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THANK YOU so much for your great support! 

Note: Rewards will be send out on February 5-7.  ♥



Spicy Boi

Never thought Nonon looked so good...oh boy I’m going to jail


That Sonja though, god I love it when you do redheads. Giving their hair so much life!


Its bloody lovely Dandon. Really both this trio, cant wait to see the rest of them :3 All the best Dandon and have a great weekend!

Dazaster Dellus

Such variety in this batch. They really compliment each other nicely. Sonja is more realistic, Non is Anime vibrant and colorful, and Splatoon pic is a hybrid, being colorfully realistic.

Pervy Sage

So far you've been killing it this month( as always lmao) but I'm more interested in the second batch mostly cuz how close that poll was for Aqua and Moxxi _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): super grateful may I just add that you decided to do both of them (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ you the best as always, keep staying awesome!!!


So. Hyped. That Marina is prolly gonna be one of my faves alongside Yoruichi... *_*


I’ve been so impressed with how you’ve knocked these out so fast this month! Can’t wait to get the final versions of them all!

Ashley Mason

Oh my! Marina was a real treat to colours, then you dazzle with the tantalizing pinks of Nonon. <3

David Rudisill

You already had me at Red Sonja!


Thanks so much ♥ I try to experiment with styles to make the different artworks more interesting to look at :3


Thank you *_* I really want to paint more dark skinned girls soon, they are my favorite to paint ♥