw a pose that fits the character. When I don't know the character I read the Wiki or watch Youtube videos XD That's often a great inspiration. It's helpful to draw very small sketches of poses to decide which one is the best. Those poses often become more dynamic because you're not able to concentrate on details and it's easier to exaggerate the anatomy :)


I guess I'm not up to date, are you against them because they want to release BL3 exclusively in their shop?


Hoho, now I'm aware of your weakness *___* XD Thanks so much, Happy Easter to you, too *_*


Is there no end to her beauty?


There is some time left before the game will be out XD Thanks for your comment, Marvin :)


Das Wetter ist echt krass, vor ein paar Tagen bin ich noch im Wintermantel rumgerannt XD Dankeschön für den comment *_* Frohe Ostern XDD


Dandon lover you work. Just asking how do you chose which character to do?


Absolutely amazing how you capture the essence of the characters you draw and still keep your style. Beautiful.

Dazaster Dellus

I recommend all Borderlands 4 characters look like this!


Oh my goodness!!! I LOVE how you portray strong women!!! You are incredible Dandon!!! :)